Rebirth: the fiery age of Mori Gong's children

Chapter 328 The Rules Have Changed

Chapter 328 The Rules Have Changed
Zhou Qinglan fed the baby, and Zhang Shuzhen found out a new set of clothes, changed the baby into it, wrapped it in a quilt, and sent it to the Dongwu Kang.

There are two kangs in the north and south of the east house. The kangs are hot for cooking and cooking during the Chinese New Year, and the room is not cold.

Sheng Liancheng cared about his grandson, so he took Sheng Xinhua out of the blanket and put him on his lap to coax him.

The little baby is about to be born. He doesn't sleep all the time like before. He gets up and plays for two hours every morning, and then gets up and plays from around five o'clock in the afternoon. He can play until around eight o'clock or almost nine o'clock before going to bed.

Such a little guy doesn't know anything else, anyway, he just lies on Sheng Liancheng's lap, dancing, and chatting with Sheng Liancheng from time to time.

But Sheng Liancheng was so happy that he imitated his little grandson and chatted with him. The grandfather and grandson just talked like a duck, which was quite interesting.

With Sheng Liancheng, Sheng Xitai, and Chen Feng coaxing the children, Zhang Shuzhen could rest assured and go about other things.

Zhou Qinglan also took the opportunity to gather the Westinghouse and tidy it up.

Of course, the baby was awake and playing, and had just finished feeding, so he must have peed a lot.

Sheng Liancheng didn't know how to pee on the child, and when he was playing, he felt something was wrong, why was his leg so hot?
Looking down, good guy, the little grandson's urine splash is not small, not to mention the wet diaper, and even wet Sheng Liancheng's cotton trousers.

"Oh, old lady, hurry up, my grandson has peed on me." Sheng Liancheng couldn't laugh or cry, and hurriedly called Zhang Shuzhen to deal with it.

"You just pee when you pee, what's the big deal? Our grandson is trying to see if you know how to date? How good is it for a child to pee?"

Zhang Shuzhen laughed when she heard this. While laughing, she took out the diaper and replaced it with a dry one.

By the way, I wiped Sheng Liancheng's cotton pants with the dry area on the edge of the diaper.

After tidying up, Sheng Liancheng put his little grandson on his lap again, and chattered with him.

Xiao Xinhua is also very interesting, chatting with grandpa, raising his calf, and trying to reach his feet.

The two brothers Sheng Xi'an, Sheng Xikang took turns, and they chopped out the minced meat in a short while.

After that, according to Zhang Shuzhen's intention, I chopped up the washed cabbage and shredded radish that had been blanched long ago, and squeezed the water dry.

Northeast people make dumplings, and many dishes can be used as fillings.

For example, shepherd's purse, celery, Cantonese vegetables, and thorns in spring, leeks, yellow mushrooms, celery and peppers in summer, mustard stalks in autumn, and sauerkraut in winter, these are more classic dumpling fillings.

But during the Chinese New Year, most people stuffed with cabbage and radish, and so did the Sheng family.

Add salt, monosodium glutamate, pepper noodles, soy sauce and other seasonings to the minced meat and marinate it. All the vegetable fillings are squeezed dry and put in balls in a basin for later use.

Make the noodles over there, and when the noodles are almost awake, break up the vegetable stuffing dumplings, pour a little oil in and stir them, this is to prevent the cabbage stuffing from meeting the salt and water later.

Stir well, then pour in chopped green onion and meat filling together, use chopsticks or hands to mix the stuffing evenly.

Some people like to eat ginger, and a little ginger is also put in the dumpling filling.

The dumplings for the Chinese New Year must be made in a good manner, so it is not easy to wrap them randomly, and the whole family cannot make them together.

Zhang Shuzhen led his daughter-in-law and daughter to make dumplings, Sheng Liancheng coaxed the children, and Sheng Xiping led his younger brother to fry melon seeds, hazelnuts, pine nuts and so on.

Around 06:30, the four mothers started to work. Zhou Qinglan took the dough, Sheng Yunfang rolled out the dough, and Zhang Shuzhen and Sheng Yunfei made the dough.

The four mothers cooperated very well, and the package was also very fast.

Zhang Shuzhen was happy this year, and she put steel coins, dates, peanuts, sugar and other things into the dumplings for a penny.

There are many children in the family, coax the children to play.

Sheng Xiping was in the kitchen, frying all kinds of dried fruits in one pot after another.

After frying in a pot, use a strainer to put it on the dustpan, and bring it to the house for everyone to eat.

The melon seeds were grown by myself, and Zhou Qinglan ate a lot during her pregnancy, and the rest was fried in two pots.

Don't even think about peanuts, they are all in short supply, and they are supplied according to the population during the Chinese New Year, two taels per person.

There are so many people in the Sheng family, that is, two catties of peanuts, and they have to save them for frying as a dish or something. It is impossible for the children to eat them casually.

Fortunately, there are large forests all around, which are rich in products. There are hazelnuts, pine nuts and so on in the mountains.

This year the pine nuts were not harvested, and the pine cones Sheng Xiping and the others harvested were not sold, so they simply kept them for their own consumption.

In terms of eating, Sheng Xitai is a professional. He doesn't like to eat melon seeds, but he likes pine nuts very much.

So I prepared the pliers early and put the pine nuts into the nest on the side of the pliers.

When you clamp it hard with your hands, the pine nut shell is broken, but the flesh inside is still intact.

This kid is so weird, he doesn't just eat one after picking it up, but he keeps pinching it with pliers.

After making a pile, he would give the pliers to others and slowly pick at the pine nuts to eat.

On New Year's Eve, the forest farm provided power all night, and every household had all the lights on in their houses and lanterns on in their yards.

At this time, if you stand on the slope of Nanshan and look down, you can see the bright lights of every house on the side of the forest farm.

Compared with the forest farm, the other side of the large alkali farm is much darker. There is no power supply there, and candles are always lit at night.

At around nine o'clock, Sheng Xinhua felt sleepy and began to take a restful sleep.

Zhou Qinglan could no longer work, so she took her son back to the west room and nursed him to sleep.

It happened that Sheng Xiping had finished his work, so he came over to take over his wife's work, kneading the dough and picking up the ingredients.

This kind of force is used to pull the glue, Sheng Xiping will not use this force, so he just used a kitchen knife to cut the glue.

During the day, the children were having fun and didn't sleep. At around ten o'clock, Chen Feng felt a little sleepy, and sat there nodding his head.

"Aren't there frozen pears and frozen persimmons in the outer room? Lao Liu went to see if they were frozen?
Bring it here for you and Xiaofeng to eat, refresh yourself. When Zhang Shuzhen saw it, she hurriedly yelled at her youngest son to go to work.

The frozen pears and frozen persimmons were from Sheng Xiping who went to Songjianghe to deliver pork to the Zhou family, and Wang Chunxiu picked up two bags and brought them back.

Years ago, the bureau brought back a batch of frozen pears and persimmons from other places, and each unit distributed welfare.

Two employees, Zhou Mingyuan and Wang Chunxiu, sent out double copies, and they happened to bring one back to the Sheng family.

The forest farm is located in a remote area, and it is inconvenient to get to Songjiang River. Everything we eat is provided by the supply and marketing cooperative.

Frozen pears, frozen persimmons, etc., whichever year are the most shipped, it will be the turn of the forest farm. If there are few shipped, the forest farm will be out of reach.

After doing the math, Sheng Xitai seems to have eaten frozen pears twice, as for the frozen persimmons, he has never seen them.

So when Sheng Xitai heard that there was something delicious, he immediately opened his eyes and dragged Chen Feng to the outhouse.

The two found a straw hat enamel basin, picked up four or five frozen pears and two frozen persimmons, and came back happily.

Sheng Liancheng and Zhang Shuzhen are both at this age, can they still argue with their children?The two of them excused that the thing was too cold and their teeth couldn't stand it, so they didn't eat it.

Sheng Xiping did not hesitate to compete with his younger siblings for this one, but he refused to eat it.

So Sheng Xi'an and the others each shared a frozen pear, took it and took a bite.

The frozen pears are frozen with flower-covered pears, and the skin is black and ugly.

As a result, I bit off the outer skin, revealing the white and delicate pear flesh inside, and lightly inhaled, the sweet and sour pear juice entered my mouth, which immediately lifted people's spirits.

Chen Feng, who ate frozen pears for the first time since he could remember, his eyes lit up at the moment the pear juice entered his mouth, with a surprised and incredible expression on his face.

For the children in the Northeast these days, frozen pears are already one of the few fruits they can eat. It is a rare good thing and very delicious.

"Uncle, this frozen pear is delicious." Chen Feng took a bite of the pear meat and said vaguely.

"Oh, this frozen pear is not what you eat, you suck the water inside first, and then eat the pear meat.

Otherwise, all the water would have dripped, which would be a pity. "Sheng Xitai saw that Chen Feng was not eating right, so he quickly taught him the correct way to eat.

Chen Feng groaned, and followed the method taught by his uncle, first sucked the pear juice a few times, and then ate the pear meat.

A frozen pear is not that big, and Chen Feng can eat it quite well now. He finished it in a short while.

The frozen pears that have just come out are cold, and there is still ice in the center.

After eating a frozen pear, Chen Feng was no longer sleepy, and he and Sheng Xitai took a few firecrackers and set them off outside.

Here, the dumplings were almost finished. Zhang Shuzhen looked at the clock on the wall and it was not yet 10:30.

"Second and third, hurry up and boil the water. Eat your dumplings and go to bed early."

There are many children in the family, and I haven't slept during the day, so I won't be able to bear it in a while, so I should finish eating earlier.

Just now, Sheng Xiping cleaned the pot after frying the pine nuts, filled most of the pot with water, and there were still charcoal at the bottom of the pot.

At this time, just throw a few pieces of fine dry firewood into the bottom of the pot, and the fire will be hot in a short time. The water in the pot is already warm, and it will boil quickly.

Zhang Shuzhen covered the two curtain dumplings with white cloth and carried them to a high place in the warehouse. These will be frozen and cooked and eaten tomorrow morning.

The rest, wait for the water to boil, and put it directly into the pot.

The dumplings were cooked in the house, and Sheng Liancheng led his sons to set off firecrackers outside.

Sheng Xiping didn't go out, but went to the Westinghouse and covered his son's ears, for fear that the sound of firecrackers would frighten the child.

Unexpectedly, the little guy slept soundly and was not affected at all.

The dogs of the Sheng family are used to hearing gunshots, and they are not afraid of the sound of firecrackers.

Even the two puppies, Zhaocai and Wangfu, wagged their tails calmly, watching the family members setting off firecrackers outside.

If it were an ordinary dog, especially a puppy from back then, he would have been so scared that he would have huddled in a corner and shivered.

After the string of firecrackers was set off, Sheng Liancheng led the children to set off some flash thunders, two kicks, sky-scurrying monkeys and so on.

If Chen Feng didn't dare to let it go, he could let a Sky-Speeding Monkey go.

Seeing the flying monkey flying up with a squeak and exploding in mid-air, Chen Feng was so happy that he jumped up and down, clapped his hands and cheered.

"It was so much fun, so much fun."

"When you are older in a few years, grandpa will teach you to play flash mines, that's more fun."

Sheng Liancheng patted the top of Chen Feng's head with a smile, and said kindly.

"Well, well, I must eat well and grow up quickly." Chen Feng nodded happily.

At this time, the dumplings were also cooked in the house, and Zhang Shuzhen shouted to the people in the yard to come in and eat.

Upon entering the house, Sheng Liancheng realized that the rules had really changed this year.

Instead of scooping up the soup with a spoon in the basin like in previous years, they scooped up the dumplings on a plate with a strainer. Sheng Yunfang and Sheng Yunfei were carrying the plates to the house.

During the Chinese New Year last year, the whole family, except Sheng Liancheng, objected to eating dumplings with soup.

Zhang Shuzhen said at the time that the rules must be changed in the coming year.Unexpectedly, this year I really practiced this saying, and changed it to dry food.

Sheng Liancheng sighed, okay, if you change it, just change it. What can you do?This is the first year that my daughter-in-law has entered the family, so she has to get used to it.

Therefore, Sheng Liancheng walked into the house without saying anything and sat on the edge of the Kang.

Several boys entered the room to wash their hands, and also helped to serve dumplings on the table.

After Zhou Qinglan had settled down his sleeping son, he came out of the Westinghouse and brought garlic sauce and a stack of small dishes.

"Okay, okay, let's sit down and eat dumplings. Let me tell you, these dumplings are filled with money, dates, peanuts, and sugar. Let's see what you can eat."

Zhang Shuzhen looked over at Sheng Liancheng's side, and saw that there was nothing unusual on Sheng Liancheng's face, so she pursed her lips and greeted the children to eat while secretly laughing.

Sheng Xiping came in from the outer room and was stunned when he saw the dumplings on the table.

Unexpectedly, the family rules are really changed as soon as they are said to be changed. I don’t know what my father thinks in his heart, and whether he will feel uncomfortable because of changing the old rules.

Sheng Xiping secretly glanced at his father, seeing that Sheng Liancheng's expression was normal, and he didn't look unhappy, so he was relieved.

So, everyone sat down, put a small dish in front of each person, scooped some garlic sauce, vinegar, etc. into the bowl, and started eating dumplings.

The few little ones were all working hard and wanted to get a lucky break, but they all hesitated and didn't know which dumpling to put.

Sheng Xiping didn't care about that, just picked it up and put it in his mouth.

As a result, as soon as I bit it, I felt my teeth hurt. I looked down and found that there was a penny steel coin wrapped in the dumpling.

"Hey, Xiping made some money from eating. That's great. I'll definitely make more money in the coming year."

Seeing Sheng Liancheng and Zhang Shuzhen, they said in unison.

Over there, Zhou Qinglan also felt that the dumpling was not right, so she lowered her head and took a look, and wrapped two peanuts inside.

"Hey, our Qinglan is also good, and we will be promoted step by step in the coming year." Peanut, which is a homonym for "sheng", isn't it just a step-by-step promotion?

When the little ones saw that their brothers and sister-in-law had eaten something, they became red-eyed and kept eating hard.

As a result, Sheng Xi'an ate a peanut, Sheng Xitai ate a piece of candy, and Chen Feng ate a jujube.

Anyway, no matter what they ate, everyone was very happy. The New Year's Eve was originally just to coax the children to play.

Taking the opportunity, Sheng Liancheng told the story of his hometown.

There used to be a landlord's house. The mother-in-law didn't want to see her daughter-in-law. She had to wrap charcoal in the dumplings on New Year's Eve. She said that the daughter-in-law had a dark heart and would definitely eat the charcoal.

When eating dumplings at night, the mother-in-law waited and waited, but she didn't see her daughter-in-law eating charcoal. In the end, she was bitten by his man.

The charcoal was bitten into pieces, and there was black foam all over his mouth. The man who was so angry immediately lifted the table and scolded the mother-in-law.

"This is called harming others and harming oneself. Some people, just thinking about the hardships I have suffered, have to let their daughter-in-law suffer.

People live a lifetime, why bother to care about so much?
Being a mother-in-law also came from the time when her daughter-in-law was a daughter-in-law. It was not easy for me at the beginning, so I had to be more considerate of others.

Isn’t it good for the family to live happily together?You have to be in a state of complete chaos and are all unhappy? "

Zhang Shuzhen smiled, she never thought about it that way, she must not let her daughter-in-law suffer from the hardships she has suffered.

After ten years of looking after the mother-in-law and ten years of looking after the daughter-in-law, if she is good to her daughter-in-law, she will be unable to move when she is old, and her daughter-in-law will be good to her. This is called two good things plus one good thing.

(End of this chapter)

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