Chapter 247
Sheng Xiping stayed with Zhou Qinglan at her mother's house for two days. On Saturday No. 13, the two got up early and took the car back to the forest farm.

After getting off the train, Zhou Qinglan asked Sheng Xiping to go home first, while she went straight to school.

Zhou Qinglan didn't take over the class for a long time, but she got along well with the children.

She was not at school for four or five days even after she got married, and she really missed the children in her heart.

Seeing his wife rushing straight to the school at the west end of the forest farm, Sheng Xiping couldn't help shaking his head, carrying the things in his hand, and walked towards his home.

"Xiping, are you back? Where's your wife?"

As soon as he arrived at the door of his house, he saw Wang Jianshe and Chen Weiguo walking towards him.

One could tell at a glance that these people came to Sheng's house to look for Sheng Xiping because they heard the little train coming into the station.

"She doesn't worry about the children in the class, so go to the school first. What's the matter? What's the matter with you guys? Come on, go into the room and talk."

No matter what happened, you can't stand at the gate and talk, you have to let people into the house.

Wang Jianshe and the others followed Sheng Xiping into the house.

On Saturday, the school was still in class, and Sheng Liancheng probably went to a small repair shop, so Zhang Shuzhen was the only one at home.

Zhang Shuzhen doesn't like to drop by, and she doesn't like to gossip with those women.

When I have nothing to do, I do some needlework at home.

Isn't this Sheng Xiping getting married and Zhang Shuzhen knitting a new sweater for him?
Zhang Shuzhen thought about it, dismantled the old one, washed the wool, and added a few taels of new thread to knit a sweater for Sheng Xi'an.

Otherwise, just mix some nylon thread and weave wool trousers.

This is the case in this year and month. A sweater has been worn for two years, and the lines on the bottom placket, cuffs, neckline, and elbows are severely worn.

Generally, the sweater is disassembled, the wool is scalded with boiling water and cleaned, and then some new thread is added to weave it again.

New three years, old three years, three years of seams and seams, this is the clothes.

Sweaters are similar, tossed and tossed, added some thread to knit, and can be worn for several years.

When Sheng Xiping entered, Zhang Shuzhen was winding wool.

She was alone, and no one supported the woolen sheath, so she sat cross-legged, put the woolen sheath on her legs, and slowly wound the wool into a ball of yarn along a thread end.

The dogs at home are still in Liu's house.

Farming was not allowed at this time of year, so the Liu family brothers had nothing to do when they were idle, so they took the dogs into the mountains to hunt the next day, and took advantage of the time to go back and forth.

After a while, the field is busy, how can there be time to go hunting in the mountains?
Gouzi wasn't at home, so Sheng Xiping and the others didn't make much noise when they entered.

But Sheng Xiping still yelled into the room, "Mom, I'm back."

Zhang Shuzhen was sitting on the kang in the east room, she hadn't finished wrapping her legs with wool, so she didn't get off the ground, she just stretched her head to look at the outer room.

"I guess you should be back today. How are you doing these days? Your father-in-law and mother-in-law are doing well? Are you okay?"

While Zhang Shuzhen was asking, she didn't stop working and continued to wind the thread.

Sheng Xiping led Wang Jianshe and the others into the house, just in time to see Zhang Shuzhen working.

Wang Jianshe was particularly discerning, so he went over immediately, and Guan Zhang Shuzhen asked for a string, holding it with both hands.

When Zhang Shuzhen was winding the thread, Wang Jianshe could shake his hands to cooperate, so that the thread could be wound faster.

Sheng Xiping put down the things in his hand, including the backpack, and poured a glass of water to drink.

"Well, there's nothing wrong there, everything is fine. On the day I returned home, I set up two tables at home, and several leaders of the bureau went."

Sheng Xiping briefly told his mother about returning home.

"Qing Lan has gone back to school. She is worried about those children. She probably won't be able to go home until after school at noon."

Regarding this, Zhang Shuzhen didn't say anything. Since her daughter-in-law is a teacher, it's normal for her to put students first.

"As long as there is nothing to do, I will cook later. Jianshe, you can eat here too. I will cook more at noon."

"Auntie, there's no need. We don't want to eat here. We came to see Xiping just to ask him if he wants to go hunting."

When Wang Jianshe heard this, he quickly shook his head to indicate that they were not eating here.

"Yesterday a few of us went up the mountain and found a Heixiazicang. We were thinking about finding Xiping and going to kill Heixiazicang together."

In winter, there is heavy snow, food is scarce, and it is difficult to eat.

In order to survive the harsh winter, many animals choose to hibernate.

For example, black blind people usually find a tree hole or a stone cave to live in at the end of October and the beginning of November every year.

I slept until the end of March and the beginning of April of the next year, and only after the snow outside melted did I climb out of the hole.

This kind of hibernating behavior of the blind man is called squat warehouse by the local people, the tree hole is generally called Tiancangzi, and the stone cave is called Dicangzi.

"Why did you go into the mountain?" Sheng Xiping didn't pay attention to Heixiazicang, but was more concerned about why Wang Jianshe and the others went into the mountain.

He was worried that these Huba Chaoers would go into the mountains and cause trouble while he was not at home.

The jackals were attracted last time, and they harmed many livestock in the forest farm. They took a lot of effort to exterminate the jackals. Don't cause trouble this time.

"Gathering firewood, what else can we do? The branches and firewood distributed by the construction team are all wet. Let's go into the mountains to find some dry stations." Wang Jianshe and the others laughed.

"Just as we were walking southwest of our forest farm, before reaching Zhang Lianxiang Hill, we came across a Tiancangzi, a quite big Ha Dayang tree, and the three of us didn't hug it.

About three or four meters above the ground, there was a tree hole. I shone a flashlight into it, and a blind man lived in it. "

Sheng Xiping rolled his eyes after hearing these words, these bears can't stop.

Going so far into the mountains to pick up firewood?They clearly wanted to hug the grass and shoot rabbits, to see if there were any wild animals to hunt.

Just being narrow-minded, do you still want to fool him?
"Nonsense, it's already mid-April, and the black blind man has already left the warehouse. Can you still wait for you to kill the warehouse?"

At the end of March and the beginning of April, the temperature gradually rises, and the blind men in the cave will also sense the changes in the outside world and come out of the warehouse to look for food.

Of course, the solar term is late at Qianchuan Forest Farm, and the temperature in the mountains is low, so there is a certain chance that the blind man is still squatting in the warehouse.

"The warehouse we saw was in Yangpo, and the black blind man left the warehouse late. I checked it with a flashlight, and it was really inside." Wang Jianshe made several swearing assurances.

It is said that the black blind man squatting on the sunny slope saw the shady slope.

The snow on the shady slope melted late, so the blind man felt that it was still winter and he would leave the warehouse later.

But the black blind people on the shady slopes see the sunny slopes, and the snow melts early on the sunny slopes, so the black blind people on the shady slopes leave the warehouse early.

This statement has always been made, but it may not be true.

The black blind man squatting in the warehouse did not just look for a place when winter came, but started looking for targets before autumn, marking the site, and packing the warehouse.

Generally speaking, black blind people will try their best to find tree holes that are leeward to the sun, unless they are forced to, very few black blind people will choose to back to the shady slope.

"Xi Ping, let's go up the mountain tomorrow with a dog and a gun. I swear I saw a blind man inside."

Those few were a little anxious and said with certainty.

From the end of the winter sports to the beginning of afforestation in May, there is not much work in between.

Regular workers have a basic salary, but like Sheng Xiping and others, they have nothing, and live on the wages of winter sports production.

Sheng Xiping was doing better, after getting married, Zhou Qinglan got a salary as a substitute teacher.

Of course, after spending so much money on getting married and having to live in the future, no one thinks too much money.

As for Wang Jianshe, let alone them, they are all bachelors.

A few days ago, Chen Weiguo took the initiative to express his feelings to Liu Hongxia, but Liu Hongxia's parents were not very optimistic about Chen Weiguo, thinking that the Chen family was burdened, especially Weimin, who felt that it would be a burden in the future.

According to what the Liu family said inside and outside the meaning, unless Chen Weiguo is willing to get married and live separately, otherwise the Liu family cannot agree to the marriage.

Not to mention Wang Jianshe, he is optimistic about Li Xue, but Li Xue is an educated youth from Songjianghe.

After all, not everyone is like Zhou Qinglan, who doesn't care about the ditches in the town.

Wang Jianshe wanted to have a result with Li Xue, but he might not be able to if he didn't have the ability to make money.

Zhang Zhijun and Pan Fusheng are younger, but not too young. If they don't save some money for their wives, how can they marry a wife?

Gao Haining's pressure is even greater, the child will be born in a few months, will it cost money to raise the child in the future?
All of them stared wide-eyed, thinking about how to make money.

Otherwise, they could go all the way to collect firewood?That must be something else.

Everyone wants to make money, but how can there be so much money these days?In the mountains, besides running to collect mountain goods, isn't it just hunting?

Now that we have found Heixiazicang, what's the point?Just go to kill Cangzi and you're done.

They have three guns in their hands, and the Sheng family has four very powerful dogs. Do you believe that they can't kill a black blind man?
"Okay, let's do it tomorrow. I'll bring those dogs back tonight. Let's take the dogs with us tomorrow just in case."

This season, Hei Xiazi can leave the warehouse at any time, and bringing a dog can serve as an early warning, just in case.

In this way, several people agreed to go into the mountain, and then Wang Jianshe and the others left.

There was still a while before the noon meal, and Sheng Xiping had nothing to do, so he would accompany his mother to knitting, and the two of them would chat for a while.

Around 10:30, the two mothers made lunch together, and when they came back from school and work at noon, the whole family had a lively meal.

In the afternoon, Sheng Xiping packed some things and went to Liu's house, intending to bring back his dogs.

"Master, wife, what are you busy with? Yo, the eldest brother and the second brother are also at home."

As soon as he entered Liu's house, he saw Liu Yujiang and Liu Yuhe in the house of Liu Changde and his wife in the front yard. Sheng Xiping greeted them with a smile.

"Master, wife, I accompanied my daughter-in-law back home, bought a few boxes of snacks, and brought two boxes for you to taste."

The two brothers of the Liu family helped Sheng Xiping a lot. There were young and old, and Sheng Xiping never came back empty-handed.

Even if Liu Changde and his wife don't eat it, it's okay to give it to the two little guys.

"Hey, Xiping is accompanying his daughter-in-law back home. You just came back today, right? Look at you, what else do you bring home?

Now that you are married, you have to know how to live in the future, but you can't open your hands as much as before. "

Qin Qiuyan treated Sheng Xiping like her own son, when she saw Sheng Xiping bring something, she had to give some instructions.

"Well, don't worry, Master, I will definitely pay attention in the future." Master's kindness, Sheng Xiping naturally appreciated it.

"Big brother and second brother, isn't the team busy recently? Shouldn't it be time to prepare seeds?"

The solar term here is more than ten days later than that of Songjianghe, and the farming usually starts in mid-May.

At this time, the production team should prepare seeds and fertilizers in advance, and discuss the planting plan for this year.

Moreover, Dajianchang Village still has ginseng land. At this time, the ginseng land should also be curtained and made into ginseng sheds.

The agricultural team is much busier than the forest farm, and they can only rest for a few months in winter.

"I'm busy too, but it's still too late. No matter how busy you are, there is a limit." Liu Yujiang smiled.

"Hey? By the way, I remembered something when you came here. Does your forest farm have training every spring?"

"Yes, I guess it's just the last few days. When the forest farm starts planting trees in May, there will be no time for training."

The commune conducts militia training every year, and the forest farm also has a training plan every spring.

Educated youths like Sheng Xiping have to participate in training every spring.

"Xiping, I have an idea. You just came over, so I will discuss it with you first."

The two brothers of the Liu family looked at each other, and then Liu Yuhe spoke.

"That's right, our brigade is planning to organize militia training in the next few days.

This year's training program is different. I don't plan to walk in the queue or practice target shooting. I want to take them all to the mountains for training.

Turn around, can you talk to your forestry secretary?Ask about the meaning of the forest farm, otherwise this year the two of us will join forces, how will the whole spring hunting contest be? "

Sheng Xiping really did not expect that the Liu brothers would have such a proposal.But thinking about it carefully, this proposal is quite good.

Whether it is Qianchuan Forest Farm or Dajianchang Village, they are all in this deep mountain and old forest.

Living in the woods is good, the products are rich, there are many opportunities to engage in sideline business, and you can also draw money.

But there is one bad thing, that is, there are too many wild animals, especially black blind men and wild boars, which harm both crops and people.

Every year in May and June is the season for gathering ox hair and digging Gastrodia elata, and it is also the time when black blind men hurt people the most.

Especially during the beginning of spring, when the black blind man had just finished squatting in the warehouse, he was hungry and looking for food everywhere, and he didn't hide from people.

The most terrible thing is the kind of female bear with cubs, out of the instinct to protect the cubs, it is easy to violently hurt people.

And in July and August every year, when the earing of corn starts, wild boars and black blinds take turns to harm the crops, which is really disturbing.

Whether it is a forest farm or an agricultural team, many people have to be arranged to go to the fields to look after the green seedlings. Even so, many crops are still damaged and the harvest is reduced.

But at this time, the vegetation is lush and the sight is blocked, which adds a lot of difficulty to hunting.

It would be an excellent way to clean up the surrounding beasts as much as possible in the beginning of spring.

After all, for this year, there is no concept of protecting animals, but everything that affects the production and life of the people needs to be eliminated.

"Don't talk about it, my second brother's suggestion is very good. Then I will mention it to the leaders in the field first. Whether it works or not, the leaders have to decide."

Sheng Xiping thinks it's useless, the key is that the leader thinks it's feasible.

Of course, based on Sheng Xiping's understanding of Wang Jiachuan, this should be possible.

After all, every spring, forest farm workers have to go into the mountains to collect cattle hair, and basically every year, some people are attacked by wild animals and injured when they are engaged in sideline business.

If we can carry out spring hunting in conjunction with the large alkali field, we will not only train soldiers, but also eliminate hidden dangers, killing two birds with one stone.

(End of this chapter)

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