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Chapter 289 Priest from the Stars

Chapter 289 Priest from the Stars

"Xiao, go to sleep. I will keep vigil for you tonight."

"Eh? But, Lin said you need to take a good rest."

"I've had enough rest during the day, and I can't sleep at night. I came out to look up at the sky, breathe some fresh air, and keep a watch over you all night. Go quickly. Lin recently made a batch of soap. I heard that all the women took a bath today, and The flowers in spring are just as fragrant! My good brother, you don’t want Snakeberry to be intimate with other men, right?"

Xiao Xiao jumped up and said happily: "Oh my god, you are really my brother!"

Then he hurried towards the living area where Snakeberry was.

Zhang Tian looked at Xiao Xiao's anxious back, shook his head with a smile, and sat down by the firepit.

As the number of wolf dogs increases, the night watch task becomes easier and easier, and even patrols are omitted after the autumn harvest.Even in their sleep, these alert animals have sharper senses than humans, capable of detecting the slightest movement and odor and sounding the alarm in time.

Since the clan's territory is still in a period of rapid expansion and no fortifications have yet been built, one person is still left in each living area to keep vigil just in case.

When the population grows and the territory expands to a certain extent, trenches can be dug, city walls can be built, cities can be planned, and management issues will also arise.

There are only just over 1000 people now, and the older generation is still there. They have lived a collective life all their lives. In this collective, the sense of "self" existence is very weak, and what is left is obedience and discipline rooted in the bones.

Children receive new education from an early age. In school, teachers encourage individuality, a spirit of curiosity and exploration, and differentiated development.

In the long run, education is undoubtedly the cornerstone of national rejuvenation and social progress, but at the moment, education itself is also a revolution without gunpowder. It will create all kinds of people, give birth to strong "selfs", and then bring about Desires that didn’t exist before.

The transformation from public ownership to private ownership and the improvement of productivity are external factors, while the ebb and flow of collective consciousness and self-awareness are the internal driving forces.

This is a long process, and it took mankind tens of thousands of years to go from the primitive society where the collective was the first priority to the modern society where self-interest is prevalent, and from primitive communism to state capital.

Whether it can ultimately transform into a more advanced form of communism depends on scientific and technological innovation, and educational reform is fundamental.

According to historical materialism, the development of human society is based on material production activities and is a process from public ownership to private ownership, and then from private ownership to public ownership. History has proven the former, but the latter is yet to be known.

From this perspective, Lin Yu felt that she was very lucky. She was at the point of social transformation before and after time travel. After observing during this period, she discovered that the first private desire to appear in primitive society was the desire to possess a sexual partner.

This is particularly evident in the "high-level intellectual" Xiao, which is very consistent with the stereotype of people in special times that the more knowledge intellectuals have, the more reactionary they are.

Zhang Tian added some firewood to the fire pit, and there were slight footsteps behind him. When he looked back, it was Lin Yu.

"Are you keeping vigil tonight?"

"No, I changed shifts with Xiao."

"Can't sleep?"

"You too?"

Lin Yu smiled, sat down next to Zhang Tian, ​​and stretched out his hand to warm himself by the fire. The firelight stretched the shadows of the two of them very long.

Dr. Lin is an expert in perfumery. She combines the extracted plant fragrance into the saponification reaction to make soap, which is very popular among women.

Sitting side by side at this time, Zhang Tian only felt the faint fragrance, and the nerves that had been tense all day were relieved at this moment.

No wonder the camp was filled with the sounds of passion. Men in this era had little requirements for women's appearance. After all, there was a lack of lighting tools. They were all the same after dark. Only the sense of smell was more acute in the dark. The fragrance was undoubtedly aphrodisiac, boosting fertility. A great tool for efficiency.

"You couldn't sleep because you sensed danger, right?"

"You still understand me."

If the meteorite does not fall, the potential danger will not be eliminated. Strong panic and uneasiness stimulate his senses all the time, making it difficult for him to sleep.It seems that inspiration, a passive skill that cannot be turned off, also has a bad side.

"Then why are you?"

"I see you are under great pressure, so I come out to keep you company."

"Hey, I don't believe it...I don't know you yet? You are someone who can sleep ten hours a day, which is not too much..."

At this time in the past, Dr. Lin would have slept like a dead pig, and there was no way he could get up from the warm bed.

Zhang Tian turned to look at her. The gentle firelight dyed her beautiful profile and slender neckline with a thin layer of rose red. Her eyes dodged in the semi-darkness.

Lin Yu stroked the strands of hair around his ears with a hint of guilt, and asked, "What are you looking at?"

"You are obviously scared."

"Me? Afraid?" Lin Yu chuckled, "What am I afraid of?"

"fear death."

The voice fell, and the air was suddenly quiet.

After a long time, Lin Yucai sighed and said, "Is it so obvious? I also used white stone to eliminate negative emotions, but it seems to be of no use."

"It's useful, but... you can't hide it from me. Don't think too much. Myths are just myths. There are many theories about how Nuwa died, but there is no conclusion. If you feel uncomfortable, we will change the version currently circulating tomorrow. .”

"It's not because of this." Lin Yu shook his head, "Do you remember Pujie, the prophet of the tribe at the foot of the mountain? She said at that time that there would be a greater disaster in the future, and I..."

She suddenly stopped talking. Zhang Tian had already recalled it and said disapprovingly: "Just listen to what the fortune teller said, don't take it seriously. No matter what happens, I don't dare to say that I will be able to protect you, but I will definitely stand with you. Even if the meteorite hits me, let it hit me first. How about that, are you loyal enough?"

Lin Yu was a little surprised: "Aren't you afraid at all?"

Zhang Tian smiled calmly and said: "Sima Qian said that everyone is destined to die. It may be heavier than Mount Tai or lighter than a feather. Think about it, if you were Nuwa, wouldn't I become the great god Fuxi? If I could use the power of the Chinese ancestors If your identity dies, that’s not bad, very good.”

What do you want to do with your life?Don’t you just want to achieve success and be famous forever?
Looking at the ancient history of China, are there any more awesome figures than these two?
It only took seven or eight years to travel back in time. He exchanged his life span of seven or eight years for a vigorous life, and lived a mediocre life until he died at the age of seven or eighty. Zhang Tian was the kind of person who would not hesitate to choose the former way of life.

Lin Yu was infected by Zhang Tian's emotions. He thought that if he could achieve the title of Nuwa, it would not be a loss if he died. The sadness in his heart suddenly disappeared by half, and he couldn't help but complain: "You know how to draw chicken blood, no wonder Being the boss..."


Xiao spent a passionate night.

Sage mode, start!

Xiao took over most of the teaching tasks from Zhang Tian, ​​which made him feel a sense of urgency, especially teaching those smart students, which made him feel even more stressed.

When a student is on the first floor, he must be at least on the fifth floor. Otherwise, how can he answer questions?
So while the children were still learning to add and subtract decimals, he had already begun to study the "heavenly book" on the tortoise shell.

The so-called Heavenly Book, that is, the nine-nine multiplication formulas, starting from "one one gets one" and ending with "nine-nine eighty-one", Zhang Tian carved this set of formulas on the shell of the giant tortoise, claiming that this was the knowledge passed down to him by the sky. , so it is called the Book of Heaven.

The idea of ​​carving a heavenly book came up in the first place, partly because Xiao has already mastered addition and subtraction, and multiplication is essentially a simplified operation of addition. After learning addition, he should learn multiplication.

On the other hand, Zhang Tian thought, Christianity has the Bible, Islam has the Quran, Buddhism has the Tripitaka, and Taoism has the Tao Te Ching. How can the Sky God Sect do without some teachings passed down from ancient times?
After thinking about it, although we are called the Sky God Religion, we actually believe in science and admire practice to gain true knowledge, so I left behind a set of nine-nine multiplication formulas, which are concise and comprehensive, which is enough.

Once the children have mastered addition and subtraction, they should recite [-] makes [-], [-] makes [-] every day... Don't let the scene be too beautiful!

Later, after being reminded by Lin Yu, Zhang Tiancai learned that Liu Hui wrote this sentence in "Nine Chapters of Arithmetic": "In the past, I started to draw the Eight Diagrams in the Pao Hu clan to communicate the virtues of the gods and to imitate the emotions of all things, and to make the number of ninety-nine. , to combine the changes of the six lines", and attribute the origin of the nine-nine multiplication formula to the great inventor Fuxi.

Zhang Tian did not expect that his whim seemed to have planted the cause for future generations. Who can tell clearly between cause and effect?

Bathing, fasting, sacrifice... After the grand sacrificial ceremony is over, the much-anticipated sports meeting comes next.

If international students are asked to name the most impressive thing they have experienced in Taoyuan, nine out of ten they will choose the sports meeting, so much so that they will actively promote this event after returning to the tribe.So at this year's autumn gathering, the tribes in Hexi also followed the example of the Sky Clan and held a sports meeting, and the events were basically replicated one to one.

No one in Hexi has ever experienced this kind of entertainment that is both competitive and interesting. Although everyone's standards in the first sports meeting were generally low, they still couldn't hold back the enthusiasm of everyone, and the scene was extremely hot.

It is conceivable that sooner or later this sports event will become popular in Hedong and the seaside.

Zhang Tianpo thought with some wickedness, wouldn't it be wonderful if the land transportation from Taoyuan to the seaside is opened up in the future, and an "Olympics" is held every four years to bring together athletes from all regions to compete?

Of course, that was a long time later.

There is an existential crisis that needs to be resolved.

Just as everyone was gearing up to prepare for the upcoming sports meeting, Zhang Tian received news that Wolf Boy and his party were already on their way back.

Xingyun didn't let go in the end, and Ziyan didn't expect him to let go at all. She persuaded Xingyue.

Xingyue is not an honest and obedient girl. She is not willful for a day or two. Moreover, she thinks that she has fulfilled her duties as a priest. In order to solve the problem at once, she, Ziyan and Wolf Boy tried their best. I was even so exhausted that I had to rest for several days before recovering.

She could feel that this time many stars responded to their call!

The star core and thunder stone contained in it should be enough for the tribe to use for many years.

Now, the stars are still far away from the earth. She can go out for a swim and come back.She couldn't wait any longer.

Xingyun was so angry that her lungs were about to burst, and she said angrily: "Where are you going in the cold weather? Not to mention whether those foreigners are trustworthy, don't you know how weak your body is? What if something happens? , how do you explain it to your tribe?"

However, Xingyue insisted on leaving, and no one could stop her, not even her brother.

Xingyun had no choice but to take a step back and said: "I'll ask Xingchen to take a few people with you, otherwise I will never let you go even if I break your legs!"

After some bargaining, Xingyue finally agreed to take only one escort, Xingchen. She was going out to have fun and didn't want a group of murderous hunters to ruin the atmosphere.

Before setting off, Stardust beat his chest loudly and made a solemn promise to Nebula: "Don't worry! As long as I'm here, no one can hurt the priest!"

His confidence is not unfounded. He is the "chief instructor" of the three hundred hunters of the Star Tribe. He became famous for his skill with flying knives. The flying knives made by Star Core are extremely sharp. Within twenty steps, you can hit wherever you point. False hair!
However, as soon as he walked out of the tribe, he was shocked.

The wolf boy suddenly raised his neck and roared to the sky.


Stardust swore that he had never heard such a realistic wolf howl in his whole life. Although there were many good ventriloquists in the tribe, they were far inferior to this woman!

But something more sensational was yet to come.

There was a rustling sound coming from the bushes, and suddenly, a huge brown-gray figure jumped out and ran straight towards Liu Ren!

Xingyue screamed in fright, and Xingchen took out the flying knife from his waist like a reflex and raised his hand to shoot.

Crow held him down: "Don't do it, you're a wolf!"


Xingchen was stunned. In that instant, the big wolf rushed to the wolf child, circling her while identifying the scent, and then raised its neck and responded with a "whoop".

The crow said calmly: "Its name is Dalang, and he is our companion. Dalang, these two are also our companions, please remember it."

Dalang circled around Xingyue and Xingchen, taking note of their scents.

Xingchen stared at Dalang with a wary expression, while Xingyue nervously grabbed Zi Yan's arm.

Zi Yan patted the back of her hand and said comfortingly: "Don't be afraid. In Taoyuan, people and wolves live together. We haven't been back for many years, and we must have given birth to many wolf cubs now."

Xingyue and Xingchen looked at each other and saw the disbelief in each other's eyes.Can humans and wolves become companions and even live together?Simply unbelievable.

At this time, the wolf boy took out the yellow stone, Zi Yan put his hand on it, and Xing Yue followed closely behind.

The next moment, the ground began to shake.

Stardust was caught off guard, staggered and almost fell down.

Fortunately, the crow caught him in time, otherwise, he, the leader of the hunter, would have been embarrassed and lost his fortune if he had stumbled before the start.

The earth sank downwards, and the six people sank into the ground as the ground sank.

Xingchen's heart couldn't help but feel in his throat. He suddenly realized that he seemed to be a little too confident. In the face of such divine power, his little ability was not worth mentioning at all!
Two days later.


An arrow flew past quickly, hit the bullseye with a crisp sound!

"it is good!"


There was thunderous applause and the onlookers cheered enthusiastically.

The ninth round of the archery competition is now taking place. The target has been improved and made of ten rings made of cloth and thatch. The tiger's head is soaring ahead of the crowd, entering the final round with a seven-ring lead over No. 2, which is considered a far lead. , unless he misses the target in the last round, he will defend his archery championship for the fourth time.

There is no suspense in the game. It is better to hope that the sun will rise in the west than to hope that the tiger will miss the target.

The tiger head calmly opened his bow and drew an arrow. The moment he let go, the ground suddenly shook violently.

The aim was tilted by less than a hair, but the miss was a thousand miles away, and the arrow missed the edge of the target.

Off target!

The crowd erupted in excited shouts that were ten times louder than before.


Hutou imitated the words used by the sky priest and cursed loudly: "There was an earthquake just now! This arrow does not count!"

"Shut up!"

There were boos and the audience said they did not feel the earthquake.

"Fart! It's definitely an earthquake! Otherwise, I wouldn't have missed the target even with my eyes closed!"

Tiger's head turned red and he argued loudly.

"here we go again!"

At this time, the earth shook again, this time far more violently than last time. Everyone noticed it. They were stunned for a moment, and then immediately dispersed!

The earth slowly cracked open, and in front of everyone's eyes, the figures of six people and one wolf rose from the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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