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Chapter 180 The Messenger of the Sky

Chapter 180 The Messenger of the Sky

Chi Yan looked at this group of downhill people with false smiles on their faces, who were blindly asking for benefits without doing their shit, and his mood was as gloomy and silent as this mountain forest shrouded in dark clouds.

Since Ah Shui and the stonemasons came back, everything went wrong.

If the high priest returns victorious, he has nothing to say, and naturally everything will follow the arrangements of the high priest, but a woman who has never served the spirit of fire wants to ride on his head and give orders because of the commanding priest, how can there be such a reason in the world ?
Letting someone who doesn't understand the spirit of fire serve as a priest is a kind of blasphemy in itself, and he will never agree!

Zi Yan and Qing Yan are not around, he is the only priest, and in addition to handling almost all the big and small matters in the tribe these years, he has accumulated a high prestige, even if Ah Shui holds the priest commander, it is difficult to shake him .

Chi Yan didn't pay attention to Ah Shui at first, he was more concerned about the whereabouts of the high priest and Chi Shi.

The high priest failed to completely appease Dashan's anger. Even if she died unfortunately, Chishi must be recovered, which is the most important sacred object of the tribe.

Ah Shui, Chitu and others strongly opposed it, claiming that Dashan's anger had not subsided, and he should follow the wishes of the high priest to stay away from danger. A group of hunters returned to the quarry camp, looking for red stones.

They found human-shaped clay sculptures and knocked them open to reveal the ashes of the bones and flesh after burning. Some of the bones had been burnt to pieces, leaving only sporadic broken bones.

The magma erupted by the volcano is not terrible. This kind of viscous liquid substance can hardly flow and is easy to avoid. What is terrible is the high-temperature air flow mixed with rock debris that is close to the ground and sweeps past. It is faster than a leopard and cannot escape. not drop!
Chi Yan could imagine the scene at that time.

The debris flow formed by the volcanic eruption surged like a flood breaking a dike, and the sulfur-smelling smoke suffocated them. The high-temperature volcanic ash covered the sky and covered the sky, burning their skin, swallowing their eyeballs, and pouring into their windpipes. They were buried alive and all died in excruciating pain.

According to the holy stone ornaments carried by the deceased, they identified the owners of these bones. They found Qing Yan, they found the hunter who left behind willingly, and they found everyone except the high priest.

Of course, Chishi was not found either.

It seems that there is only one situation left. The high priest accidentally fell into the crater, and together with the red stone, he was buried in the flames forever.

But... why only the high priest fell into the crater, but all the hunters who were in charge of protecting her died on the ground, this is unreasonable!
Chi Yan thinks that Zi Yan is probably not dead. She may have encountered other dangers, or suffered serious injuries, or may be in a difficult situation, waiting for her clansmen to rescue her.

So he sent more people to search everywhere in the mountains and forests. No matter what, he wanted to see people when he was alive, and he wanted to see corpses when he was dead.

He never expected that Ah Shui betrayed the tribe at this time, not only letting the savage go, but also taking away Commander Ji.

Limited by manpower, he was unable to search for the high priest and arrest Ah Shui at the same time, so he had to seek help from the people down the mountain.

Now, looking at the greedy faces in front of him, he felt more and more that this was a wrong decision!
Chi Yan said patiently: "Didn't it be agreed? You bring the man, and I will give you the high-grade holy stone. Where is the man?"

Baburi said confidently: "In order to help you find someone, we searched the mountains several times without resting for a moment, and even delayed hunting. Don't you have to keep your promise because you haven't found anyone? Isn't that what we did for nothing? ? There is no such reason!"

"That's right!"

"We worked hard, we deserved it!"

The crowd is excited, regardless of whether it is reasonable or not, the voice must be loud.

The weather was boring enough, and this noise made it even more annoying.

Ah Meng, A Da and other hunters were at the age of youthful vigor, so they couldn't bear it anymore, they picked up the wooden stick and wanted to beat each other out, but were stopped by Chi Yan.

The people at the foot of the mountain made it clear that they were here to make trouble, and Chi Yan knew it well.

If he was on the mountain, he would never allow the people down the mountain to be so arrogant and arrogant, but now they are in the territory of the people down the mountain. The so-called strong dragon does not overwhelm the local snake. Once conflicts arise, they may not get benefits.

Chi Yan said solemnly: "I can promise you that when the matter is over, no matter whether you find someone or not in the end, I will give you some holy stones."

"Okay! Remember what you said!"

Seeing that the other party backed down, Babu became even more imposing, and raised his voice: "Now, I hope you can tell me clearly, who exactly are you looking for?"

"As I said, two men and one woman, three savages."

"Is it just a savage? Isn't it the high priest?"

The hunters of the tribe on the mountain were all taken aback, Chi Yan frowned, and asked instead: "Why do you think we are looking for the high priest?"

When Babu saw this, he knew that the information provided by Ayong was true, and that the tribe on the mountain was indeed searching for the whereabouts of the high priest.

He became more calm and relaxed, and said with a smile: "Your high priest is missing, isn't he?"

Chi Yan hesitated for a moment, did not deny or answer, and then asked: "Who told you?"

"Can you control it? Hey! No wonder you want to capture the woman alive. That woman is the high priest! I was almost deceived by you! What happened between you, we don't have to ask, but if you want us to help you find the high priest, The previously agreed rewards are not enough, far from enough! We have to increase the price!"

Ah Meng on the side couldn't help but retort: ​​"The person you are looking for has nothing to do with the high priest!"

"Really?" Borg said while teasing the bird, "If it doesn't have anything to do with the high priest, then after I find it, I'll have a good time first, isn't it okay?"

"Sheep eggs!"

"Keep your mouth clean!"

Everyone in the tribe on the mountain was furious. This naked man made it clear that he intentionally insulted their most respected high priest. Is it tolerable or unbearable?
Ah Meng and the others immediately showed their weapons, and their eyes seemed to burst into flames.

The people at the foot of the mountain did not show any weakness, and the two sides opened up battles, holding high sticks and spears, and confronted each other in the camp.

Chi Yan didn't stop him, and just looked at Babu calmly. He didn't want to provoke a conflict, but that didn't mean he would swallow his anger and let the other party humiliate him.

Babu said helplessly: "Borg, if you can't speak, you don't have to."

Borg shrugged with an innocent face: "What's wrong? Did I say something wrong?"

At this time, he suddenly felt a chill in his forehead.

Lifting his neck, pea-sized raindrops fell from the sky, hitting his thick bearded face.

He licked the water stains on his lips. The rain should have no taste, but today's rain is a bit bitter and slightly sweet, which is very strange.

"It's raining."

Borg grunted, turned and walked towards the tent.

The bean-sized raindrops instantly connected into a line, turning into a torrential downpour, relentlessly hitting the mountains and forests, as if they had strayed into a water curtain cave. The dense rain curtain blocked the sight, and the roar of the waterfall fell in my ears.

The two opposing sides were at war one moment, staring at each other, refusing to give in to each other, and scattered like birds and beasts the next moment, rushing back to their respective tents to avoid the rain.

Whether it's a quarrel or a fight, wait until the rain stops.

Negotiations are still going on.

Representatives from both sides gathered in the largest tent to continue the previous topic.

Babu has only one appeal: "Price up!"

Chi Yan said: "Ah Meng is telling the truth. The three people I want you to find are indeed savages. However, the news you got is correct. The high priest is indeed missing. I will not hide it from you. We are looking for It's not the savages, but the high priest. You have exchanged so many times with us, I thought that there was still some trust."

Babu sneered in his belly, and said to himself that if we hadn't found out, if we found the high priest, we would definitely pay the barbarian's price.The people on the mountain are very smart.

"We can help you find the high priest."

"No need!" Ah Meng resolutely refused.

But Chi Yan said: "Ah Meng, Babu has a good intention, I think we shouldn't refuse."

"My lord priest..."

Chi Yan waved his hand, stopped Ah Meng's words, and continued: "Bab, if you are willing to help, it is of course the best. If you can find the high priest, I can give each of you a piece of the highest holy priest according to the head. stone."

The people at the foot of the mountain were all overjoyed. No one could tell how many people there were in the tribe at the bottom of the mountain. If each person had a high-quality holy stone, how many would there be!Can't fit in ten bags!

Babu was about to agree, when Chi Yan changed his subject and said, "However, we don't know where the high priest has gone. She may have come down the mountain, or she may be on the mountain. The search area is very wide. After that, if you want to find it, you may have to go to a farther place, which is not an easy task."

"You don't need to worry about that! Just prepare the holy stone, and we will definitely find it for you!"

Babu left with the excited clansmen. The depression and resentment accumulated in the past few days were swept away. They were full of motivation and planned to go to the deep mountains and old forests to find someone when the rain stopped.

Chi Yan watched Babu and others leave with a smile, and when they were far away, he immediately withdrew his smile and said in a very serious tone: "When the rain stops, call our people back. Since the people from the mountain are willing to do it for you, Then let them find it."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, all a little puzzled. Telling each other everything about the disappearance of the high priest is already very confusing. What is going on here?
Ah Meng asked for everyone: "I don't understand. If we are just searching for the high priest, we are enough. Why let people from the mountain get involved? Why call all of us back?"

"Because the mountain is brewing anger."

Chi Yan walked to the entrance of the tent, looked up at the dark clouds and rain that covered the sky, and said worriedly: "I have a bad feeling that Dashan's anger this time may far exceed our imagination, and you haven't noticed it. Is it? There are far fewer wild beasts in the forest than before, obviously this place is still far away."

"The mountain may burst into flames at any time. At that time, the forest will be ignited, and the flames will spread like the wind. It is very dangerous to stay in the mountain forest. Let the people below take the risk! Find the high priest before you get angry, why not give them some holy stones?"

The rain fell heartily, the air was finally not so stuffy, and the hot summer seemed to have a little cool breath.

After the rain, the sky was getting darker.

Night falls.

After they cleared away the stagnant water in the camp, Babu took some people to the mountain, brought down the dry firewood stored in the cave, and started a bonfire.

Although open-air camping is convenient for keeping sheep in captivity, its disadvantages are also obvious. If it rains, it will be ruined. If you live in a cave, you don't have to worry about it at all.

The people down the mountain also dug some drainage ditches, enough to handle most of the rain, but once it rained heavily, they could only clean up the accumulated water while cursing.

To cope with this situation, they will store things that are not resistant to moisture, such as wood, in nearby caves, so that after heavy rain, even a fire cannot be started.

Everyone gathered around the fire, competing to dry their bodies, hair and skin. In the past, people down the mountain would not take it seriously when they were drenched in rain. Today, for some reason, the rain is sticking to their bodies, making people feel uncomfortable.

Babu was also wiping his hair with dry animal skins by the fire when he suddenly heard a shout from outside the camp:
"Don't do it! One of our own!"

"Open your eyes and see clearly, I am A Niu! A Niu who herds sheep!"

"You sheep herder, grab a sheep's egg! Keep your voice down!"

Ah Niu?Didn't this kid go find someone with Ah Da and the others?Why are you back?Did you find someone?

Babu stood up and walked out of the camp.

The sound continued to enter the ears.

"Who is he? Why does he look at his face?"

"He is the messenger of the sky!"

"What sheep eggs?"

"Keep your mouth clean! The sky is watching you!"

"Huh? Isn't he... that wild man that Bob caught in the cold?"

"That's right! I said why does it look familiar? What's the name..."

"It seems to be Brother Crow? Hehe, Borg must remember."

"Crow! My name is Crow!"

The crow said his name aloud. Although he was drenched in the rain and looked embarrassed, he still straightened his waist and faced the eyes of the barbarians calmly, without any fear.

The people down the mountain laughed loudly, then took out the rope and rushed forward, as if they were going to tie up the crow.

"This fool! He even delivered it to the door by himself?"

"Is he the wild man the mountain people are looking for?"

"It's him! Can't be wrong!"

However, before rushing to the crow, they pinched it themselves.

"The holy stone is mine! Don't steal it from me!"

"Go away! I saw it first!"

"Who is pulling me! Let go!"

The moment the crow declared himself home, he had become a walking holy stone in the eyes of the people down the mountain.

They refused to give in to each other, you pulled my hair, I pulled your hind legs, fell into the rain one after another, and then wrestled together, splashing countless mud stains.

The crow had already clenched its fists and was ready to fight the barbarian desperately. Looking at the scene in front of him and the men fighting each other to fight for him, he was dumbfounded.

Ah Niu yelled: "Stop beating! Stop beating! Listen to me!"

(End of this chapter)

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