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Chapter 294 Consensus

"It's an earthquake!"

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone from the Dahe Tribe suddenly rushed out of the cave.

There are not many habitable caves in this area, and there happens to be one in the territory occupied by the River Tribe. This water tribe has no interest in building thatched houses. Instead of wasting wood and time on building houses, it is better to build more boats.

Besides, the cave is not bad either. It is warm in winter and cool in summer. It is a natural shelter. Its structure is far more stable than thatched house and can last for millions of years without being destroyed. The only thing that needs to be watched out for is earthquakes.The ancestors of the Dahe tribe had the tragic experience of being buried in caves that collapsed due to earthquakes, and were particularly sensitive to the shaking of the earth.

Everyone evacuated to the open space with their young and old, and saw the ground slowly cracking. They were so frightened that their legs became weak. They were about to evacuate further away, when suddenly a child pointed at the crack and shouted:

"Mom! There's someone down there!"

Everyone followed the sound and saw that there were indeed people underground. They were rising rapidly. There were quite a few people there. At a glance, there were at least 60 people.

"It's the Sky Priest and the Master Wizard!"

The crowd turned from panic to surprise. It was obvious that the shaking of the earth was caused by the magical powers of the Sky Priest and the Master Wizard, and there was no danger.

Dahe tribe is the furthest away from Taoyuan, and it is also the last tribe Zhang Tian and his party visited.

Before setting off, Zhang Tian gave dreams to the chiefs of each tribe, asking them to foresee the horrific scene of meteorite destruction in their dreams, in order to save money.

There were almost one stop every day along the way. Fortunately, all the tribes in Hexi were allies, but the sky priest followed suit, so the promise was obtained without much effort.

The international students got off at the station, but more people volunteered to join the mission. Some wanted to go to the beach, some wanted to try out the "subway", and some simply wanted to get closer to the Sky Priest and the Wizard... When they arrived at the Great River Tribe, their numbers increased as much as when they set out.

Jiang He, the chief of the Dahe Tribe, is also among them.

Jiang He was extremely happy. It was worth living to this age to experience such a novel and extraordinary thing!

He explained his purpose to the tribesmen.

The River Tribe has been to the seaside. To them, the residents of the seaside are not only the same kind, but also living people. Coupled with Xingyue's sincere plea, who can refuse a cute girl?

Knowing that the Sky Priest would lead a delegation to the Star Tribe, the men of the River Tribe were all clamoring to go.

Jiang He said seriously: "The Sky Priest allowed me to take two people with me. I don't plan to come back to the Star Tribe this time. I want to go to the end of Sky Lake to have a look! People with the same determination can follow me on the journey."

After confirming the candidate, he ceded the position of chief to Jiang Liu and relieved himself of his responsibilities, so that he could sail towards the end of his dream without any worries.


The sudden visit of the Taoyuan Mission made many tribes along the way enthusiastic.

This is especially true in Hedong. Not everyone participated in last year's rally. Most people could only hear what they heard at the rally from the participants' mouths, and get a glimpse of the sky priests and wizards from a few words.

I heard that Taoyuan will send a delegation to participate in this year's gathering. Everyone is gearing up and vowing to win the qualifications to participate.

Just as they were making full preparations for the summer gathering, accompanied by a slight earthquake, a group of Taoyuan people suddenly emerged from the ground without warning!
Unexpectedly, in addition to the power of thunder beasts and forests, the sky priests and wizards also have the power of the earth!

In the eyes of the people in Hedong, the two kind-hearted people suddenly became extremely tall and majestic, as if they were standing tall and tall, making people afraid to look directly at them.

Feelings of awe and admiration arose spontaneously, and they took out the best food to entertain them, for fear of neglecting the distinguished guests.

However, awe is awe, and as soon as topics involving self-interest are brought up, the people of Hedong immediately regain their senses.

The tribes in the east of the river went through a bloody battle to determine the current territory. The land was hard-won, how could it be given to outsiders?When the Yanbao people came here, they were either killed or captured. In their view, the Seaside people were completely foreigners, and their status was no higher than that of the Yanbao people.If you just exchange goods and exchange what you need, they welcome it. If you want to come and share their territory, there is no way!
"Master Priest, it's not that we don't agree. Look, our territory is only so big, but there are so many mouths crying for food. Our own people can't even feed them. How can we accommodate foreigners?"

As if they had discussed it in advance, the chiefs of each tribe all looked like "You are trying to embarrass me, Fat Tiger." No matter how the Sky Priest tried to reason and move his emotions, they remained indifferent.

They respect the Sky Priests, but they stand their ground even more.

Their insistence is not entirely unreasonable. The population in Hedong is denser than that in Hexi, and agriculture has not been developed. The utilization rate of land is extremely low, and the population that can support it is indeed very limited.

Zhang Tian also knew that the people of Hedong were accustomed to fighting for strength, and the aggression in their hearts was still there, so xenophobia was inevitable.

Even if they are forced to accept refugees in the name of the sky, it is difficult to ensure that these people will be treated well later.

Zhang Tian originally didn't expect them to agree.

He deliberately remained silent for a while, with a thoughtful look on his face, and then said: "Okay, let's each take a step back. You can treat them as guests and take them in temporarily, right? After this crisis is over, we will Help them rebuild their homes, and when the time comes, I hope you will also contribute."

There is no such thing as taking a step back. This is Zhang Tian's ultimate goal.

Lu Xun once said, when someone says that the house is too dark and a window must be opened here, everyone will definitely not allow it; but if you advocate removing the roof, they will mediate and be willing to open the window.

Although judging from the results, the Hedong people contributed both food and labor and could not get any benefits, but compared to sharing territory with foreigners, this proposal was completely acceptable.

What's more, the sky priest has already given in, and he has to betray the priest's face both emotionally and rationally!
"We should!" The chiefs of each tribe agreed readily, "We are closer to them and should help each other!"

Zhang Tian smiled and nodded, seemingly calm and unhurried, but in fact he was unsure.God knows how much damage meteorites can cause!If reconstruction fails, most of the seaside people will be forced to migrate.

This is undoubtedly the worst outcome. There are thousands of people living on the coast. Where can we find so much unclaimed land to accommodate them?

Zhang Tian did not mention this to the people of Hedong, nor did he plan to mention it later.He only told Xiao.

The top priority is to persuade the indigenous people in Hexi, Hedong and Haibian to reach a consensus and reduce casualties as much as possible.

Anything that would hinder the achievement of this goal should be avoided, as long as the owl knows what to do.

"Master Priest, you should go to the Star Tribe next, right?" Huzi, the chief of the Tiger Skin Tribe, showed a slightly flattering smile. "I understand their language and can translate for you. Please be sure to take me with you."

Before Zhang Tian had time to answer, Jiang He on the side said first: "Master Priest's Star Language is much smoother than you! Besides, there are more people here who know Star Language than you can count on one hand. Do you need to translate?"

Huzi showed no sign of weakness, put his hands on his hips and said, "Who asked you? I'm happy to! Can you care?"

There was never a time when these two people met without being at each other's throats, and everyone present was already used to it.

Even though I’m not familiar with Hu Zi, it doesn’t hurt to take him with me.

Zhang Tian nodded in agreement.

Huzi's face was almost broken from laughter. He raised his eyebrows proudly at Jianghe. He went back to the room and quickly tidied up. He squeezed in next to Xingyue and Xingchen and said hello to his "financier" with a wink.

It was late spring when we left the Tiger Skin Tribe, and the mission had expanded to a hundred people.

Everyone sank into the ground for the last time and rushed towards the terminal point of this journey. (End of chapter)

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