back to prehistoric savage

Chapter 256 The longing for life

Chapter 256 The longing for life

As soon as he finished speaking, Lei had no reaction, but the tribesmen behind him were already talking.

The words of the Sky Witch are straightforward enough. The only condition for staying is to give up the inheritance of the Rock Castle tribe, give up the traditions that the Rock Castle people have adhered to for thousands of years, completely accept their rules and lifestyle, and accept the leadership of the Sky Witch. … It’s not so much about joining them as it is about becoming them.

This made Lei feel uneasy. If he joined the Sky Clan, who would his own people be?Can the Sky Witch really treat everyone equally?Can the people of Rock Castle really be treated fairly and be able to gain a foothold here?

There is no such thing as ethnic integration or cultural integration in his cognition, but only the primitive racist concept of "people who are not from my race must have different minds."The reason why the Rockcastle people and the Riverside people are friendly is that their languages ​​are similar, which is enough to prove that they come from the same ancestor. More importantly, there are no territorial disputes between them.

But to the Sky Clan, the Rock Castle people were completely foreigners. Lei was unwilling to doubt the sincerity of the Sky Witch, but his ideological and cognitive limitations forced him to remain vigilant and cautious.

He heard many voices of opposition among the tribesmen.

Survival and continuation are the ultimate needs of primitive ancestors. Only when survival cannot be guaranteed, will they give up their inheritance.

The resources in this area are very rich, but it is more difficult in cold weather, but it is not so bad that it is impossible to survive.

Of course they yearn for a stable life, a warm home and long-term shelter, but many people find it difficult to accept that they should give up everything.

The reaction of the people from Rock Castle was within Zhang Tian's expectation.

He did not rush to explain or explain. He did not want the people of Rock Castle to feel that he was eager for their integration. Maintaining a lukewarm attitude was also a negotiation strategy.

"Do you want to discuss it now, or do you want to go with me to visit other places first and then discuss it after we understand our way of life better?"

These words successfully diverted the attention of the people from Rock Castle, and the discussion quickly subsided.

Besides growing grains, what other ways of life are there?

Lei saw the expressions of the tribesmen in his eyes, and without asking, their reactions already showed what they thought.

So Zhang Tian then took the Yanbao people to visit the bamboo rat breeding factory, the pig-raising toilet pen, the pottery making area, the hemp spinning area, the composting area...Everywhere they visited was eye-opening and shocking to the Yanbao people.

It turns out that they not only grow their own grains, but also raise their own wild animals!In the future, when the number of pigs reaches the size of bamboo rats, I am afraid that hunting will no longer be necessary and we will have meat to eat every day!

The men were shocked by something called a "pottery kiln."

If a person polishes a few of those exquisite stone-like utensils by hand in a lifetime, there are many, many pieces of pottery in just one pottery kiln. They have many, many pottery kilns like this. Unclear!The Sky Witch also said that the pottery kiln can produce pottery every day, and this production efficiency is simply more terrifying than that of bamboo rats!
Women couldn't move their legs when they arrived at the linen spinning area.

The twine was amazing enough, they had never seen such a thin thread before!Only with this kind of thread can we knit such beautiful and light clothes!

No, it's not weaving, the Sky Witch said, that's called weaving.Although they had seen textile tools called "waist machines", they had no idea how to use them.They also saw the freshly dyed linen hanging out to dry. It was so beautiful!

The women lingered among the colorful cloths, gradually slowing down, intoxicated and unwilling to leave. If it weren't for the urging of the men, they could spend a whole day shopping here!
The bamboo house they lived in was equally impressive. It was not only tight and stable, but also extremely warm. Although there was no flame, the ground was hot. Even if it was windy and snowy outside, it would not be cold inside. It was really magical!

Even the ditch surprised them.

The hunting and gathering lifestyle made them accustomed to adapting to the natural environment. If they could not adapt, they would migrate and adapt to another place. They never thought that humans could transform the natural environment. This is the power of God, the power of the sky!
Every time they passed a place, every time they saw something new, the people of Rock Castle were shaken in their hearts. After visiting the entire camp, most of the people of Rock Castle who had objected loudly before became silent.

The Sky Witch said, "It is not the peach land that makes people, but people create the peach land." At this moment, they finally understood the meaning of this sentence.

They forcibly transformed a piece of land that was not suitable for settlement into a paradise that everyone yearned for: there were endless millet, stable sources of meat, warm shelters to live in, and beautiful and comfortable houses. Clothes to wear... This kind of beautiful life that has everything and more, if they don't see it with their own eyes, they will never believe it!
Compared with the life here, the previous traditions, habits and rules seem, probably, [-]% not so worth remembering.

The reason why they are not sure is because they still have the same doubts as Lei: What kind of identity will they exist after joining?captive?outsider?guest?Or are they equal tribesmen?Can they live the same life as each other?
This is also the question that the chiefs of each tribe asked Zhang Tian during the discussion last night.

Although the material conditions of the people have improved, their thoughts and cognition are not much higher than those of the Yanbao people.

It was obvious to them that the Rockcastle people were foreigners.They can be kind and help their fellows in emergencies, but accept each other as a member of the clan and share territory with each other?This idea is so bold!
Zhang Tian spent a lot of time to convince the tribe to accept this proposal.

However, he also knew the concerns of the tribesmen, so he promised to ensure the leadership status of the chiefs. In other words, the Rock Castle tribe cannot be on an equal footing with other tribes as a whole. They must be integrated into each tribe in pieces.

Neither Zhang Tian nor Lin Yu thought this was a problem.

The opponent's number does not pose a threat at all. Cultural integration has always been backward compatible with the advanced and backward. With the development level of the Yanbao tribe, it will only be affected by the Sky Clan's way of life and production, and it will never be reversed.The first generation may still have a strong ethnic consciousness, but what about the second and third generations?

They don’t even need to deliberately guide or carry out ideological education and transformation. As long as they live together for a long time, several tribes can be naturally connected through reproduction. After several generations, everyone will be relatives. This is the easiest way to condense The new ethnic group’s approach.

This is also one of the purposes of introducing new blood. After long-term mating within the clan, people will slowly degenerate like plant seeds, and each generation will become worse than the last.

When it develops to a certain level in the future, when the population grows to a certain scale, and the kinship relationships are so complicated that it is difficult to remember them all, it will be necessary to introduce the simple and convenient method of "surname" to determine bloodline and strictly control inbreeding.

"When you say joining you, do you mean becoming one of your tribe?"

Lei looked at the sky witch with burning eyes, hoping to get a positive answer.

Zhang Tianzheng said: "It means becoming the people of the sky. The sky treats all its people equally! We are all the people of the sky, so naturally we are one family!"

The people of Rock Castle are so happy!
Lei then asked: "Then can we live the same life as you?"

"Yes, as long as you are willing to learn, we can teach. However, the sky teaches us to live with our own hands, so our things will not be given to you, or in other words, we will not be provided for free. You can exchange things for us."

Lei had no objection. No one's belongings were brought by the strong wind. If you want them, you have to exchange them with items of equal value. This is a matter of course.However, Lei is still a little unbelievable. There is such a good thing in the world?I couldn't help but confirm again and again: "You mean, you are willing to teach us to build houses, grow grains, breed animals, bake pottery, and weave linen?"

"Of course, but before that, you must abide by the rules of Taoyuan."


"I said, from now on, I will be your priest, and Lin will be your wizard. You no longer belong to the Rock Castle tribe, and are no longer Rock Castle people. The past traditions no longer need to be followed in the future, and the past encounters do not need to be repeated in the future. Mention. You will be divided into various tribes and start a new life. The chiefs of each tribe are also your chiefs. If you can accept it, you will be the people of the sky."


Lei knew that this was not only a rule, but also a condition for "joining".When it comes to everyone's future, he doesn't dare to answer hastily.

Zhang Tian said patiently: "Don't worry, think about it with your tribe."

Lei and his tribe went aside to discuss.

Lei originally expected to encounter fierce opposition. After all, inheriting and continuing the ethnic group is a top priority. This concept is deeply rooted and may not be easy to change.

As a result, the reaction of the tribesmen was much gentler than he expected. There was still opposition, but it was much smaller than before.

Lei was a little surprised, but after thinking about it, he was relieved.

After this tour, the Sky Witch didn't mention a word about the conditions for joining. He just presented all the beauty in front of everyone without reservation. Even Lei could hardly withstand it. How could his people resist the temptation?

Although they haven't reached the point where they can't live anymore, who wouldn't want to live with a straight spine rather than lingering for a while?

As early as the sky witch showed them what life was like, the direction of the wind had quietly changed.

After walking around the camp and seeing no wolf child, both Wolf Spider and Viper breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that the wolf boy should have gone back to the forest. It's great, they don't have any worries anymore.As for the wolves here, they may be companions of the wolf boy, or they may not. They think there is no need to spread panic, just like the sky witch said: there is no need to mention the past encounters in the future.

It's time to start a new life.

When Lei found the Sky Witch again and saw the other party's leisurely appearance, he thought that maybe all this was expected by the other party.

"Have you reached a conclusion?" Zhang Tian asked.

"Yes, Miko... No, now I should call you Lord Priest. Lord Priest, we agree to your conditions, but we also have a request."

"You said."

Lei said in a very serious tone: "Listen to Wolf Spider, you know the reason why we left the forest. We were suddenly attacked, so we evacuated hastily and were forced to disperse. In the past two years, I I have been searching for the whereabouts of the clan members, but only some of them have been found, and some others have not been found yet.”

Seeing the sky priest frowning slightly, he quickly explained: "I know that according to the rules of Taoyuan, we are no longer from the Rock Castle and should not care about these things anymore. But no matter what, they are our tribesmen connected by blood. Our feelings , you must be able to understand. I think, since we came here through the guidance of the sky, then maybe the sky can also guide them."

"You have been guided because you looked up to the sky and prayed to the sky. If those people in Rock Castle whose whereabouts are unknown do not do this, no matter how powerful the power of the sky is, it will not be able to help them."

What's more, it's not certain whether those people are dead or alive... Zhang Tian added in his heart.

Lei sighed "Ah" and suddenly became a little depressed, sadness and worry slowly creeping up his stubbled and messy face.

"However," Zhang Tian suddenly changed the subject, "I understand your mood. After this busy period, I can send some people to find their whereabouts. Of course, you need to tell me where you have been. Which tribes did you encounter, how many people were there, what was their lifestyle, and what weapons were used..."

Lei listened to the sky priest asking such detailed questions and said that he really wanted to help, so he knew the relevant information in advance to avoid unnecessary conflicts.

He was extremely happy, loudly praising the mercy of the sky priest, and then told the other party everything he had seen and heard in the past two years.

As he was talking, he suddenly saw the sky priest taking out a rectangular block and a slender stick, lowering his head, and using the stick to paint on the block.

Lei couldn't help but be stunned and cast a surprised look at him.

"Go on, don't worry about me." Zhang Tian signaled with his eyes.

While Lei was talking, Zhang Tian was drawing a map. It was not so much a map as a "power distribution map."

In the past two years, while searching for the whereabouts of their clansmen, the Yanbao people met many local natives. Of course, they also received a lot of looks and lessons. They even fought with real swords and guns a few times. Of course, they were restrained.Even a large tribe with a population several times theirs would not dare to go out and fight with them. Those who wear shoes are still afraid of going barefoot.

Lei Xu rambled on and on until dark, unable to finish.

When the sound of women calling for dinner could be heard in the camp, he stopped talking, clasped his head, and said with a slight embarrassment, "I seem to be too verbose."

Zhang Tian closed the notebook and said with a smile: "It's okay. What you said is very useful information. It will be very important for us to find your tribe in the future! Let's eat first. After eating, there is a ceremony to do. Complete this ceremony. , you can truly become the people of the sky. We will talk about other tribes tomorrow."

"it is good!"

Lei grinned and offered his heartfelt praise again. Now, he recognized the young sky priest from the bottom of his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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