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Chapter 227 The Plan of the Riverside Tribe

Chapter 227 The Plan of the Riverside Tribe

dinner's ready.

The fragrance diffused, and all the animals were still lazy and unmoved.Herbivorous animals are naturally not interested in the smoke from human cooking, and the wolf, which loves meat and dislikes, just raised its head and sniffed, and then lay down on its front paws to rest.

There was a fierce battle last night, the buffet was everywhere, two-legged beasts, apes, giant pandas...wolves don't know about benevolence and morality, they are companions when they are alive, and food when they are dead, and it is best to eat them while they are still hot. It's not new.

Wolves are not dogs. Dogs will overeat, but wolves will not. They know how to control their diet to maintain a strong body and agility.No delicacy can arouse the appetite of a full wolf.

Only the wolf boy kept swallowing his saliva.

After all, she is not a beast, and she can't bear to kill her companion's corpse. The people by the river are enemies and her own kind. Even wolves can't cannibalize their own kind, and she can't do it even more.

Like Zi Yan, she only ate a little fruit since last night, both of them were hungry, when they smelled the aroma, their stomachs growled uncontrollably.

Zhang Tian said with a smile: "Go and eat, you must be hungry after a day of tossing."

Zi Yan sat down generously and received warm hospitality from the host.

Their food smells delicious and tastes even more delicious. Hunger super doubles the deliciousness. Ziyan's eyes are shining, and she can't help breaking the tradition of eating silently, saying: "It's so delicious!"

This is more delicious than raw sheep placenta, I don't know how many times!
She chewed and made loud crackling noises.According to the tradition of the prairie people, the louder the chewing sound, the more fragrant the food, the more delicious the food. This is an affirmation and praise of the cooker's craftsmanship.

Ziyan didn't care about her image at all, she devoured it voraciously, and her mouth was full of oil.

After unloading the duties of the high priest, she can finally be herself as she likes. She can sleep until noon, explore the forest where few people visit, and eat whatever she wants... without worrying about losing her own. identity.

Although the physical pain made her suffer, she felt more relaxed and carefree in her heart than ever before.

In contrast, the wolf boy looked very cramped.

Like an ignorant child, she strayed into an adult's dining table, surrounded by people she had never met before, and in front of her eyes were food that she had never seen before. She didn't know whether to eat it or how to eat it.

Hesitating again and again, she reached out and grabbed a handful of nuts, bit open the shell with her hard and sharp front teeth, threw the fruit into her mouth, chewed and sniffed vigorously, imagining the smell in her nasal cavity blooming between her lips and teeth, the tasteless nuts seemed like It also becomes delicious.

Seeing this, Aba warmly served her a bowl of fish soup and said, "Try this! This soup is absolutely amazing!"

The wolf child understands some prairie language, but can listen or not. She observes this thing called "soup". The milky white water is steaming, which looks like the sweet juice that flows out after cutting the bark of some trees. .

But it didn't smell sweet at all, and she couldn't tell what it was, but it was very fragrant, more fragrant than all the animals she had eaten combined!
She picked up the bowl, took a sip, then raised her neck and drank heavily, then stuck out her tongue into the bowl and licked and licked until there was no trace of taste, then handed the bowl to Aba, speaking in grassland language Seriously say: "I want it!"

This is not the first time for her to eat cooked food. Zi Yan used to bake things for her. She knows that cooked food is more delicious than raw food, but it is so delicious that she never dreamed of it!
After eating a bowl of hot soup, the wolf boy realized for the first time that eating can not only fill his belly, but also a kind of enjoyment!
She was even hungrier and couldn't wait to ask for more.

Aba laughed, without further ado, immediately filled her with another bowl of fish soup, scooped some dry goods for her, and then gave her a small spoon to teach her how to use it.

A small spoon stirs the milky white soup, and the steaming heat is wrapped in a strong aroma. In the soup, there are plant roots, unnamed leaves and mushrooms, and a large piece of white meat!

Is this... fish?

The wolf boy has never eaten fish.

Wolves mainly feed on large artiodactyls. Small animals such as groundhogs, hares, badgers, foxes, ferrets, and voles are also in their diet. Fish and poultry, insects, and carrion are in the same category, and they belong to "junk food." Well, wolves living in packs have always dismissed these junk foods, and only lone wolves will eat them.

This is the rule of the wolf clan, and the wolf child remembers these rules when he urinates, but she has never known the reason.

She knows now.

"Cough! Cough!"

She had no experience in eating fish, and she devoured it as usual, and the cunning fishbone immediately took the opportunity to jam her throat!
feels awful!

The wolf boy coughed hard!

No need to ask, everyone knew what happened and cast concerned and smiling eyes at her.

"Eat slowly..."

Abba patted her on the back like an old father.

After a while, the wolf boy's face turned red from coughing, and he finally coughed out the fishbone stuck in his throat.It was only then that she realized that everyone was looking at her with half-smiles.

An inexplicable emotion welled up in her heart, she had never experienced this emotion before, she just felt a little hot on her face.

She shook her head, putting aside the strange emotions.

The fish is really unpalatable!How did this unpalatable thing become their main meat?

——It’s literally unpalatable and hard to swallow, but it actually tastes great.

Unless they can't find food, wolves generally don't eat this kind of animal with many fine bones.

The wolf boy secretly observed other people to see how they ate fish.

Aba picked another piece of fish for her and said, "This piece of fish has no small thorns, but big thorns. Pick out the thorns before eating."

The wolf boy didn't understand it very well, but she has already discovered the mystery from other people: they slow down their chewing speed when eating fish!

She imitated everything, and after chewing slowly, she tasted a richer taste. The aroma did not stay on the surface of the soup, but penetrated into every inch of meat, and melted in the mouth with the tender fish , The layered fragrance dances and spreads in her mouth... She feels the tip of her tongue trembling slightly with excitement!

She tasted most of the flavors for the first time, and she couldn't tell their names, but this did not prevent her from indulging in them and feasting on them.


An unbeatable meal!

The wolf cub stroked her swollen belly and felt that she had eaten too much. She was already an adult wolf and had to learn to control her diet. If her wolf mother was still alive, she would definitely nag her again.

Ziyan couldn't stand up straight anymore. During this period of time, she lived with a pack of wolves, ate fruits and gnawed raw meat every day, and hadn't eaten human food for a long time. !

Great satisfaction!
Wolf children are used to being wild, and when they are full, they throw away their hands and become uncles. Zi Yan is different. She knows how to get along with people. The work of the chefs, with the women putting away the cooker and cutlery.

Seeing that she was injured, the women did not let her touch the water.

"Let me see your injury."

After treating the animals, Lin Yu then healed Ziyan, making her a poultice for burns and relieving pain, and applying it on her wounds that had not yet fully healed.

The wolf boy was leaning against a big tree to digest food. She let go of her mind and quietly watched the busy women scraping off the thick fur from the animal hide with a sharp knife.

It was the fur of a dead great ape.

When the sky priestess offered to collect some pelts from her dead companions, she didn't say no.

She has no reason to refuse. After an animal dies, it should be left to the disposal of other animals. This is the rule of the forest.

The fur had long been cut into small pieces by the men, but the wolf boy could still identify it from the hair on it. She thought of the time when she was a child, sitting on the shoulders of the giant ape and galloping through the bamboo forest, and she felt sentimental for no reason.

This is an uncommon emotion.

The last time she felt sad was when her wolf mother was burned to death, but that time it was more anger, anger at the person who set the fire!The anger that can't wait to drive all the people in the rock castle to death!
The women shaved the hide, roasted it over a fire, hung it on a branch, and shaved it again with the blunt end of the flint knife.

First scrape the inner layer of the monkey's skin to remove adhering fat and blood vessels; then scrape the outside. This time not only the hair layer must be scraped off, but also the outer skin covered with granular protrusions must be scraped clean.

After the skin is soaked and washed, the brain is kneaded into the raw hide to make it soft and elastic.

But the real work begins after wringing out the skin. During the drying process, the skin must be stretched and pulled frequently. This stage of processing is related to the final quality of the leather, and it is also a watershed to test the leather-making skills of women.

At first, the wolf boy felt very fresh and enjoyed watching it with relish, but gradually, his eyelids began to twitch.

How could I get stuck on a human turf?

The wolf boy soon realized that she had unknowingly let down her guard. Once her tense nerves were relaxed, the high blood sugar brought about by a full meal would take the opportunity to occupy her body and mind, making her drowsy.

Seeing that Zi Yan beside her had fallen asleep, she felt even more sleepy and yawned continuously.

"Go to sleep." Aba said, "You must be tired after working so hard last night. Don't be afraid, I will stay with you here until you wake up."

The wolf boy seemed to understand, but Aba's tone reminded her of the great ape and mother wolf, and she felt at ease.

So she tilted her head, leaned against the tree and fell asleep.


The witch Sumire has led the rest of the tribe to the Meimeihe tribe.

The news of the attack on the Mother River Tribe spread to everyone in an instant. Sumire asked people to take the news to the Sister River Tribe and asked them to take precautions to avoid making the same mistake as the Mother River Tribe.

The herd of beasts is menacing, and Sumire knows that they will never let it go!

If nothing else, the target of their next attack is either the Sister River tribe or the Sister River tribe!

Everyone suddenly fell into a great panic. Seeing that the sky was getting late, the uneasiness also increased. Their eyes swept across the dark woods, and the ghostly wolves seemed to be hiding in the shadows. They were everywhere and might rush to kill at any time. Come out and bite their necks off!

"How on earth did the wolves get across the river?"

asked Tai, the witch of the Sister River Tribe.

If we don't understand this problem, we may never have peace in the future, and we must beware of wolves that are elusive at all times.

Jin sighed, "If we knew, we wouldn't be in such a mess like we are now."

"Could it be that you bypassed the river from other places, but you didn't find it?"

"Impossible. If the herd wants to bypass the river, it must go far upstream. It is impossible to do it in a short time."

The raven on the side said: "Is there a possibility that the wolves swam across the river directly? The wolves can swim, although their skills are not good."

"Impossible!" Sumire resolutely said, "Even if the wolf can swim over, what about the ape? What about the black and white bear? There is also a huge ape with an amazing size! Before last night, we didn't even know it existed! If it wasn't for the guidance of the sky , Evacuate in time, we will die more people!"

Everyone was silent. They didn't see the great ape with their own eyes, but they could feel the horror of that monster from the survivor's description.

"According to what you said, they may appear anywhere at any time, and we have no way to guard against them." Tai's face was serious, "How are you going to deal with it? You can't sleep, right?"

Sumire didn't answer but instead asked, "Are you looking up at the sky?"

"Of course!"

"Has anyone been guided?"

She looked around, but no one answered.

"Without guidance, today should be safe, and the herd will definitely need time to rest. This is our chance! Hongyuan, tell everyone what you found."

Hong Yuan told the unidentified people about his experience, about the woman he saw among the wolves.

"I think that woman is the key to this matter!" He said in a very serious tone, "If only wolves attacked us, it would be understandable, because wolves are very ferocious beasts, why would monkeys and black and white bears attack us?" What about uniting with a pack of wolves? That's too strange! It's not like anything a beast would do!"

"Yeah, how dare the apes act together with wolves, aren't they afraid of being eaten by wolves?"

"The black and white bears only live in the bamboo forest near the Rock Castle tribe, and they came so far just to attack us?"

"I remember black and white bears eat bamboo. There is no bamboo forest around here. What do they eat?"

"There are too many strange places..."

Everyone's approval made Hongyuan more confident. He straightened his back and raised his voice: "It must be that woman who did the trick! She seems to be leading the wolf pack! It would be best to catch her back, if not , then get rid of her! Maybe as long as you get rid of her, the matter will be solved!"

The crowd suddenly boiled, and everyone thought it was a good idea.

But then came the problem.

"What should I do?" Tess asked. "If you are right, the wolves will definitely protect her with all their strength."

"So we have to act when they are defenseless." Sumire continued, "As I said just now, the wolves are still resting, this is our chance! We can't always be passive defense, we should take the initiative to attack , send a team of excellent hunters to carry out this mission and eradicate the threat!"

(End of this chapter)

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