back to prehistoric savage

Chapter 253 Sudden increase in faith value

Chapter 253 Sudden increase in faith value

Huge cracking sounds came from time to time, like artillery fire, every other sound.The sound came from the sudden break of the frozen branch fibers on the bare gray tree. The temperature was not very cold, but it was the first real cold wave of the year, enough to freeze the trees.

The sun shone brightly without any warmth, and the snow turned from a soft white into thousands of bright and dazzling light spots.

The tribesmen have long been accustomed to it. In their former homeland, the warmest time on a cold day was probably similar to now.

Sweep away the snow around the house and clear open spaces. When you get tired of lying in the house, you will come out to stretch your muscles, play drums, dance and so on.

The men used their free time to renovate their farm tools and learned to make some simple furniture, such as tables, chairs, and benches.When the weather was not so cold, they opened up a "children's paradise" for the children. The entertainment facilities included: seesaws, swings, etc., which was naturally Zhang Tian's idea.

Cold weather often means dullness, like a land covered in snow, monotonous and lifeless.

But the children had a great time on this cold day.

Not only because there are seesaws to play on and swings to swing on, but also because there are new stories to listen to every day!
It was nothing at first. The Sky Priest often told stories before, but the stories he told before were all the stories of his ancestors. Although the stories of his ancestors were wonderful, they were too short and not satisfying.

This cold sky priest only told one story in total, about a warrior who migrated to the west with an entourage, a monkey, a pig and a horse. The name of the story was Journey to the West.

Zhang Tianmo changed the setting. Concepts such as monks and seeking Buddhist scriptures from the West were too avant-garde for the tribesmen. He changed them to warriors and migration for easier understanding. The plot has not changed much, and it still talks about the 81 difficulties encountered on the way to the west.

The tribesmen had never heard of any monsters, monsters, or beauties with painted skins. They were frightened, but also found it extremely novel, and listened with gusto.

"...The mountain road was rugged and difficult to walk. After walking for a while, the pig sat down on the ground and shouted that he was tired and couldn't walk anymore and wanted to rest. They had no choice but to stop and rest. At this time, a young woman appeared in the forest. The monkey I can tell at a glance that the other person is a goblin! A white-bone demon!"


The children were so frightened that they screamed and hid in their mother's arms, looking scared but wanting to hear.

"Monkey Brother didn't say anything, he hit the goblin on the head with a stick and killed the goblin on the spot! After a while, an old woman walked out of the hillside, holding a bamboo stick in her hand, and came crying step by step, saying To find my 'daughter'..."

Zhang Tianzheng narrated eloquently. Suddenly, the belief value in front of him jumped, and the number increased from the original 1703 to 1704.

He didn't think much about it at first. It wasn't the first time this happened, and it wouldn't be the last time.There are still many children in the clan who don't understand what belief is. When they have an epiphany one day and start to look up to the sky and pray to the sky devoutly, their belief value will suddenly increase sporadicly.

He glanced at the name of the new believer. If he wasn't a child from the clan, he should be a child from the prairie people or the riverside tribe.

Just as I was thinking about it, the number jumped again, this time it didn't go up by one or two, it went up by dozens!
[Faith value: 1756]

Zhang Tian was stunned for a moment.

Something's wrong!It’s impossible for more than 50 kids to have an epiphany at the same time, right?This doesn't make sense!
"Why don't you talk?"

"What happened next? Isn't this old man also a goblin?"

The children's urging brought Zhang Tian back to his senses, and he continued to tell the story.

During this period, the faith value had been slowly rising, and when he finished telling the story, the number finally stayed at 1772.

A total of nearly seventy new believers were added tonight!I looked at the names and they were all strangers.

Is someone preaching for me?
Zhang Tian's first reaction was that the Wolf Boy and his party were leaving. Perhaps they encountered other tribes during their exploration. The power of Huangshi made them fear and worship them, thinking it was a miracle, so they took the opportunity to publicize the power of the sky.

It's a bit unreasonable that this doesn't show its true meaning.

The belief value has increased by nearly [-] points, which means that there are probably more than [-] people on the other side. Some people may still be waiting and watching, just like the previous tribes at the foot of the mountain and the riverside tribe. We need to give these people who are still waiting and watching some motivation.

Let me see what you are praying for...

Only by knowing what they want can we prescribe the right medicine.

Zhang Tian never responds to daily prayers. In fact, he has already blocked most people's prayers. He is very busy and has no time to listen to everyone's prayers. What's more, these prayers are too the same: he hopes to have enough food, clothing, and shelter. Good, my clan members are safe...that's all.

He only pays attention to the top few figures in each tribe. When major changes occur and they are unsure, they will pray to the sky for guidance and help.

Therefore, Zhang Tian would take some time every night to see what they prayed for in order to prevent missing important information.

An excellent god may not show its existence at ordinary times. If it remains hidden when people need it most, it will shake the faith of believers.

Although the counting method of faith value is one-time, each person can only contribute a little faith value. As long as you have believed in it before, your faith value will not be reduced whether you abandon your faith or die.

But it is still necessary to provide some after-sales services to maintain their faith in order to absorb their descendants and make the faith value grow sustainably.

Zhang Tian also wants to break through five figures and unlock new magical skills in his lifetime!

So far, nothing has happened that requires him to provide guidance through dreams remotely.

Today is the first time.

In a rare moment of competence, Zhang Tian went through the prayers of the new believers one by one. He expected that like everyone else, he would pray for "a good hunting harvest tomorrow" and "bless my children to survive the cold weather."

The result was far beyond his expectation!

These new believers only pray for two things: first, that the sky can guide them to find a paradise, and second, that they can reunite with their lost tribesmen.

Zhang Tian couldn't believe his eyes!

What's going on with these guys?Why do a group of strangers know about the existence of Taoyuan?And suddenly became a believer in the sky?
He thought it was the Wolf Boy and his party who were preaching for him, but now it seems that it shouldn't be the case. If it was the Wolf Boy and the others, it would be impossible for them to just spread the faith without guiding the direction of Taoyuan. This was illogical.

Zhang Tian told Lin Yu about this, and Lin Yu was also confused.

They have never concealed their destination, so many people know about the existence of Taoyuan. The three tribes who still stay in the bitter cold land of the northeast know about it, the people on the grassland know about it, and the people on the riverside also know about it.

The news may have come from them.

"What are you going to do?" Lin Yu asked. "Of course I have to ask for a dream!" Zhang Tian said without hesitation, "The labor force that comes to your door should not be wasted!"

"Do you want to recruit them? Do you want to ask your dream to find out their origins first?"

"The sky knows everything. You can't ask this kind of question. Don't worry, as long as I ask for a dream, I can know how many people there are on the other side and whether they pose a threat. To say the least, who can pose a threat to us as long as you are here? Compared with this risk, we are even more short of people now!"

Lin Yu knew that Zhang Tianyan was right.

Population is the primary productive force. Many things cannot be implemented without enough manpower. Just filling the stomach takes up all the energy.

There are just a few hundred of them, relying solely on natural reproduction. There is a question mark as to whether their population will exceed [-] in ten years.According to the current growth rate, when the great-grandchildren's generation grows up, the population may not exceed [-], and it is unclear whether they will be alive at that time.

Absorbing the foreign population is undoubtedly the most efficient method. Injecting fresh blood and new genes is also conducive to the long-term development of the entire ethnic group.

After finally meeting a group of primitive ancestors, who inexplicably became believers in the sky, Zhang Tian naturally would not let them go.

[Faith value: 1772]

【You use divine magic to dream】

【Please select the recipient】

Since they didn’t know each other, Zhang Tian randomly selected five lucky ones.

[Please enter the instructions you want to convey]

Zhang Tian meditated in his heart: "The sky is always watching you and listening to your prayers. If you want to reach Taoyuan, you must first cross a big river and then go to the low hills in the west. Taoyuan is protected by the sky, and only the sky's The people can settle in the land of peach blossoms. As long as you look up to the sky and pray to the sky, the sky will guide you in the right direction."

Zhang Tian didn't know the exact location of the other party, but he guessed that they were probably migrating from the north. They met prairie people and riverside people on the way, and thus learned about the existence of Taoyuan.

If it weren't for the unfamiliar names, he would even suspect that the Salt Tribe, the Tiger Tribe and the Cave Lion Tribe had retraced their migration paths.

This trick worked repeatedly. Early the next morning, the five lucky ones woke up one after another, shouted loudly, and excitedly announced to their tribe the guiding dream they had last night... Zhang Tian could completely imagine the scenes, similar to He has seen the scene many times.

The faith value surged again, rising back to 1778.

It was not as good as Zhang Tian expected. He thought the price would rise much more than yesterday, but unexpectedly it turned out to be less.

From this point of view, the opponent's population is about 120, which will not exceed too much. As far as primitive tribes are concerned, it is considered a medium size.

This population poses no threat to them.

Zhang Tian paid close attention to the prayers of the five lucky ones. They praised the kindness of the sky and said that they would remember the guidance of the sky and set off after the ice and snow melted.


The new year begins with a melting snow.

The monotonous and boring scene in winter makes people long for full and bright green. After the temperature rises, the tribesmen can no longer stay at home and go outdoors and into the woods to feel the new green of spring.

The moist, rich smell of the woods hits your nostrils. The thick layer of fallen leaves covering the ground swells under the influence of moisture, and the air is filled with the dense fragrance of branches and leaves.

The men were cutting wood at the bottom of the mountain, while the women were walking up the mountain, leaving the path that had been trampled on the steep slope, climbing over a huge weathered rock with gray moss, and then crossing a shallow depression at the foot of the mountain, collecting things along the way. Fresh green food.

After eating corn porridge and dry food all winter, everyone is eager to change their tastes to celebrate the arrival of the spring festival.

The piles of fallen leaves that have not yet rotted are mottled, and the light coming from the edge of the rock makes the dull leathery color of the rotting leaves and sleeping plants look particularly dim.

The piles of rocks were still covered with ice and snow. The rocks ranged in size from small as a prairie dog to as large as an elephant. Most were almost as big as an adult huddled together.These stones are the remnants of the erosion of the cliffs, and have been polished into lumpy, irregular shapes by wind and rain over thousands of years.

Women use animal skin bags to collect ice cubes and melted snow, bring them back to baptize newborns and celebrate their first birthdays. They also select stones of suitable shapes and sizes and put them in their backpacks, which can be polished into various tools in the future...

Early spring is the last free time that the tribesmen can enjoy. After the frost breaks, the pressure of life will force everyone to carry forward the busy schedule of spring. It will not be until the next cold day that they can temporarily unload their burdens and take a few breaths. tone.

Living is never easy.

But before starting again, let’s have a good Spring Festival!
Zhang Tianjin inspected the breeding factory. Honghua, Maple Leaf and others in charge of breeding were selecting bamboo rats to devote themselves to the festival.

After a winter of reproduction, the number of bamboo rats has increased to nearly [-], including more than [-] newly sexually mature individuals.

They kept those who were strong and actively reproducing as breeding rats, and the rest had to shoulder the important task of providing fresh meat to the tribe. There were roughly fifty or sixty of them. They were reluctant to eat them in winter, and they naturally wanted to feast on them during the Spring Festival.

The adult wild boars that are captured are difficult to tame, but their man-eating mouths are not soft. They are very manic and full of hostility towards the women who raise them.

The men dragged the male wild boar out and slaughtered it. Because the two sows were pregnant, they waited for them to give birth and the piglets were weaned before killing them.

Young pigs are much gentler, and education really has to start from childhood.

None of these pigs have been castrated. The number of pigs is currently too small, and the breeding pigs have not yet been decided. It is not yet time to breed pigs.If you want to eat pork from a stable source, you have to wait for a long time.

Fishermen return with their first catch of spring.

Pigs, rats, fish... meat was all available, and Hu Yan and other chefs who were good at cooking began to prepare a sumptuous meat feast. The women also brought back fresh wild vegetables, and were busy selecting and washing vegetables, washing rice and making porridge, and cutting down The tree hunters brought back high-quality wood, and even the barbecue gave off a faint fragrance of firewood.

The unmelted ice and snow were purified and boiled, and the chiefs of each tribe baptized, named, and entered the genealogy of the babies who were born last year and successfully survived the cold weather.

Some babies are cheerful and laugh all the time since they are young, while some babies are so frightened that they cry from beginning to end.Cries and laughter were mixed together, resounding throughout the camp, and the rising smoke was soaring upwards with a rich fragrance, and everywhere was filled with a warm festive atmosphere.

But the taste of the tribe has long been cultivated, and although the aroma is rich, it is not as good as before.The reason is simple, because it still lacks a crucial main taste: salty.

It's been almost a year since I stopped eating salt. Zhang Tian licked his lips and couldn't help but miss the taste of salt.

(End of this chapter)

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