Rebirth: the fiery age of Mori Gong's children

Chapter 130 Three Pigs Fighting One Bear

Chapter 130 Three Pigs Fighting One Bear

In this mountain forest, there are many broad-leaved trees, especially oak trees and walnut trees.

In autumn, many people come here to pick up walnuts and scallion seeds.

This kind of place is the favorite place for wild boars, where they can eat well and grow fat.

Both wild boars and black bears are omnivores, and their diets overlap to a certain extent.

Especially in this season, hickory nuts and scallion seeds are their favorite foods.

Black bears have a strong sense of territory and will be very hostile to wild boars that invade their territory.

But wild boars are domineering and domineering. They only care about eating and go wherever there is food, regardless of whose territory it is.

In this way, wild boars and black bears will inevitably have conflicts due to various reasons such as territory and food.

The three wild boars under the hillside probably broke into the black bear's territory and snatched the black bear's food.

Therefore, the black bear got anxious and fought with the three wild boars.

At this time, none of the few people lying on the hillside dared to speak, not even to vent their breath.

I'm afraid that if I'm not careful, I'll be noticed by the four big guys below.

They are small after being startled, if these guys rush up madly, they may not be opponents.

Wang Jianshe winked at Sheng Xiping and asked Sheng Xiping what to do now?Do you want to shoot those guys down there?

Sheng Xiping shook his head, not letting Wang Jianshe act rashly.

The current situation is unclear, and the distance is far away, so there is no certainty that a single blow will hit.

It's better to observe for a while and take a shot if there is a chance. If there is no chance, they will lie quietly and wait for the winner to be decided.

So, several people lay down on the hillside cautiously and looked down the hill.

At this time, the fighting situation under the hillside became more and more intense.

The black bear chased the three wild boars up and got closer and closer to Sheng Xiping's hiding place.

As the distance gets closer, everyone on the top of the mountain can clearly see what's going on below.

The three wild boars were all boars weighing about [-] jin, and they were covered with strong, thick black manes.

The fangs on the left and right sides of the upper and lower alveoli are turned outward in the shape of a scimitar.

Four thick short legs, small pointed ears, long pointed mouth, short tail wagging left and right from time to time, and the mane on the body stands obliquely in a mess.

As the three wild boars ran, they exhaled white air from their foamy mouths.From time to time, there was a "hum-chi-hum-chi" sound in his mouth.

The black bear behind the three pigs has jet-black fur with a slight luster, and a crescent-shaped white patch on its chest.

This guy stands upright like a human being. It is estimated that this guy has eaten a lot in autumn, and the fat and strong one weighs about [-] catties.

The black bear's forearms are thick and its shoulders are raised, like a black hill that can move.

This guy was chasing three wild boars behind, while roaring "oh, ow".

After the previous bear hunt, Wang Jianshe and the others became much more courageous.

Although the bear's roar made people's hairs stand on end, but this time they didn't feel so frightened that their legs limp and their hands trembled.

Seeing that the three pigs and one bear were getting closer and closer to the top of the mountain, Sheng Xiping waved his hands at the crowd, and then lowered his hands.

He signaled everyone to lean down as much as possible and not to make any noise, so as not to be smelled by wild boars and black bears.

Thanks to the north wind blowing today, Sheng Xiping and the others were downwind, and the four dogs below kept fighting, so they didn't notice that there were people on the hillside.

About 200 meters below where Sheng Xiping and the others were lying, the terrain suddenly became steeper.

The three wild boars ran down the steep slope, suddenly turned around and stopped running around.

Then, the three wild boars stood in three directions, surrounding the black bear that was chasing up from behind.

Six big fangs that were as sharp as knives were aimed at the black bear, and there was a fierce light in the small dark eyes.

It seemed that the three wild boars were planning to fight the black bear.

The three wild boars opened their posture and began to charge one after another, using their snouts to arch and their tusks to pick at the black bear.

Even though the black bear is so big, its figure is quite flexible, and it avoids the attack of wild boars lightly.

At the same time, looking at the timing, it slapped the wild boar's shoulder with its huge bear paw.

After several slaps, the three wild boars were injured to varying degrees. They rolled on the ground a few times, whimpered and howled, and struggled to get up.

Compared with wild boars and black bears, in terms of intelligence, black bears are smarter than wild boars, and in terms of desperate strength, wild boars are much stronger than black bears.

At this moment, the three wild boars are obviously red-eyed. Since there is no way to retreat, they will fight to the death.

Down the steep slope, three wild boars surrounded the black bear, hitting each other with their powerful bodies.

Three pigs and one bear, their bodies staggered and dodged, the wild boars attack by rushing, arching and provoking, and the black bears fight by rushing, scratching and biting.

Down the steep slope, I heard the roars of "嗤嗤嘤" and "Heng Chi Hum Chi" one after another.

The surrounding mountains were completely silent, and all the birds and animals in the woods hid as much as they could.

The three pigs and one bear fought back and forth for more than a dozen rounds.

Both sides were very tired, panting heavily, and their fighting movements slowed down.

And Sheng Xiping, taking this opportunity, gestured to Wang Jianshe and made a mouth shape at the same time.

Signaled to Wang Jianshe to hit the pig, he aimed at the black bear.

Generally speaking, large wild animals seldom really fight to the point of life and death. Once the battle situation falls into a stalemate, the smart one will find a way to escape.

How could Sheng Xiping miss such a good opportunity?

No matter what happened today, at least one of the four had to stay.

Wild boars were easy to fight, so I left it to Wang Jianshe, while Sheng Xiping aimed at black bears.

Sheng Xiping has been with Wang Jianshe and others for so long, and there is still a tacit understanding.

The two aimed at the target at the same time and pulled the trigger almost at the same time.

There were two sounds of "bang, bang", and a wild boar under the steep slope screamed "cheep".

Wang Jianshe's marksmanship was good, and this shot hit the wild boar just behind the front shoulder blade.

The small eye went in and the big eye came out, the bullet went out, and the wild boar screamed and fell to the ground.

At the same time, the big black bear was also shot, and this shot hit the black bear's chest, on the crescent-shaped white fur.

The black bear staggered and fell forward, changing from standing upright to crawling.

The life force of this black bear is very tenacious. After being hit on the chest, it can still move, and it rushed towards the steep slope.

For wild boars, climbing steep slopes is difficult, but for black bears, this is not a problem.

Of course, the severely injured black bear did not move that fast, and it was a little bit powerless to climb the steep slope.

At this time, Sheng Xiping fired a second shot.

This shot just hit the head of the black bear, which was already at the end of its strength. After being hit by this shot, its body tilted and rolled down the steep slope.

It kept rolling until it was quite far away, then stopped, and lay there motionless.

On the steep slope, Wang Jianshe immediately pressed the handle of the gun to reload after firing the first shot.

And Sheng Xiping stood up, and fired several shots at the other two wild boars that had recovered their senses and turned to run away.

(End of this chapter)

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