Chapter 388 Coincidence
After the ship entered the high seas, the five-star red flag on the ship was raised.On the ships in the distance, various flags were flying.

After 48 hours of continuous sailing, the ship finally arrived in Shanghai.

When they arrived at Shiliupu Pier, everyone got off the boat and saw numerous ships of all sizes moored on the Huangpu River, many of which were ocean-going ships flying foreign flags. It was a busy and lively scene.

Shanghai, the largest city in China, is also an international metropolis. It was a place that countless people wanted to go to at that time.

In this era, whether it is a watch, a bicycle, a sewing machine or a radio, as long as it carries the word Shanghai, it is the best synonym for the same product.

Chen Weimin, who came to Shanghai for the first time, was not surprised when he got off the boat and was confused. He couldn't tell the difference between east, west and north.

Thanks to Sheng Xiping following them, after the two got off the boat, they took a motorized tricycle and went to a place where they could stay.

For those who come to Shanghai for business or business these days, you can’t just go where you want to stay.

Instead, a department responsible for hotel accommodation in the city calls each hotel to contact them for delivery.

Sheng Xiping and the others took a car to the relevant department and took out the letter of introduction they had brought with them.

After the other party looked at it, he picked up the phone and spoke a language that Sheng Xiping and the others did not understand. Then he hung up the phone and arranged for someone to send Sheng Xiping and Chen Weimin to their accommodation.

The hotel designated by Sheng Xiping and others was on Changning and Loushanguan Road.

If you look at it from a modern perspective, it is just an ordinary little hotel that cannot be more ordinary.

But at the time, it looked pretty good.The hotel is next to the street. The trees on both sides of the road are already in full bloom and their shadows are dancing.

"Brother Xiping, what kind of tree is this? There are so many tree species in our forest farm, why haven't I seen this kind of tree?"

After the two moved in, Chen Weimin lay beside the window, looked at the tall trees outside, and asked curiously.

"It seems to be Wutong, right? I'm not sure." Sheng Xiping glanced outside and said casually.

"There is this kind of tree in my hometown. I remember when I was a child, I went back with my parents, and I pulled up the saplings planted by my uncle's house. It seemed like this."

It was a long time ago, and Sheng Xiping didn't remember it clearly.

He was still young at that time, maybe six or seven years old. Anyway, he was quite lucky. He had pulled out many saplings planted in the yard of his uncle's house.

The hometowns of the Sheng family and the Chen family are not far away, so they are considered fellow villagers.

Chen Weimin has difficulty going out due to physical reasons. He has not been back to his hometown since the accident, so he doesn't know what his hometown is like.

The hotel they live in has two floors. They live on the second floor. It has a large room with bunk beds and can accommodate more than 40 people.

Most of the people living there were from the south. Sheng Xiping and Chen Weiguo couldn't understand what others said.

The hotel has a bathhouse, and travelers can take a bath for free, but there is no restaurant, so they have to go out to buy food, or take a lunch box to the hotel canteen to buy food.

The food eaten here is very different from that in the Northeast. There is no pasta, but indica rice. The texture is not as good as the rice in the Northeast and is quite rough.

This is all easy to say, they are here to do business, not to enjoy themselves.

But this is drinking water. The water in Shanghai does not taste good and has a strange smell.

No matter what kind of tea leaves are used, no matter how much tea leaves are put in, the strange smell cannot be suppressed.

Chen Weimin secretly complained to Sheng Xiping, "Shanghai is quite developed. Everywhere looks good, but this water is really incomparable to the water in Changbai Mountain. The water here is sweet."

"Well, the water over there is better than this." Sheng Xiping nodded.

It is true that the Changbai Mountain area has various high-quality mineral springs, rich underground water sources, and high water quality.

Otherwise, why would there be so many mineral water plants in the Changbai Mountain area in later generations?
It was a good season for Sheng Xiping and the others to come here. It wasn't that hot here in Shanghai, so it was quite comfortable to live there.After a night's rest, they went to the prosthetic factory the next day.

The prosthetic limb factory is located on Jiaozhou Road in Jing'an, which seems to be in the city center area, while Sheng Xiping and the others live in Changning, which is on the edge.

Sheng Xiping asked someone specifically, saying that if he wanted to take a bus, he would have to change several buses along the way.

You need to buy a Shanghai city traffic map and search according to the map. It is very troublesome, but cheap.

Sheng Xiping thought for a while and decided not to cause trouble. What if they were confused when wandering around such a big city?

So Sheng Xiping borrowed the landline phone in the hotel and called a motorized tricycle, the kind of "bengbengbeng" with a tin shed.

Sheng Xiping helped Chen Weimin get on the car. The tricycle turned east and west, twisting and turning, passing many places on the road. It felt like they had walked a long way before they finally arrived at the factory they were going to.

This was the only prosthetic limb factory in Shanghai at the time and the largest prosthetic limb factory in the country.Disabled people from all over the country basically come here to get prosthetic limbs installed.

The street in front of the factory is not wide, but the prosthetic limb factory covers a large area and has many workshops.

After entering the factory gate, you can hear the rumbling of machines in the workshop, and you can also see people operating on the lathes in the open workshop, making it a busy scene.

There is a warehouse in it, which is quite large. It is full of finished thigh prostheses, neatly placed there, as if there are hundreds of legs.

If a timid person saw this, he would probably be frightened.

Sheng Xiping glanced at him coldly and became excited, while Chen Weimin turned pale.

Sheng Xiping led Chen Weimin to find a person in charge of the factory, pulled the person aside, and took out two red ginseng trees from the pocket they were carrying, as well as some Northeastern specialties such as fungus and pine nuts.

"Comrade, I leave it to you to install my brother's prosthetic limb.

You see, if possible, we can put our work in the front row so that we can get the prosthetic limbs as soon as possible. "

People from all over the country come to get prosthetic limbs installed. The prosthetic limb factory is very busy. It is common to wait in line for two or three months.

That's it for Chen Weimin. How can Sheng Xiping stay here for two or three months?
So they made preparations before they came, brought some things, established relationships with others, and tried to be accommodating.

Transportation is not convenient these days, and Northeastern specialties, especially ginseng, are very rare in the South. Unless you can buy them in pharmacies, they are still very expensive.

So when the other party saw what Sheng Xiping gave him, he smiled from ear to ear.

"Don't worry, don't worry, I will make good arrangements and seize the time to process this comrade."

With that said, the other party led Sheng Xiping and Chen Weimin to another room to measure the dimensions.

Because Chen Weimin's right leg is not even up to the thigh, he had to take off his pants and underpants to measure.Chen Weimin was a little embarrassed and couldn't let go.

"Hey, what do you care about when you come to this place? Aren't they all the same? Who would come to this place if they weren't disabled?"

A few masters were no longer surprised and persuaded Chen Weimin.

Just like that, after measuring the size, Sheng Xiping and Chen Weimin went to a nearby leather shoe store called Qunying under the guidance of others, and ordered two pairs of single leather shoes and a pair of cotton leather shoes. They also purchased ten pairs of nylon socks and two pairs of nylon socks. pants.

These are supporting products for prosthetic limbs, and they can all be reimbursed when you return home.

After measuring the size, the next step is to wait. It will take about a month before you can try the sample.This period of time is a long wait.

At this time, the weather in Shanghai began to heat up, and the room was sweltering.

Many people go out with umbrellas to protect themselves from the sun during the day, and some even sleep under the trees at night.

The men were so hot that they put on their vests and underpants directly, and as they watched, beads of sweat popped out from their chests.

At this time, I have to take a shower every day, otherwise I will be sticky and unable to sleep.

Even so, I had to wait until the second half of the night when it got cooler before I could sleep.

The next day after Sheng Xiping and the others arrived here, after measuring Chen Weimin's dimensions, they went to the post office and called the forest farm to report that it was safe.

At the same time, Sheng Xiping also sent a telegram back to inform them of their address.

Within a few days, money was sent from home, along with an urgent express letter.

The letter was written by Sheng Yunfang. The letter said that Zhang Shuzhen asked Sheng Xiping to buy more things here, especially clothes.

It’s a rare trip to a big city, so I have to take something back with me.

Relatives and friends at home also asked Sheng Xiping to help and bring some things.

Therefore, in the following days, Chen Weimin waited at the hotel, while Sheng Xiping wandered around, going out to buy things every day, and then packing them and sending them back.

Shanghai is such a big city, and Sheng Xiping couldn't take a three-wheeler every time he went out, so he spent 20 yuan to apply for a monthly bus pass.

As long as this is done, you can take any bus in the city.

This is very convenient. With a Shanghai traffic map in hand, I can take the bus wherever I want to go.

Sometimes when I feel tired from walking in some busy areas, I just sit on the bus and go wherever I want.

Sit by the window and put your head out of the window a little. The wind will blow and it will be cooler.

In this way, Sheng Xiping had nothing to do all day long. Once he went out, he would go shopping all day and return to the hotel in the afternoon.

On this day, Sheng Xiping was walking around the Nanjing Road Pedestrian Street when he suddenly saw a little boy standing on the street crying.

Everyone around was in a hurry, and no one paid attention to the child.

Sheng Xiping looked at the child, who was only six or seven years old. He looked very cute. He thought of Chen Feng for a moment, so he walked over and squatted down.

"Kid, why are you crying here alone? Where are your family members?"

The little boy raised his hand to wipe his tears and looked at Sheng Xiping, "I can't find my mother."

The boy spoke with a Shanghainese accent and a hint of other places. It was hard to tell, but Sheng Xiping could understand it anyway.

"Where is your mother?" Sheng Xiping looked at the little boy who was fair and clean and wore good clothes.

It looks like he comes from a very good family, so he probably didn't come from a poor family. He probably got separated from his family.

"I don't know, she just said she wanted to go to the toilet, and I couldn't find her." The boy started crying again.

Sheng Xiping roughly understood from the child's intermittent description that the child must have been separated from his mother.

"Then stop running around. Let's just stand here. I'll stay with you. Let's wait for mom, okay?"

Sheng Xiping estimated that the child had not gone very far, and his family must be nearby, probably looking for him.So Sheng Xiping didn't lead his children to look around, but stayed where he was and waited.

After a while, I saw a woman under 30 years old in the distance, walking this way in a panic. As she walked, she asked passers-by about something.

Sheng Xiping took one look and guessed that it might be the child's mother.

"Weiwei, do you think that's your mother over there?" Sheng Xiping pointed forward.

The boy's name was Weiwei. He followed the direction Sheng Xiping pointed and saw the woman.

"Mom." After saying that, Weiwei ran away and rushed toward the woman.

"Weiwei, why are you running around? Mom can't find you when she comes out. She's so worried."

The woman hugged the child and burst into tears instantly.She was really scared just now. She was really worried that her child would not be found.

"Uncle." Weiwei snuggled into her mother's arms, turned around and pointed in the direction of Sheng Xiping.

Sheng Xiping walked over with a smile, "Hello, comrade, I met Weiwei here just now. He said he was separated from his mother, so I waited here with him for a while."

This matter needs to be explained clearly, otherwise people won't regard him as a child abductor?

The woman looked up at Sheng Xiping, "Comrade, thank you.

Fortunately, I have your help, otherwise Weiwei would not know where he would go. "The woman thanked Sheng Xiping with a grateful look.

"You're welcome. I was just passing by and saw him crying there. It was so pitiful. You have to take good care of the children when you go out. If a child like this gets lost, you won't be able to find him back."

Sheng Xiping looked at Weiwei, who was nestling next to his mother, and smiled and waved to him.

"Okay, you found your mother. Say goodbye to your uncle." Now that the child had found his mother, he was relieved. He still had something to do and had to go back to the hotel.

"Comrade, wait a minute. From your accent, you are from the Northeast, right? Are you from the Songjiang River Forestry Bureau?"

Unexpectedly, the woman suddenly asked.

Sheng Xiping was stunned. How did this person know that he was from the Songjiang River Forestry Bureau?So he quickly turned back.

"Ah, I'm from the Northeast, from the Songjiang River Forestry Bureau. What's wrong? Do you know me?"

"No, no, I recognize the briefcase in your hand." The woman smiled and pointed to the bag in Sheng Xiping's hand.

"My lover's brother is also in the Northeast and works for the Forestry Bureau, Quanyang Forestry Bureau."

Sheng Xiping works in the Security Department, and the forestry farm recently sent a briefcase to all department staff.

On this trip, Sheng Xiping needed to bring various documents such as letters of introduction and checks, so he took his briefcase with him.

In the past few days, he went shopping and bought things for relatives and friends at home. He was afraid that he would forget what he was asked to bring, so he used a briefcase to carry money, a letter from home, an account book and a pen, so that he could make purchases according to the letter. Keep accounts along the way.

The briefcase had the words Songjianghe Forestry Bureau printed on it. The woman probably saw it and someone at home happened to be at the Quanyang Forestry Bureau, so she was curious to inquire.

"Oh, Quanyang Forestry Bureau and our bureau are both in the same county, so the distance is not too far."

Sheng Xiping laughed when he heard this. He didn't expect that in a foreign land, he could meet people related to his hometown.

"Hello, my name is Hui Yingqi. I am originally from Shanghai and went to the countryside in northern Xinjiang.

This time I brought my child with me. I came back to visit relatives and was transferred to work. I hadn’t been back for many years. I took my child out for a walk, but I almost lost my child.Thank you for meeting you. "

The woman opposite stretched out her right hand and smiled.

"Hello, Sister Hui, my name is Sheng Xiping. I am an employee of the forest farm affiliated to the Songjianghe Forestry Bureau. This time I am here to accompany a comrade in our farm to install a prosthetic limb.

Isn't this just idle time?I went out to go shopping and buy some things for my family. I didn't expect to meet Sister Hui. "

Sheng Xiping also extended his right hand and shook Hui Yingqi's hand.

"Oh, then where do you live?" Hui Yingqi asked curiously.

Sheng Xiping reported her address. When Hui Yingqi heard that it was not far from where she lived, she immediately sighed, this is fate.

"Do you want to continue shopping? How about we go back?"

"Okay, let's go together. Anyway, I have almost everything I want to buy."

It would be nice to have someone to accompany them, so the three of them got on the bus and returned to where they lived.

Hui Yingqi heard that Sheng Xiping was accompanying a friend to install a prosthetic limb, and she was a little curious about Chen Weimin, so she got off the car with Sheng Xiping and went to the hotel where Sheng Xiping and the others were staying.

By chance, Chen Weimin was enjoying the shade under a tree on the street downstairs of the hotel, and Sheng Xiping introduced him.

When Chen Weimin heard that Hui Yingqi's relatives were in the Quanyang Forestry Bureau, he felt very friendly, and they all sat under the tree and started chatting.

During the conversation, Sheng Xiping learned that Sister Hui's father was a professor in Shanghai and was killed a few years ago.

Sister Hui went to the countryside to Northern Xinjiang, where she met an educated youth, got married and had children.

Sister Hui also has a sister in the capital, and her mother also lives in the capital now.

Sister Hui came back this time to handle her father's affairs and to return to her old home. At the same time, she was looking for relevant departments and wanted to transfer her work back to Shanghai.

The matter is currently being processed and the procedures are cumbersome, so we can only wait slowly.

Hui Yingqi had a good chat with Sheng Xiping and Chen Weimin, and Weiwei was very close to Sheng Xiping, so they chatted for a while.

Seeing that it was getting dark, Sheng Xiping said that he would treat everyone to go out for a meal together.

Hui Yingqi couldn't refuse, but finally had to agree, so the few of them went to a restaurant, ordered a few dishes, and chatted while eating.

After dinner, Sheng Xiping sent Hui Yingqi and Weiwei back to their residence.

After that, Hui Yingqi often led Weiwei over to chat with Sheng Xiping and Chen Weimin.

She knew that Chen Weimin liked reading and writing, so she specially brought a thick book about writers' creation.

It contains interviews with famous authors such as Zhi Xia, the author of "Railway Guerrilla", Liu Liu, the author of "Fire King Kong".

When Chen Weimin got the book, he felt like he had found a treasure. He read it all day long and said that the book inspired him a lot.

Fortunately, during this long waiting time, Chen Weimin could also borrow a book to pass the time.

More than ten days later, Sheng Xiping went to the prosthetic factory again to inquire about the news. They said that they were rushing to process it and would have to wait for a while.

Sheng Xiping had no choice but to come back and wait.

The weather in Shanghai is getting hotter and hotter. I have to take a shower every day when I have nothing to do, and I have to use a fan to feel more comfortable.

On this day, Sheng Xiping had taken a bath and was resting on the bed in the bathroom dressing room.

A young man working in the bathhouse took a matza and sat in front of Sheng Xiping.The young man was holding a pedicure knife in his hand and was helping Sheng Xiping do his pedicure.

"Hey, little comrade, your skills are pretty good. You're quite skilled. How much does it cost?" Sheng Xiping laughed when he saw it, and started chatting with him.

"I'm not a pedicure worker. I don't pay for it. I just see you coming to take a shower all day long. I have nothing to do, so I can give you a pedicure." The other party smiled at Sheng Xiping and said.

Sheng Xiping knew that this man worked in the bathhouse. He had heard people mention it before, saying that his mother was mentally ill and hanged herself.

He and his father are the only ones left in the family. His sister is married and his brother is in the Northeast.

Sheng Xiping had a good impression of this person, and they happened to have nothing to do today, so the two started chatting.While chatting, the young man said that his brother was in the northeast, on the Songjiang River.

When Sheng Xiping heard this, he became more energetic. He looked at the young man carefully and suddenly felt that he looked familiar. "What's your last name?"

"The surname is Peng." The young man smiled.

"Hey, is your brother a teacher at Shuguang Forest Farm? He's not very tall?"

Sheng Xiping suddenly remembered that there was such a person in Shuguang Forest Farm. He was not too tall and was a physical education teacher. He had taught Sheng Xian and Sheng Xikang.

When Sheng Xiping went to Shuguang before, he met him twice.

"Yes, yes, that's my brother. My brother's name is Peng Chuanwen, and my name is Peng Chuanxue." The young man nodded repeatedly.

In this huge Shanghai stock market and the vast sea of ​​people, how could you have imagined that we were so destined?At that moment, both of them felt a lot more cordial.

Sheng Xiping chatted with Xiao Peng for a long time before going back to the hotel to rest.

In a blink of an eye, Sheng Xiping and Chen Weimin had stayed in the hotel for a long time.

Sheng Xiping felt that it was not a problem for Chen Weimin to stay in the hotel all day long, so he asked him if he could go out for a walk.
"It's not easy for us to come to the Shanghai Stock Exchange. We don't know what year or month we will come next. How far can you go with just one leg?
How about I take you out to play?Long experience. "

"Okay, I can go quite far. Brother Xiping, don't worry, I won't drag you down."

Chen Weimin has been walking around for more than ten years. He has already adapted to it and can go anywhere.

Before, he was afraid of causing trouble to Sheng Xiping, so he didn't dare to say anything. Now that Sheng Xiping took the initiative to bring it up, he followed the trend and went out with Sheng Xiping.

The two of them went to the City God's Temple together to see the antique buildings, eat various snacks from the stalls in front of the City God's Temple, and buy some small things along the way.

After that, the two went to Xijiao Park to see the animals inside.East
Northern tigers, black bears, and brown bears were not very rare to Sheng Xiping and others, but Chen Weimin had never seen elephants, giraffes, seals, monkeys, etc.

Seeing those jumping, clever and naughty monkeys made Chen Weimin very happy.

Everyone says the Bund is lively, especially at night.

In the past two years, it has been fashionable for men and women to fall in love, hugging each other and whispering to each other by the dimly lit Huangpu River.

Sheng Xiping took Chen Weimin and walked around. If he couldn't walk, he would sit down and rest for a while. When he had enough rest, he would continue walking.

In a place as big as Shanghai, people have seen everything. No one is curious about Chen Weimin, who is jumping on one leg, and no one is pointing fingers.

Here, Chen Weimin can play and laugh whenever he wants without caring about other people's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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