Chapter 352
The Liu brothers took the pancakes, followed Sheng Xiping's method, took off the meat skewers and put them on the pancakes, and added some shredded pickles.

Then roll up the pancake like this, put it in your mouth, take a big bite and chew twice.

The aroma of meat is mixed with the salty aroma of shredded pickles, and then wrapped in a large pancake with a hint of sweetness on the outside. Not to mention how fragrant it is.

"Hmm, um, it's delicious. You're a smart kid and you know how to think about what to eat."

Liu Yujiang nodded while eating. This was the first time he had eaten barbecue like this. It was delicious.

"It's a pity that there are no green onions. It would be more fragrant if there were some shredded green onions or something."

Sheng Xiping took a big bite of the pancake, chewed it slowly, savored it carefully, and then said something regretfully.

"You kid, please stop me. You're going hunting in the mountains, and you want to have all four eyes covered."

When the Liu brothers heard this, they all burst into laughter, and the shadow of being almost attacked by the blind man just now dissipated.

Just like that, while the three brothers were grilling meat, they showed off the more than ten pancakes Sheng Xiping brought.

With their appetites, it wouldn't be a big deal for three people to eat a dozen pancakes.

After finishing the pancakes, I added shredded pickles and ate all the sticky spoon.

After dinner, it was almost one o'clock. There were still two big brown bears in front of us. I didn't know how to transport them back.

"Brother, how about this? You and my second brother go back to the village with guns and drive two sledges back.

I will lead the dog and guard here first. Even if we are a little greedy today, we still have to get these two bears back.

Otherwise, if you leave it in the mountains for a night, it will be harmed by some wild beast. "

We usually hunt a wild boar or something, which weighs two to three hundred pounds. Even if it is a little bigger, three people can drag it back with a simple sledge.

But these two blind bears are such bosses. It is just a joke to expect the three of them to drag them back.

That's why Sheng Xiping said to let Liu Yujiang and his two brothers go back to drive the sledge.

"Besides, the three of us go up the mountain together, what's the point of leaving you alone?
Come on, let's go back together, then go back to the team and hitch the sledge before we come back together.

Most people can't get rid of these two big guys. Even if there are any wild beasts, they can't eat them all. There will always be some left.

Anyway, we have all the bear bile, how much meat is too much? "

How could Liu Yujiang let Sheng Xiping stay alone in the mountains? Who knew what kind of beasts were hidden in this big forest?

All six dogs were injured, full of food, and their combat effectiveness was reduced. What if they encountered some danger? How about bringing Sheng Xiping in?That's absolutely not okay.

After the three people discussed it, they decided to follow Liu Yujiang's advice and abandon the two bears on the mountain.

They led the dog back to the village first, then hitched the sledge to the mountain, and then brought the blind bear back.

So the three people extinguished the fire and led the dog back.

The dogs were all full, and all of them were a little lazy. They were not so excited on the way back. They only followed their owners and did not run around.

The group of people hurriedly returned to the forest farm and sent the dogs home. Then Liu Yuhe went to the animal shed and hitched up the two horse sledges.

The three brothers drove their horses and sledges, and galloped all the way back to the mountains. As they walked, the sky gradually darkened.

When they arrived at the place where the bears were killed during the day, a large group of crows landed on the carcasses of the two bears, trying to take advantage of them.

The three of them stepped forward, drove away the crows, and then used levers to pry the two bears onto the sledge little by little.

Brown bears are ferocious beasts. When the horse pulling the sledge smelled the smell of brown bears, it was so frightened that it snorted, screamed, and scratched with its hooves.

After finally getting the bear onto the sledge, as soon as the rope was untied, the horse spread its hooves and dragged the sledge back.

The three people hurriedly got on the sledge and drove the horses back on the sledge.

By the time Sheng Xiping and the others returned to the village, it was already past seven in the evening.

"Well, boss, don't unload it yet. Leave one of the blind bears alone and drive the sledge directly to Xiping's house to save yourself the trouble."

Liu Changde was anxious about waiting at home, so he wandered back and forth in and out of the house. Just when he was coming out this time, he saw Liu Yujiang and the others coming back.

Liu Changde quickly waved to Liu Yujiang and sent a blind bear to the Sheng family.

"Master, please don't. Just give me a little, but don't do so much." Upon hearing this, Sheng Xiping hurriedly stopped him.

Sheng Xiping didn't discover this place. He went up the mountain today just to help. How could he take away half of it?There is no such rule.

"What nonsense are you talking to your master about? These two guys are quite big, and they are both staying at my house. How can we eat them? Then we can't eat them until next year?"
You don't have to say anything, just listen to me, go home quickly, and then come back for dinner.

Your mistress and your sister-in-law have cooked several dishes and made some good wine. We haven't been together for a while, so let's have some drinks tonight. "

Liu Changde didn't care about that and waved his hand towards his son.

Liu Yujiang and Liu Yuhe understood, tied one of the sledges to the door of his house, and then drove the sledge to Sheng's house.

Sheng Xiping took a look and hurriedly ran back to the forest farm and arrived in front of his house.

Before the sledge could stop, the dogs in the yard smelled the bear's scent, and instantly became riotous, barking.

The people in the house heard the noise and hurriedly came out to check, "I just came back. I'm almost exhausted waiting at home.

have you eaten?Come in and eat quickly. "When Zhang Shuzhen saw that it was her son and the Liu brothers, she quickly invited them into the house for dinner.

"Auntie, we won't stay to eat. We have cooked a lot of food at home, and my father is waiting for us to go back and have a drink."

Liu Yujiang waved his hand, and together with Liu Yuhe and Sheng Xiping, used a pole to pull the big blind man off the sledge, and then found a way to get into the yard.

"Oh my god, you're such a big blind guy?"

Zhang Shuzhen took a flashlight and shined it on the ground, and she was startled. It was really rare for such a blind bear to be like this.

"Let's go, Xiping, come home with us for dinner. Didn't my dad just say that? Just wait for us."

The three of them got Blind Xiong into the yard, and Liu Yujiang called Sheng Xiping and asked him to have dinner together.

"Brother, second brother, I have to be on duty tonight. Besides, this guy hasn't been dealt with yet, so I won't go over to eat.

You two tell my master, and I will go there tomorrow to have a nice drink with him. "

Sheng Xiping has gone home now. How can Sheng Xiping go to Liu's house for dinner?Not to mention that he is working the night shift this week, even this big guy on the ground has to be dealt with.

Otherwise, if you leave it outside to freeze overnight, it will freeze hard tomorrow. How do you clean it up?

"Look, if I had known I wouldn't let you come back just now. Okay, I'll tell the old man later."

Liu Yujiang looked at the blind bear on the ground, and then thought that he had something to deal with at home. It was really not a good time to eat and drink tonight, so he might as well try another day.

In this way, the two brothers said goodbye to the Sheng family and drove their horses and sledges back to the base.

Then I unloaded the blind bear at home, and took care of the blind bear in the yard with a torch or something.

The same was true for the Sheng family. Zhang Shuzhen called out sisters Sheng Yunfang and Sheng Yunfei to help light up the situation with torches.

Sheng Xiping took advantage of the light and quickly skinned the blind bear.

When Sheng Xiping and the others drove the sledge back into the mountain, Liu Changde asked his eldest daughter-in-law to go to the forest farm to talk to the Sheng family.When Zhang Shuzhen heard this, her son went into the mountain and killed the blind bear. He might come back at some time in the evening.

Just in case, after dinner, Zhang Shuzhen asked Sheng Xikang to go to the security department to take over duty for his brother.

In this way, Sheng Xiping didn't have to rush back to work in the field department.

So he chopped off the bear's paws steadily, peeled off the bear's skin, and divided the bear's meat into pieces.

The bear meat is fatter and less lean, so it is said that it is better to save some oil for cooking.

But the Sheng family has no shortage of oil this year. There are several jars in the house filled with oil, and there is no place to put it now.

So Zhang Shuzhen said, put the meat outside to freeze first. When you have free time, give some to the Zhou family and keep the rest to eat later.

Anyway, winter is still here. If you really can’t finish it, you can wait until spring and it’s almost too late to bake it again.

So, Sheng Xiping placed the bear meat piece by piece on the panel, as well as the two broken door panels.

Sheng Yunfang, Sheng Yunfei, Sheng Xitai, Chen Feng, and a few others carried water from the house and poured it on the meat over and over again to form a layer of ice on the surface of the meat.

This keeps the meat fresh for a long time without drying out.

After finishing all this work, Sheng Xiping had time to go inside and grab a bite of rice.

After that, he didn't stay at home. He hurried to the security department and replaced Sheng Xikang, who stayed there on duty.

Originally, Sheng Xiping wanted to take advantage of the night shift to go up the mountain a few more times to catch some prey for the New Year.

But one day after entering the mountain, three dogs were injured. The big dog Erlang Shen was seriously injured, and the remaining three were puppies.

Without good dogs, Sheng Xiping would not be able to take them into the mountains to hunt dogs.

In desperation, Sheng Xiping had no choice but to go down the mountain and use a trap or trap, or he could sneak around with his gun on his shoulder.

Putting on a snare or trap tests the hunter's eyesight and experience. He has to judge what animals will pass by on the road and what kind of snare is needed to catch the prey.

Not to mention sneaking around, which will test the hunter's tracking skills and marksmanship.

It can be said that if you are good at sneaking around, you can't go wrong with anything else, whether it's dog sieging or fighting siege.

Sheng Xiping's skills in sneaking around are also pretty good. If you wander around in the mountains for a day, you can always gain something no matter how big or small.

During a week's night shift, in addition to bringing home a big brown bear on the first day, Sheng Xiping also trapped a raccoon dog, pinched two otters, and also shot two pigs and a roe deer. Anyway, the harvest was not small.

On December 24th and 25th, Maekawa Primary and Secondary School final exams will be held.

Sheng Xitai is already a fifth-grade student and will graduate from elementary school to junior high school next year.

These days, schools in the forestry system are a bit better. It’s not difficult to get promoted from primary school to junior high school. It’s almost entirely a burden.

As long as the students don't want to miss it, they have no choice but to go home.Generally, you can finish junior high school or high school.

Even so, Zhou Qinglan was very strict with Sheng Xitai's homework.

During the final review period, Zhou Qinglan gave Sheng Xitai questions every day to test him. Sheng Xitai did a lot of exercises and reviewed enough, so he was not afraid of the exam.

Chen Feng is still young, only in the second grade. Zhou Qinglan is not so strict, but this child is very strong. He actively asks Zhou Qinglan to give him questions and takes the initiative to review every day when he goes home.

As for the older ones, they are all sensible. Zhou Qinglan doesn't need to worry about it. He just needs to find some questions for them to do.

With a sister-in-law like Zhou Qinglan, the children in the Sheng family all compete with each other in their studies. Even if they don't say it openly, they are competing behind the scenes, and they all want to get good grades in the exam.

Final exams are over and the kids go home for the holidays.

This year we will not allow small areas to go unproductive, and there are many families on the other side of the large alkaline field who do not have much surplus food to sell.

Sticky corn, rhubarb rice, etc. are not easy to buy. Zhang Shuzhen thought about it, forget it if you don’t have it. At worst, it won’t include a sticky spoon. What can be done?
Although she no longer had a fire spoon, Zhang Shuzhen was not idle either. She soaked and grinded the rice balls, then led her daughter-in-law and daughter to bake pancakes at home.

There are actually two types of pancakes in the Northeast. One is the large pancakes that are usually eaten, also called hard pancakes, and the other is called soft pancakes.

The two pancakes have different ingredients and are cooked in different ways.

Soft pancakes have more cooked rice and are easier to bake, similar to pancakes made with pancakes.

Pour a spoonful of pancake foam onto the griddle, turn it around with the push plate and gently push it into a round shape.

You don't need to scrape it with a scraper after that, but just wait for the batter to be cooked, flip it over and bake it, fold it in half again, and then put it on the curtain or panel to cool down and install it.

Because there is no scraping process, the soft pancakes are small, soft, and thick, and the thickness is uneven in some places.

This kind is usually left outside and frozen. When eating, it needs to be marinated in the pot.

Ordinary large pancakes need to be scraped with a scraper until they are cooked, so they are larger, very dry and thin. When eating, you need to dust them with water and stuff them for a while before stacking them up to eat.

No matter what kind, it is actually just a change of eating whole grains. Otherwise, eating pancakes and cornbread all day long will become boring after a long time.

Three days after the exam, the school teachers finished marking the papers and compiled the class score list.

Then, the children return to school to listen to their results, and the teacher assigns holiday homework. This is how the happy holiday begins.

"Brother, where do you think I got in the exam this time?"

Sheng Xiping had returned to the day shift. When he went home for lunch at noon, Sheng Xitai walked up to his eldest brother with a proud look on his face.

"Hey, look at how proud you are, what's going on? Can you still get first place in the exam?"

When Sheng Xiping saw his younger brother's arrogant and arrogant expression, he knew that this naughty boy must have good grades, so he asked deliberately.

"Oh, brother, can't you cooperate? It's so boring."

When Sheng Xitai heard this, he became unhappy and ran away sulking with a pout on his lips.

"Daughter-in-law, where did the sixth grader get in the exam? How does he really rank first in the exam?"

Sheng Xiping did not try to coax his brother, but deliberately turned his head to talk to his wife.

Zhou Qinglan just laughed there, "As an elder brother, what can you do if you just try to coax your younger brother and give him a few compliments? The sixth child ranked first in the class in the final exam this year."

"Not only the sixth child, Chen Feng is also first, but also our fourth and fifth sisters. They are ranked first and second in the class, and Xikang is also first."

This year, the results of several children in the Sheng family can be said to be in full bloom, and they are all very good.

There are reasons why the children study hard and work hard. Of course, Zhou Qinglan’s guidance is also indispensable.

Because of this, Zhang Shuzhen made a special request to make wontons for dinner this afternoon.

Originally, I wanted to make dumplings, but Zhou Qinglan said that New Year's Day was coming soon, so it would be better to make dumplings then.

Otherwise, if I eat it today, will it be wrapped or not wrapped on New Year’s Day?
Zhang Shuzhen thought it made sense when she heard it, so she decided to make wontons in the afternoon.

Instead of vegetables, just use meat and chopped green onions. Then add more fillings, like a meat and egg.

Anyway, we have plenty of meat at home, so let’s eat it, why would we keep it if we don’t eat it?

(End of this chapter)

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