Chapter 292
Sheng Liancheng and his son had long tied the rope to a crooked-neck tree on the edge of the cliff, and the other end hung down.

Sheng Xiping led Sheng Xi'an, and with the help of the rope, the two slowly climbed up from the bottom.

Sheng Liancheng and Sheng Xikang were busy all afternoon, and they didn't have time to go down to see the king of Shen.

At this moment, he didn't care that the porridge in the pot was about to boil, so he rushed to Sheng Xiping and Sheng Xi'an and asked how old the king of Shen was.

Sheng Xi'an compared, how long the reed head was, Ding Xu was as thick as a finger, and Chen Feng's arm was not as thick as that ginseng tree.

In the next afternoon, Sheng Xi'an didn't dare to make a sound to affect his eldest brother's ginseng, and kept holding back.

Now that I caught my father and younger brother, it can be regarded as opening up the chatterbox and chattering a lot.

"Boss, is that ginseng tree really that big?" Sheng Liancheng asked curiously.

"Well, it's really not small at present. As long as the main body below is a little longer, it won't run away."

Sheng Xiping nodded. This is the largest wild ginseng he has ever seen in his two lifetimes.

In the past, it was said that seven liang of ginseng was regarded as ginseng and eight liang was considered as a treasure. That was the old system, and a catty was calculated as 16 taels. In fact, eight liang of ginseng is now half a catty.

But the six or seven liang that Sheng Xiping said was based on the current unit of measurement, that is to say, if nothing else happened, this ginseng tree would definitely be a treasure.

When Sheng Liancheng heard it, his eyes lit up a lot, "If that's the case, how much is that ginseng tree worth?"

In life, how many people don't care about money?Talking about money is a bit vulgar, but how would life be without such vulgar money?
Therefore, Sheng Liancheng's concern about how much Shen Wang is worth is also a normal reaction.

"Dad, this ginseng tree can't be sold right now, it has to be kept."

In fact, the ginseng gang has rules. Before going down the mountain to sell goods, it is not allowed to privately discuss the value of ginseng, just to fear that some people will have evil intentions and want to monopolize the scourge of others.

Of course, Sheng Xiping and the others are a family of father and son brothers, so there is no such thing as saying, so there is no need to worry about it.

However, the value of ginseng in this year is not high. If the ginseng king is sold now, it is estimated to be several thousand yuan.

Not only is there less money, but it is also easy to cause trouble.

Such a large mountain ginseng can be said to be a national treasure. Once it is alarmed, it is difficult to predict what will happen. If it is not kept in order, it will cause a lot of trouble.

Therefore, Sheng Xiping made up his mind, no matter how many ginseng trees could grow in this forest, he would pick two smaller ones and sell them for daily use, and keep the others.

"In the future, there will be less and less old mountain ginseng. After we keep it for more than ten or twenty years, it can be multiplied many times.

Right now our family is not short of money, so it would be a pity to sell it.

In the future, if there are a few of us brothers, whoever encounters some difficulties needs to use money, and sell it for emergency.

This thing is exchanged for money, if it is not in order, it will be spent, and if it is not sold, it will be put on hold, and it can be exchanged for money at any time. "

It's not that the Sheng family can't survive these days, there is really no need to sell it cheaply at this time.

Not to mention too much, in another 20 years, the Ginseng King can be sold for at least a million, and the fool will sell it at this time.

"Huh? Don't sell it? If you don't sell it, leave it in our hands, won't it be broken?

What a pity if it rots or gets eaten by bugs. "Sheng Liancheng was stunned for a moment, and said hesitantly.

"Dad, don't worry, such a good ginseng, how could I be willing to be harmed? Be sure to keep it well."

Sheng Xiping wasn't too surprised by his father's attitude. After all, he was the only one who was reborn. The family members don't know what the future situation will be, so it's normal for them to have doubts.

Sheng Liancheng, father and son, were all skeptical of Sheng Xiping's words.

But Sheng Xiping was on top of his game. He had agreed before entering the mountain, and everything was arranged by Sheng Xiping.

Since he said he wouldn't sell it, it's hard for the three of you to say anything else. It's all for this family anyway. Sheng Xiping must have his reasons for saying this.

"Oh, my porridge." Just as he was talking, the porridge in the pot boiled and overflowed, and the water fell on the burning firewood underneath, making a sizzling sound.

Only then did Sheng Liancheng remember that he was cooking just now.

So he hurried over, lifted the lid of the pot, stirred the porridge in the pot with a spoon, and blew again to make the foam on the surface of the porridge disappear.

The millet porridge is filled with chopped dried meat and wild chives.

The jerky was made by Zhang Shuzhen who used to marinate the meat that could not be eaten at home and dried it in the sun. It has a salty taste, coupled with the fresh and spicy mountain leeks, the aroma of the porridge wafts far along the heat.

When Sheng Xiping was eating the second pancake at noon, he went to look for the mallet, but it fell down again, and the next thing was to lift the ginseng. He was so hungry that his chest stuck to his back this afternoon.

At this moment, when I smell the aroma of porridge, I feel even more hungry. "Dad, is the meal ready? Eat when it's ready. You're hungry."

"Okay, okay, let's serve dinner." Upon hearing this, Sheng Liancheng quickly took down the porridge pot and put it on the flat ground in front of the shack.

Then I took out four bowls, and each of the four masters filled a bowl of hot porridge with a few big pancakes. This was dinner.

Tired and hungry on this day, no matter what it is, it is delicious to eat.

Especially when it's cold in the woods at night, it's very comfortable to drink some warm porridge with wild vegetables and meat.

Sheng Xiping is only 21, and when his teeth are good, he can eat big pancakes without any effort.

After a while, I ate five pancakes and drank two and a half bowls of porridge. Now, I finally feel that my stomach is no longer hungry.

"Dad, there are a lot of mallets under there. I can see that there are at least a dozen or so trees with fifth-grade leaves and six-grade leaves. I guess it will take at least three to five days to lift them.

At the small repair shop, you can't always ask for leave. If not, you can go back with the third child tomorrow and bring us some food.

Then you two should go to work and go to school when you should go to school, and you can't delay too long.

I have nothing to do with the second child, and the educated youth team has no important work. We stay in the mountains for a few more days, and we will carry out the ginseng we can carry.

Let's keep the small ones, and wait for five or six years, and let's come and have a look. "

Sheng Xiping had thought about this matter when he was carrying the ginseng below.

The four of them entered the mountain, and they were delayed for many days at once. This goal was so obvious that others could guess it at once. The Sheng family must have encountered a big stick.

Originally, the Sheng family was quite conspicuous in Qianchuan Forest Farm.

We all know that Sheng Xiping can go hunting in the mountains, no matter what kind of black blind man, big brown bear, wild boar, leopard, etc., and can earn a lot of money a year, many people are secretly envious.

If we let people know that the Sheng family masters have encountered big goods in the mountains and can sell them for a lot of money, then I don’t know how many people can’t sleep with jealousy behind their backs, thinking of ways to trip up the Sheng family. .

After all, there is still a difference between hunting and hunting.

Hunting is based on real skills, good marksmanship and courage, which is not enough for ordinary people to be jealous.

But Fangshan is different, even if it is a little difficult, it is not much, and the greater part is still luck.

If anyone is lucky, he might meet a big guy when he enters the mountain, and get rich all at once.

No matter what year, no matter what the world is, as long as you are a person, you have a dream of getting rich. Seeing that the Sheng family is lucky and making a fortune, can others not be jealous?
Sheng Liancheng works in the small repair factory. Although there is not much work in the small repair factory at this time, Sheng Liancheng, as the head of the factory, can't not show up for seven or eight days in a row?
As for Sheng Xikang, it didn't matter what he went to in high school.

Nowadays, there is no college entrance examination, the teachers in the school don't pay much attention to it, and the students just go around to get a high school diploma.

But it's not good if Sheng Xikang doesn't show up for too long, he can't help here, so let's go back to class.

Among the four masters, only Sheng Xiping and Sheng Xi'an are educated youths with relatively free time.

There is currently no logging task in the forest farm, and the agricultural team can go to work if they want to, and no one will say anything if they don’t want to go.

Therefore, the two of them will continue to stay in the mountains and try to bring out as many ginseng trees as possible.

The things in this mountain have no owner in themselves, and whoever sees them owns them.

Sheng Xiping and the others can find the ginseng below, and others can also find if it is not complete. Since they came here, they must take away all they can.

People are selfish, especially when it comes to money, no one can give it up to others.

Sheng Liancheng thought about it, and it was the same reason, so he nodded.

"Alright then, the third child and I will go back tomorrow morning and find a way to bring you some food.

You two don't live in the mountains for too long, it's almost enough, and we can't be too greedy.

Didn't you often say before that there is a fixed number of meals for the mountain god? "

"Oh, I see, Dad." Sheng Xiping nodded and agreed.

In this way, the master and the others agreed to deal with it in the shack at night.

Early the next morning, Sheng Xiping got up and continued to carry the ginseng, while Sheng Liancheng and Sheng Xikang dealt with it casually, and then set off to walk back.

Sheng Xiping spent another whole morning, and King Shen was finally unearthed.

This Miao Shen Wang Lianlu has a beard on its head and is more than two feet long.

The thickest part of the main body is as thick as Xiaowa's arms, and the two beards are as thick as the fingers. The two legs are separated under the main body. At a glance, it is really a human shape.

"Brother, how heavy is this ginseng?"

Sheng Xi'an looked at the unearthed Miao Dashen King, and he liked it very much. He didn't dare to touch it, so he moved closer to Sheng Xiping and asked.

"I guess at least seven taels, this is a big treasure, don't tell outsiders when you go out.

If outsiders know about this, it might cause disaster. "

Since ancient times, people have killed birds for food.

Not to mention how good the law and order is now, the most important thing is that every household is similar, and no one is particularly outstanding.

If someone suddenly got a treasure, maybe it could be worth thousands or tens of thousands of dollars?

I really think that in this year and month, there is no one who has an eye for money and dares to take risks, kill people and rob goods?
For human nature, never have too much expectation. Since ancient times, wealth is not revealed, and it is right to make a fortune silently.

"Oh, I see, brother."

Sheng Xi'an is not stupid, he is straighter and doesn't have so many twists and turns in his mind.

The ginseng tree in front of him is definitely a treasure, no matter how stupid Sheng Xi'an is, he knows the importance.

"Brother, wrap this ginseng quickly, don't let the wind blow away the moisture."

Sheng Xi'an pointed to the large piece of moss he was looking for just now, and the whole piece of birch bark that he had just peeled off.

Sheng Xiping nodded, carefully placed Shen Wang on the moss, covered with a layer of moist black soil, and then slowly rolled it up and tied it up.

Wrap it with birch bark, tie it up firmly, and put it in a large rucksack they brought.

"Brother, which one shall we carry next?" Sheng Xi'an asked, pointing to the mallets tied with red strings around him.

While Sheng Xiping was carrying the ginseng, Sheng Xi'an was not idle, he tore Sheng Xiping's red cloth belt into strips, and tied all the ginseng around it.

"Pick the sixth-grade leaves first, and then pick a few fifth-grade leaves.

Didn't our dad say, don't let us be too greedy, just take a few trees away, aren't there two more on top?That must be taken home. "

Originally, Sheng Xiping wanted to lift up the fifth grade leaves, but Sheng Liancheng refused, saying that it was not easy to do things too badly.

Sheng Xiping was right when he thought about it, they had gained a lot from this trip into the mountains.

Besides, with so many ginseng, it will take a few days for them to carry them all out.

The people in the forest farm haven't seen the two brothers all the time, so they must be able to guess something, anyway, they are in this mountain, at worst, they will come back next year.

"Well, it's all under the arrangement of the eldest brother."

Here in Sheng Xi'an, the eldest brother is what he says, and he can do whatever the eldest brother arranges for him, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it.

So the two brothers had a simple lunch and continued to carry the ginseng.

At around two o'clock in the afternoon, Sheng Liancheng brought some steamed buns, steamed buns, pancakes, meat sauce, pickles, etc. to ensure that Sheng Xiping and the others would have enough to eat for at least five days.

He also told Sheng Xiping not to be too greedy, it would take five days at most, and no matter how many trees he brought out, he had to go home quickly.

Sheng Xiping assured him again and again that Sheng Liancheng was relieved, and before it was dark, he left the forest and rushed home.

After that, Sheng Liancheng and Sheng Xikang went to work when they were supposed to go to school, and only Sheng Xiping and Sheng Xi'an were left carrying ginseng in the woods under the cliff.

If someone in the family went to see Sheng Xiping, the Sheng family would agree that the eldest and second child had gone out to run errands.

Although others found it strange, they didn't want to ask too many questions, so they just fooled around like this.

Sheng Xiping and Sheng Xi'an carried ginseng for nearly four days under the mountain wall, and then brought out three seedlings with sixth-grade leaves and three seedlings with fifth-grade leaves.

The three seedlings and the sixth-grade leaves were not as heavy as Shen Wang, but they all weighed four or five.

As Sheng Xiping said, this time, they paid for it.

Finally, early in the morning, when it was still daylight, Sheng Xiping started to lift the six-pin leaf that he had discovered at the beginning.

Before noon, the sixth-rank leaf was unearthed, and it was not small, followed by the seedling fifth-rank leaf.

Around two o'clock in the afternoon, Sheng Liancheng came again. He was worried about his sons. The agreed five days had come. He was afraid that the two sons would not go back, so he came to remind them.

When I came here to see, most of the fifth-grade leaves of the seedling had been lifted out, and it didn't take much effort to unearth all of them.

Only then did Sheng Liancheng feel relieved, and hurriedly, together with Sheng Xi'an, dismantled the shack, packed up pots, pans and other household items.

After Sheng Xiping carried out the last ginseng tree and wrapped it up, the masters planned to leave here.

"Dad, wait a minute, let me cut off a sign."

Sheng Xiping looked around, and there was a red pine tree right next to Wupinye.

So Sheng Xiping swung an axe, and cut off a piece of bark at a height of one person's height, exposing the wood inside, and made five cuts on the left side and four cuts on the right side of the wood.

This is the simplest sign. Others only know that a seedling and five leaves were unearthed here, and four people went into the mountain to dig, and there is no other information.

After cutting the omen, I have to wash my face.

It is to use a torch to roast the omens that have just been cut to prevent the pine oil from seeping out, and the omens will be smeared to death in a short time.

The purpose of leaving this omen is not to find ginseng for others, but mainly to make a mark, so that they will come again in the future, so that it is easy to find.

(End of this chapter)

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