Chapter 172 Akashi
"so beautiful!"

The women were amazed, and He's eyes were shining brightly. She had no resistance to beautiful graphics and things, and even Hutou, who lacked aesthetic ability, couldn't help but take a few more glances.

No matter how high the quality of this piece of obsidian is, its shape and the patterns engraved on it are enough to prove that the stone tool making technology of the tribe on the mountain has deviated from the most primitive smashing, hammering, falling, and touching, and has developed all kinds of obsidian. , learning, cutting, grinding and other very fine techniques.

With the tools of this era, it is not easy to grind off the edges and corners of a piece of obsidian, and then polish it to be as thin as a mobile phone, with uniform thickness and smooth surface, not to mention engraving patterns on it!

More importantly, if the mirror made by the crow can also be used to organize the appearance, this piece of obsidian does not seem to have any practicality.

There is a small hole drilled at the top, obviously for wearing a rope, so it can be inferred that it is probably an ornament.

The above-mentioned holy stone was used as the raw material, and it was painstakingly polished by experienced stonemasons. It was also engraved with the flame pattern revered by the tribe on the mountain... Many elements are superimposed, and this kind of jewelry may only be worn by priests in the tribe on the mountain.

Because this thing was found from Ah Shui, Zhang Tianxia realized that she was one of the priests. He was really happy for a while, thinking that he would first transform the priest of the other party into a believer in the sky, and then let the priest speak out to persuade her Wouldn't it be easy for her people to turn to the embrace of the sky?
Zhang Tian was inevitably a little disappointed when his wishful thinking failed.

Ah Shui pursed his lips tightly and stared at the holy stone ornament. After a while, he raised his head to meet Zhang Tian's questioning gaze, and said sincerely: "You saved me. My life belongs to you. You want me to do it." Anything is fine, but please, can you return this thing to me?"

She looked at the young sky priest expectantly, but she didn't have any expectations in her heart.

These savages and the leopard liver came from the same place, and she knew that there were no holy stones in that place. Their knowledge of stones was very shallow, and the way of making stone tools was very backward.

And this holy stone ornament represented the highest level of the tribe on the mountain. Looking at the other party's plain attire, he knew that this young priest had never seen such an exquisite ornament in his life, and it was understandable for him to want to keep it for himself.

She was thinking about what chips she could use for exchange, but she heard: "Yes."


Ah Shui was stunned for a moment, suspecting that she had heard it wrong, and then saw the other party casually throwing it up, catching it, throwing it up again, catching it if it was just an ordinary stone that couldn't be more ordinary.

Ah Shui's heart instantly rose to his throat, and his eyes rose and fell, for fear that the other party's hand slipped and missed, causing the holy stone to be bumped and damaged.

Zhang Tian knew what Ah Shui was thinking, heh, stop looking down on people, he doesn't want to give him this broken stone!

"But before that, you want you to tell me everything you know."


Ah Shui readily agreed.

Zhang Tian grabbed the fallen obsidian jewelry and stopped molesting her.

Ah Shui's heart finally fell back into his stomach.

It seems that this savage's appreciation level is lower than I expected, not enough to feel the extraordinaryness of the holy stone.

She thought to herself, and said: "The origin of this holy stone can be traced back to a long, long time ago. At that time, our ancestors still lived in the mountain forest. It is a magical mountain forest. It's very warm, and there are many springs nearby that never freeze."

Ah Shui disagreed and began to tell a story. She said a word, and Bao Gan translated it.

The children immediately sat around, no matter what the story is, as long as it is a story, they love to hear it.

Lin Yu also became interested, and asked: "Those springs not only won't freeze, but are they also warm, like cooking on fire?"

"Yes." Ah Shui nodded, "There are still some springs, some of which are so hot that they can even be used to cook food."

Everyone was amazed. It was so convenient to throw the food into the spring water to cook. What kind of pottery was needed, and even the fire was saved!

Lin Yu was so envious that she was about to drool. She hadn't bathed for more than a month. Now that the weather is hot, her whole body is sticky and uncomfortable. She wished she could jump into the hot spring immediately and take a comfortable bath.

"Why is the spring water hot?" Bai couldn't help asking.

"Because there is fire in the mountain." Ah Shui said, "The fire hidden in the mountain keeps burning, so the spring water will not freeze, and the mountain forest is warmer than other places."

"Ah! Then your ancestors lived on the volcano, isn't it very dangerous? If the fire is too hot, wouldn't people be roasted?"

"Yes, you are a clever boy to think of that. But our ancestors did not know that there was fire in the mountains. At that time, the mountains were covered with trees, and the top of the mountain was covered with a pool of very clear water. It's beautiful, how could they think of it?"

After listening to the story for so long, everyone already guessed what would happen next after hearing this, and their hearts couldn't help but tugged.

Ah Shui sighed and said, "Until one day, the ground suddenly started to shake, and the pools on the top of the mountain overflowed one after another. From time to time, terrible thunderous noises erupted from the inside of the mountain, and the forest became even hotter."

"At this time, many people already had a premonition that something big would happen, and they chose to leave to find a new home elsewhere. In order to avoid unknown disasters, those people kept walking down the mountain, and finally arrived at the grassland where we are now. They settled here and became the Downhill Tribe."

"That's right, our ancestors were so wise!"

Ah Niu suddenly answered a sentence, not without pride, and at the end he sneered: "It's not like your ancestors who stayed there foolishly waiting to die!"

Ah Shui curled his lips, ignored him, and continued: "There are still some people who don't want to abandon their homes that have been settled for generations. They think that Dashan just loses his temper, just like it rains when the sky is unhappy. And the sky will be clear."

"It rains in the sky not because we are unhappy. Our ancestors lived in the sky. They also had emotions, sorrows, joys, laughter and tears. The tears they shed are rain. When the sky starts to rain, it means that the ancestors miss us very much. At this time We should look up to the sky and respond to the thoughts of our ancestors."

Zhang Tian corrected her concept, as the priest of the sky, he has the final right to interpret the sky.

Ah Shui was stunned for a moment, is the rain the tears of ancestors?These remarks were too appalling for her to accept for a while.

"It's okay, you can continue."

Zhang Tian signaled her to continue talking.

"In short, they didn't leave, they still stayed in the mountains, waiting for the day when everything returned to normal."

"However, that day did not come in the end, and it was replaced by even greater anger. The flames hidden in the mountain spewed out from the top of the mountain, making a huge sound like countless beasts roaring in unison. The mountain seemed to be burnt to pieces by the flames. Stones rolled down from the top of the mountain, breaking the thick trees."

"It was daytime, but the sky became dark in an instant. A large amount of smoke and dust rushed into the sky, blocking the sun like black clouds. The air was full of pungent smell. If you inhale too much of that smell, you will feel weak and even die."

"These are not the most terrifying, the most terrifying thing is the flames. The forest immediately burned, and the fire became more and more intense, and spread to the caves where people lived!"


The children exclaimed, and everyone showed panic.

Although they haven't seen the scene of a volcanic eruption, Grandma has told many stories about forest fires. Grandma once witnessed thunder beasts preying on them, causing the forest to burn for three days and three nights. No creature can survive in such an environment. come down!

Bai asked: "What happened later? The whole forest is burning, so it's hard for people to survive?"

"That's right, everyone ran down the mountain, but the fire spread so fast that they couldn't run!" Ah Shui said, "As soon as they were about to be swallowed by the flames, a woman named A Hong stepped forward. She has the ability to control the flames." With his own strength, he managed to stop the spread of the flames!"

"People took the opportunity to flee, some were killed by falling rubble and fallen trees, some were burned to death by the flames, some were choked to death by the smoke, but some escaped."

"The surviving people finally settled in the grasslands on the mountain and formed the tribe on the mountain. The tribe gradually grew stronger, and now it has far surpassed those who fled to the bottom of the mountain."

"Sheep eggs!" A Niu was furious, "Our ancestors built the camp, and our ancestors raised the sheep. What else would your ancestors do besides stealing technology?!"

Leopard Gan refused to translate his speech, so everyone didn't know why, Hutou only said that this guy suddenly went crazy, walked over and kicked him twice without any explanation, A Niu screamed twice, and immediately became honest.

Ah Shui still ignored him, and said to himself: "Ah Hong became the first priest of our tribe because of this, and her female descendants also have the ability to control flames, and it has been passed down from generation to generation until today... "

female offspring?
Zhang and Lin looked at each other, and they both grasped the point of Ah Shui's words.

At the same time, the earth priest Aoi was also frowning.

Xiao was surprised and said, "How did I hear that there are three priests in your tribe? Could it be that the last priest gave birth to three daughters?"

"No, although there are three priests, there has always been only one priest who can control the fire, called the high priest. Later, due to the growth of the tribe, one priest could not solve the problems of all the tribesmen, so two other priests were selected as priests to assist the high priest. Priests run tribes."

The priests of the mountain tribe have the ability to control flames, which he heard from A Niu.

A Niu talked about this matter in a sneering tone. Zhang Tian didn't take it to heart at first, thinking that, like the Xueling priest of the Youyan tribe, he misinterpreted the phenomenon of nature and mistakenly connected it with strange powers and gods stand up.

Compared with Xue Ling, the worship of fire is not too common. The later generations of Zoroastrianism once swept the world. Even in the modern society where the belief is almost monopolized by the three major religions, the flame still has a group of devout believers.

But according to what Ah Shui said, the fire spirit priests of the tribe on the mountain are not the inheritance of knowledge, but the inheritance of blood. This is different from the Xueling priests, and more like the inheritance method of the earth priests.

Could it be that……

Zhang Tian glanced at Kui, and from her expression, he knew that her thoughts coincided with his own.

Lin Yu asked directly: "Does your priest have a magical stone?"

In the past, Lin Yu would definitely have disapproved of Ah Shui's statement, but after seeing the earth priest and the bluestone she held, she naturally thought of this possibility.

Since there are white stones and blue stones, there are stones of other colors in Baobuqi.

Although Nuwa mending the sky is a myth, the myths are also derived from the observation and perception of the world by the ancestors. Later historians identified the five-color stone as five-color ore, but in fact... the five-color stone with supernatural power may be real?

Lin Yu could only think so now, otherwise how would he explain the existence of Baishi and Qingshi?
Ah Shui didn't answer. This is the tribe's top secret. Even if they are members of the same tribe, only a handful of people know the inside story. How could she tell outsiders who have never met before?Although the other party saved her life, some things are more important than life.

However, her surprised look had already betrayed her.

Without saying a word, Lin Yu took out the smooth and round white stone from his pocket, handed it to her eyes, and asked, "Does it look like this?"

Ah Shui almost jumped up, because his leg injury was not healed, and he collapsed on the ground halfway through the jump, so shocked that he couldn't speak.

Lin Yu went on to say: "The stone you have should not be white, I it red?"

She deliberately avoided mentioning the bluestone, and there was no need to tell the other party everything, but the functions of the whitestone and bluestone had nothing to do with flames, and she knew that among the remaining three colored stones, red was obviously the color of flames.

"You... how do you know?"

Ah Shui gave up keeping the secret, and the other party guessed all of them correctly, and even took out a stone with the same shape. How could there be any secrets?
"Do you also have the power to hold fire?" she asked in awe.

"No, Lin just has the power to play the function of this spirit stone."

Zhang Tian answered for Lin Yu, and then briefly told Ah Shui, A Niu and others the story of Nuwa mending the sky in Grassland language.

Ah Shui's face turned pale with fright. She thought that a volcanic eruption was scary enough, but compared to the collapse of the sky and the destruction of the world by floods, what is a volcanic eruption worth?

Nu Wa is really an amazing character, even more powerful than Ah Hong!
Zhang Tian smiled and said: "It seems that Nuwa is our common ancestor. We all have Nuwa's blood flowing in our bodies, so we can exert the function of five-color stones."

Ah Shui hummed, but didn't express any more thoughts.

Seeing that she was still doubtful, Lin Yu fetched a bag of sewage and threw a stone into the water bag in front of her. In the blink of an eye, the muddy sewage became clear and pure.

"Different colors of spiritual stones have different functions. The function of white stones is to purify sewage, and the function of red stones should be to control flames, right?"

Lin Yu's frankness dispelled Ah Shui's last worries. She looked straight into Lin's eyes and asked seriously: "Then can you exert the function of Chishi?"

(End of this chapter)

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