back to prehistoric savage

Chapter 237 Give them 1 point of original shock

Chapter 237 Give them a little original shock

Lin Yu's words gave Zhang Tian an illusion: they came here to settle and build a new home, and the excavation of the tea town ruins were obviously 1 years apart, but they seemed to be happening at the same time.

Wonderful feeling.

Lin Yu was in the same mood as him at this time, excited, excited and full of energy.

"In other words, what we do now determines what your mentors and peers will dig up..."

"That's right!"

"Then we have to work harder and give them a little original shock! Aren't you thinking about your doctoral thesis every day? The opportunity has come, write whatever you want now, and it will be a masterpiece after it is unearthed!"

"No, my mentor is very old. He must have a heart attack... We are developing normally. It is best not to leave modern words. It is too sensational."

Zhang Tian knew that Lin Yu would not do this, and he mentioned it mostly as a joke.

Looking at the open and calm lake, he suddenly felt a little emotional: "You have discovered the ruins of the tea town, which shows that everything we have done now will eventually be lost in the torrent of time."

Lin Yu burst out laughing: "What? Do you still want to imitate Qin Shihuang, and pass on to the second, third, and eternal generations for endless generations?"

"That's not true. I just hope our arrival is meaningful."

"Of course it makes sense!"

Lin Yu's decisiveness made Zhang Tian look a little sideways.

"This place was eventually abandoned and turned into a ruins. It does not mean that the people living here died, nor does it mean that the culture was cut off. It may just be because the environment here became no longer livable and people had to leave and find new ones. Home. After 1 years, even this lake will have disappeared. How can people settle here forever?"

"On the contrary, it is precisely because of human migration that the spread and exchange of culture between different regions has been promoted. As long as we teach them to fish and equip them with the ability to settle down and develop on any piece of land, culture will naturally last for a long time. passed down from generation to generation.”

That's the truth.

Zhang Tian came to his senses, gave a thumbs up and said with a smile: "As expected of a doctor, the situation is huge!"

At this time, there was a rustling movement in the bushes behind him.

The burly alpha wolf came out, and the wolf boy lying on the wolf's back jumped to the ground.After confirming that they had settled here, the wolves went into the forest to have fun and mark the place.

"How about it, is it okay here?"

"There's no one here, and any place without people is pretty nice."

As soon as the wolf boy finished speaking, another wolf silhouette jumped out of the forest and howled in a rapid tone.

The wolf boy's expression changed, and he immediately turned over and rode on the wolf's back, coming and going away suddenly.

Everyone looked at each other in confusion. Only Zhang Tian understood and said, "Come on, let's go take a look too!"



The howls of the wolves came one after another, echoing in the mountains and forests. The closer they got, the clearer they became. It seemed that there was a conflict. The howls were very messy, sometimes high-pitched and loud, sometimes shrill and harsh, and mixed with angry roars.

The hunters clenched their weapons and were on alert. Everyone was calm, knowing that with the wizard around, the wolves had nothing to fear.

Following the sound, we walked upstream of the stream and passed through the dense bushes in the mountain forest. A small waterfall appeared in front of everyone. The stream flowed down the steep stone wall and was divided into several small streams by the protruding rocks. The water splashed, and the surroundings were filled with mist.

Everyone climbed up the rock from a relatively low and dry place. In front of them, bright sunlight filtered through the branches and leaves of the forest.After walking dozens of steps, it suddenly became clear that a small open space broke into everyone's sight.

Walking out of the woods, one side of the clearing is surrounded by towering gray-brown rocks, the surface of which is sparsely covered with climbing plants. A stream meanders through the other side of the grassland. The source is a spring spouting from the rock wall. There is a large spring near the spring. Clumps of hazel trees grow close to the rocks.

This mountain range is densely covered with underground fissures and chutes. After underground river runoff flows into the ground, it emerges as clear, shiny spring water, forming a natural wetland here.

At this moment, the wolf child was leading her companions to confront another group of wolves. The two sides had obviously fought before, and several wolves were covered in glory.

Everyone immediately understood that the wolf boy's companion had intruded into the local wolf's territory. He probably angered the other party by peeing everywhere, so he was beaten up.

The opponent had an absolute advantage in terms of numbers. It was originally a one-sided situation. The arrival of the wolf boy and the alpha wolf slightly reversed the disadvantage. It was the first time for the local wolves to see a monster walking on two feet, and they were all a little frightened. There was a threat in his throat, and he didn't dare to step forward for a moment.

The wolf boy and the alpha wolf showed no sign of weakness. They bared their teeth and let out a low growl, looking fierce.

The confrontation collapsed instantly with the appearance of Zhang Tian and others.

The local wolves were so frightened that so many monsters walking on two legs suddenly appeared!Immediately screamed and dispersed!

The wolf boy breathed a sigh of relief, and his tight grip on Huang Shi relaxed slightly.

Zhang Tian stepped forward and said with a smile: "Look, people can be quite nice sometimes, right?"

The wolf boy snorted softly and turned to check his companion's injuries.

The healing was left to Lin Yu. Based on the experience last time, the injured wolf showed little resistance and allowed the tall and thin woman to touch his hair and apply some strange grass mud on his own. Wound.

Zhang Tian asked Hu Tou and others to stay beside Lin Yu, and he walked towards the hazel tree alone.

He noticed a dark shadow behind the thick bush.

Although he didn't sense any danger, he still carefully pushed aside the branches. Sure enough, just as he expected, there was a cave behind the dense hazel bushes!

"My lord priest..."

"Don't worry, I'll go in and take a look and I'll be out in a while. You guys should be on guard to prevent the pack of wolves from coming back."

When it comes to which outdoor sport is the most exciting, it is undoubtedly caving.This cave is so deep, it adds a bit of mystery, and arouses Zhang Tian's strong desire to explore. Since he has not noticed any danger, he must go in and enjoy it.

Pushing aside the bushes with force, the branches immediately bounced back to their original places after the person stepped in.

The sun shines through the gaps between the branches and leaves, casting mottled light and shadow on one cave wall, slightly illuminating the cave.

There was a pile of rotten nuts in the cave and some squirrel excrement near the entrance, so he concluded that the cave was not a lair for large animals such as bears.

The entrance to the cave is nearly two meters wide, and you can barely touch the top if you stretch your hand straight up.

As you walk inside, the top wall of the cave slowly drops, reaching a height of almost one meter, and then drops steeply to about half a meter, forming a narrow tunnel that leads deeper into the cave.

This place is four to five meters deep from the entrance of the cave. Zhang Tian, ​​who is just over 1.6 meters tall, has to squat to gain a foothold here. If he wants to explore further, he has to crawl forward.Zhang Tian lay down and looked deeper. It was almost pitch black. With the faint light, he could see a thin layer of white substance attached to the top wall, like the tongue coating of a person with strong anger.

He reached out and touched it lightly, and his hand was immediately covered with white powder like chalk dust.

"This is……"

Zhang Tian's eyes lit up, it turned out to be a saltwater hole!

Saltwater holes are more common in the south, but very rare in the north. To bump into one so easily, he was so unlucky!
Is this the benefit of the legendary time traveler?

He yelled into the dark depths, and it took a while before he heard a faint echo.

Obviously, after crawling through this narrow section, there is still a lot of room inside.

Stand up, clap your hands, and walk out of the cave.He looked across the clearing, walked over, climbed up the bare rock, and then carefully climbed up the narrow ledge.

Far ahead, in the gap between the two hills, you can see the sparkling lake. Looking below, you can see the lonely hills standing next to the slender silver ribbon-like Xiaonan River.

He noted the location. The saltpeter in the cave was not needed for the time being and he would explore it later.

Back to the tribe, Lin Yu had finished taking care of the injured wolf, and Zhang Tian asked her to borrow a notepad and pen.


"I'm going to draw a map. It's a saltpeter. It might come in handy in the future. Do you still have ink in the pen?"

"Yes, yes..."

Lin Yu took out his pen and notepad, turned to a new page, and said seriously: "Don't read the previous content."

Zhang Tian actually didn't think about it. What she said aroused his curiosity. After taking the notepad, he pretended to flip to the first few pages and glanced at it quickly.

"Hey!" Lin Yu immediately pounced on him like a cat guarding its food, "What are you doing?"

"Slippery! Slippery! I didn't see anything..."

Zhang Tian defended himself, thinking that it was just a diary, so who could read it...

Lin Yu glared at him angrily: "Keep your word, it's the puppy who doesn't!"

Zhang Tian smiled, stopped teasing her, and honestly drew a simple map.

"It's a good painting..."

Lin Yu was a little surprised. Field archaeologists often draw the topography and landforms around the ruins. She knows that it is not easy to draw clearly at a glance.

Seeing that it was getting late, everyone camped on the spot and made a fire to cook the shrimps, crabs, mussels and snails they picked up on the lake beach during the day.

By the time the big python led the large army to appear, the two of them had already explored the nearby mountains and forests. They drew maps and recorded where there were water sources, where there were caves, and what kind of plants were distributed there.

Everyone looked around curiously. The sky priest said that this was their new home, but at first glance, it seemed no different from the previous place?
Recalling what Lin Yu said about teaching people to fish, Zhang Tian patiently explained the reasons to the chiefs of each tribe, hoping that when they migrate again in the future, they can also find new homes according to this standard.

In the past few days, the women followed Zhang Tian's instructions and collected as much food as possible to store for the winter.

Xiao proudly showed off the fishing net he took from the riverside tribe. He used this fishing net to catch a lot of fish, which made him stand out.

"There are so many and stupid fish in this river. It takes almost no effort to build a net and a basket! It's a pity that weaving the fishing nets is very time-consuming, and we haven't found any suitable plants. Otherwise, if we weave more fishing nets, we can gather them in a day or two." Food for a whole winter!"

Xiao Xiao has already learned the essentials of weaving fishing nets from the eels. Of course, understanding the essentials is one thing, but the actual operation is another. Even if he finds the right flax material and asks him to weave it now, it will be difficult to make it.

Zhang Tian did not dampen his confidence and said with a smile: "This river is nothing. I will take you to a good place tomorrow. I guarantee there will be more fish than there are in the river!"

Xiao was so happy that he couldn't wait to set off now.

At night, Zhang Tian summoned the chiefs of each tribe for a meeting.

Zhang and Lin have already clarified what they have to do this fall, divided the work, and are now making arrangements.

The top priority remains what was mentioned at the last meeting, building shelters and stocking up on food.

The tribe has a current population of 376, including 252 effective laborers (including older minors), 138 men and 114 women. Men are responsible for building shelters, while women are responsible for storing food.

Of course, men also helped to obtain meat, mainly through fishing.This task is relatively simple. Not to mention the water system on the plain, there are countless fish in the lake in the valley alone!You can catch all the meat you need in cold weather in a few days, so you don't have to hunt every day.

The men are commanded by Zhang Tian, ​​and Lin Yu has figured out the distribution of plants in the forest, and the women are managed by her.

Before that, there is one more thing to do.

"Everyone has seen the environment here. There are a lot of weeds on the ground. If you want to build a house on the ground, you must remove the weeds first. Fortunately, with the wizard and Akaishi, we can use the simplest method to remove the weeds: use fire!"

Everyone was a little angry.

It was an expected reaction. After the lessons of the Yougu tribe and the Yanbao tribe, the tribesmen were resistant to such things, even though Zhang Tian was doing it in the name of weeding.

Zhang Tian could have handled this matter before they came. The reason why he brought it up for discussion was to change their minds and let them understand that setting fire to wasteland was not a bad thing.

"Everyone can rest assured that Lin will control the fire and will not let it spread——"

In fact, this area is relatively humid, and Lin Yu controlled the fire in order to promote its spread, otherwise it would probably not burn.

"Furthermore, the ashes left by burning grass and trees will make the land fertile and conducive to the growth of new plants. Remember the forest burned by the Rock Castle tribe? Without the ashes of the forest, the wizard cannot make it grow again. We will grow grains in the future, fertile land is conducive to the growth of grains and will produce more fruits!"

Although it was suspected of following the old path of the Yougu tribe, if you think about it carefully, burning weeds and burning forests are not the same thing, and they believed in the power of the wizard, so no one objected.

Lin Yu took out the red stone, and with just a thought, the original wisp of flames suddenly spread like a shock wave, and the dazzling fire light shot straight into the sky, illuminating a radius of thousands of meters!

Everyone felt the scorching heat coming towards their faces and looked at the prairie fire in horror. The wolves even hid in the mountains and forests, not daring to show up. The most difficult thing to accept was the wolf boy, whose brows were always furrowed.

Lin Yu didn't want to panic the tribesmen too much, so he controlled the fire and advanced it as cleanly as possible.

The flames bloomed instantly like an explosion, and then extinguished instantly and silently. The earth returned to darkness, and only the pungent smell of smoke and residual heat lingered in the air for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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