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Chapter 188 The Fashionable Grassland Man

Chapter 188 The Fashionable Grassland Man
The large army moved slowly towards the mountains in the distance, towards the camp of the tribe below the hill.

Babu sent two fast-footed hunters to go ahead and go back to get the people ready to receive guests.

The crowd walked on the grassland for two days and one night. As they approached, the distant mountains gradually revealed their majestic figures. The majestic mountains stretched from northeast to southwest, like a thick spine running through this vast grassland.

More and more people from the bottom of the mountain came to hear the news, in the name of welcoming the guests, but they couldn't hold back their curiosity, and couldn't wait to see the demeanor of the sky priest and the wizard.

They recognized Zhang Tian and Lin Yu with distinctive appearances at a glance, and they leaned over to try to get acquainted, but were ruthlessly driven away by Babu.

"Go away! Don't disturb the priest and the wizard!"

Babu's attitude is very clear, the sky priest and the wizard can only be entertained by him, and no one else can intervene.

After entering the open valley, the spectators became more crowded, and the shepherds also drove the sheep to join the marching team. The original 400-person team gradually grew, and when they arrived at the tribe's camp at the foot of the mountain, the number almost doubled, and there were loud voices Mixed with the impatient cry of the sheep, echoing in the valley.

The sudden appearance of a large number of two-legged beasts with strange auras frightened the three little lynxes. They huddled in their respective owners' back baskets, anxiously and curiously poking their heads out to look around.

Hutou and other hunters were always vigilant, but they soon discovered that these prairie people had no malicious intentions. Just like what Babu said, they were full of enthusiasm. This unnamed fruit is given to the guests to taste.

It was the first time that people from the mountain came into contact with foreign visitors. It was as if a group of foreigners suddenly came to the village, causing crowds and commotions.

However, even though they were of a different race, their appearances were almost the same, except that the people at the foot of the mountain had darker complexions, which was caused by long-term living on the bare grasslands and being exposed to strong ultraviolet rays.

In contrast, the aliens living in the northern forests looked much fairer, especially the tall and thin Mr. Wizard, who seemed to have walked out of a snowdrift, earning enough attention.

Unlike Leng Tian's treatment after being arrested, Crow and Leopard Gan have become the hottest interpreters by virtue of their outstanding bilingual ability.

Crow is very economical. At first, he translated for free for both parties. Later, he realized that this skill of him and Leopard Gan was indispensable and irreplaceable, so he began to ask for payment, and he made a lot of money in a blink of an eye.At this moment, he deeply understood the value of knowledge.

"My lord priest, my lord wizard, our camp is ahead! We have moved here since a long, long time ago, when the mountain erupted in anger."

Babu turned himself into the private tour guide of Zhang and Lin, and introduced them enthusiastically.

The camp of the Shanxia Tribe was built in the deepest part of this open valley, surrounded by mountains on three sides. The camp area is at least as big as two track and field fields. At a glance, there are hundreds of thatched huts, large and small, standing in blocks. The shape is scattered all over the camp.

The streams flowing down from the mountain converge into a river in the valley and flow to the management area. This river is the main source of fresh water for the tribes below the mountain.

Because of the heavy rain a few days ago, the houses in the camp were either damaged or severely flooded and had to be rebuilt or repaired, which is the work of the women.

From a distance, they can be seen busy.

They pulled down the dilapidated old house, built the skeleton of the new house with strong and resilient rattan branches, tied dried thatch around, and covered the roof with thatch, and built dark yellow circles simply and quickly. shaped hut.

When the noisy voice reached their ears, they immediately put down their work and came out to watch the fun like the men.

Babu scrupulously performed his duties as a tour guide, leading the priests and wizards around their camps.

Zhang and Lin observed everything around them with great interest.

In terms of civilization, the tribe at the bottom of the mountain is obviously more developed than the tribe of the former river. They have left the cave, learned to build simple shelters by themselves, and developed the most primitive animal husbandry. The tribe has also grown from dozens of people in the cave period to hundreds of people.

On the west side of the camp, the river is used as a natural barrier, and the east, south and north sides are surrounded by artificial trenches.

Enter the residential area across the trench.

There are hundreds of houses distributed in the residential area, mainly semi-crypt-style small round houses. The lower part of this kind of building uses the cave wall as the wall, which can effectively reduce the height of the external structure and improve the stability of the house.In Zhang Tian's view, it is naturally very outdated, but it was very fashionable in the early Neolithic Age.

These houses are divided into six building groups, each building group has a large square house as the main body, and there are a dozen or two dozen medium-sized houses in between, and the doors of all the houses face the center of the camp.

Zhang Tian and Lin Yu were standing in front of one of the big houses at this time.

The big house not only occupies a larger area, but also is a rare ground-level building in the camp, and it is obviously built with more care, unlike the small round house.

Obviously, apart from providing shelter, the big house must also undertake other functions.

An old woman came out of the house surrounded by children.

Even in the hot summer, this old lady still wears a gorgeous soft leather one-piece dress, the dark brown leather material is particularly polished, this dress has no sleeves, but the shoulders are made very wide, it looks like Like short sleeves, clearly designed and sewn by a woman's skillful hand.

There is a circle of polished ivory beads on the collar, and a delicate obsidian bracelet on the right arm. In addition to the obsidian ornaments on the waist, there is also a hollow horn hanging from it, which can be used as a water cup and an amulet of the tribe below the mountain.

Whether it is clothing or accessories, or the respectful attitude of others, it all tells the status of this old lady in the tribe.

Babu proudly introduced: "This is the mother of our tribe!"

It seems to be similar to the existence of grandma.

The two also called their mothers and said hello to the old lady.

The old woman smiled and said, "I will become a mother when I get older. I wish the children would call me by my name, so that I look younger. Just call me Pujie. No one has called me that for a long time. This is my name."

After the conversation, I found out that the tribe at the bottom of the mountain is composed of six tribes. Although all of them live together and are closely related to each other, they still live in separate blocks and are not completely without boundaries. For example, the tribe where Babu belongs is located in the west of the entire camp. south.

Each tribe has a respected old woman as the spiritual leader. This big house is equivalent to a meeting hall for the tribes to hold meetings. Pujie will also tell stories, teach language and impart knowledge to children here.

The small round houses were clustered around the six large houses for women and children.

Most men do not have a fixed residence, they live in various women's homes like parasites, spend the night at this woman's home tonight, and go to another woman's home to ring the clock tomorrow night, it all depends on whether the woman is willing to take it in.

Hearing what Babu said, Lin Yu's DNA moved again.

This is a very typical walking marriage system: men do not marry, women do not marry, men visit women's homes, night and morning break, belong to a more common form of marriage in matrilineal society, today, this form of marriage is still Some ethnic minority areas have reservations.

It is a pity that people cannot stay for a long time during the migration, and there is no way to conduct in-depth investigation and research.Lin Yu was not without regrets.

In the residential area of ​​each tribe, there are cellars for storing things and sheepfolds that are not too large.

Although the people at the bottom of the mountain have domesticated sheep, they are limited by backward management methods and breeding techniques. The number of sheep is not large, which is far from meeting the needs of everyone. The daily food source still depends on hunting and gathering.

Walking out of the residential area, there is an open space in the center of the camp, which is as big as half a football field, and there is nothing but a huge oak tree.

This open space is the central square of the Shanxia tribe, where large-scale events such as coming-of-age ceremonies are held. Whenever night falls, people gather here to sing and dance.At this time, the man will take the opportunity to wink at the woman and show courteousness, begging the woman to take her in.

To the east and across the trench is the burial area.

The Dahe Tribe also has a tradition of burying the dead, but there is no specific burial area. They usually find a random place in the mountains and forests, dig a hole and bury them. This is a mass burial.

The Shanxia tribe set up a cemetery in the east and north of the camp to bury the dead tribe members.


Lin Yu grabbed Zhang Tian's hand and used his strength to climb up the huge rock located to the east of the camp.

Only by looking down from a height can you get a glimpse of the whole picture.Looking around, I saw hundreds of houses, big and small, neatly arranged around the open central square. People gathered in the center of the square, lit a grand bonfire, prepared food for the guests, and it was very lively. It was a small village. !
Both of them were shocked by the scene before them.

Lin Yu couldn't help complaining: "The crow always says that the prairie people are barbaric, how are they barbaric? They are obviously very fashionable!"

There is no doubt that when Homo sapiens at the same time were still spinning in caves, the hill tribes that established such a large-scale camp were already ahead of the times.

Of course, this is also because the volcanic eruption forced their ancestors to leave the mountains and find another way out, otherwise, they should still be grinding obsidian in the cave at this time.

The progress of civilization is always brought about by coincidences of one kind or another. It is a blessing in disguise that the mountain tribe can develop to today's scale.

Zhang Tian roughly counted the heads, including the people on the mountain who lived here, the population exceeded [-].

The camp was originally fairly spacious, but when [-] people rushed in, it suddenly became compact.

The guests are arranged on the west side of the camp, near the river, in a prime location, and it is a very high-quality "real estate", which shows the enthusiasm and attention of the host.

The women who originally lived on the west side had to go to relatives' houses to squeeze together. Fortunately, it is hot summer now, even if they don't stay at home, it is very comfortable to spend the night in the open air.

After moving in, the uneasiness in everyone's hearts has been reduced, replaced by curiosity about the new environment.

The tribes live in caves all year round, and only live in tents at tribal meetings, but they are built with mammoth bones and animal skins, which are completely different from the thatched huts of the people down the mountain.

"This house is similar to the wizard's hut outside our cave..." Lan Hua observed the structure of the house, "It's just a little smaller and can't accommodate too many people."

Lanhua lives in a medium-sized house, and Zhang Tian, ​​Lin Yu, Xiao, Maple Leaf, Bai and three little lynxes live with her. The indoor area is about [-] square meters, which is not too small as a pure shelter. , but nowhere near the caves where the River Tribe once settled.

There is only a firepit in the house, a straw mat covered with old animal skins, and two small wooden stools. The light comes in from the smoke vent on the roof, forming a beam of bright light, and fine dust particles dance freely in the beam.

Lin Yu comforted the nervous little lynx, regardless of whether they understood or not, he kept telling them not to run around.

At this time, a shout sounded from outside the house: "Master Wizard?"

Listen to the voice, it's Ah Meng.

Zhang Tian and Lin Yu walked out of the house, and both of them shifted their eyes to the man beside Ah Meng. Their clothes were even more gorgeous than Pu Jie's, with obsidian crystal light shining from head to toe.

No need to ask, this must be Chi Yan, the only remaining priest of the tribe on the mountain.

When the two looked at Chi Yan, Chi Yan was also looking at the two of them, mainly Lin Yu, the rumored descendant of Nu Wa, who had the same extraordinary ability as the high priest.

This wizard is taller than he expected, her skin is even whiter than Zi Yan, her face is a bit childish, but her expression is mature and determined, which makes people guess her age, but, It should be just an adult, after all, it has not yet developed.

Chi Yan knew the truth in his heart, and before Ah Meng could introduce himself, he reported his family background: "I am Chi Yan, the priest of the tribe on the mountain. I have heard about it. You are willing to help us calm Dashan's anger. I am really grateful! "

"It's not to quell Dashan's anger." Zhang Tian corrected his wording, "It's to quell the forest fires that may be caused by the volcanic eruption. This is not an easy task. The wizard may not be able to solve it, but she will do her best."

This is to prevent the people on the mountain from pinning all their hopes on Lin Yu and causing unnecessary pressure on her.

Chi Yan smiled nonchalantly, and still said to the wizard: "Can I see your white stone?"

Lin Yu understood this sentence, and she knew that Chi Yan wanted to confirm, so she readily took out the white stone and showed it to him.

It really is exactly the same as the red stone, except for the different color... Chi Yan believes in the legend about the five-color stone even more.

From this point of view, all the high priests of the tribe are descendants of Nuwa, who are related to this wizard by blood, but she is clearly from the far north, far away from us... What is the reason for this?Why do we have a common ancestor?

"Have you found Chishi?"

The sky priest's question interrupted his thinking.

Chi Yan knew that Ah Meng didn't deceive the other party as he said, and Ah Meng did the right thing, because they haven't found Chishi yet.

Borg of the sheep egg, he speaks better than he sings. After so many days, he still has nothing!
He cursed in his heart, and said with confidence: "The hunters are looking for it in the mountains, and they will find it soon!"

(End of this chapter)

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