Chapter 382 Admission Notice
"What are you shouting for? Our Xinyu just fell asleep, and you woke him up again."

Zhang Shuzhen was preparing to start cooking in the outer kitchen. She didn't quite hear what Sheng Xiping was shouting, but only heard a lot of noise.

When he saw his son coming in, he didn't care about that. He would train him first and then talk about it.

Sheng Xiping was scolded, so he just shrank his shoulders and smiled.

"Mom, our second child and Qing Lan have both been admitted to the university." This time, Sheng Xiping lowered his voice and whispered.

"What? Are both admitted?" This time, it was Zhang Shuzhen's turn to be unable to control her voice?

"Real or false? Who told you?" Zhang Shuzhen was so excited, holding a fire stick in her hand, she was so happy that she wanted to jump around three times.

“Mom, don’t get excited, don’t get excited, keep your voice down.

Uncle Wang just told me that the education department of the bureau called and asked Qinglan and Lao Er to hurry up and go to the bureau to get the notice. "

When Sheng Xiping saw his mother's excited look, he immediately became happy and quickly reached out to support his mother and asked her to sit down.

The two women were making quite a lot of noise in tandem. How could Zhou Qinglan not hear anything in the West Room?

Just when the child fell asleep, Zhou Qinglan came out of the west room quietly and asked the two of them.

"Mom, Xiping, what are you two doing? I just heard what Xiping was shouting, but I didn't hear it clearly."

When Sheng Xiping saw Zhou Qinglan coming out, he went over and hugged his wife. "Daughter-in-law, you have been admitted to university, Northeast Normal University."

Zhou Qinglan blushed when Sheng Xiping hugged her, and didn't even pay attention to what Sheng Xiping said.

"Let me go, our mother is still here, what are you talking about?"

How bad is it for the couple to hug each other in front of the mother-in-law?

Sheng Xiping also realized that he had lost his composure and quickly let go of Zhou Qinglan.

"Daughter-in-law, I just said that you were admitted to Northeast Normal University. The Education Office of the bureau asked you to hurry up and go to the bureau to get the notification letter."

Sheng Xiping took one look and knew that his wife had not listened carefully just now, so he repeated it again.

"What? Northeast Normal University, I was admitted to Northeast Normal University?" Zhou Qinglan exclaimed and covered her mouth again.

But those eyes were full of surprise and excitement, and for a moment, he felt like crying.

"Really? You didn't lie to me?" His voice was a little crying.

"Look, why did I lie to you? Uncle Wang told me just now that he went to contact the mountain, and the second child was admitted to Harbin Institute of Technology." Sheng Xiping laughed.

Suddenly two college students came out of the Sheng family, and they were both from key universities. This time, they were really proud of their ancestors.

"The second child is admitted to Harbin Institute of Technology? No, this is not our ambition." Zhou Qinglan came back to her senses and realized something was wrong.

"Xiping, aren't you mistaken? We don't even dare to think about this school. We didn't apply at all. How could we be admitted?"

Zhou Qinglan shook her head, thinking it was impossible.

"No, what are you two talking about? Why can't I understand a word? Why is this impossible?"

Over there, Zhang Shuzhen listened to her son and daughter-in-law talking in confusion.

She understood every word these two people said, but when they were put together, why couldn't she understand them?

"Mom, the second child and I didn't apply to this school. That school is a good undergraduate university. We were afraid that our grades would not be good, so no one dared.

But now there is news that we have been admitted to such a good university, which feels strange. Was it a mistake? "

Zhou Qinglan quickly explained to her mother-in-law.

"What's so weird about that? Aren't you going to get the notice? Wouldn't you know what's going on when you go to the bureau?

It doesn’t matter what degree he has or not, as long as there is a university where he can study. "

Zhang Shuzhen didn't understand, but she understood that as long as the notice was in hand, it was useless to care too much about anything else.

One sentence reminded the young couple, yes, why are you thinking so much?
This university admissions process is no joke. If the school can admit you, then it must be because their scores are enough.

Sheng Xiping and Zhou Qinglan did not know that the relevant documents for this year's college entrance examination admissions included a provision that "priority is given to key colleges and universities during admissions."

Therefore, when admitting, focus first and then general. Key schools can hand over the materials of first and second choice candidates among high-scoring candidates to relevant colleges for selective admission.

If there are still vacancies in such colleges and universities, candidates from similar colleges can be transferred to fill the vacancies and the candidates will be admitted on a merit-based basis.To ensure the quality of enrollment in key colleges and universities.

Since it was the first year to take the exam, there were no preliminary exams or preliminary exams beforehand. Most candidates were unsure and did not dare to apply to a school that was too high.

This has resulted in the situation that many key colleges and universities do not have enough admissions, so among the similar colleges and universities that you apply for, you choose those with higher scores.

Therefore, during the [-] College Entrance Examination, there was a special situation where some candidates were admitted to key colleges that were higher than their first choice colleges.

Because Sheng Xian applied to an industrial college and had high scores, he was admitted to Harbin Institute of Technology.

Zhou Qinglan applied to a normal college, so she was accepted by Northeast Normal University.

Just like Zhang Shuzhen said, it doesn't matter what school you go to, as long as you can get into it.

Not to mention, this is a better school than the one I applied to before.

So Zhou Qinglan stopped worrying about that and discussed with Sheng Xiping how to get the notice from the bureau.

The train just left this morning, the next one will be the day after tomorrow.

"Wait a minute, I think I'll be back after having sex tonight. I'll talk to Uncle Wang tonight and see if he can arrange a motorcycle ride.

If that doesn't work, just take a cart that pulls wood, and you can get down there anyway. Sheng Xiping thought for a moment and said.

In this way, Zhou Qinglan spent most of the day restlessly.

It wasn't until Sheng Xi'an got off the commuter bus in the evening and Sheng Xiping went to the venue to discuss a ride that Zhou Qinglan finally calmed down.

Early the next morning, Sheng Xiping accompanied Zhou Qinglan and Sheng Xian by car to Songjiang River.

When I arrived at the bureau building, I found the Education Office and got the admission notice.

The admission notices of this era were not as exquisite and beautiful as those made in later generations. They were just a few simple pieces of paper in a kraft paper envelope.

"Congratulations, you two are the only people in our bureau who have been admitted to key universities.

Our bureau's engineer Qin's son, Qin Zhengtao, also got admitted to Shenyang Foreign Languages ​​College, and several others got admitted to junior colleges, technical secondary schools, etc., but they were not as good as you. "

People from the Education Department also congratulated Sheng Xi'an and Zhou Qinglan politely.

There were hundreds of educated youths from more than ten forest farms affiliated to the Songjianghe Forestry Bureau, and hundreds of people applied for the exam, but only a few of them passed the exam. This shows how valuable college students are.

It is even rarer for people like Zhou Qinglan and Sheng Xi'an to be admitted to key universities.

"Get the admission notice and go back to your forest farm to issue a certificate and write down clearly your work status at the Educated Youth Point.

Then send it to the bureau, which will have another meeting to review it. Only if the conditions are met can you go to college. "

The people from the Education Department carefully explained to Sheng Xian and Zhou Qinglan the various procedures that needed to be completed.

Now, if you want to go to college, you don't just need to get a notice. You have to pass various examinations before you can go to school.

In her last life, Sheng Xian was stuck in this situation. She got the notice but failed to go to college.

Fortunately, nothing happened to Sheng Xiping in this life, and Sheng Xian was not affected.

Sheng's family is a poor farmer for three generations. Sheng Liancheng was once a model worker and an advanced individual. This family background has no problems at all.

As soon as the three people came out of the Education Office with the notice, they were blocked by Zhou Mingyuan. "Quick, show me the admission notice."

Zhou Mingyuan learned the news that his daughter was admitted yesterday, and he was so happy that he didn't sleep all night.

Knowing that his daughter could come to pick up the notice today, he came here specially to wait.

Zhou Qinglan handed over his admission notice. Zhou Mingyuan took the notice out of the envelope and looked at the few lines of words and the bright red seal, feeling very excited.

"It's great. My daughter has been admitted to Northeast Normal University, which is a key university."

As a college-educated father, he has always looked forward to the success of his children.

There are three children in the Zhou family. Zhou Qingyang and Zhou Qinglan are both good at studies. The third child is quite smart, but he is naturally lazy.

Now the eldest son is in the army and has been promoted one after another for his repeated military exploits. The daughter has been admitted to a key university and has a bright future.

Only the third child is left. The two of them can make a difference even if they keep working hard.

If life is like this, what else can I ask for?Zhou Mingyuan really felt satisfied at this moment.

Of course, it would be better if the boss could marry a wife as soon as possible so that he could have grandchildren as soon as possible.

"Come on, Xi'an, show me yours too."

Zhou Mingyuan returned his daughter's notice, then reached for Sheng Xi'an's, opened it and looked at it carefully.

"It's great. My family is so lucky to have trained a college student from Harbin Institute of Technology.

Xi'an, you must study hard when you go out. After you graduate, you will come back to our bureau and become an engineer or something. "

What is still being used now is the previous policy of workers, peasants and soldiers college students. They go wherever they come. Most of the college students who pass the forestry system will return to the forestry system after graduation.

Of course, after leaving the forestry farm, it is impossible to return to the forestry farm. The minimum is to arrange work in the bureau.

"Come on, come home with me. I told your mother about this last night, and your mother was so happy that she didn't sleep all night.

She said, if you come today, you must go home. Let's make some delicious food to celebrate. "

After Zhou Mingyuan finished speaking, he was about to drag Sheng Xiping and others home.

"Dad, we won't go home today. On the other side of the forest farm, the motorcycle truck is still waiting for us. We have to go back quickly and issue a certificate first. Director Sun just said that the forest farm issued a certificate and sent it to the bureau. We still have to hold a meeting here to review it, and only after passing it can we go to university."

Zhou Qinglan really wanted to go home, but they still had a lot of things to do and couldn't delay in Songjiang River.

The field leader specially arranged for the motorcycle truck to be sent to them today just to pick up the notification letter. The motorcycle truck was not left and was waiting for them to get the notification letter and hurry back.

When Zhou Mingyuan heard this, he let go and said, "There are so many things to do. Going to college is so troublesome."

He didn't dare to speak loudly, only muttered in a low voice.

"Well, since the car is still waiting, you should go back first. While you are waiting to send the certificate, you can go home and stay for two days."

"Dad, next time we come, we must stay at home for two days.

In a few days, there should be wine at home to celebrate Qinglan and Xi'an's admission to college. You and your mother will come then. "Sheng Xiping put his arms around Zhou Mingyuan's shoulders and said with a playful smile.

Zhou Qinglan and Sheng Xi'an have both been admitted to college and want to go out to study.

In universities these days, bedding is not provided, and all luggage and supplies must be brought from home.

The old ones don’t look good when you take them out, so you’ll have to come down and do some shopping when the time comes.

Furthermore, Sheng Xian and the others finally got into college. With Zhang Shuzhen's temper, how could she not make two new clothes for Zhou Qinglan and Sheng Xian?
I have almost all the fabrics at home that I used to make clothes a year ago, so I will definitely buy them together when the time comes.

That's why Sheng Xiping said that they would come down and stay for two days.

"Okay, okay, then when you come back next time, let's have some fun." Zhou Mingyuan was very happy to be coaxed by his son-in-law, and happily agreed.

Just like that, the three of them came out of the bureau building. They didn't even bother to eat lunch. They only went to the store to buy some twists and bread, and hurriedly returned to the Forest Railway Station.

The motorcycle driver didn't eat either, so Sheng Xiping quickly gave everyone a share of the food, and everyone just took a bite in the car.

Then according to the arrangements of Sentie's dispatch, we started the car on time and headed back.

When the three of them returned to the forest farm, almost the entire Erqianchuan Forest Farm, as well as the neighboring Dajianchang Village, knew that there were two college students in the Sheng family.

Liu Changde brought his wife and son over to congratulate them with many things. At the forest farm, Sheng Xiping's group of friends did not come back from the mountain, but people from each family came.

There was a room full of people in the Sheng family, and it was so lively as everyone was chatting and laughing.

As soon as they saw Sheng Xiping and the others entering the house, everyone cheered and immediately surrounded Sheng Xian and Zhou Qinglan, congratulating Sheng Xian and Zhou Qinglan.

Zhou Qinglan was a little better. She was in school and dealing with students all day long, so she wasn't afraid of this kind of scene.

Sheng Xi'an was quiet. He usually didn't like to talk or interact with others. Now he was surrounded by a group of people, which made him at a loss. He didn't know what to say.

“Dear aunts and ladies, thank you all for your blessings.

Well, in a few days, after the second son and my wife have completed all the procedures for going to school, we will set up a few banquets at our house and invite all the relatives and friends from our forest farm to come and have a lively meal. "

Sheng Xiping saw it and hurriedly spoke to help his wife and brother.

Everyone was originally clamoring to see the admission notice. Sheng Xiping was worried that someone might accidentally tear it or something, so he didn't let Zhou Qinglan and the others take it out. He only said that it was for the field department to issue a certificate and that he didn't have it with him.

When those people heard this, they gave up. It was getting late and it was time to prepare dinner. These people left one after another.

"Master, Master, why don't you stay and have something to eat together? I'll have a drink with Master and my eldest and second brothers in the evening."

Liu Changde's family also wanted to leave, and Sheng Xiping quickly persuaded them to stay.

"No, no, it's getting late. Those kids at home may be making a fuss, and your elder sister-in-law and second sister-in-law can't see it.

If we don't go back, they might not even be able to have dinner.We'll come over some other time, when you're going to have a drink here to entertain guests. "

Qin Qiuyan waved her hands quickly. The Sheng family must have been very busy these days, and there were many people coming. How could they have the nerve to stay and disturb them?

Sheng Xiping failed to persuade him to stay, so he could only follow the Liu family out and deliver them to the gate.

Liu Changde pulled Sheng Xiping aside and asked in a low voice, "Xiping, your wife is admitted to college. How many years will she have to study?
It wouldn't be a big deal if you two were always in two places, right?

Also, will she be assigned a job after graduation?Where can it be divided? What if it is divided all the way?Can you follow? "

Liu Changde didn't know much about this. He just cared about his apprentice and was afraid that Sheng Xiping would devote himself to supporting Zhou Qinglan to study, but in the end he would end up in vain.

"Master, Qinglan is admitted to this university as a key undergraduate program and has to study in the provincial capital for four years.

After she graduates, she will most likely be assigned to our Forestry Bureau. There are not many serious teachers who graduated from the Normal University in the Forestry Bureau, so Qinglan must not be allowed to go elsewhere.

Even if it's another forestry bureau, the worst case scenario is that I'll just follow the transfer, there's always a way, it'll be fine. "

Sheng Xiping understood that Liu Changde had good intentions, so he patiently explained it to his master.

Liu Changde nodded after hearing this, "Oh, that's good, as long as she can come back. I'm afraid, if she goes to study, she won't come back.

Look at our village, there are educated youths from the provincial capital who are married to the girl virgins in our village.

The child was two or three years old. Then he said he was going back to the city to visit relatives, and he never came back. "

"Master, Qinglan is different, don't worry." Sheng Xiping smiled when he heard this and quickly comforted Liu Changde.

"Qinglan offered not to take the exam at first, but I insisted that she take the exam."

Zhou Qinglan is a very emotional person. She loves her children more than anything else. With Xinhua and Xinyu in the Sheng family, Zhou Qinglan will never abandon her children.

"Well, that's good. As long as you two are doing well, I'll be relieved. Then, just get busy. Let's go."

Liu Changde waved his hand, turned around and led his wife and son to the west, back to Dajianchang Village.

The news that Sheng Xi'an and Zhou Qinglan were admitted to key universities was not only known to the forest farm, but also to the workers stationed on the mountain.

Those who have candidates at home are extremely envious.

Two college students suddenly appeared in Lao Sheng's house, but that's not the point.What about your own home?

That's bullshit. I've been reviewing for more than a month in vain and it's useless.

The children who were at home were scolded by their mothers, and those who were working on the mountain were not able to run away.

Most fathers work in the mountains, but there are those who have a bad temper and just use sticks to chase their children all over the mountain to beat them.

For a time, the Sheng family had enough hatred.

Of course, there were also those who didn't like the Sheng family, so they were talking behind their backs.

They say that the Sheng family is just a poor family, yet they dare to let Zhou Qinglan take the college entrance examination.

Now, Zhou Qinglan has been admitted to university, and will be a national cadre in the future. Why don't you kick Sheng Xiping, a lumberjack?
Regardless of how happy the Sheng family is now, there will be times when they cry in the future.

For a time, every household in Qianchuan Forest Farm was talking about the Sheng family.

Some are envious, some admire, and some are jealous and hateful.

And the Sheng family ignored all of this, regardless of whether they heard it or not.

There is no shortage of people in this world who hate others and laugh at others. To argue with these people is to ask for trouble.

The more others want to see jokes, the more they want to live a better life. The Sheng family's life is prosperous. What can those people say?
On the morning of NO.18, Sheng Xi'an and Zhou Qinglan went to the field department to find someone, issued certification documents, and the relevant leaders signed and sealed them one by one.

NO.19 There is a small train. Under Zhang Shuzhen's instruction, Sheng Xiping brought some skins, medicinal materials and other things, along with various tickets saved at home, and accompanied Sheng Xi'an and Zhou Qinglan to take the train to Songjiang River.

They were delayed for some time on the way, and by the time they arrived at Songjiang River, it was already noon.

There was no choice but to go to Zhou's house first. Zhou Mingyuan and Wang Chunxiu happened to be at home. They must have predicted in advance that Sheng Xiping and the others would come, so Wang Chunxiu cooked a table of dishes.

Wang Chunxiu and his wife were very happy to see their daughter-in-law, and Zhou Mingyuan had to drag Sheng Xiping to have a drink.

"Dad, we all have business to do in the afternoon. Qinglan and the others go to the bureau building to deliver materials, and I go to the purchasing station to sell goods.

Let's wait until evening. There's nothing to do tonight. Let's have a drink together. "

Sheng Xiping and the others had important things to do in the afternoon, so how could they drink? If they were so drunk that they wouldn't be able to do anything in the afternoon.

When Zhou Mingyuan thought about it, he was right and simply stopped drinking.The family had a lively lunch chatting and laughing.

After lunch, Zhou Mingyuan accompanied Sheng Xi'an and the others directly to the bureau building to submit materials, while Sheng Xiping went to the purchasing station to sell the things he brought.

This winter, Sheng Xiping saved a lot of things, but most of them were sold in the county town a year ago. He didn't have much left, so he didn't care about the small amount. It was convenient to sell them in Songjiang River.

A bear bile, plus some skins, sold for less than 1000 yuan.

Sheng Xiping came out of the buying station with money in his pocket and met Zhou Qinglan and others at the entrance of Songlin Store.

Then, the three of them entered the store and started shopping.

There are too many things to bring with you when you go to school, such as washbasins, hot pots, lunch boxes, bedsheets, etc. You have to keep things from home for use, so you have to prepare two sets of them.

In addition, Zhang Shuzhen also made a statement, and as Sheng Xiping expected, she wanted to make two new clothes for both of them to go to school.

As a result, we still had to buy a lot of fabrics. Anyway, the three of them wandered around the store several times, spent a lot of money, and bought a lot of things before giving up.

After buying the things he needed to go out, Sheng Xiping went to the grocery store and bought some pork head meat, pork liver, pig tongue and so on, saving them for drinking in the evening.

That night, Zhou Qinglan and Wang Chunxiu cooked several more dishes, plus the things Sheng Xiping bought, and set up a table to celebrate Zhou Qinglan and Sheng Xi'an.

Sheng Xian and the others submitted the materials to the bureau and had to wait for the bureau leader's approval and seal before proceeding with the subsequent procedures.

Of course, with Zhou Mingyuan here and the good relationship between Zhao Yongsheng and Sheng Xiping, this matter could be easily handled.

Early the next morning, several leaders in the bureau met for a small meeting. After explaining the situation, they signed and stamped the certification documents, agreeing that Sheng Xi'an and Zhou Qinglan should go to college.

Zhou Qinglan and Sheng Xian stood out among the hundreds of candidates from the Songjianghe Forestry Bureau. It is said that they also had outstanding results among the eighteen forestry bureaus in the province.

After some discussion, the bureau leaders decided to hold a commendation meeting for these two people to encourage them.

(End of this chapter)

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