Rebirth: the fiery age of Mori Gong's children

Chapter 295 Herb Purchasing Department

Chapter 295 Herb Purchasing Department

"It doesn't matter if it is reckless, as long as there are no black and blind people to harm the crops.

Besides, straw gallbladder also sells for a lot of money. If it weren't for Xiping's explosives, let alone copper gallbladder, we wouldn't be able to get even straw gallbladder. "

On the other side, Wang Jianshe hung up a lantern and found a tree to hang it on to worship the mountain god.

"Xiping, how do you feed the dog?" Gao Haining handed over the bear bile to Sheng Xiping for safekeeping, and asked by the way.

Dogs don't eat black bear viscera, they only eat meat. Gao Haining is asking Sheng Xiping whether he is full or half full.

"Let's feed them with meat, let them have enough to eat, let's not go elsewhere today, and drag the blind man back later."

It's not the hunting season yet, the mountains are densely covered with dense vegetation, the sight is blocked, and the dogs can't run away.

Besides, I have already gained so much, so I quickly pack up and go home and finish the job, don't be greedy.

"Okay, I got it." Gao Haining responded, and began to cut the meat from the bear's belly, and fed it to the dogs one by one.

Today four dogs hunted the black blind man, because the black blind man was too injured and had little resistance, so the four dogs were not injured.

One by one, their stomachs were bulging after eating, so they lay down and rested.

When the dog was full, the people at the other end made a simple sledge, moved the bear onto the sledge, and several people worked together to drag it out.

The bear is not small in size, and in addition to stealing a lot of corn in autumn, it is more than 300 catties fat and strong.

After removing the internal organs and the food for the dogs, there is still a lot left. There is no snow on the ground at this time, and it is really troublesome to drag it.

Fortunately, there were a lot of people and it was close to the forest farm. Everyone changed shifts and dragged out, and returned to the forest farm after an hour or so.

Most people in the forest farm know that black blind people have entered the land behind the forest farm and have harmed many crops.

Sheng Xiping and others dragged the black blind man into the forest farm, and it was around ten o'clock in the morning.

It happened that a group of idlers gathered under the shade of a tree, drinking tea, chatting and playing chess, those knitting sweaters with wool, and those with awls for insoles, all saw the blind man.

A lot of people threw away the work they were doing, and they all gathered together to watch the excitement, discussing in a hurry.

Before noon, the whole forest farm knew that the black blind man who entered the corn field and harmed the crops was beaten to death by Sheng Xiping and brought back.

Lao Hu, the captain of the agricultural team, the secretary and the director of the forest farm, were all very happy when they heard the news.

Wang Jiachuan also specially asked someone to play on the loudspeaker to praise the educated youth who watched the youth last night.

Of course, Sheng Xiping and the others didn't care about this.

It is the task of the educated youth team to drive away wild animals and protect the crops, and work points can be recorded.

The forest farm doesn't want the black blind men who were killed, it's all up to them to decide.

In other words, even if they don't look at Qing and know that there are black and blind people around, they have to find a way to fight.

If nothing else, the bear bile is worth a lot of money.

Several people dragged the blind man to Sheng's house, then skinned and separated the blind man in the yard.

It doesn't matter whether each family divides some meat and goes home to cook oil or stew beans, they are all good things anyway.

While they were busy here, Hua Hua, who was sleeping next to Xiao Huang in the room, suddenly sniffed and smelled the smell of meat outside.

The little guy woke up immediately, jumped out of the flower basket, and rushed into the yard with two swishes, yelling at the people who were working.

The little nose kept sniffing, sticking out its tongue and licking its mouth.

"Oh, Xiping, this little thing of yours is greedy for meat."

Gao Haining and the others all recognized Huahua, and when they saw Huahua come out and howl, they laughed.

"Don't tell me, this little guy has grown a lot since he arrived at your house, and his current weight must be twenty or thirty catties?"

"Well, more or less." Sheng Xiping glanced at little tiger Huahua and nodded.

This little guy has been in Sheng's family for almost a month, and under the careful feeding of Xiao Huang and Sheng's family, he has grown very fast, and his head is almost half as big as Xiao Huang's now.

Sheng Xiping tried holding it in his arms, and it weighed 26 to [-] catties instead of [-] catties.

"This guy is so greedy, now he not only eats milk, but also has to add some meat every day.

When it gets older, I will take it into the mountains to hunt. I have to train it to hunt by itself, otherwise I can't afford it. "

In order to raise this little thing, Sheng Xiping taught his younger brothers all the tricks of playing tricks.

When Sheng Xiping was free, he went into the mountains to take off the condo and walk the condo. If he didn't have time, Sheng Xi'an and Sheng Xikang would go.

Try to feed the wild animals in the mountains to the cubs, so as not to let them taste the poultry and livestock, so that the cubs can be prevented from harming these poultry and livestock in the village in the future.

Otherwise, if this guy gets a little bigger in the future, the Sheng family won't be able to lock it up, and it won't be able to harm other people's chickens, ducks, geese, dogs, and pigs?
If that's the case, Sheng Xiping can't afford to pay.

Sheng Xiping said that he couldn't afford it, but his hands were not idle. He took a knife and sliced ​​off a large piece of meat from Heixiazi's body, and handed it to the little tiger Huahua.

Huahua grabbed it lightly with its front paws, but it didn't see any other movements, and the piece of meat was held in its mouth.

Then, the little guy turned around immediately, found a corner where no one could see, and went to eat meat.

After eating one piece, it might not be very satisfying, the little guy came back again, howled, and deliberately rubbed his head against Sheng Xiping's trouser leg.

When Sheng Xiping saw it, he had no choice but to cut two more slices of meat for it.

The little tiger licked his lips and ate three or four pieces of meat. He was probably full, so he went back to the house and went to sleep on his stomach.

In the yard, everyone separated the black blind man's meat, and each family shared some.

The Sheng family has both dogs and cubs, so there is more meat left behind.

Wang Jianshe and the others each shared dozens of catties of meat, and it happened to be noon, so they went home with them.

On the Sheng family's side, Zhang Shuzhen shaved off all the fat and prepared to fry the oil.

If you are skinny, chop stuffed buns in the afternoon, and then put some in cold water to drain. Change the water every day, so you can keep it for a few more days.

Save it for cooking and feeding the flowers, if you really can't hold it, then you can only marinate the dried meat or something, and save it to eat slowly.

Anyway, there is nothing blind at home, so I ate it anyway.

The bear bile also stayed at Sheng's house. Sheng Xiping dipped the bear bile in boiling water while he was cooking at noon, then tied a rope and hung it in the barn to dry in the shade.

The bear bile from the big brown bear killed last time was still hanging in the barn. After dipping it in boiling water several times, the medicinal ingredients of the bear bile had been completely absorbed and dried up.

In addition to bear bile, there are several white cloth bags hanging in the barn.

The cloth bag contained nothing but ginseng kings and six-grade leaves that Sheng Xiping and his masters had dug from the mountains.

Sheng Xiping didn't plan to sell these ginseng, so he could only process it and dry it to store it properly.

People come and go in the family, it is impossible to put them in the sun, even if they are put in the warehouse, they have to be put in cloth bags to avoid people seeing them.

"I'll be free in a few days. I should go to the county medicine company and sell the stick."

Seeing those cloth bags, Sheng Xiping remembered that there were still a few Wupinye and Erjiazi.

Those who don't plan to keep them have to sell them quickly, otherwise, after a long time, the weight will fall off the scale and they won't be able to sell at a price.

Sheng Xiping had just tied the bear bile to the beams of the barn, and before he could get out, he heard footsteps at the gate.

Then Sheng Xitai rushed into the courtyard first, followed by Chen Feng, Sheng Yunfang, and Sheng Yunfei, and Sheng Xikang and Zhou Qinglan were the last.

Needless to say, it was school.

"Mom, is the meal ready? I'm starving to death."

As expected, as soon as Sheng Xitai entered the door, he didn't care about anything, and the first thing he said was to ask if the meal was ready.

"Okay, okay, it's like carrying a hungry bag every day, and I can't fill it with how much I eat, and I'm hungry when I enter the door."

Zhang Shuzhen had already prepared all the meals, and she was sitting at the door of the house to rest.

Seeing that the children had all come back, Zhang Shuzhen hurriedly stood up, rolled her eyes at her youngest son, and walked into the house while talking, opened the lid of the pot, and went out to pack the food.

Sisters Sheng Yunfang and Sheng Yunfei went in to wash their hands, and then helped clean up the table.

Zhou Qinglan entered the door with one hand on her waist, and was about to make a move when Zhang Shuzhen stopped her.

"Oh, sit down and rest for a while, and go drink some water.

The one who yelled at those brats this afternoon, his throat was about to smoke, right? "

The daughter-in-law is pregnant, and Zhang Shuzhen is not that wicked mother-in-law, so how can she expect her daughter-in-law to do anything?
Zhou Qinglan is the head teacher of the fourth grade, and she has to teach both mathematics and Chinese.

Schools these days don't arrange so many small subjects, a few politics, music, art, and physical education a week is considered good, and the rest of the time is the class of the head teacher.

Zhou Qinglan was pregnant with her child and stood for half the afternoon. She was really tired and flustered, so she didn't show politeness to her mother-in-law.

After washing his hands, he went into the room, took a sip of cold water from the tea mug, and felt his throat feel better.

"By the way, Mom, I'm going to go to Songjiang River this Saturday to study at Bureau One."

Zhou Qinglan remembered the news from the school in the morning, and hurriedly told her mother-in-law.

"Study? What are you studying?" Sheng Xiping felt strange.

It's not surprising that there are always meetings and studies in schools and venues, and everyone is not surprised.

Why do you still have to go to the bureau to study?What's the important thing?

"It seems to be about promoting the experience of the Shanghai Machine Tool Factory and setting up a worker's university, right?
I don't understand either, anyway, the principal just mentioned that he asked me to go to the bureau for a small meeting with Mr. Li, who is in the third grade. "

Zhou Qinglan shook her head. To be honest, she didn't understand. Maybe the principal didn't understand what was going on, so she just notified her anyway.

"But you have been in shape for more than five months. Go to a meeting in the bureau to study? Can you do it?"

Sheng Xiping looked at his wife's belly, and heard from the old people in the forestry farm that Zhou Qinglan had a good-looking figure, not too much.

With a body of more than five months, it looks like she has gained a little weight, unlike some people, whose belly is as big as a pot after pregnancy.

But no matter how she doesn't show her pregnancy, she is still five months pregnant. It takes several hours to drive from the forest farm to Songjianghe, is that okay?

"Otherwise, I will ask for leave to accompany you. I will send you to Songjianghe. I will go to the county for your meeting."

Just now Sheng Xiping was thinking about it, he had to take some time off for a few days and sell those ginseng plants.

It just so happened that Zhou Qinglan was going to a meeting, and the two of them went down together, and someone would take care of Zhou Qinglan, otherwise how could he rest assured?
"The autumn agricultural team is very busy, can you ask for leave?"

Of course Zhou Qinglan was happy to be with her husband, but she was worried that Sheng Xiping had asked for leave to go to the mountains for so many days, and he had to ask for leave two days after he came back. Maybe the agricultural team would not agree?

Right now is the most critical time for the crops in the field. Sheng Xiping is the captain of the educated youth. If he is not around, he is afraid that if something happens in the team, others will not handle it well.

"It's okay if you can't. It's important to accompany my wife."

Sheng Xiping didn't care about these things. To him, nothing was as important as his wife.

"That's it. I'll tell Old Uncle Hu later."

Sheng Xiping's attitude was firm, and Zhou Qinglan couldn't say anything else. As for Zhang Shuzhen and Sheng Liancheng, they were worried about their daughter-in-law and wished that their son could be with them.

In this way, after lunch, Sheng Xiping took a piece of meat to Lao Hu's house.

After telling Lao Hu about Zhou Qinglan's going to a meeting, Sheng Xiping said directly that he was worried about his wife and had to accompany her.

From the bottom of his heart, Lao Hu really didn't give Sheng Xiping a holiday.

The situation of the educated youth team could not be dealt with without Sheng Xiping.

But Lao Hu has received a lot of benefits from Sheng Xiping over the years, and just now he took a piece of meat from him. How could he have the nerve to say that he would not give a fake?
"Xi Ping, this is you, if it were someone else, I wouldn't be able to give him a holiday.

Alas, who told us that the relationship between men is here, and besides, your daughter-in-law is still teaching our old girl.

She goes to class with a full stomach every day, and it is really hard. We all understand this.

That's it, you accompany Mr. Zhou to Songjianghe, wait until the meeting is over, you come back as soon as possible, okay? "

After pondering for a long time, Lao Hu finally let go and agreed to give Sheng Xiping a vacation.

On Saturday, September [-]th, at nine o'clock in the morning, Sheng Xiping accompanied his wife Zhou Qinglan, took a lot of things, took a small train, and headed for Songjianghe.

On the afternoon of the [-]th, Zhou Qinglan went to the small newspaper of the bureau to listen to the study arrangement, and Sheng Xiping went to the bureau to meet Zhao Yongsheng, Zhao Guangning and others.

On the morning of the [-]th, Zhou Qinglan went to a meeting to study, while Sheng Xiping bought a ticket and took the bus to the county seat.

When he arrived at the purchase department of the county medicinal material company, Sheng Xiping took out the bear bile first.

When Wang Jianshe and the others learned that Sheng Xiping was going to Songjianghe with Zhou Qinglan, they specifically asked Sheng Xiping to take the brown bear's gall with him and sell it along the way.

Everyone trusted Sheng Xiping, so Sheng Xiping didn't refuse. Anyway, he wanted to sell clubs, so it happened to be together.

The staff of the purchase department saw that it was a big bear bile, but it was a pity that it was a straw bile, and it was also a brown bear bile, and the price was cheaper than the black bear bile.

"This bear bile can be given 580 yuan." The attitude of the staff is okay, not so rude, and quite polite.

"Okay, it's sold, please give me an invoice, this is something from several companies, I have to pay back when I go back."

The other party was polite, and Sheng Xiping was even more polite. He smiled at the other party and asked them to issue a ticket for him.

When purchasing valuable medicinal materials, the staff will usually issue an invoice, and they also have to keep the deposit in the account.

So this is not too much to ask, the staff nodded and agreed.

So, the invoice was issued here, and the staff at the other end counted 580 yuan and handed it over to Sheng Xiping.

Sheng Xiping accepted the receipt, took the money, counted it carefully, and put it in his waist pocket.

Then, Sheng Xiping took off his back pocket, put it on the counter, and opened his mouth.

"Comrade, please take a look, do you accept these?"

Sheng Xiping had just sold a bear bile, and the staff knew that he was a capable person.

Seeing Sheng Xiping like this, he guessed that there was something valuable in the pocket, so he stretched his head to look into the pocket.

As a result, I saw that there were several birch bark rolls in my pocket.

This is the purchasing department of the county medicine company, and the staff are very experienced. When they saw the birch bark roll, they immediately understood that it was wild ginseng.

"Take it, take it, take it all." The staff nodded quickly. "Well, come with me inside and we'll talk about it in detail."

(End of this chapter)

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