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Chapter 233 The end of the forest is

Chapter 233 The end of the forest is...

Not only to teach technology, but also to spread culture, Zhang Tian still handed a piece of animal skin with Taichi diagrams to the witch Suzulan, telling her that it was an important medium for communicating with the sky.

The lily of the valley is collected with great care and praises the mercy of the sky.

On the last night, both sides of the river were busy preparing for tomorrow morning's trip.

The ground suddenly shook violently. Lin Yu and his party, who left during the day, returned by moonlight. The long-distance driving exhausted the three descendants of Nuwa.Crow was also panting heavily, looking like he was in shock. He was not very tired, but he was frightened. He secretly vowed never to ride in a car with a female driver again.

"How is it? Have you found the mountain tribe?" Zhang Tian asked.

So Lin Yu talked about what he saw today.

To put it simply, the people on the mountain had found a new home and were busy building a camp. Zi Yan watched from a distance for a long time, but in the end she did not show up in front of her people.

"Is that enough?"

"That's enough." Zi Yan said, "It's enough to know that they are living well."

"Your people have been looking for you for a long time. If they know that you are still alive, they must be very happy."

"No, the high priest is indeed dead. The one who is alive now is Zi Yan."

Zhang Tianlue looked at Zi Yan with some surprise. She looked calm and seemed to have completely let go. In other words, the shackles of responsibility that had bound her since she was born had passed away with the anger of the mountain. The rest of her life , she wants to live for herself.

Maybe she has always envied the wolf boy's freedom and freedom.

He was thinking in his mind and asked: "Then what are your plans in the future? Do you want to go to the end of the forest with us?"


Zi Yan agreed in one gulp, her clear eyes sparkled with excitement.

"What about you?" Zhang Tian switched to forest language and turned to ask the wolf boy.

"I am the child of a wolf, so of course I want to live in the forest." The wolf child said matter-of-factly.

"Wolves are very powerful animals with strong adaptability." Zhang Tian flattered him, "Wolves can live well anywhere, and can even live with people and become human beings' best partners."

The wolf boy was stunned for a moment, then he covered his belly and burst into laughter, rolling on the floor with laughter.

The others looked at each other in confusion. They could not understand the forest language or what Zhang Tian said.

After a while, the wolf boy couldn't hold back his laughter. When he saw Zhang Tian staring at him with a serious expression, he frowned and said, "Are you serious?"

"Do I look like I'm teasing you?"

"Stop joking!" The wolf boy was a little angry, "Why do you think I want to expel the Rock Castle and the Riverside People? Is it because they are our best friends?"

"It's about competing for territory and prey. If you are willing to share territory and cooperate in hunting, humans and wolves can get along well. You should have seen the lynx living with us, right?"

Zhang Tian took the black tail out of his backpack.

Lynx and wolf are feuding. They are located at the same level of the forest food chain and are in a competitive relationship. They often hate and kill each other.

The so-called martial arts in the world is about speed. An adult lynx can hang up a wolf and beat it with its speed advantage. Although the little one has grown fat and strong, it still dare not provoke the evil wolf.

The smell of wolves around here is so strong that it can be compared to a horror movie. In the past few days, the three little lynxes have been huddled in their dens as house cats, waiting peacefully for their human mothers to feed them, without even daring to raise their heads. risk.

Zhang Tian caught Heiwei out for business. The little guy was glanced at by the wolf boy and screamed in fright. He struggled to climb up on Zhang Tian's head. The memory inherited in his genes told him that wolves can't climb trees. Let’s take the commanding heights first.

"Don't scare people!"

Lin Yu raised his hand and slapped Zhang Tian's arm, hugged the little lynx like a doting stepmother, and put it back into the hidden carrier.

Zhang Tian said to the wolf boy: "Look at how well Lin gets along with the lynx. She can't even speak lynx language! If the lynx can do it, why can't the wolf do it?"

The wolf boy was speechless, but her expression showed that she was not convinced.

Zhang Tian did not force her to accept, and changed the topic with a chuckle.

Early the next morning, everyone had breakfast, packed their bags, and the two parties who were ready to go said goodbye on both sides of the river, then turned and left in the opposite direction.

"What is the end of the forest?"

People curiously asked about wolf spiders and vipers. The Rockcastle people lived in the southern part of the forest and they had seen the scenery at the end of the forest.

The tarantula answered in short words that the guests could understand: "Forests, meadows, lakes and swamps."

Everyone ran to ask the wizard: "Is the place that the tarantula mentioned is Taoyuan?"

The answer Lin Yu gave left everyone confused: "Yes."

If it is, it means it is not, and if it is not, it is not. What does it mean to be?
Lin Yu explained with a smile: "There is fertile land and warm and moist air there, which is suitable for our survival. But whether it can become a paradise depends on ourselves, how we develop and how we build our homes."

Everyone was stunned and confused. They understood what the wizard said, but they felt something was wrong: Didn't the wizard say that before?

Seeing that the end of the migration was approaching, Lin Yu corrected his words calmly. He used a little exaggerated language to fool the people on the road before, and now he has to take it back.

Everyone followed the wolf boy through the deep forest. There was no road in the forest, but because the people from Rock Castle walked too much, it became a road.

Seeing that Wolf Boy was so familiar with this route, both Wolf Spider and Viper looked a little ugly. The attack they encountered on the way back was obviously under her instruction. Thinking of their companions who died tragically, raging anger suddenly rose in their hearts.

No one cares about their feelings, everyone’s mood is not beautiful, the dense canopy not only blocks the direct sunlight, but also prevents the radiation from the ground from escaping, the deeper you go, the more stuffy and humid, besides , and countless pairs of eyes coveted these fragrant hairless two-legged beasts.

Hungry female mosquitoes danced in the air, attracted by the scent of the mammals, and swarmed into people's arms, thighs and chests, then stopped to pierce them.

The naked skin of everyone undoubtedly further stimulated them: in the eyes of the ladies, this dining table was not covered with thick fur cushions!Delicious food is at your fingertips. If you don’t seize the opportunity to have a full meal, you will be wasting your life!

A moth moved its tawny legs on Zhang Tian's sweaty skin. It stretched out six tongues and tasted his scent with thousands of chemical detectors attached to the tongue, as if soaking in the water with its mouth wide open. Swimming in wine.

Zhang Tian's pot of aged wine obviously suited the moth's liking, so it opened its beak and gave him a wet kiss with its mouth like a leather spatula.

Zhang Tian flicked his fingers and flicked the moth who had kissed him forcefully on his lower head away from his shoulder.

Suddenly there was a rustling sound above the head, the shadows of the trees were swaying, and the monkeys' noisy calls came from far away.

Food delivered to your door!
The men stretched their bows to shoot, but were stopped by the sky priest.

Zhang Tian heard the monkey shouting: "Boss!"

A black shadow fell from the sky, landed firmly on Zhang Tian's shoulders, and then wrapped its arms around his neck affectionately.

It's woo woo.

It whined and plucked Zhang Tian's hair to catch lice for him.Showing courtesy for nothing is a traitor or a thief. This saying also applies to the macaque clan.

"What, you want to hang out with me?" Zhang Tian ignored the surprised looks of the tribesmen and screamed in front of everyone.

"Does it include room and board?"

"It can be packed."


Wuwu was so happy that she hugged Zhang Tian's neck and swayed, looking as shy as if I didn't have this ability, I would have given birth to a monkey.

"Don't pull me, come down and go on your own!"

Zhang Tian drove Wuwu to the ground. It was already boring enough, but how could he bear it with more furry pendants hanging around his neck?

Everyone walked on the ground, and Wuwu flew on the tree, picking up some shoots and fruits from time to time, honoring the elder brother.

Zhang Tian did not refuse the younger brother's offer.

Before he could warm it in his hands, he heard a clear call of "Bing Bing Bing", and a gray-headed and red-bellied chaffinch landed lightly on Zhang Tian's shoulder.

The retinas of birds are distributed with sensors that are twice as dense as those of human eyes. They have highly acute vision and can capture various details that cannot be seen by human eyes. At the same time, their eyes can see four primary colors. [-] A major combination of colors, precise color receivers can detect extremely subtle flaws.

Spotting a certain male mother holding food to lure birds, Xiao Cang, who had been following her all the way, immediately appeared, opening her beak and waiting for food.

Zhang Tian then borrowed flowers to offer to the Buddha, and fed the buds and fruits offered to the little Cang.

Traveling with them were wolves.

The wolves did not appear in everyone's sight, but followed them not far or near, and Zhang Tian could sense it.

These wolves came from all over the forest in response to the wolf boy's call. After the battle, they returned to their respective territories along the way they came.

The overgrown vegetation on the ground seriously hindered their progress, and the ubiquitous poisonous insects and mosquitoes were charging at every moment, making it impossible to guard against them.

These bloodthirsty mosquitoes carry germs that are prevalent in warm temperate regions, untouched by migrants from the far north.

Disease is the most outstanding killer in nature, especially in the barbaric era when the level of medical care was extremely backward. Although Lin Yu cooked soups and medicines for everyone to strengthen their resistance every day, some people still contracted diseases and fell down.

Caring for the sick also slows them down, making the already long migration journey even more difficult.

Some people are sleeping forever.

This isn't the first time, and it won't be the last.

Before setting off, everyone was mentally prepared for the possibility of not reaching the finish line.

But whenever I see my companions falling behind, I still inevitably feel sad and cry.

They dug a hole on the spot and buried their dead companions.

Every time, Zhang Tian would encourage everyone and say: "He has returned to the embrace of the sky. He will watch us from the sky and guide us to our new home! We cannot let him down. We must carry his wish and make it even better." Go forward firmly!"

They have entered the mountains and hills around Yanshan, which is the only barrier between the Northeast Plain and the North China Plain. After climbing over Yanshan, it is a smooth road.

The undulating terrain was very physical, but the trees gradually became sparse and the temperature seemed to have dropped, which made everyone breathe a sigh of relief.



Someone pointed at the giant creature in the distance and exclaimed.

"Not a mammoth!" someone retorted.

They do look a lot like mammoths, but they don't have thick long hair. Like humans, Asian elephants are one of the few hairless mammals and are highly sought after by mosquitoes.

A group of Asian elephants led by an old female elephant came from the east side of the canyon. The leading female elephant raised her long trunk and issued a loud warning to signal the nearby animals and elephants to approach. Please take care of yourself. Don't blame me if you are stepped on.

The wolf boy immediately stopped and ordered everyone to step aside and quietly make way for the elephants.Elephants have the right of priority, which is also the rule in the forest.

Everyone looked at the group of behemoths approaching, felt the slight vibration under their feet, and couldn't help but feel a bit of awe in their hearts.

Recalling the days of hunting mammoths, hunters just feel like the spears and bows in their hands are ready to move.

They immediately resisted the urge.

They once only dared to hunt lone mammoths. This is a group of elephants. It is very scary to be frightened and go crazy!And there is enough food now, so there is no need to take this risk.

Not everyone has seen a mammoth.

Before that, the largest animal many people had ever seen was Gigantopithecus.

The elephant is many times bigger than the giant ape!
The children were amazed by the dexterity and strength of the trunk. They watched an elephant use the well-developed muscles of the lower part of the trunk to gather a bunch of densely grown tall grass, violently pull the grass out of the ground, uproot it, and shake it. After removing some of the dust, stuff it into your mouth and pull out more grass while chewing.

Sometimes the baby elephant puts its tusks against the rock wall and keeps swinging its head. At other times, it rolls up a piece of wood with its trunk and waves it high. Every time it roars, puffs, stomps and calls, it looks like it is playing.

The hunters got a little impatient with waiting, but the elephants didn't care about it. They ate and played like this, and walked past them slowly, chasing the setting sun to the west, without even looking at the two-legged beasts from the beginning to the end.

Everyone camped in the canyon.

The pale sunlight in the evening reflected the west-facing slopes on the other side of the canyon. The bark of the big trees was stained with a faint red light. The light reflected back, adding a purple-gray glow to the forest.

As the sun sets in the west, a line between light and darkness sweeps across the hillside. This line climbs up the ridge until the shadow reaches the top, and the bright sunlight is extinguished in an instant.

At this moment, the wolves hiding on the forest slope to the east began to howl loudly.They barked and whined for half a minute, then fell silent.The timing of the wolf chorus is perfect. Perhaps both man and wolf are watching the brilliant scene on the hillside, and their hearts are filled with excitement as the sun disappears.

The little Cang Bingbing screamed and flew to a rock. It found a killed snail and several translucent honey-colored broken shells lying on the rock surface.

This is the trace left after a bird has eaten a calcium supplement meal. Judging from the smell, the other party is also a chaffinch, female.

The crushed snail is just one of many tributaries in a vast torrent of calcium flowing through the soil and into the sky.Female birds during the reproductive period search for snails everywhere in the forest, eager to get the large pieces of calcium carbonate on the snail's back in order to synthesize lime eggshells.

Xiaocang let out a painful cry like a lovelorn one. It arrived a step too late and missed a beautiful girl who had just received a calcium supplement and was in her childbearing period.

The joys and sorrows of birds and monkeys are not the same. Wuwu only feels noisy.

Wuwu skillfully climbed up a tall pine tree on the rock wall, stood on the treetop and looked into the distance.

It was far away from home, and its eyes were full of unfamiliar scenery, but its keen nose smelled a faintly familiar scent, the scent of the king of monkeys.

(End of this chapter)

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