Rebirth: the fiery age of Mori Gong's children

Chapter 317 Being a father is not easy

Chapter 317 Being a father is not easy

Cao Yufen has been married to Guo Shuzeng for more than thirty years, she is already this age, if her husband and son are kicked out, what will happen in the future?

Thinking of this, even if Cao Yufen wanted to be harsh, she didn't dare.

"Xi Ping, please don't say anything to your uncle Guo.

Well, the aunt just watched Baojun come home and cried, she felt sorry for her grandson for a while, and said a few unpleasant words to Xiaofeng. "

"Xiaofeng, did you hear, this Grandma Guo is talking nonsense, don't take her words seriously.

Remember, you are the grandson of the Sheng family, even if your uncle has a child of his own, he will love you just the same. "

Zhang Shuzhen patted Chen Feng on the shoulder, lowered her head and said to Chen Feng.

"No one will drive you away. When you are at home, you can eat whatever you like. Our family can afford you, do you understand?"

"Well, grandma, I know, I won't believe anyone who says it in the future."

Little Chen Feng is very smart, why doesn't he believe the Sheng family's attitude?
"Mom, let's go home then? It's so cold, don't freeze Lao Liu and Xiaofeng to death."

On the night of the twelfth lunar month, the cold wind was biting, they just stood in this yard talking, drank the cool wind, and if they didn't go home, they would freeze through in a while.

"Well, let's go home." Zhang Shuzhen nodded, took Chen Feng's hand with one hand, walked out of the gate of Guo's house without even looking at the old woman of Guo's house.

Sheng Xitai and Sheng Xiping didn't pay any attention to anyone, just followed behind their mother and left.

The mother-in-law of the Guo family was wearing a small cotton-padded jacket with only a big cotton-padded jacket over her body. She was already completely frozen in the heat.

Seeing that the Sheng family left, she turned around and ran into the house, rubbing her hands and breathing, and muttering bad things.

"Didn't you see that their family made things difficult for me? Are you dead? Don't you know how to come out and speak for me?

Who am I for?Isn't it for your son of a bitch?
He was bullied outside, if you don't show up, I will take it out on him, and when I turn back, I will be scolded like my third grandson.

It's good for you, you hide in the house and don't go out, why are you pretending to be a good person? "

This woman lost face in front of the Sheng family, and turned around to trouble her daughter-in-law.

"Mom, how do I know what they are here for? I thought it would be fine if you went out.

Baoguo is sleepy and wants to sleep, Baogang is hungry and wants to nurse, I have to take care of the child first. "

The eldest daughter-in-law of Guo's family has been married for many years, and she doesn't know how much she has been angry with her mother-in-law.

It's not good for her to confront her mother-in-law blatantly, but seeing her mother-in-law let the Sheng family train her to be so virtuous, she doesn't know how to relieve her anger, can she go out and speak for her mother-in-law?

"As soon as you say it, you know to take my grandson's top bag and roll around. Seeing you makes me upset. I'm freezing to death. Hurry up and get me a basin of hot water to wash my feet."

Guo's mother-in-law was so angry with her daughter-in-law that she turned around and went into the house to warm herself.

"You call it yourself. I have to cut in the door and put the child to sleep. The three cubs are all clamoring to go to bed."

In the past, she was always angry with her mother-in-law. When something went wrong, her mother-in-law would fight to the death and live, forcing her to obey.

But tonight, the eldest daughter-in-law of the Guo family understood that the mother-in-law of his family is a paper tiger, a bully and a bully.

In the future, she doesn't care about those things, just coax the children well and take care of herself, at worst, she will be separated.

Not to mention the discord between the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law of the Guo family, but Sheng Xiping and Zhang Shuzhen were terribly cold after going out for a long time.

Zhang Shuzhen hugged Chen Feng in her arms and rubbed his little hands, "Grandson, don't you worry this time?
Every day, don't listen to the nonsense of those people outside, they are all jealous of you, and they are deliberately angry with you.

If you cry, they will be happy.

In the future, if anyone talks about you again, you can scold you back. It’s okay, if you make trouble, grandma will help you. "

Zhang Shuzhen was still flustered with anger, mainly because she felt that she didn't perform well tonight.

Originally, she had planned that if Cao Yufen didn't say good things and acted like a rascal, she would fight it out tonight, and she would definitely scratch that woman's face.

Also let outsiders know that she, Zhang Shuzhen, is not so easy to mess with. In the future, anyone who wants to say something in front of the child will have to weigh it.

The results of it?When Cao Yufen first met, Zhang Shuzhen was full of anger and had nowhere to vent her anger. She only said a few words that were neither salty nor bland.

Boring, too boring.

Sheng Xiping shook his head with a smile when he heard his mother's words. This old lady loves the child so much, can she say this in front of the child?
"Ahem, mom, it's getting late, let them all pack up and go to bed.

I will be with Qing Lan and the child at night, you must have not slept well last night, take a good rest tonight. "

The most important thing right now is to serve Zhou Qinglan. Sheng Xiping only has a few days off. He will try his best to do what he can. It is his duty to take good care of his wife and son.

"Oh, no need, I'll just live there. You don't know anything, you know how to change a diaper?"

Zhang Shuzhen immediately waved her hands when she heard it. In the thinking of the older generation, men are all clumsy, how can they serve confinement?

"It's okay, Mom, I can't learn. I am the father of the child, and these are what I should do.

It's just a few days of vacation, I can't get tired. "Sheng Xiping insisted on his opinion.

"Okay, then you can go to live in that room, and be alert when you sleep at night, and get up quickly when the child cries.

Don't be like your dad, who said to help me comfort the child, but at night he slept more than anyone else, snoring loudly. "

Zhang Shuzhen remembered how her man behaved when she gave birth, and couldn't help complaining.

Sheng Xiping suppressed a smile and nodded. "Understood, Mom, don't worry."

After finishing speaking, Sheng Xiping went out from this room to visit his wife and children in the West Room.

"How about you going to Guo's house? Didn't you make a fuss?"

Zhou Qinglan hadn't slept yet. She had just heard what Sheng Yunfang said about what was going on, and she was worried all the time, for fear that her mother-in-law and husband would have a conflict with the Guo family, and it would be bad if it got too big.

"It's okay, with me here, can we make our mother suffer? The Guo family's mother-in-law is a bully and fearful master. When she sees us passing by, she will be soft first.

Tonight is mainly to reassure Xiaofeng, we are not rushing to fight. "

Sheng Xiping got on the kang, sat next to his wife and son, and looked at the sleeping little guy.

"Daughter-in-law, you are highly educated, think about it and give our son a name.

In the future, I have to go to the venue to register for him. I can’t do it without being named. "

Sheng Xiping suddenly remembered that the baby had been born for two days, and the name hadn't been named yet.

"I'm going to name it, so my dad can't come? I'll give it a name, and my dad won't be happy about it later."

Zhou Qinglan shook her head, she didn't dare to take on this job, naming it was the job of the elders in the family.

Which word should the children of this generation commit, what are the names of the children of the same generation in my hometown, and what are the names of the older generation in the family.

These are the in-laws who know best. Zhou Qinglan doesn't know, so she doesn't dare to give them indiscriminately, and it will make her in-laws unhappy.

"It's okay, how can you pay so much attention to choosing a name? We live in the Northeast, so we don't have to fight with our hometown, as long as it sounds nice."

Sheng Xiping didn't care much about these things. The name was just a title, as long as it was easy to hear and remember, there was no need to pay so much attention to it.

Sheng Liancheng and his wife are not very educated, and the six children are all named by someone else, and it is impossible to care too much about the grandchildren.

Zhou Qinglan is the most educated person in the Sheng family, and the name she gave, Sheng Liancheng and his wife will definitely not find fault.

Even though Sheng Xiping said that, Zhou Qinglan didn't dare to agree to it outright. She still made a very cautious suggestion that she could think a little more.

Wait until you have consulted your parents-in-law before deciding on it.

Sheng Xiping thought about it too. After all, this is the grandson of the second elder. For such a big event as naming, grandparents always have a sense of participation.

The couple babbled for a while, just as the little baby woke up, pursed his mouth and began to cry.

Sheng Xiping quickly picked up the child, unpacked it and was watched.

"Hey, I've had a big pee. This pee is big enough. It almost washed your parents away."

This peeing was not small, the small and big lapels were all wet, and even the quilt wrapped outside was a little wet.

While talking, Sheng Xiping pulled out both the small and the big ones.

Then he stretched out his hand from the pile of quilts on the top of the kang, grabbed them together, folded them up twice, and placed them under his son's buttocks indiscriminately.

"It's not like this. You have to put the big bag on the bottom first, then put the baby on it, and then put the small bag on it."

Zhou Qinglan was lying down, and when she got up, she was a step too late, and could only watch helplessly as her husband put up the bed for the child indiscriminately.

Zhou Qinglan sighed helplessly, and quickly moved forward, took what Sheng Xiping was holding, and started to do it herself.

"Look at it, nest the corner of the big lap, and then support the child's neck with one hand and buttocks with the other, and move him onto the big lap.

Then fold the small scorpion into long strips and put it under the buttocks. "Zhou Qinglan taught Sheng Xiping while changing his son's lapels.

The small sacks are made from the family’s old clothes, old sheets, etc. The old ones are softer, made of pure cotton, and have better water absorption.

For these bad things, Zhang Shuzhen turned all the boxes and cabinets at home upside down, cut them out, scalded them with boiling water, and dried them in the sun before carefully folding them up and putting them away for later use.

The big sash is a pure blue or pure red cotton cloth bought from a store. It is three feet wide and stretches exactly three feet long.

Generally speaking, blue is used for giving birth to a boy, and red is used for giving birth to a girl.

Of course, most people usually prepare red and blue pieces.

In addition, Zhang Shuzhen also washed and ironed the belt worn by Sheng Xiping and Zhou Qinglan when they got married, and used it as a big belt.

Even so, this zipper is not enough, you can change it at any time and wash it at any time.

Fortunately, a fire wall was built under the north wall of the house, and the urgently used bamboo shoots were spread on the fire wall, and the rest were spread on the kang, or hung on the rope to dry.

Anyway, the house looks pretty good now, with colorful flags waving everywhere.

Putting the small sash on the mat, wrapping the big sash, and wrapping the quilt outside, Zhou Qinglan hugged the child in her arms, and unbuttoned the front of her clothes to nurse.

"Quickly put the quilt on the kang to dry for a while, I think it's just a little wet, it's not worth washing.

You take out the big beanbags, scrub them clean, and spread them on the fire wall to dry. This bastard can eat and pee, and four yuan of big beanbags a night may not be enough. "

Zhou Qinglan glanced at Sheng Xiping and signaled him to go to work.

"Okay, I'll go right now."

Sheng Xiping wasn't impatient, that's how raising a child was, the baby in confinement couldn't urinate, and there were no diapers for future generations, so he could only wash frequently when he used diapers.

In this way, Sheng Xiping took the replaced girdle, went to the outhouse to fetch water, scrubbed it with soap once, threw it in clean water twice, wrung it dry, and brought it back to the house.

Feel the slats on the fire wall, stack the dry ones and put them on the kang, and put the wet ones on top to dry.

After he finished all this, Zhou Qinglan also fed the baby, reached out to touch it, and found that the leg was dry, then put the baby on the pillow and covered it with a small quilt.

The pillow was sewn with red cloth and filled with millet.

Newborn babies generally have a big back of the head, and most people in Northeast China put their children to sleep on their heads, mainly to make the back of their heads sleep flat, saying that it looks so good.

If someone's child doesn't fall asleep, others will have to say, look at your child, who runs up and down the stairs and spoons, oh, it's so ugly.

A baby's head sleep requires special attention from adults. Once the baby does not sleep well, it is easy to sleep with the head on the wrong side.

In fact, Sheng Xiping didn't really want his son to sleep on his head. He always thought it was a bad habit. His head was flattened, like a lump of miso sauce. Would it look good?
He mentioned this matter to Zhang Shuzhen several times, but unfortunately, Zhang Shuzhen could listen to her son's other matters, but she refused to listen to his opinions on raising children, and still followed the old way.

"Daughter-in-law, remember, when the child is confinement, he can't sleep on a small pillow.

Sleep on your head during the confinement period, you can sleep almost as much as you want, but don't flatten your child's head, it looks ugly like a lump of sauce. "

Sheng Xiping hung up the bedclothes, and when he turned around, he saw his daughter-in-law cushioning the child with a pillow.

He couldn't just pull it out directly, so he told Zhou Qinglan to change the pillow as soon as he was out of confinement, and not to sleep all the time.

Zhou Qinglan was caught between her husband and mother-in-law, which was embarrassing enough for her, so she had no choice but to nod.

"Okay, I remember, after the confinement period, I will change it.

I saved a lot of tea powder and dried a lot of flowers before, and I will use those to make a pillow for my children. "

Tea powder is actually soaked tea leaves, and then dried. Many people use this to make pillows.

As for the petals, they were dried wild flowers that Zhou Qinglan and Sheng Yunfang picked around the forest farm when they had nothing to do. It's not bad to use them for pillows.

The child went to bed when he was full, and Sheng Xiping and his wife had nothing to do, so they quickly packed up and rested.

Zhou Qinglan slept on the kang, with a child in the middle, and Sheng Xiping next to each other. The family of three slept soundly after a while.

Fortunately, this baby is still easy to serve, and she doesn't cry when she is full at night.

Basically, I wake up every three hours, feed the baby, change the diaper, cuddle for a while, and fall asleep again.

Sheng Xiping didn't dare to sleep too hard, so he stretched out his hand to feel if his son's body was wet after he fell asleep.

If the child did not move for a long time, Sheng Xiping would carefully put his hand under the child's nose to see if the child was still breathing.

At any rate, this night was over, and when it was almost dawn, the child woke up again and wanted to nurse.

Zhou Qinglan picked up the baby and nursed it, while Sheng Xiping got up rubbing his sleepy eyes and went to the fire wall to get a big bag.

Before the baby finished feeding, he heard something scratching the door of the outer room.

"Xi Ping, hurry up and open the door, Hua Hua is back." Zhou Qinglan knew it was the little tiger calling the door when she heard it.

Sheng Xiping hurriedly put on a big padded jacket, went to the outer room and opened the door, sure enough, there was little tiger Huahua outside the door.

On the snow behind Huahua, there is still a black and unknown thing lying on it.

Sheng Xiping bent down and saw that it was a roe deer that had been dead for some time.

The strange thing is that this roe deer is intact, except for the marks of tiger teeth biting on the throat, there is no wound.

"Huahua, you didn't eat it?" Sheng Xiping asked in surprise after seeing it.

(End of this chapter)

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