Rebirth: the fiery age of Mori Gong's children

Chapter 372: Fighting under the salt nest

Chapter 372: Fighting under the salt nest

As a foodie like Uncle Liu, Sheng Xinhua started shouting, "Right, right" the moment the meat basin was served.

As he spoke, he climbed onto the table anxiously, salivating.

There is no way, Sheng Xiping has been busy recently and has no time to hunt. The food quality of the family has plummeted. Even the precious Sheng Xinhua has not eaten meat for several days.

Children, how many of them don’t like meat?It was normal for Sheng Xinhua to have this reaction.

Seeing that Sheng Xinhua was about to reach into the meat basin, Sheng Xiping quickly hugged the child.

"Hey, you have to wait a while if you want to eat it. The meat has just come out of the pot, why don't you let it cool down? How do you do it while it's hot?"

Sheng Xinhua didn't care what his father was talking about, he shouted right, drooled, and tried to climb up again.

When Zhou Qinglan saw this, he quickly picked up a piece of meat, blew it, and put it into the bowl in front of Sheng Xinhua.

"Cut some meat out and blow it to him. This kid has a quick mouth."

Sheng Xinhua is a kid with a big mouth and can eat anything. Of course, he also has a quick mouth. He can't wait to eat food as soon as he sees it.

Everyone in the family knew about this problem of his, so when they prepared food for Sheng Xinhua, they would let it cool down before bringing it over.

Today's meal was already late. Everyone was hungry, so they didn't care about anything else. As a result, the child couldn't wait to eat.

While Sheng Xiping comforted his son, he removed a few pieces of meat, blew on them, and put them into his son's mouth.

Sure enough, as soon as the meat entered his mouth, Sheng Xinhua became obedient, sitting on his father's lap, squinting his eyes and eating the meat with a smile.

"Greedy Cat, how many times have you not eaten meat? Is this your virtue?"

Sheng Xiping poked his son's forehead helplessly. This naughty boy looked exactly like his sixth uncle.

"Oh, you're the only one who has nothing to do, so why are you poking him in the head?
What child is not hungry for meat?Forget about the kids, there’s no meat at home these days, and I’m already hungry. "

Sheng Liancheng glared at his eldest son angrily, then simply stretched out his hand to lift his grandson into his arms, took the bowl along the way, tore off some meat and fed it to his grandson.

"From now on, you are not allowed to poke us when there is nothing wrong. What are you good children poking at? Day by day, there is no way to count."

Sheng Liancheng wasn't done yet and scolded his son a few more words.

Sheng Xiping glanced at Zhou Qinglan and smiled helplessly. There were many advantages to living with an old man, but there were also disadvantages, that is, he couldn't take care of his children.

As long as you take care of it, your parents will take care of you.

Forget it, the child is only so small now. When the child grows older, it won't work for the old man to protect him like this.

I've been very tired from work recently, and there's nothing delicious to eat. Although there is a lot of oil at home, nothing can satisfy my craving like meat.

There is a large pot of meat stewed in front of me. Although the radish is bran, it tastes quite good when stewed in the broth.

Everyone didn't care about that anymore, just gnawed on the pancakes and meat, and made a meal.

In spring, badgers are not too fat. Each one only weighs about ten pounds. After peeling off the skin and removing the internal organs and oil, there are still five or six pounds left.

Three badgers and a big radish stewed into a large pot, and in the end, all that was left to eat was the bottom of the pot.

Of course, eating meat saves dry food, so I didn’t eat much pancakes at night.

"Oh, this meal tastes delicious tonight." Sheng Xitai touched his belly and stepped aside with a satisfied look on his face.

Sheng Xitai has been working hard in the mountains these past few days. He is so tired every day that he can't eat meat when he comes home. Every day he has either dried vegetables or grass. Sheng Xitai has long been miserable.

But he didn't dare to say anything. In this busy season, who has time to hunt and get meat?

So Sheng Xitai could only endure it, hoping in his heart that the afforestation would be completed soon. His elder brother would have time. Even if he caught two pheasants and stewed them, it would be better than eating grass all day long.

Unexpectedly, there was an unexpected surprise tonight, the badger meat was exposed.

Sheng Xitai was not polite, but he pushed hard into his stomach until he was full of food.

Sheng Xitai burped as he spoke.

Sheng Xinhua at the other end glanced at his sixth uncle, followed Sheng Xitai's example, touched his round belly and stepped back, and then also burped.

When Sheng Xitai saw his nephew imitating him, his face turned dark, "Xinhua, you are not allowed to imitate your uncle."

Everyone in the room couldn't hold it back and laughed.

"You, please don't make a fool of yourself in the future. Don't you know that there is a scholar in our family? You are such a boss and you are someone's uncle. Is that how you act as a role model?"

Zhang Shuzhen laughed so hard that she tried to persuade her younger son while laughing.

"Sheng Xinhua, I am your little uncle. You are not allowed to imitate me in the future." Sheng Xitai made a request to Sheng Xinhua with a dark face.

"Piggy." Sheng Xinhua stood up, ran up to Sheng Xitai, and called Sheng Xitai with a raised face and a smile.

Sheng Xitai's face turned darker, "It's uncle, not Zhuzhu.

How old are you?Why don't you understand?You can call me aunt correctly, why can't you call me uncle? "

Sheng Xinhua is more than one year and four months old, and his language skills are much better than before. Some words that were not pronounced correctly have been slowly corrected, and at least his aunt can pronounce them correctly.

But this uncle just won't change. Moreover, he is the closest to Sheng Xitai. He calls Sheng Xitai "Zhuzhu" every day when he sees her.

"Zhuzhu?" Sheng Xinhua tilted his head, looked at Sheng Xitai several times, and then tried to call him uncle, but the sound he made was still Zhuzhu.

"Okay, just be a pig and you'll change it back when you're older."

Sheng Xitai sighed in frustration and hugged Sheng Xinhua.Sheng Xinhua also leaned over obediently, nestled in his little uncle's arms, followed his example, and sighed.

Everyone in the Sheng family was so amused by these two living treasures that they laughed for a while before calming down.

Zhang Shuzhen said that she would eat the lynx meat in the evening, and the badger seed oil hadn't been refined yet, so she laughed enough and went out of the back room to go about her business.

Zhou Qinglan also came out. The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law were watching the pot cooking the meat, while the other was refining the oil.

I was busy until almost nine o'clock. I refined the badger seed oil and put it in a small basin. It will be bottled tomorrow morning.

The mountain civet meat was also cooked for a long time. Two lumps were thrown into the bottom of the pot and simmered in the pot overnight. It would be rotten in the morning.

Early the next morning, Zhang Shuzhen got up, opened the pot and fished out the mountain civet meat.

This mountain civet is made of garlic clove meat, which is very firm. It has become soft and rotten after being cooked all night. You can shave it directly from the bone with a knife.

Then cut it into small pieces, add more green onions and dried chilies and stir-fry it. It's also quite delicious.

There are a total of ten people in the family. Except for Zhou Qinglan, the pregnant woman, Sheng Xinhua, the nurse, and Zhang Shuzhen, who cooks, the remaining seven all work in the mountains and all have to bring food.

So when I got up in the morning, I not only had to make breakfast, but I also had to prepare meals for seven people to bring up the mountain.

Fortunately, I baked a vat of pancakes at home a while ago, so it is easier to bring rice with me.

Here they cooked porridge and made pancakes. On the other side, Zhang Shuzhen lifted a large pile of pancakes from the vat, wiped off the water and suffocated.

When the pancakes are completely stuffed, they are stacked one on top of another, and each portion is wrapped in a white cloth to bring food to them.

After the mountain civet meat is fried, I find a few lunch boxes and put pickles in one end of each lunch box and meat in the other end.

Then I went to the vegetable garden to pick up a lot of onions, peeled them off and washed them, and everyone took some with them.

On this day, the meal brought by Sheng Xitai and others caused quite a stir among the classmates.

During lunch, many people gathered around Sheng Xitai, greedily watching Sheng Xitai eat meat.

Although Sheng Xitai loved to eat, he was not stingy, so he called over his classmates with whom he usually got along and gave them a piece of meat each to satisfy their craving.

This time, I have won over the hearts of a lot of younger brothers.

The generous result was that in the end there were only three pieces of meat left in the lunch box.

Sheng Xitai held the lunch box and looked at the pieces of meat inside, wanting to cry without tears.

"What? Do you regret it?

If you have something delicious and you don’t want to share it with others, then find a hidden place to hide and eat it.Now that you've separated, don't regret it. "

At this time, Sheng Xiping came over with his lunch box and put most of the meat into Sheng Xitai's lunch box.

"Brother, you gave me food, what did you eat?" Sheng Xitai looked up at his brother and asked.

"Didn't our mother bring pickles and green onions? Why can't we deal with them?
Besides, I have some meat left here, enough to eat. "

Sheng Xiping smiled and rubbed his brother's crew cut, pulled him to sit down, and the two brothers ate together.

Among the children who were still unsatisfied after eating a piece of meat, after seeing Sheng Xiping, no one dared to get close to Sheng Xitai, and they just held the pancakes and pickles to eat.

Half a month of reforestation finally came to an end amidst the chaos of war.

There will be a window period for forestry production for nearly a month.

Of course, hard-working people will not be idle, because the annual cattle hair picking season has begun.

For Sheng Xiping, this is not only a good time to collect cattle hair, but also the best season to hunt deer and obtain antlers.

Deer are agile animals and are good at running. Generally speaking, it is difficult to hit a deer whether it is a sneak attack or a dog attack.

To deal with deer, we usually dig deer pits, that is, traps and traps. Of course, there are other methods, such as poisoning.

Digging a deer cellar is too time-consuming, and setting a trap may not necessarily catch any prey. In contrast, placing a trap is actually safer.

However, the kind of medicine used to treat deer was not available in Qianchuan Forest Farm, and Sheng Xiping couldn't find it, so the only way he could use it was to make salt nests.

How did the place name Dajichang come from?

In the past, hunters dug deer cellars in nearby ditches and spread salt to lure the deer into the paddock. Over time, the soil in the paddock turned into saline-alkali soil, so it was named Dajichang Village.

Mountain livestock are generally deficient in salt, especially after a winter of heavy snow. Animals in the mountains cannot find exposed saline-alkali soil, and their bodies are extremely deficient in salt.

Why did wolves like to enter the countryside in winter?One of the reasons is that they lack salt in their bodies.

In the past, the population was sparse, and people living in the mountains were not very particular. They would just bring water out of the pot and pour it out directly.

If you always pour water into that place, it will form ice lumps or ice pillars over time.

When wolves are short of salt in their bodies, they will look for this kind of ice cubes to lick.

Compared to wolves, deer love salt more and will go to salt-alkali lands to eat moss and lichen in spring and summer.

Hunters will also set traps and snares according to the deer's salt-loving habits to lure the deer to the bait, thereby hunting for precious antlers.

"Second child, third child, help me catch deer. Let's prepare a few more. Tomorrow you two will follow me to hunt for salt nests. I know where the deer trails are."

Sheng Xiping dug out some wood from the warehouse, and then called on Sheng Xian and Sheng Xikang to help.

The antler of a stag can be sold for hundreds of dollars, which is much more profitable than harvesting ox hair. It doesn't matter if it takes a day and a half to harvest ox hair.

Sheng Xian is in the educated youth team, and there is no work at this time. Although Sheng Xikang is in his first year of high school, the school's management is loose and he doesn't teach many regular classes.

Today's education is mostly based on practice. In rural areas, people are generally taught how to farm. There is a course in the forestry farm that focuses on forestry knowledge.

Moreover, students are often sent to work in the mountains, and cultural courses actually do not account for a large proportion.

Most of these students in the forestry farm are just studying to get a diploma, so that they can be easily employed in the future.

So everyone doesn't pay much attention to grades or anything like that. If something happens at home, they just ask for leave.

When Cai Niu Maoguang was generating income like this, almost half of the students in the middle and high schools took leave and went home.The boys go to the mountains to collect cow hair, and the girls go home to help dry the cow hair.

Just study or something, it's enough. There's no chance to go to college these days, and most parents don't pay attention to it.

The Sheng family attaches great importance to their children's education, but the current environment is like this. Except for Sheng Xiping, everyone else has no idea about the future. Again, making money is the most important thing.

In this half month and 20 days, you can’t make money even if you try hard after the season, so you should focus on the present first, and then the future.

"Here we come, brother." Upon hearing this, Sheng Xian and Sheng Xikang quickly dropped what they were doing and came out to help Sheng Xiping.

The so-called foot catch is a tool used to hunt deer, roe deer and other animals in the Northeast.

Use wooden strips that are more than one inch square and nail them into a wooden frame that is six or seven inches square.

A few seven-inch-long spikes were nailed to each side of the frame.The nail head is tilted toward the middle to form a leaky shape.

Sheng Xiping learned this kind of trick from Qin Qiuyan. He thought it was too bulky and didn't use it very often, and he didn't have one at home.Aren't you planning to go deer antler hunting?Suddenly I remembered it, and I quickly found something and made some uses for it.

The three brothers were busy in the yard with saws, axes, hammers, etc. all afternoon and made a dozen or so things.

Early the next morning, the three brothers went up the mountain together carrying catches and salt bricks for making salt nests.

The salt bricks are made from a mixture of salt and human urine. The urine has a strong smell, and when mixed with salt, it can better attract deer to lick it.

Sheng Xiping made a few pieces in advance, dried them and wrapped them in paper.

The three brothers just carried a lot of things on their backs and left the forest farm and headed towards several deer trails that Sheng Xiping was familiar with.

The three brothers walked for more than 20 miles and came to a sunny hillside. On the hillside was a large second-crop forest that had just grown up a few years ago. At the foot of the hillside, there was a small river ditch.

In winter, Sheng Xiping had seen traces of deer in this area and could tell that this was a deer trail.

Under the command of Sheng Xiping, the three brothers dug pits and buried salt bricks on the nearby hillside, covering them with a layer of soil.

Then, dig a few more small holes around the salt bricks and bury the claws in them.

Use wire or rope to catch the feet, tie them to the roots of nearby trees, and cover them tightly with dead grass and fallen leaves.

After spending a long time, the three brothers finally placed a few salt bricks and a dozen or so traps at several locations where Sheng Xiping thought deer would pass by.

"Let's go, we can come back for a walk in two days."

After finishing her work, Sheng Xi straightened her back, wiped the sweat from her forehead, asked her two brothers to bring their tools, and started walking back.

After setting the trap, the prey will not be fooled immediately and will have to wait a few days.

So the next day, the three brothers followed Sheng Liancheng and took the commuter bus to Dadianzi in Shiye District to pick up beef.

This season, it’s really time for the whole family to go out together, those who can go into the mountains, and those who can show off their skills at home.

There is no idle person in the entire Er Forest Farm and Dajichang Village.

As long as it involves laborious work, the advantage of having more boys is evident.

Sheng Liancheng led his three sons into the mountains, and the four of them were able to carry back three hundred kilograms of fresh beef in one day.

In the evening, just to scald the vegetables, the big twelve-print pot in the yard had to be scalded several times.

"Hurry up and eat. After you finish eating, roll out a basket of soil and give me five cents."

Zhang Shuzhen and Zhou Qinglan had prepared the meals early, and the water was boiling in the big pot outside.

When Sheng Liancheng and others came back, they first poured the Niu Maoguang into a pot and boiled it, and then put it on the tattered mat.

The guys here went inside to eat. By the time they finished eating, Niu Maoguang was getting cold, so he started stroking his hair.

There is so much hair, not to mention anything else, just the process of removing hair takes a lot of time.

The family only had these manpower. In order to encourage Sheng Yunfang and the others to work more, Zhang Shuzhen came up with this idea.

The soil baskets of the Sheng family are not small. Each basket can hold twenty or thirty kilograms of cow hair. With these five cents hanging, the young ones can work willingly.

Otherwise, these naughty children will be uncertain, get tired after working for a while, and start acting like bears.

Sure enough, when he heard that he was paid for working, not to mention Sheng Yunfang and Sheng Yunfei, even Sheng Xitai's eyes widened.

"Hurry up, eat quickly and earn money after eating." The children all said so.

Just like that, the children finished their meal with a snoring sound and a whimper.

Then he put down his chopsticks and ran out. Each person got a clay basket, found a bench or a wooden pillar to sit down on, and started to shave off the cow hair.

Zhang Shuzhen and Zhou Qinglan cleared the table with a smile, washed the dishes and put them away, and then came out to masturbate.

As for the troublemaker Sheng Xinhua, he had followed his grandfather out a long time ago.

People were masturbating there, so he would go over and grab a handful for this person, and another handful for that one. Anyway, as long as he had some to play with.

They pulled some wires out of the yard and hung the light bulbs on the clothesline. The family sat under the lights, talking and laughing, and started working.

There are ten people in the family, and except for Sheng Xinhua, who is a troublemaker, everyone else is very efficient at work.

Before nine o'clock, the huge pile of Niu Maoguang was all pulled out.

Sheng Yunfang and Sheng Yunfei worked quickly, and the two sisters loaded three baskets of soil. Sheng Xitai, who worked slower, also loaded a basket of soil.

Now that Zhang Shuzhen had let the word out, she naturally couldn't break her promise, so she took out money from her pocket and gave the sisters fifteen cents and Sheng Xitai five cents.

The three children took the money and jumped for joy.

“Okay, why don’t you quickly pack up and go to bed?
When I come back from school tomorrow, I'll finish all my homework and then continue to masturbate in the evening.

If you want to make money, you have to work hard. Let me see how much money you can make in one season? "Zhou Qinglan smiled and asked her sister-in-law and uncle to wash up and go to bed.

As for Sheng Xinhua, this guy was crazy. Even if there was a lot of excitement at night, he wouldn't go to bed early. He didn't rub his eyes until he finished masturbating and looked for his grandma.

Niu Maoguang doesn't just take it home and masturbate it, the most important thing is to expose it.

The four of us brought so much vegetables home every day, and Zhang Shuzhen was busy just kneading the vegetables and drying them.

So at this time, Sheng Xinhua could no longer stay at home and had to follow Zhou Qinglan to school.

Sheng Xinhua is older this year and can walk and run, so he cannot be placed like last year.

So Zhou Qinglan made a separate chair at the back of the classroom for Sheng Xinhua to sit in and let him listen to the class.

How can such a young child understand a fifth grade class?Sheng Xinhua couldn't sit still at all and always went to Sheng Xitai.

In the end, Zhou Qinglan had no choice but to move Sheng Xitai's deskmate elsewhere and let Sheng Xinhua sit with his uncle.

Not to mention, this little guy is the best with his uncle at home, and he also listens to his uncle at school.

During class, Sheng Xitai held his nephew's shoulder with his left hand and wrote homework with his right hand.

Sheng Xinhua was not tall enough, and his chin could barely reach the desk. Even so, the little guy stretched out his arms to hold a pen and paper, which did not delay him from writing and drawing.

Anyway, as long as Sheng Xinhua doesn't yell or yell in class, Zhou Qinglan doesn't care about the rest.

Sheng Xinhua doesn't sleep that much now. He plays with his mother at school in the morning and gets home for dinner at around [-] noon. When he feels sleepy after lunch, he takes a nap at home.

I slept until about two o'clock in the afternoon, just as Niu Maoguang had been kneaded into a ball. Just put it there to dry, and Zhang Shuzhen could free up her hands to take care of Sheng Xinhua.

Sheng Xiping and the others went up the mountain to collect cattle for two consecutive days. When they got up on the morning of the third day, the three brothers began to prepare for a walk in the mountain.

"Dad, the three of us won't be with you today. Let's go for a walk in the mountains to catch feet first.

If there are deer, we will get them back, if not, we will go north from the mountain over there.

There is a small waterlogged field on the other side, with a lot of cattle and hair in it. Let's go there. "

After breakfast, Sheng Xiping changed his clothes, put on his leggings, and then took the gun off the wall.

The main purpose of hunting salt nests and catching feet is to hunt deer.

Live deer run fast, and generally only tigers and leopards can catch deer.

But the deer that was caught cannot move. If it bleeds to death, the smell of mutton will easily attract the black blind man to eat it.

Therefore, Sheng Xiping not only brought five or six and a half, but also asked Sheng Xian to bring the No. 16 gun with him.

Three people with two guns, it's really a bit unexpected and they can take care of each other.

"Oh, okay, you three should be careful, or bring the dog with you.

At this time, the black blind man had just left the warehouse not long ago. He loves to attack people the most, so your mother and I can feel more at ease with the dog following us. "

His son went for a walk in the mountains for the sake of the family, so Sheng Liancheng naturally had no objection.Just a reminder, keep the dog on a leash.

Sheng Xiping also thought of this, so he fed the dog when he got up in the morning.

At this time, the three brothers packed up, brought lunch, and came out of the house with guns on their backs. When the dogs at home saw Sheng Xiping and the others dressed in this way, they all barked anxiously.

"Second child, third child, let's keep the dogs on a leash today. They haven't been wandering around in the mountains for some time, and they are all exhausted."

Sheng Xiping has been busy since he started planting trees. Haven't the dogs not gone up the mountain for some time?

Sheng Xian and Sheng Xikang followed the instructions, loosened the dog's chain, replaced it with a rope, and tied it with a live buckle.

The dogs often go up the mountain and know that they are going hunting. They are all very well-behaved and let Sheng Xi'an and the others tie the ropes.

The three brothers led two dogs each and came out from Sheng's house and went straight to the mountain behind the forest farm. Then they walked along the road in the back mountain in the direction where they made a salt nest and caught feet.

The dogs haven't been to the mountains for a long time, so they were very excited when they came out.

On the way, Erlangshen and Huabao found several traces of prey, but Sheng Xiping did not let them chase them.

The three of them walked the dog for more than twenty miles and headed straight for the hillside.

Before they even got close, Erlangshen and Huabao started barking.Sheng Xiping felt happy, it looked like there was something in store.

"Be careful. You don't know what's ahead, so don't be careless."

You have to be careful when sailing a thousand-year-old boat. When you go hunting in the mountains, you have to be careful everywhere. Who knows where a ferocious beast will appear from?

Erlangshen and Huabao barked very fiercely, and the other dogs also barked. After Sheng Xiping thought about it, he simply let go of the dogs.

It didn't matter if he let go, the six dogs rushed out like arrows from the string.

Sheng Xiping and Sheng Xian took off their guns, pulled down the bolts, and quickly followed.

At this time, on the hillside, where Sheng Xiping and the others had buried salt bricks, a male sika deer was lying down.

One of the deer's front hoofs stepped on the catching foot. The deer's hoof, which is similar to a cow's hoof, was firmly stuck by the nail in the catching foot.

The harder the deer struggled, the deeper the nails penetrated into its flesh, so the leg where it stepped on the claw was dripping with blood from the nails.

I don’t know how long ago the deer stepped on it, but it bled a lot and could only lie weakly on the ground.

Several dogs barked and rushed forward. When the deer saw this situation, he struggled to get up and try to run away.

But as soon as it came up, the leg started to hurt so much that he leaned over and fell down again.

Erlang Shen and other dogs haven't gone hunting in the mountains for a while. They finally saw a prey. How can they let it go?Erlangshen took the lead and went up to bite the deer.

Fortunately, Sheng Xiping and the others arrived in time. Before the dogs could tear the deer apart, the three brothers arrived.

"Er Langshen, go aside." Sheng Xiping greeted, and then stepped forward to kick the dog.

The dogs were all very smart, and when they saw their master raising his feet, they all immediately moved aside.

Sheng Xiping didn't waste any time. He picked up the gun and struck directly, giving the deer a good blow.

The deer was lying on the ground, but after being shot, it tilted its body and fell to the ground.

Fortunately, there are dead grass and fallen leaves all around, the ground is relatively soft, and the deer antlers are not broken.

Sheng Xiping hurriedly took out the short knife from his leggings and stepped forward to cut the deer antlers. "Second brother, hurry up and get the bottle to collect the deer antler blood."

The deer has just died and there is still blood in the antlers, which is a good thing.

The deer antler blood soaked in wine that Sheng Xiping obtained from killing deer the year before last was scattered and given away to others. This time, he just took some to make wine.

Sheng Xian quickly handed over the bottle, took some deer antler blood, and then corked the bottle.

Sheng Xiping cut off the deer antlers and carefully wrapped them in cloth. Then he opened the deer's chest with a knife, cut off the heart-protecting limbs, took out the deer's heart, and wrapped it in cloth as well.

Deer is full of treasures, and its heart is very effective in treating heart disease.

After taking out the deer's heart and cutting off the whip, Sheng Xiping looked at the remaining internal organs at the dogs who were watching eagerly, then simply divided the internal organs into several portions and fed them to the dogs.

If the offal of a deer is divided among six dogs, wouldn’t it taste good?

After a while, the dogs finished eating, and then gathered around Sheng Xiping, wagging their tails and wanting more food.

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(End of this chapter)

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