back to prehistoric savage

Chapter 265 Taoyuan style

The Daxiong Mountain that separates the two places is a series of rolling low hills. Although the vegetation is dense, this mountain road was not difficult for the primitive ancestors to survive in the harsh environment all year round.

The hunters led the way by following the path they had cleared and the markings they left behind. The six "visiting scholars" sent by the Niutou Tribe followed briskly and closely. They observed the unfamiliar scenery around them and silently memorized the route.

Niu Wa is a talkative person. Except for sleeping, she basically never stopped talking along the way.

He was full of curiosity about the place called Taoyuan.

Naming a place of residence is a novel thing in itself. The ancestors of the Niutou tribe have migrated countless times and have never named any place. They do not have this habit.

But Niu Wa thinks this habit is good and worth learning. No matter where they migrate in the future, people should remember where they come from and the land that once raised them.


"Why is it called Taoyuan? Are there many peach blossoms there?" Niu Wa started his [-] whys.

Zhang Tian explained patiently: "In our language, Taoyuan means a rich and fertile land unknown to outsiders."

"Is that so...why is your language different from ours?"

"Because we have no contact with each other, language can only be integrated through communication."

"Then why do you understand our language?"

"This is the guidance of the sky. The sky taught me your language and let me guide you to become the people of the sky."

"Praise the sky! Are we almost reaching Taoyuan?"

Niu Wa has asked the same question many times. Zhang Tian knows that he is in a hurry, so every time he is asked, he always tells him not to be anxious. But this time he nodded and said, "Well, you should be able to climb over the mountain in front." I saw the dragon kiln."

"Dragon... kiln?"

Niu Wa repeated this somewhat awkward word and asked, "What is that?"

Zhang Tian didn't answer, but smiled and said, "I'll know when I see you."

Seeing the mysterious smile of the sky priest, the six of them felt as uncomfortable as a cat scratching their hearts. Their expectations were raised and their footsteps became more and more brisk.

Finally, when the scorching sun rose above their heads, the group climbed over the last hill, and an open and flat land came into view.

On the hillside, Niu Wa saw the dragon kiln mentioned by the sky priest: two huge monsters crawling on the hillside like giant snakes!

The six people were shocked. They had been to many places and seen many spectacular scenery. Their intuition told them that these two behemoths were definitely not creations of nature!

The sky priests confirmed their thoughts: It was the work of Taoyuan people!
It's incredible!

A Peng is the best at carpentry and construction among the six. He can use wood to build a house for several people. Looking at the entire Hexi, his skills are among the best and he has always been proud of them.

However, even if all the houses he built were added up, they were far less magnificent than these two dragon kilns!

How did you do it?
He quickened his pace and ran towards the dragon kiln located on the hillside, eager to find out immediately.

Because they are busy with farming in spring and autumn, pottery is usually fired in the relatively leisurely summer. However, the weather is hot in summer, and burning pottery under the scorching sun is like adding insult to injury, which is a test of the willpower of the tribesmen.

They came back at the right time. The kiln workers had just finished firing a kiln of pottery and were shipping it.

A group of kiln workers headed by Huang waved to the returning tribesmen and shouted loudly.

As they got closer, the six of them could see clearly what the kiln workers were carrying, and they couldn't help but be stunned. Niu Wa was so shocked that her jaw almost dropped to the ground!

He stepped forward and found himself in a sea of ​​pottery, as if he was living in a dream.

Just a few of these precious utensils are worth an ox. If all the pottery here is brought to the party, how many oxen can be exchanged for it?
Uncountable, uncountable at all!
Niu Wa felt dizzy and picked up a clay pot next to her. What a beautiful color and slippery outer wall!
The pottery here is not only astonishingly large in quantity, but also much more beautiful and thinner than the ones the tribes exchanged for high prices. They are obviously of extremely high quality!
He gently stroked the smooth Tao body and couldn't put it down.

Thinking that he had shown off his tribe's pottery to the sky priest, Niu Wa wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl in. Sorry, he spoke too loudly.

"Hey, what are you doing!"

Huang looked at the man's face and tried to stop him, but was stopped by the sky priest.

Hutou and other hunters informed the tribe of the whole story.

Everyone was amazed. They had lived here for almost three years, and this was the first time they met a local aborigine. Their eyes widened when they saw each other, and they looked around as if they had never seen the world. The tribesmen found it funny. , and felt extremely proud.

"Where did you get so many precious pottery stones?"

Niu Wa couldn't believe it.

Only a few tribes among the tribes in Hexi know how to make pottery. They all claim that the raw material of pottery is a kind of stone called pottery stone, which is very rare and therefore extremely precious.

At this moment, Niu Wa looked at the countless pottery inside and outside the kiln, feeling vaguely that he might have been deceived again.

Zhang Tian said: "Don't you want to know what the dragon kiln is? The dragon kiln is a place used to breed pottery. As long as you master the correct method, making pottery is not difficult. The people of the sky can learn the technology of making pottery." "

These words made the six people's hearts flutter. Just for this benefit, they were also happy to throw themselves into the arms of the sky.

"What about building dragon kilns?" A Peng couldn't help but ask, "Can the people of the sky learn how to build dragon kilns?" He observed carefully and found that the two dragon kilns were not the wooden buildings he was familiar with, but were made of A square red stone. The most surprising thing is that these stones are not only the same in shape, but also almost the same in size.Where did they find so many identical stones?

Zhang Tian smiled and said: "Building a dragon kiln is far more difficult than making pottery. Only those who pass the assessment are qualified to participate. You are the best carpenter in the Niutou tribe. I believe you have this talent."

A Peng was stunned for a moment and was about to ask what the test was, but the Sky Priest didn't give him a chance and walked down the mountain after speaking.

Zhang Tian took them back to the path taken by the Yanbao people, including farmland, camps, granaries, schools, breeding plants, and hemp spinning areas...

The six of them are leaders in all walks of life in the Niutou tribe. They were all confident in their skills at first. However, when they arrived in Taoyuan, they realized what it means to be like a human being, and there is a world beyond them. Compared with the Taoyuan people, their own skills were nothing to mention. !
The seedlings on the field ridges have grown to waist height, and the green crops are stacked on top of each other, with no end as far as the eye can see.

Growing grains was a technology completely beyond their knowledge, but when they saw the grain bins full of grains, they immediately understood the superiority of this technology, and so they had one more reason to join the Sky Clan.

After seeing hundreds of bamboo rats in the breeding farm, Niuwa never dared to claim that he was a master of cattle training.What’s even more frightening is that the Taoyuan people not only raise bamboo rats, they even raise wild boars. Even the ferocious wolves have become docile and obedient under their training!
He couldn't help but think that if he gave the captured cattle to the Taoyuan people to raise, they might raise them better than him!
Anuma, who is good at weaving, opened the door to the new world. She saw with her own eyes that women used tools made of various sticks to weave large pieces of cloth in a very short time. If the traditional weaving method was used, it would take less than ten days. You absolutely can’t do it in half a month!
Not only is the efficiency high, the cloth they spin is light and thin, which is far inferior to that of weaving. Wearing this kind of clothes in the hot summer is not to mention how comfortable it is!

The most amazing thing is that the spun cloth can be dyed in various beautiful colors. She likes it so much!
Anuma is keenly aware that if these thin and beautiful clothes are brought to gatherings, they will definitely be popular. They may also trigger a clothing revolution and lead a new wave of trends that will be popular all the way to the east of the river and even the seaside!
The thought excited her.Before that, it was always the people on the seaside who were the first to come up with new things, and then spread them to Hexi via Hedong, affecting and changing their lives. In exchange for these new things, they had to pay a high price.

But today, she saw too many new things in Taoyuan. Each of these things will bring huge changes to the people living in this land!

The propagation path that once traveled from east to west may be completely reversed, which is undoubtedly a great thing for them and the inconspicuous small tribe located at the far west!

Anuma said what he thought truthfully, and hoped that the Sky Priest could send someone to attend the Autumn Gathering with them.

"Bring your pottery and linen clothes, you can definitely exchange them for many good things!"

Zhang Tian couldn't help but look at her with admiration. On the way back, he had noticed that Anuma was smart, but he still underestimated her. These things are not something that can be thought of with a little cleverness, but must come from long-term observation of life.

In fact, she didn't need to remind him that Zhang Tian had originally planned to go to the autumn gathering to make contact with the tribes in Hexi.

However, things are urgent. There is still some time before autumn, so it is not too late to deal with the Niutou tribe first and then prepare for the meeting.

It was dusk, and the camp was filled with a rich aroma.

The women cooked delicious food and the men entertained the guests with fine wine

The language barrier was not a problem. The six people fully felt the host's enthusiasm. Although it was their first time to drink, they were so warm and welcoming. After one drink, they were already tipsy. Taking advantage of the wine, they drank two more drinks and were completely drunk.

Under the influence of alcohol, the six of them forgot about their identity as guests, completely let go, and shouted excitedly. After the meal, they even played drums, danced, and sang loudly, speaking in different languages. Also out of tune.

Niuwa didn't remember anything, not even when he slept or where he slept. He just felt happy, extremely happy!
When I woke up the next morning, my head felt dizzy.

Someone handed him a glass of water with some plant leaves floating in the water. The person said it was sobering tea in plain language. The pronunciation was a little lame, and he had obviously just learned it.

Niu Wa liked this cup very much, but because it was not cost-effective, the tribe did not exchange such small pottery. However, the smaller the things, the more the production skills are tested.

This cup is very beautiful, with perfectly curved wavy lines painted on the cup wall.

In his opinion, drinking water from such a beautiful ceramic cup is very luxurious.

But after yesterday's "baptism", he has become accustomed to this luxury.

In other words, what seems like luxury to him is just daily life for Taoyuan people.

How enviable... He thought to himself, put his mouth to the rim of the cup, and slowly sipped the fragrant tea.

After drinking a cup of sobering tea, I felt much more awake.

The six of them moved around, ate something to fill their stomachs, and then began a day of Taoyuan life.

Niu Wa follows Maple Leaf to experience the work of the breeding plant; Anuma becomes a teacher of Mint and becomes her one-day apprentice; A Peng follows Jing and a group of men to chop bamboo in the mountains and transport it by water; Aze follows Xiao to go boating in the lake. , cast a net to catch fish...

They participated in different production activities according to their own strengths, not only experiencing a day of Taoyuan people, but also fully feeling the fun of new things.

What impressed them most was not the various new technologies and things, but the Taoyuan people's attitude towards life. Their life was obviously very good, at least better than all the tribes Niuwa had seen, and It's far ahead!
But they are not satisfied with the status quo at all. They believe that as long as they work hard and continue to try and create, life can become better and production activities will become more efficient.

It is difficult for Niu Wa to understand this mentality. He is used to living a step-by-step life and doing things according to the rules passed down by his ancestors. He has never experienced this kind of atmosphere, and he lacks the courage to change.

For the first time, he discovered that life could still be like this!
Anuma integrates faster than Niuwa. She likes the life here and enjoys it.

Weaving is really interesting. I heard that the wizard invented the textile tool called "waist machine". The wizard is simply a role model for all women. Her intelligence makes Anuma admire her!
Mint is a very good teacher, and the language barrier does not affect the communication between them at all.

Mint showed off her Red Star Medal proudly. She was one of the first people to receive this honor!

Anuma made no secret of her envy. She understood that it was precisely because of the encouragement of the Sky Priest that the Taoyuan people had a different attitude towards life than other tribes.She likes this attitude, optimistic and hopeful.

At the end of the day's experience, Zhang Tian didn't ask them how they felt, and there was no need to ask. You could get a glimpse of it from their expressions.

It is human nature to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and he believes that they have their own judgment in their hearts.

The hosts once again entertained them with good wine and meat. This night, the guests all learned to restrain themselves and did not get drunk again.

The next day, Niu Wa and his companions said goodbye to their master, and Zhang Tian gave them some pottery bowls and linen cloth as a token of goodwill.

The six people thanked them again and again. Although they only stayed for a short two days, their moods at this time were completely different from those two days ago. Even though they were reluctant to leave, their steps were extremely firm and they left along the way they came. (End of chapter)

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