Chapter 261 The Wolves
Sheng Xiping had always been skeptical of what his parents said, that there were no wolves in the surrounding woods.

These years have passed, and the only remaining wolves should have formed a large group after multiplying.

As the population expands, a series of problems such as too small a habitat and insufficient food sources follow, and the wolves are bound to diverge.

Some wolves will leave their original living area and develop outward.

The wolf they met before is a proof that everything in the world is not static, and everything is changing and developing.

But at this moment, the howling sound of the wolf came from a distance, echoing in the dense forest valley, mixed with the dark night, making it even more frightening.

"Xiping, it's the voice of a wolf. Why does it sound like a lot to me?" Wang Jianshe suddenly opened his eyes and said in a low voice.

"Well, there are quite a few, listening to the movement, it is estimated that there are about ten of them.

As I said earlier, there must be wolves around here, but they are far away from our forest farm, and usually no one will encounter them. "

The forest farm is located in the mountains and there are not so many people. In fact, there are not many opportunities to compete with other wild animals for resources.

Wolves have enough room for development and enough food. Generally, they will not take the initiative to provoke humans, let alone enter villages to harm livestock.

This creates an illusion for people, as if there are no wolves around the forest farm, but in fact, the wolves are just hiding in the forest.

However, in the past few days of spring hunting, so many people from the forest farm and the large alkali farm went hunting in the mountains at the same time, which inevitably disturbed the wild animals in the mountains.

Coupled with the abundant harvest in the past few days, it also indirectly affected the food supply of the wolves.

What's more, the hunting team slaughtered in the mountains, reducing the food for the wolves, and at the same time, the bloody smell stimulated the wolves.

These wolves came along the bloody smell and found the dead running basket, which couldn't be more normal.

Of course, this was what Sheng Xiping wanted to do. The two wolves he met yesterday were spies of the wolf pack.

The spy was killed, and there were no wolves to report back, so the wolf king could only send more wolves out to look for food.

Such a big running basket is enough for a pack of wolves to eat. How could those greedy guys let it go?

"Wake up everyone and be ready at any time. As long as those wolves eat pork, we will find a way to stew these wolves with a spoon."

The significance of spring hunting is to clear away these beasts hidden in the forest in advance, so as to ensure that people will not be harassed by various wild beasts when they enter the mountains in the next sideline time.

Wolves, the most insidious and cruel existence in the forest, must be eradicated.

There are eleven of them, and there are enough bullets. It shouldn't be a big problem to deal with a dozen wolves, and they can kill as many as they come.

Just like that, all eleven people woke up, packed up their things, and put full bullets in their guns.

Then Sheng Xiping led the way, and everyone followed quietly, heading straight for the body of the big running basket.

While walking, I heard the howling of wolves from time to time in front of me. It felt like wolves were calling for friends.

The big running basket weighed seven to eight hundred catties. The wolf ripped open its stomach yesterday and ate some meat, and today it was eaten by a brown bear.

Although Sheng Xiping and the others beat the bear to death during the day, some scavenging birds inevitably came to share a share of the action.

Even so, there would still be five or six hundred catties left in the running basket. It was rare for the wolves to see so much food, so they would definitely invite their friends to come over to eat delicious food.

At the beginning of March in the lunar calendar, the moon has only a crooked hook, and the entire forest is shrouded in darkness.

In order not to disturb the wolves, everyone did not raise torches or flashlights, and slowly approached the target in the dark woods.

From a distance, Sheng Xiping saw a few dark figures in front of him, and a few pairs of bright green bright spots. Needless to say, they must be wolves, and they are wolves on guard.

The wolves have an extremely strict social division of labor, some are dedicated to doing coolies, some are dedicated to hunting, and some are dedicated to guarding.

Around the wild boar corpse on the ground, there are seven or eight wolves eating around the wild boar corpse, and there are five or six wolves around, responsible for guarding.

When the wolves are full, the sentry wolves will have a chance to come forward and eat a few bites.

Sheng Xiping waved his hand, signaling Wang Jianshe and the others to disperse, find their own angles, and launch an attack, so that the pack of wolves must not run away.

When Wang Jianshe and the others moved, they had to make a noise, and the cautious wolves over there immediately sensed something around them.

The wolf who was eating stopped, looked up and looked around, those green eyes were even more creepy in the night.

One of the wolves, after realizing that the situation on the other side was not right, immediately raised its head and roared towards the sky.

This cry is calling for help, and it is also calling for the surrounding wolves.

This is a good opportunity, Sheng Xiping naturally refused to miss it.

A hundred meters away, Sheng Xiping immediately took aim and fired at the howling wolf.

This time when he entered the mountain, Sheng Xiping was fully prepared. He had wrapped the front end of the gun with the gold paper inside the cigarette case.

Aiming is easier with the faint reflection of the gold paper.

There was a bang, and the howling wolf suddenly fell silent.

Even though it was night, Sheng Xiping's marksmanship still killed the wolf with a headshot.

At this time, Wang Jianshe and others also fired at the target.

After a burst of gunshots, five wolves fell to the ground, and the other wolves turned around and ran away when they saw that something was wrong.

Wang Jianshe was about to chase after him, but was stopped by Sheng Xiping.

"Don't chase, this black light is blind, we can easily get ambushed or get lost if we chase after him.

Let's wait here, those wolves will definitely not go far, they will gather more wolves to take revenge. "

Wolves are sinister and cunning, and have a strong desire for revenge. Sheng Xiping and the others killed five wolves, and then guarded them next to the big running basket.

So Sheng Xiping and the others didn't have to chase after him at all, they just waited here and waited.

"Then what are we going to do?" Wang Jianshe and the others had never hunted wolves, especially wolves, so they had no idea at the moment, all pointing at Sheng Xiping.

"Simple, let's build a few fires around here and wait for the wolf to come back.

As long as they get close, we will fight, and if they retreat, we will also rest. "

Fighting wolves is never about being reckless and reckless, but about relying on wisdom.

Regardless of how many people they have, they have more guns and more bullets, but they have to be more careful when facing wolves.

If one fails, the bullets run out, but the pack of wolves keeps coming out one after another, which is not easy to handle.

Wolves are very particular about strategy and tactics. It is not easy to deal with them, and you have to pay attention to some methods.

The first point is that you can't mess up your own position, you must be steady and have a method.

Everyone was used to Sheng Xiping's arrangement, he said, and the others immediately carried it out.

So, everyone hurriedly took action, found dead grass and branches, and built four fires around them. Eleven people formed a circle, with their guns facing outward.

In this way, no matter which direction the wolf attacks from, they can calmly deal with it.

(End of this chapter)

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