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Chapter 193 Sacrifice, Knowledge and Pottery

Chapter 193 Sacrifice, Knowledge and Pottery

"Master Chiyan is back!"

"Why are people from the mountain here?"

"Have you still not found the high priest?"

"Have you seen that woman, she is taller and whiter than the high priest, her clothes are so strange!"

"Have you ever seen that short-haired man? He doesn't look like someone from the mountain..."

Chi Yan led the hunters back to the tribe's temporary camp. There is a long distance from the volcano. Chi Yan originally thought that this distance was safe enough, but after listening to Zhang and Lin's analysis, he was no longer so optimistic.

In the final analysis, he has never seen a volcanic eruption with his own eyes. No matter how much knowledge his ancestors passed down, what he hears is false, and what he sees is true. Judgments made based on past experience may not be applicable to the current situation.

The people on the mountain greeted the returning crowd, discussing enthusiastically, and then found that the returning team did not see the figure of the high priest, but there were some people from the mountain and a few unfamiliar faces. High Priest?How to bring back a group of strange guys?

"Hear me out!"

Chi Yan raised her voice and gave a brief explanation of the ins and outs of the matter.

"This wizard," Chi Yan pointed at Lin Yu, "she comes from the far north. She has the same blood as the high priest flowing in her body, and she also has the ability to control flames. She will help us calm the anger of Dashan!"

As soon as this remark came out, it immediately triggered a more intense discussion.

Everyone's eyes fell on Lin Yu again. At first glance, they only thought that she was tall and white, and her appearance was completely different from that of the high priest. Looking at her now, she seemed to be somewhat similar in appearance, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that she was a real sister.

But at the same time, more doubts followed.

"What about the high priest? Where did the high priest go?"

"She comes from the far north, why does she have the same blood as the high priest?"

"Even the high priest couldn't appease Dashan's anger, can she do it?"

At this moment, Lin Yu shouted loudly, and in an instant, a fire dragon rose into the sky!

She also pointed to the sword, and pointed to the sky with a single finger in an exaggerated range of motion, so as to show that she was "strengthening power".

The discussion stopped abruptly.

Everyone was dumbfounded, and those who had doubts about the young wizard's ability just now all shut their mouths. They felt their legs go weak, and felt awed in their hearts, almost wanting to kowtow and kneel down.

Although Ziyan can also control flames, she has never been so ostentatious. It is the first time that the people on the mountain have witnessed this terrifying power so intuitively.

Chi Yan continued: "We will find the high priest, but before that, we must appease Dashan's anger! Chi Tu, are the sacrifices for Dashan ready?"

Chi Tu, an old mason, gave an affirmative answer. These days, the masons worked day and night, and finally produced a batch of high-quality holy stone offerings.

Zhang Tian frowned, listening to Chi Yan, he seemed to still intend to sacrifice to the volcano, trying to appease Dashan's anger... This is different from what he said before.

The people on the mountain were extremely excited. What Lin Yu did with Xiaolu just now brought them great shock and hope. They rushed to ask the returned hunters about the origin of this master wizard.

The hunters told the tribe the story of Nuwa mending the sky, telling them that the high priest and wizards are all descendants of Nuwa.

Before that, they had heard the stories of Houyi shooting the sun, Pangu creating the world, and Shennong tasting hundreds of herbs from the masons. Although these stories impressed them deeply, they were too far away from their lives to feel real.

But now, Nuwa's descendants are actually in front of them, and those unfamiliar men are carrying that magical weapon called "bow and arrow"... The arrival of Zhang Tian and others makes these stories vivid. live up.

Ah Meng then used a slightly ostentatious tone to tell about his fantastic experience of witnessing the growth of all things in the sky, and about the difference between the sky and flames. He did not deliberately persuade the people to look up to the sky. He did not need to do this. This theory itself has a strong The convincing power is enough to shake every listener.

All kinds of anecdotes brought back by the hunters spread quickly, like ripples on the surface of a lake, causing waves of shock among the people on the mountain.

However, in the eyes of the mason, all these anecdotes combined are not as shocking as the small orange bowl in front of him.

Chi Tu touched, knocked and looked at this small bowl no less than ten times, the more he looked at it, the more he couldn't believe it.

He learned skills from stonemasons in the tribe since he was a child, and has been immersed in stone tool making for decades. He thinks that he has read countless stones and has outstanding skills. However, he can't even tell what kind of stone this small bowl is made of!

Not only that, but the craftsmanship of this small bowl also made him amazed and ashamed.

It’s just thin, and he spent more time and energy to polish it so thin, but the wall of the bowl, whether it is the outer wall or the inner wall, is as smooth as ice, and the curvature is so perfect. Nothing wrong!

What a masterpiece!The level of the stonemason who made this small bowl is almost awe-inspiring!

This small bowl is only about the size of a palm, but in front of it, Chi Tu feels extremely small, and such a skill may be difficult for him to achieve in his lifetime.

No wonder Crow is good at making stone tools. It turns out that there are experts in his hometown...

Thinking of this, the old mason's will was a little depressed. His proud craftsmanship and his lifelong pursuit all became a joke in front of this small bowl.

But soon cheered up again.

It's not too late!The stonemason who made this bowl may have been in the migration!He still has the opportunity to ask each other for advice!

Thinking of this, Chi Tu couldn't hide his excitement, and hurriedly asked: "Crow, do you know who made this stone bowl?"

"It should be the priest of the sky." Crow said, "It's the guy with short hair who looks very energetic."

Chitu was dumbfounded. He thought that the person who could make this bowl should also have decades of "skill" like him. Unexpectedly, it was made by a young man!

The crow then said something that puzzled him: "This is not a stone bowl, but a clay bowl."

Pottery bowl?

"Is this kind of stone called 'pottery'?"

"No, it's not a stone, it's..."

Crow was about to explain, but when the words came to his mouth, he realized that he had only a half-knowledge. He only knew that Tao was not a stone, but he didn't know where Tao came from.

Fortunately, he was very witty, and immediately raised his head, looked at the sky and said deeply: "It's a gift from the sky."

Chi Tu was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously raised his head, looking up at the cloudless sky.

What do you mean?Stones falling from the sky?Could it be the debris that fell when the sun was shot down?
After spending a cold day with Chitu, Crow knew this old stonemason, and knew that he only did one thing in his life, and stone tools were more important to him than life.

The crow withdrew his gaze, no longer being a riddler, and said seriously: "If you want to know how to make a pottery bowl, you can ask the priest of the sky. The priest is generous and kind, and he will definitely give you guidance."

At this time, the generous and benevolent Sky Priest had just returned Chishi to Borg.

In order to let Lin Yu show his holiness to others, he had no choice but to borrow Chishi from Borg. Surprisingly, he didn't encounter any difficulties. The other party was probably afraid of the wizard's divine power and dared not act presumptuously.

After getting Chishi back, Borg immediately found Chiyan and asked to fulfill his promise.

Chi Yan was counting the sacrifices used to sacrifice to the volcano, without raising his head, he said: "There are none here, go to the stone quarry camp, there are as many sacred stones as there are."

"You're kidding me!" Borg was furious.

"How? You know how important red stones are to me. I won't joke about it. If you want holy stones, come with us to the quarry camp and take as many as you want. I won't say a word. If you want to exchange for animal skin or other things, I can give it to you right now."

Chi Yan stopped counting, looked up at Borg, smiled and said, "What do you think?"

Borg knew that he had been slapped by the other party, and his teeth were itching with anger. After thinking about it, it was true that the black and shiny high-quality holy stone was more attractive, and there was no limit...

"Remember what you said!" He pointed at Chi Yan's nose, threatening, "If you don't get the holy stone this time, I will kill you!"

Borg stormed off.

Chi Yan's eyes fell on those who stayed behind: "Priest of the Sky... Do you need me?"

Zhang Tian said in a reproachful tone: "You shouldn't give your people unrealistic hopes. You clearly know that the wizard will not help you calm Dashan's anger."

"I know that I don't expect your help in this matter. If I fail, you will ensure the safety of my people, that's enough."

"What do you mean?"

"It means... I will appease Dashan's anger. Don't forget, I am the Priest of the Fire Spirit."

Zhang Tian's frown deepened: "What are you going to do? Throw these stone tools into the crater? It won't have any effect."

"Don't act like you know volcanoes better than I do. We've lived here for generations. I know how to appease a mountain. How to calm its anger. I've been taught this since I was a kid!"

Chi Yan raised his voice slightly, annoyed that this self-righteous outsider was always trying to teach him how to do things.

Zhang Tian choked, and said helplessly, "If you do this, you may die."

Chi Yan smiled nonchalantly, and said freely: "People are mortal, and dying as a priest of the fire spirit is exactly what I hope."

Looking at the other party's smile, Zhang Tian suddenly remembered that night in the tribe at the foot of the mountain. He was almost about to persuade Chi Yan to fall into Sky's embrace, but the other party suddenly strengthened his belief.

He thought of Chi Yan and said: "I am the Priest of Fire Spirit, no matter what, this will not change at all."

He remembered Chi Yan's stubborn expression when he said this sentence... Perhaps at that time, this guy had already decided to do this.

"The sky priest..."


Zhang Tian looked at him and waited for the next article.

Chi Yan hesitated to speak, and said after a while: "May I ask you to do me a favor?"


"Master Chiyan!"

Two little boys greeted them with smiles on their faces.

Chi Yan asked with a straight face, "When I was away, you didn't play around, did you?"

"No!" The two little boys said in unison.

Chi Yan nodded slightly, and reached out to stroke the hair of the two.

Two little boys, the tall one is called Hei Huo, the other is called Zi Huo, both of them are Chi Yan's apprentices, and they are the next priests of the tribe.

"They are all very smart children, and they are calm and not playful. No matter what they learn, they will learn quickly..."

Chi Yan praised the two children, and he, who was always serious, showed a rare smile.

Zhang Tian didn't say anything, just listened quietly.

Chi Yan suddenly stopped talking, hesitated for a while, and finally seemed to have made up some kind of determination, saying: "I hope they can become excellent priests in the future and lead the people on the right path, so... I want to ask you to teach me They know."

Although the words were euphemistic, the meaning was clear. It was equivalent to admitting in disguise that serving Huo Ling was the wrong way. The so-called correct way was naturally looking up to the sky. What he wanted Zhang Tian to teach was undoubtedly the knowledge of serving the sky.

Black Fire and Purple Fire cried out, not understanding what their teacher meant.

Chi Yan ignored the two, just looked at Zhang Tian, ​​waiting for his answer.

"I won't stay here. I will leave when the wizard quells the forest fire."

"Even if it is only one day, it is enough to teach a lot of knowledge. As I said, they are very smart and learn quickly." Chi Yan was extremely persistent.

Zhang Tian was a little puzzled, and suggested: "Actually... I can teach you directly, and you still have time to learn at this time."

"No, it's too late. The wizard said that the priests of the past generations tried to calm down Dashan's anger, but they were actually suppressing Dashan and letting it accumulate more and more anger, so that it can't be calmed down today."

"That's right, so you don't need to take the risk of sacrificing to the volcano. You also know that it won't have any effect..."

"Whether it works or not, I have to do it!"

A stubborn expression appeared on Chi Yan's face again, and his tone was also extremely firm: "I am the Priest of the Fire Spirit, and this will never change! If it is true that the priests of the past generations have caused today's results, then It is up to me, and it should be up to me to repay the mistakes made by the ancestors!"

Zhang Tian was stunned for a moment, he finally understood, it turned out that this stubborn priest insisted on offering sacrifices to the volcano, not because of ignorance, nor because he was willing to be a moth to the flame, but for atonement.

He didn't expect that the reasoning between him and Lin Yu would make Chi Yan feel such a strong sense of guilt.

"Qing Yan is dead, and Zi Yan is nowhere to be found. Most likely he is already dead. I am the only one left in the Priest of the Fire Spirit. I must make an end so that my people can usher in a new beginning. Priest of the sky... I There is only one request."

Chi Yan pushed Hei Huo and Zi Huo to Zhang Tian. He was a very strong person, but now he looked at Zhang Tian with almost begging eyes.

Blackfire and Purplefire couldn't quite understand the conversation between adults, and when they saw the teacher's expression they had never seen before, they were a little frightened.

Zhang Tian sighed, he knew that Chi Yan had made up his mind, so he didn't say any more, and nodded in agreement with his request.

Chi Yan finally breathed a sigh of relief, now, he has no worries.

"Thank you."

He thanked him sincerely and grinned.

(End of this chapter)

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