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Chapter 222 The Will of the Forest

Chapter 222 The Will of the Forest

The wolf boy started without warning, shooting out like an arrow from the string!The speed is so fast, it is like a ferocious wolf!
Zhang Tian's expression changed, but he was not panicked. He took half a step back, holding the folding knife in the folds of his short skirt with his right hand, and stared at the figure that was approaching quickly.

The next moment, he realized that the wolf child was not coming towards him, she rushed towards her companion, the woman covered in bruises.

The woman had exhausted her physical strength after running a long-distance transportation for a day. At this time, she was a little reluctant to stand, swaying like drinking fake wine, and she was about to fall down. The wolf boy arrived in time and held her firmly. Feed her some fruits and nuts.

The yellow stone was transferred to the wolf boy.

Could it be that both of them can use five-color stones?

Zhang Tian couldn't help being a little surprised when he saw the two communicating through gestures.

Gestures are a unique way of communication for humans. After all, only humans are accustomed to walking upright and can free up their hands to operate.

This is a skill that wolves will never learn in their lifetime. Even if they are domesticated into dogs, they can only do Gong Xi Fa Cai at most. Where did a wolf-raised child learn gestures?Have you lived with humans for a while before?Why haven't the people from Riverside and Rockcastle mentioned it?
The woman ate something, regained some strength, and went to the side to rest.

It seemed that her mission had been completed, and the real commander-in-chief was the short and thin wolf boy in front of her.

She is not physically strong, but her aura is extremely strong, her pupils are burning with a monstrous fighting spirit, she is more than a hundred times fiercer than any hunter Zhang Tian has ever seen!
Every look and every gesture of her was telling Zhang Tian that she would launch a general attack tonight, and she would drive out all the blood-sucking worms in the forest!
This is inevitable, with such a large number of herd troops, among other things, the consumption of bamboo by the giant apes and giant pandas is an astronomical figure, who can withstand the use of escaping to transport food every day?Naturally, a quick battle is the best. It is best to win a battle tonight and triumphantly tomorrow morning.

It must be admitted that the wolf boy and her herd of beasts had already taken the absolute advantage. At this time, most of the people by the river were still relying on the natural danger of the river, thinking that they could sit back and relax, completely unaware of the imminent disaster.

If it were Zhang Tian, ​​he would definitely choose to launch the offensive in the middle of the night when humans are sleeping.The people on the riverside temporarily moved their camp to the north bank of the river. They didn't have time to dig trenches, and they didn't have enough nests. Many people slept on the ground. The wolf boy led the beast army to attack the enemy camp at night, and it was bound to be overwhelming!

Zhang Tian even suspected that maybe the wolf boy's plan from the beginning was to force the riverside people to cross the river, and then defeat them in one fell swoop when they were careless and their defenses were weakest!
After thinking about it, it's unlikely that the wolf boy came up with such a strategy, and it should be just a sideways attack. Most of the current situation is unexpected by her.

In any case, the right time and place, the beasts and the wolf boy are all on the side of the wolf boy. If there is no sky clan that suddenly appeared, the Riverside tribe will be appointed tonight, at least the Mother River tribe will definitely suffer heavy casualties!
Now, their group of uninvited guests is undoubtedly the only variable in this battle between man and beast.

The wolf boy was clearly aware of this point. In fact, the firelight of that night was always haunting her mind, lingering, making her uneasy.

All the animals in the forest are afraid of fire, and she is also afraid of fire, but the fire light that night was very unusual, as if it appeared out of nowhere, it jumped up to the height of a giant ape in the blink of an eye, and as soon as she ran away with the wolves, the flame went out inexplicably up.

She had never had a fire before, but she had seen many fires and knew that the flames were not meant to burn like that.

The person who set the fire that night did not belong to this forest. These outsiders seemed to have strong control over the flames, just like...

She couldn't help turning her head to look at the woman who was eating crazily.

It's a pity that her companion lost the ability to control the flames, otherwise, there would be no need for such trouble, and there would be no need for any fear.

Her gaze moved to the man who claimed to be the adopted son of the forest.

She recalled the scene of that night, and guessed that this guy should have a certain status and prestige among outsiders, even if he was not a wolf-like existence.

He also understands wolf language and monkey language, so he should also understand the rules of the forest, maybe he is not our enemy...

She thought to herself, and when the guy whined again, she also responded with a kind wolf howl.


Seeing that the other party finally responded and showed kindness, Zhang Tian was very happy, and habitually wanted to smile, but fortunately he held back in time.

A smile is a passport to human society, but it can only serve as an epitaph in the animal world, and a raised lip is a provocative behavior in the eyes of most wild animals.

As long as the other party is willing to communicate, he will be half successful. Compared with magic, talking is his strongest skill.

Zhang Tian repeated what he had said to the great ape, claiming that he and his people came from another forest, they were migrating, their destination was the other side of this forest, they had to go through this forest, they were not her enemies .

The wolf boy was dubious and pointed to the north and asked him if he came from that direction.

Zhang Tian gave an affirmative answer.

She immediately stated that she had been to the forest on the steppe and had seen the humans there, but had not seen them.

The child Aba met back then was indeed you, it seems that you were quite playful when you were young...

Zhang Tian explained that their homeland was farther away than the grassland. It was very cold there and lacked food. They couldn't live longer and had to migrate to warmer places.

The credibility of this statement is very high, and the wolves present deeply believe that migration is a very common thing, and wolves will also migrate.

The wolf in the forest has a saying that has been passed down from generation to generation: "Where the wolf goes, the forest grows."

This is not their boasting, this is one of the rules in the forest, and all animals know it.

Indeed, the wolves scare away the large herbivores that forage in the beech and oak forests, allowing the saplings to thrive without being eaten.

It is true that herbivores are afraid of wolves, but they will not hate them because wolves are different from humans. They obey the rules of the forest, and predation behaviors that conform to the rules are acceptable to all animals. This is our common home There are pros and cons.

The monkeys gathered a crowd to watch the two humans stretch their necks and "bark" at each other. Although they couldn't understand a single syllable, this did not prevent them from watching with gusto.This scene shocked the young minds of the monkeys, and it was an eye-opener.

Knowing that this group of uninvited guests would not be his enemy, the wolf boy was half relieved.

After listening to the other party's proposal to try to persuade and make peace, she immediately rejected it sternly.

It took her a long time to finally integrate all the wolves in the forest, and she tried her best to persuade the Buddhist giant apes and giant pandas to join the battle, and the subsequent coordination took her a lot of energy... The wolves that were finally formed, How can the allied army of monkeys and bears return without success!

She must finish her battle because she knows that such an opportunity will never come again in the future.

"You will kill a lot of people." Zhang Tian said, "Similarly, you will also lose a lot of companions. This result is not good for both parties. I know you must be dissatisfied with the people on the riverside. You can speak out and tell them you I know the language of the wolf and the monkey, and the language of the people of the river, and I can convey it for you."


The wolf boy roared in human language, roaring:
"It didn't work! I've tried doing this, trying to communicate with the Cragmen, I've even learned some Cragman language! But the Cragmen didn't keep their word, instead they started setting fires in the forest, thinking Burn us all to death! If it weren't for Yellowstone, I would be dead!"

"I understand you, humans! You will not keep your promises, just as you have never abided by the rules of the forest! You occupy our territory, slaughter our people, destroy our homes, and do not know the slightest restraint! Animals that break the rules must be punished. You will be punished by the forest! This is the will of the forest and no one can stop it!"

This passage was spoken in Rock Castle language mixed with animal language. Rock Castle language and Riverside language are both forest languages, and they have many similarities. Zhang Tian can roughly understand them.

He didn't expect that the other party would suddenly utter human words. He was so shocked that he was speechless for a moment.

After a moment, he came back to his senses and couldn't help but ask: "You have already punished the people of Rock Castle, right?"

"They dared to set fire to the forest. They are the public enemies of all animals in the forest. They have been expelled without leaving a single place! The people of the river will be punished in the same way!"

"But the Riverside people didn't set fire to the forest."

The wolf boy said contemptuously: "Human beings are all the same!"

Zhang Tian immediately said: "You are also a human being, aren't you? You are different from the Yanbao people."

The wolf boy froze for a moment, wanted to refute, opened his mouth, but didn't know where to refute.

Zhang Tian went on to say: "I am also different from the people of Yanbao, and my people are also different from them. We abide by the rules of the forest, and we have always done so. I also get along very well with wolves and apes. Well, look, they taught me wolf language and monkey language, and I can even learn bird language!"

After Zhang Tian finished speaking, he chirped in the voice of a sparrow: "It's time to eat! It's time to eat!"

Immediately there were choruses of singing one after another in the woods, and not long after, a chaffinch flew forward with all its strength, landed lightly on Zhang Tian's shoulder, and chirped for food.

Who else could it be besides Xiao Cang?

Really, this can be found too... Zhang Tian rewarded it with a plant seed as usual, which was originally reserved for Lin Yu as an emergency reserve, but unexpectedly most of it fell into this guy's mouth.

The wolf boy watched him feeding the birds tenderly. Even she didn't understand the language of birds!

This scene undoubtedly greatly increased the authenticity of his remarks. In addition, he did understand wolf language and monkey language, which cannot be faked.

From this point of view, what he said should be true... She didn't know how to hide her emotions, and the wavering in her heart was clearly written on her face.

Seeing this, Zhang Tian withdrew his expression, and said in a very serious tone: "I know you can't trust the people on the riverside, and I can't trust them either. But you can trust me, just like I trust you. I dare to come to you alone. Shows my trust in you, doesn't it?"

The wolf girl didn't answer, and the look on her face told Zhang Tian that she thought this was justified.

But Zhang Tian knew that it was impossible to completely change her mind with just a few words of his own.

After all, the wolf boy is a wild and wild human being. It is no exaggeration to say that he is half a beast. No matter how good and gentle the hand is against her hair, she will designate to bite. She simply followed her words:

"I will not stop your actions. The people by the river cut down trees and hunted animals without restraint. They have indeed broken the rules in the forest. They should be punished and taught a lesson."

"However, the forest is benevolent. When any animal makes a mistake, as long as it is properly punished and the mistake is corrected, the forest will accommodate every child who makes a mistake."

Afraid she wouldn't understand, Zhang Tian made it clear: "Human beings are also part of the forest. I think the will of the forest is not to expel them all, but to let you punish them and guide them to correct their mistakes."

At the end, he added: "This is also the guidance of the sky."

The wolf boy was stunned. How could he be dragged up to the sky?
When she saw the other person looking up at the sky, she also raised her head, the silver light of the stars and moon reflected in her eyes.

Seeing this, the wolves also looked up at the sky, looking at the bright white moon, a primitive impulse made them want to howl up to the sky, but fortunately they held back and did not expose their target.

At nightfall, the monkeys were all sleepy and had already gone to the trees to rest. They moved in the latter half of the night, which was enough for them to have a good sleep.

Zhang Tianzheng said: "It is the sky that guides us to migrate, and it is the sky that guides me to come here to meet you. I think that humans and other animals can get along well. Maybe not now, but sooner or later there will be such a day. We have to believe in the sky. , believe in the forest, and believe in ourselves."

The wolf boy stared at him and thought for a while, but he still couldn't fully understand what he said, so he groaned incomprehensibly.

Anyway, he said that he would not stop him from punishing the riverside people, she understood what he said, and that was enough, as long as these uninvited guests did not intervene, she would have nothing to fear.As for how to end after the fight, we will talk about it after the fight.

She promised: "We will not attack your people, and I hope your people will not stop us. After the matter is over, I will take you through the forest."

"I'll go back and tell my people."

Zhang Tian got up to leave, but was stopped by the big wolf.

He stopped in his tracks and gave the wolf baby a puzzled look.

"You have to stay." The wolf boy said, "After you go back, the people on the riverside will know that we are here. Tell your people that it doesn't take so long, you just need to act with us."

He was quite cautious... Zhang Tian couldn't help being a little surprised. He really planned to tip off the news. After all, he was also in the human camp, and he didn't want to see too many casualties among the riverside tribes.

Moreover, just in case, he had to make his clansmen prepare in advance.

"It seems that you still don't trust me." Zhang Tian said, "That's fine, then I will stay and act together with you. Even if you don't trust me, I still trust you. After all, we are all children raised by the forest."

The wolf baby was at a loss for words, and a strange emotion welled up in her heart, which was an emotion called "guilt" that she had never felt before.

Zhang Tian sat down leaning against the tree trunk with a calm face, it doesn't matter if he doesn't go back, he still has another way to report the news.

(End of this chapter)

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