Chapter 401 Rescue
On the other side, the bureau was also in chaos when they received a call.

The person on duty quickly contacted the secretary and director. Upon hearing this, Zhao Yongsheng immediately coordinated the motorcycle truck of Shuguang Forest Farm to go to the rescue first.

After that, he called the Forestry Bureau hospital to prepare for the treatment of seriously injured people.

"What's going on at the Maekawa Forest Farm? It's the Chinese New Year. If such a big accident happens, how can we celebrate the New Year?"
As soon as the notice is announced, an investigation team will be set up immediately to investigate the cause of the accident immediately after the rescue. "

Zhao Yongsheng was extremely angry. He felt that ever since Wang Jiachuan was transferred, Qianchuan Forest Farm had been making all kinds of noise.

"Old Zhao, please calm down first. No one wants this kind of accident to happen, but it has happened, and we have to find a way to solve it first.

The investigation must be carried out, and no one can escape the responsibility, but saving people is still the most important thing at the moment. "

Zhou Mingyuan was also called. When he learned that the commuter bus at Qianchuan Forest Farm had a car accident, Zhou Mingyuan felt like he was fried. He didn't know how his son-in-law and in-laws were doing.

But no matter how impatient he is, he can't make random inquiries at this time, otherwise it will cause trouble, so Zhou Mingyuan can only wait patiently.

"Let's do this, Lao Zhao, you lead the people to guard the station, and I will lead the people to Sentie to wait.

Where are the donkey jeeps in our bureau?Hurry, call everyone first. "

There was only one [-] in the bureau, and it couldn't seat many people.

The call just now said that many people were seriously injured. Zhou Mingyuan was worried that the injured could not sit up, so he immediately thought of Donkey Jeep.

When other people in the office heard about it, they immediately contacted the owners of donkey carts.

Then, Zhou Mingyuan didn't need a driver and drove the bureau's jeep directly to the Forest Railway Station.

At the Maekawa Forest Farm, the nine most seriously injured people, including the driver, were put on motorcycles.

Li Zhenggang was accompanied by people from the Security Section and his family members. The Sentai Railway Dispatch Office arranged the time, and the motorcycle trucks took everyone straight to the Songjiang River.

When passing the Maekawa Forest Farm Station, the motorcycle truck sent by Shuguang Forest Farm also arrived.

The two cars met at the station branch, then one carried the wounded to Songjiang River, and the other went to pick up the wounded.

The motorcycle truck that came from Shuguang Forest Farm arrived at the accident site and picked up seven or eight more seriously injured people. They returned to the forest farm station, turned around, and headed straight for the Songjiang River.

The remaining people had minor injuries, and some felt that nothing was wrong and went home directly.

Some had bruises on their skin or bruised their arms and legs, so they went to the on-site health center.

Dr. Qiao examined her, bandaged her, gave her an injection or got some medicine, and then she went home.

Sheng Xiping's left arm was dislocated due to the impact. Doctor Qiao helped reset the joint, and then prescribed some medicine for bruises and asked Sheng Xiping to go back and take some to avoid leaving the root of the disease.

In this way, Sheng Xiping, accompanied by his younger brothers and sisters, returned to the Sheng family.

As soon as they entered the door, Zhang Shuzhen and Zhou Qinglan's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law greeted them, "Boss, how are you? Are you injured anywhere?"

Zhang Shuzhen was anxiously waiting at home. After finally seeing her son, she couldn't hold back her tears.

"Mom, I'm fine. It's just that the ring fell off my arm. Doctor Qiao already lifted it up and gave me some medicine. Don't worry."

Sheng Xiping patted his mother's hand and hugged his wife to comfort them.

"My dad was watching the generator on the mountain. He didn't come back and happened to hide away."

Sheng Liancheng is too old to drive a tractor, so he spent the past few years looking at generators in the mountains.

The generator had to be manned 24 hours a day. Sheng Liancheng slept in the generator room at night, so he didn't come down.

Knowing that her husband escaped and her son was not seriously injured, Zhang Shuzhen finally let go of her worries.

"Come in quickly. We haven't eaten yet. Let's eat something quickly."

The meal had been prepared a long time ago, and I just waited for Sheng Xiping to get home from get off work. But something like this happened, and I was just so anxious that I got angry. Who still has the time to eat?

At this time, knowing that his family was safe and sound, he felt hungry and hurriedly packed up the food.

While eating, Zhou Qinglan and the others had to ask about how the accident happened.

Sheng Xiping was in the last car and had no idea what was going on at the time of the incident. However, during the rescue process, he noticed that the original trolley in front had only a trolley and no front end.

"It is estimated that the front of the original trolley and the trolley behind it were somehow decoupled, and the trolley stopped on the road.

We had just turned a corner and were going downhill. The car was going a bit fast and we didn't have time to brake before we hit it. "

Sheng Xiping recalled what he had seen before and made a rough guess.

"Here, how can the trolley and the front of the car be decoupled? What about the driver? Where is he? Didn't he notice that the trolley was missing?"

Zhou Qinglan and others all found it strange that while the car was walking at the front, the car behind it disappeared. The driver didn't know at all?

Sheng Xiping was puzzled, "I don't know, anyway, we didn't see the front of the car, just a trolley.

It should be a large cart of twigs and wood. I don’t know whose family it is for burning firewood.

This time, the driver of the trolley and whoever pulled the firewood are all responsible. "

"Forget it, we don't care about that, as long as our family is fine. No matter who is responsible, the field and the bureau will investigate anyway."

Zhang Shuzhen put some pieces of meat into a bowl for her eldest son and urged him to eat quickly.

The same question was being discussed by other people, but the one who was most flustered at this time was Lao Zhang, the original trolley driver.

This Lao Zhang was the one who was hospitalized in an accident that year. He was seriously injured that time and had to stay in the hospital for a long time before recovering.

Maybe it was because of his head injury. After Lao Zhang recovered, his memory was not as good as before.

Dolly truck drivers make a lot of money, so Lao Zhang didn't want to lose his job, so he kept quiet and continued to drive the original dolly truck.

Today he drove back to the forest farm, dumped the trolley into a fork and stopped it, then locked the car and went home for dinner.

Before getting off the car, he was still thinking that he should go down and check the car behind him to see if there was anything abnormal.

But after locking the car, Lao Zhang forgot about it. He only glanced at the trolley behind him, turned around and left.

I had just gone home to eat when I heard a call on the radio that the commuter bus had been in an accident.

Lao Zhang ran to the rescue with others, but when he got there, he found that the car had appeared at the scene of the accident for some reason.

Moreover, a truckload of branches was scattered on the ground. It was obvious that the accident occurred when the trolley collided with a commuter car.

Lao Zhang panicked at that time and hurriedly ran back to the station branch, only to find that there was only the front of the car parked there, not the trolley.

It's over, it's all over now, Lao Zhang knows that if he can't run this time, he will be mainly responsible, and his job will definitely be lost. If it doesn't work, he will have to go in and squat on the fence.old

Zhang returned home in despair and sat on the edge of the kang in a daze.

When Lao Zhang's wife saw this, she felt strange and asked him about the overturned car.

Lao Zhang held his head and painfully told the cause of the accident, "I don't know what happened. I glanced at it when I got off the car and saw that the trolley was there.

Why did the car roll back just when I was going home to have a meal?This time the commuter bus overturned and a dozen people were seriously injured. I definitely couldn't escape the blame this time. "

When the Zhang family heard this, they were all dumbfounded, "This, how can this be done?"

How to fix it?Not to mention that the Zhang family didn't know, even Feng Baosheng, who was sitting on the tractor and rushed to the scene of the accident with Zheng Xianyong, didn't know either.

Feng Baosheng was immediately stunned when he saw the overturned commuter bus, the trolley in front of him, and the branches on the ground.

Wang Yuanjun and the others helped Feng Baosheng load a cart of firewood today, and of course Feng Baosheng knew about it.

He was still thinking, after all, he was transporting firewood to his family. He had something to do tonight and couldn't get off, so he would have to take the commuter bus back to the field to check it out tomorrow morning.

If nothing else, just buy a few packs of cigarettes for the helpers and take care of the meal.

As a result, before the firewood could be transported home, it hit a commuter car on the way home.

The scene was a mess. People said that there were about ten people seriously injured and countless minor injuries. Feng Baosheng only felt that one person was as big as the other.

It's over. As a field secretary, he had nothing to do with such a big accident. What's more, this was an accident that happened while transporting firewood to Feng Baosheng's family.

This time, don't say anything and just wait for the punishment.

"Let's go back to the field and talk about it." Zheng Xianyong saw the situation in front of him and was also very worried. Qianchuan Forestry Farm had finally been stable for several years, and something happened again. It was really serious.

They came back late, and the on-site rescue had ended. The seriously injured were sent to Songjianghe, while the slightly injured went home. Only a few people were left guarding the scene.

"Okay, there's no need to stay here in the cold weather. Go check again to make sure no one is in the car, then go back and rest."

The bureau's rescue crane cannot come here at night, and there is no use leaving people here as long as all the wounded are rescued.

The few people who stayed behind listened and used flashlights to look through each carriage to make sure no one was missing. Then they came out and returned to the forest farm.

Zheng Xianyong drove a tractor, carrying Feng Baosheng, and stopped outside the field.

"Secretary Feng, Director Zheng, are you back?" The field dispatcher saw that the two men were back and hurried over to report the situation.

"A total of more than ten people were seriously injured in the accident, and they have all been sent to Songjianghe Hospital. Motorcycles from our farm and Shuguang Forest Farm came to help, and they were sent down by two vehicles."

"There are people of all ages who are slightly injured. Most of them have been bandaged and have gone home. Dr. Qiao is still busy."

Zheng Xianyong nodded, "Who is driving the original trolley? Go, let me control the person first.

He is the primary person responsible for this matter, and we have to give an explanation to the injured person.

Also, let me ask, whose family the carts of wood were transported to today?Why don't you leave someone to escort the car?
As long as someone is left on top to escort the car, he will be able to find out if the car is decoupled and rescue him in time. "

Zheng Xianyong has been working in the forest farm for so many years, but he still doesn’t understand this?
As soon as he arrived at the scene, he saw that a trolley was used to transport firewood. For some reason, the trolley was decoupled from the front of the car.

The location of the trolley is exactly at the bottom of the slope between the two slopes.

It is currently speculated that the trolley probably decoupled at the corner. Since it was going downhill and had high inertia, it slipped to the bottom of the slope and stopped there.

But if there were two people on top to escort the car, they would have noticed something was wrong at any time. If they had called for help and warned in time, the accident tonight would have definitely not happened.

Therefore, Zheng Xianyong said to find out who the truck of firewood was transported to.As a result, as soon as these words came out, Feng Baosheng on the other end coughed with embarrassment.

"Old Zheng, that firewood was shipped to my family.

Today Guo Chunsheng, Zhao Qingli and Xiao Wang took leave in the afternoon to help me load the car.

He said that he would unload the car when he came back in the evening, and he would get some chainsaws tomorrow morning and start cutting them directly.

Isn't it about to be a holiday?I thought about collecting files and data on the mountain, but I didn't follow back.Unexpectedly, this happened. "

This truck of firewood was for Feng Baosheng's family transportation. Many people knew it and couldn't hide it even if they wanted to, so Feng Baosheng admitted it directly.

Zheng Xianyong glanced at Feng Baosheng and almost couldn't breathe, "What the hell is this?
Your house is out of firewood, who can you ask for some?We have a big pile of firewood at the back of the field. Let's get some to burn first.

There is also a school. There are plenty of them at the other end of the school. Do you still need to get firewood from the mountain? "

Zheng Xianyong didn't even know what to say. A secretary of a dignified forest farm didn't even have firewood, and he had to carry branches and trees back from the mountains. Who the hell was this a slap in the face?
"You can't kill anyone if you open your mouth, so you have to stab Gu Gu blindly. Now it's better. Did something happen to Nao Gu?

I'm so convinced. You can explain it to the bureau yourself. I can't help. "

Feng Baosheng was scolded by Zheng Xianyong, but this time he didn't dare to say a word.

Such a big accident happened, and it happened while pulling firewood for Feng Baosheng's house. Feng Baosheng will definitely be punished this time, and it will probably not be light.

Whether he can keep his job or not, how can he have the confidence to argue with Zheng Xianyong again?

"Old Zheng, this is my fault, I admit it.

But what to do now?The commuter bus was still overturned halfway on the road, and the injured one was in the hospital. I don’t know what happened.

My mind is in a mess right now, please help me figure it out. "Feng Baosheng couldn't be proud this time, and looked worried and scared.

"Oh, if I had known this, what did you do before? Come on, just stay at the forest farm and I'll contact the bureau."

Zheng Xianyong sighed and turned to make a phone call.

In the bureau, Secretary Zhao and Director Yang were having a meeting, while Zhou Mingyuan and another director went to the hospital.

Zhao Yongsheng received a call from Qianchuan Forestry Farm and roughly understood the situation. He was also furious at the time.

"Get the driver, the firewood truck loaders, and your secretary under control. Don't let them escape.

Tomorrow I will arrange for a crane and an investigation team to go up to find out the truth of the matter and how to deal with it. "

If such a big accident occurs, the bureau must take it seriously and take necessary measures.

"Secretary, it's like this. The driver has arranged for someone to take control.

The four people who were loading the truck were all in the first carriage. Three of them were seriously injured and sent to the hospital. There was another person who was slightly injured and was in the forest farm. I will let people watch.

As for our field secretary, alas. "Zheng Xianyong didn't say any more.

"Okay, I know about this. If you can come down tonight, come down. After all, so many people in the field are injured. As the leader, you have to come and take a look.

If it's really inconvenient to go up tonight, you can come down tomorrow morning. Director Xu and Director Zhou are keeping an eye on you in the hospital. "

Zhao Yongsheng also sighed. It's not Zheng Xianyong's fault that this matter was in trouble, it wouldn't have been easy if it had been anyone else.

"Hey, hey, leader, I understand." Zheng Xianyong agreed quickly.

Two motorcycle trucks escorted more than a dozen wounded people to the Forest Railway. After the people accompanying them carried the wounded off the train, they saw Zhou Mingyuan leading six or seven donkey jeeps waiting at the station.

"Hurry, send the most seriously injured person to the jeep, and the others to the donkey cart, and send them to the hospital for emergency treatment as soon as possible."

When Zhou Mingyuan saw the car arriving and people getting out, he immediately shouted.

So, the commuter bus driver and another seriously injured person were put on the jeep and sent to the hospital first, while the others rushed to the hospital in a donkey cart.

The Forestry Bureau Staff Hospital had already received the news and notified all medical staff to return to work quickly, and all operating rooms were vacated to prepare to treat the wounded.

Zhou Mingyuan drove a jeep directly into the hospital. The medical staff came over with a stretcher, moved the injured person onto the stretcher, and rushed to the emergency room to seize the time for treatment.

After a while, the donkey carts from behind also arrived, and the people in the carts were quickly carried in.

Tonight, people from all departments are coming to help the surgery. It is important to seize the time to consult and treat the wounded.

After all the wounded were sent for rescue, Zhou Mingyuan breathed a sigh of relief.

"Comrade, let me ask you, is there anything wrong with Sheng Xiping from your forest farm? And his father, what's going on now?"

Zhou Mingyuan turned around and asked Li Zhenggang about the situation of the Sheng family.

"Director Zhou, don't worry, Xiping is fine. It's thanks to him taking charge of the overall situation at the accident scene tonight that we were able to transport the injured so quickly.

Uncle Shanda was not sure, it seemed he didn't see him. Uncle Shanda was looking at the generator on the mountain. I guess he didn't come down at all. "

Li Zhenggang recognized Zhou Mingyuan and quickly told Zhou Mingyuan about the situation of the Sheng family.

Once he heard that his uncle was fine and that his in-laws might not come down from the mountain, Zhou Mingyuan finally let go of his worries.

"Oh, the Chinese New Year is about to come. If something like this happens, how will people spend this New Year?"

Zhou Mingyuan sighed and murmured in a low voice.

Li Zhenggang heard this, what was he thinking?This is a terrible thing to do during the Chinese New Year.

I don't know what the injuries were like when they were brought in. If any part of the back was too seriously injured and couldn't be saved, it would be a big deal.

"I hope it will be auspicious, but don't kill anyone." Li Zhenggang also muttered there.

After the motorcycle truck sent the injured to the hospital, the driver was worried that there were still seriously injured people at the forest farm, so under the dispatch arrangement of the forest railway, the two motorcycle trucks returned to the forest farm one after another.

By the time they returned to Qianchuan Forestry Farm, it was already midnight. There was no power outage and the lights were brightly lit.

The motorcycle driver first went to the field department and inquired about it. He was relieved when he learned that all the seriously injured people had been sent down, and the remaining minor injuries that could be treated at the health center were properly handled.

Zheng Xianyong expressed his gratitude to the motorcycle truck driver of Shuguang Forest Farm, brought him a few boxes of good cigarettes, and exchanged a few words with them.

Seeing that it was getting late, the driver of Shuguang Forest Farm said goodbye and returned to Shuguang to rest.

Here, Zheng Xianyong discussed it with the driver, Lao Huang, and decided that Lao Huang could only drive him to Songjiang River again.

After all, the condition of more than a dozen people in the field in the hospital was unknown, and he, the field director, would feel unhappy if he didn't check on them.

In this way, Lao Huang drove back to Songjiang River, dragging Zheng Xianyong, Zhao Limin and other field leaders, as well as relatives of several seriously injured people.

By the time they arrived at Songjianghe Hospital, it was already late at night. "Zhou Ju, how is the situation now?"

As soon as Zheng Xianyong arrived at the hospital, he saw Zhou Mingyuan and others sitting in the hospital corridor and taking a nap, so he hurried over and asked.

"The situation has basically stabilized. The driver of the commuter bus who was the most seriously injured is in a bit of danger. The doctor said that these two days are a critical period.

The others were okay, mostly with external injuries, including two or three fractures, and some injured by broken glass. They were bleeding a lot. The bureau organized people to donate blood.

At present, it should not be life-threatening. "Zhou Mingyuan shook his head, refreshed himself, and told Zheng Xianyong the situation.

The driver is at the front and must bear the brunt.

In particular, the branches were not neatly installed, with quite a few sticking out from the back. One of them shattered the front glass of the commuter car and hit the driver's chest directly.

The driver's sternum and ribs were fractured, and his internal organs were injured due to impact, making him difficult to deal with.

"Thank you, Director Zhou, for taking care of me here. I don't even know what to say. This time, it has caused trouble for our bureau."

Zheng Xianyong was a little choked up. People say that if a man doesn't shed tears lightly, he's not forcing himself to do so.

This accident affected the lives of so many people. Even though Zheng Xianyong was a tough man, he couldn't help but feel sad.

"Okay, Lao Zheng, don't be sad, this was an accident and no one wants it to happen.

On the frontline of our forestry industry, there are many accidents every year, and there is nothing we can do about it. "Zhou Mingyuan didn't know this was a man-made disaster at this time, he just thought it was an accident.

Zheng Xianyong didn't say much. Following Zhou Mingyuan's instructions, he first went to the ward to take a look and said a few words to the families of the injured.

He said that the cause of the accident was under investigation and that the factory would never leave the injured employees alone and let their families take care of them.

Except for Wang Yuanjun, the injured all worked in the same forest farm. They had known each other for so many years.

A sensible person would naturally not blame Zheng Xianyong for the accident. He would only say that the leader worked hard and came over in the middle of the night.

There are also those who are unreasonable, such as Guo Chunsheng's mother, who makes all kinds of unpleasant remarks.

Zheng Xianyong was not used to this kind of people.

"Sister-in-law of the Guo family, you can't tell me these things. Let your son tell the investigation team later.

If it hadn't been for a few of them pretending to be burning firewood instead of escorting the car, today's accident would never have happened.

Your son and others, as well as the driver of the trolley, are the main persons responsible for this accident. You can just wait for news on how to deal with it in the future. "

When Zheng Xianyong said this, the Guo family's mother-in-law was dumbfounded. No matter how cold the weather was at this time, she sat on the ground and started crying.

"Oh, I can't survive. My son was injured and is still unconscious inside, and you still come here to scare me, an old woman.

What responsibility does my son have?He was transporting firewood to the secretary's house. If something happened, it was also the secretary's business. What does it have to do with my son? "

This guy started to act recklessly and let loose.

Zheng Xianyong rolled his eyes at Mrs. Guo, turned around and left without answering.

As for the others, they didn't pay attention to Mrs. Guo.

Mrs. Guo cried a few times and saw that no one was paying attention to her. She felt bored, so she got up from the ground, patted the dust on her cotton pants, and went into the house to take care of her son.

(End of this chapter)

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