back to prehistoric savage

Chapter 164 Suspended Fire

Chapter 164 Suspended Fire
"Are you from the mountain tribe? Why do I think you are so unfamiliar?"

"I think you are still fresh! Be honest with me!"

The young hunter confiscated Babu's weapons, and found several sharp bone knives from him, all of which were confiscated.

Babu frowned and said, "It's said that we came down from the mountain, why don't you listen? Isn't Ada here? Where's Ameng? Call an older hunter, they must know me..."

The sound stopped abruptly, Bub's eyes were gathered towards the tip of his nose, staring at the point of the knife that was about to pierce his nose, a trace of anger flashed across his usually expressionless face.

The young hunter said in a deep voice, "One more word, and I'll cut off your tongue!"

He was quite polite, after all, this guy of unknown origin did name some hunters in the tribe, but he didn't relax his vigilance because of this, and still treated them like wildlings.

"Seven or eight!"

Finally, there was a sentence that was understandable. Surrounded by spears, the crow, leopard skin, and leopard liver walked down the mountain obediently. Babu and others who escorted them before were also tied hands and became captives.

Seeing the scarred man so angry that his seven orifices smoked, Leopard Skin and Leopard Liver felt secretly refreshed.

But the crow couldn't be happy. It was completely useless to run away halfway, and it would only be more difficult to escape when they arrived at the other party's camp.

What will these savages do with the savages?
They must have more terrifying torture methods than killing them directly!

Thinking of the abuse he had suffered before, the crow couldn't help shaking, clenched his fists tightly, his face livid.

He took a deep breath and quickly calmed down.

Now I can only take one step at a time.

After crossing the mountains covered by primeval forests and arriving at the flat snowfields, the vision suddenly widens and the spirit is also lifted.

Continue to travel southwest, from daytime to nightfall, after dark, the exuberant fire in the distance is particularly eye-catching.It is so grand and dazzling, almost like a little sun, and I don't know how much firewood it took to keep the flame burning forever.

What's even weirder is that the flame was burning in mid-air!

The crow, leopard skin, and leopard liver looked like they had seen a ghost, staring in disbelief at the raging red-golden flame suspended in mid-air like a rootless fire, but Babu and the others had long since seen the strangeness.

The camp of the tribe on the mountain is also built near the mountains and rivers, but it is larger than the camp of the tribe at the bottom of the mountain. It is much larger. Looking around, the tents made of grass and trees are densely packed, with the flame blooming in the sky as the center. Radiate in all directions.

The arrangement of the tents was not to say chaotic and disorderly, it was rather random and lacked planning, and the half-person-high walls built of stones separated the camps into fan-shaped areas.

Like the tribe at the bottom of the mountain, the tribe at the top of the mountain is also composed of multiple tribes, and each fan-shaped area in the camp corresponds to a tribe.

The camps of the Downhill Tribes did not purposely use stone walls to separate each other. From this point of view, the Uphill Tribes seemed to be less united than the Downhill Tribes, but it may also be simply because the Downhill Tribes were lazy and unwilling to do so.

The voices of people are like boiling, which can be heard from a distance, and there are countless people among them. Even in the cold night, it is still very lively.

In the cognition of Wu Ya and the other three, cold weather is the season when all things dormant, and they should reduce their activities and conserve their energy. The tribes on the mountain obviously do not have such a high awareness.

On the one hand, it shows that they have enough food. On the other hand, the cold weather here is indeed much warmer than at home. This can be seen from the thickness of the snow.

Thinking of this, the crow felt strange again.

When he first descended the mountain, the snow could clearly cover his ankles, but now, the snow couldn't even cover the soles of his feet.

They had only traveled less than a day, and it stands to reason that the thickness of the snow should not have changed so much.

Are these barbarians so energetic that they can clear the snow when they have nothing to do?

The hunter team patrolling near the camp spotted the returning crowd and came over to check.


Seeing a familiar face, Babu immediately called out loudly.

A strong man in the patrol team followed the sound and laughed out loud: "Hey, isn't this Babu from the mountain? Are you committing a crime, or are you sick?"

Many experienced hunters in the patrol team recognized Babu. Although Babu didn't often go up the mountain, he was very recognizable because of the scar on the left half of his face.

In the past, it was Babu who tied people up and sent them up in exchange for supplies, but now this scene is really rare, and everyone was overjoyed.

This is most likely a misunderstanding, and they are well aware that similar things happen from time to time.

This is also one of the reasons why people at the bottom of the mountain don't want to go up the mountain. It's okay to meet people they know, but when they meet people they don't know, they will be treated as savages and treated rudely just like what Babu experienced.

Babu walked up to the young hunter without saying a word, just held out his hand.

Without saying a word, the young hunter untied the rope for Bubba, and returned his things to him.

"There's no need for those few." Babu pointed to Crow and the others and said, "They are wildlings."

"Savage?" Ada immediately became interested, "Exiled? What happened?"

"No, they don't belong to the Downhill Tribe, they must come from far away, they don't even speak our language."


Upon hearing this, everyone gathered around, looked closely at the crow and the others, stretched out their hands to pinch the savage's arm, and tested their physique.

The crow was shocked, and after being pinched by Borg, he had a stress disorder.

The man who squeezed his arm gave him a strange look, not understanding why the wild man had such a big reaction.

The leopard skin and leopard liver were also trembling. Thinking of what happened to Brother Crow, they quickly buried their heads very low, for fear of being looked down upon.

"Not bad!" Ada squeezed the crow's chest muscles, full of praise, "You are young and strong, and there will be no problem in working for three to five years... There is no serious illness, right?"

"Do you think they look sick? It took me a lot of effort to catch them!"

Babu added oil and vinegar, and described the process of capturing the savages vividly. He deliberately exaggerated to set off the strength and vigor of the savages in order to raise prices.

"Okay, I'll take you to see the priest."

The two sides chattered and chatted, Leopard Skin and Leopard Liver were so nervous that they didn't understand a word, until Manzi withdrew his wanton hand, and the two were slightly relieved.

The crow was also tense, but he still kept a calm head and listened carefully to their conversation with his ears up.

Savage, young, strong...these words were so familiar to him that he felt nauseous because Borg used them so often to praise him.

When the same words were spoken from the other party's mouth, coupled with the other party's behavior as if picking prey, it was hard for the crow not to have such associations, his face became more ugly, and his buttocks ached.

Ada talked to the leader of the patrol team, and then led Babu and others to the camp.

The leopard skin and leopard liver lowered their heads the whole time, looking at the distance two steps away from their feet. The laughter and laughter along the road made them curious, but the fear of the unknown and the self-consciousness of being captives made them dare not raise their heads, let alone Look around.

Only the crow has nothing to fear, or in other words, he has already risked it all, anyway, it is like this, so how bad could it be?

He looked around majestically, observed everything in the camp, and silently planned his escape route. Regardless of whether he could find a chance to escape in the future, it would never be wrong to prepare now.

The fire in the camp was brightly lit, as bright as daytime. Being in it, you can feel the size of the camp even more, which is simply beyond imagination.

It was the first time he had seen so many people gathered together. Crow couldn’t count the exact number of people in his life, but he guessed that there were only so many people in the nine tribes in his hometown, perhaps. Not so much yet.

He saw a lot of utensils made of black stone, almost everyone has it, Borg regards it as a treasure, and the sacred stone that only the best hunters can use seems to be a common commodity here.

When he observed the surrounding environment, the people nearby also cast curious glances at them, of course not at him, but at Bubba's terrifying face, whispering.

They walked toward the center of the camp, towards the flame that was blooming in midair.

When you get close, you can see clearly.

In the center of the camp stands a tall tower built of stones. The body of the tower gradually narrows from the bottom to the top, in the shape of a truncated cone, like a hill with the top flattened. The apex is almost as high as two mammoths from the ground!
That group of blazing and dazzling flames was burning blazingly at the top of the stone tower.

The crow looked up at the man-made behemoth, mouth shut in surprise.

He couldn't imagine how much manpower and time it took for these barbarians to carve these stones into sharp-edged blocks, then transport them here, and pile them up one by one, forming what they are today.

Tired and exhausted to build such a tall stone tower, just to light a fire on the top of the tower?

It really is a bunch of lunatics!
The crow scoffed at this, but at the same time he was worried. If he was caught by these lunatics, it would be hard to end well.

A group of savages surrounded the stone tower, and they were kneeling towards the flame on the top of the tower. Standing at the forefront of the crowd, there were three people, two men and one woman, who guided the faithful men and women to bow down.


The Youyan tribe has a long tradition of sacrificial offerings, so the crow immediately thought of this position.

Could it be...they believe in the spirit of fire?How could there be three priests?

After thinking about it, this tribe has a large number of people, and one priest may not be able to handle it, but three priests are quite normal.

Ada stepped forward and explained to one of the priests the purpose of his visit. The priest glanced this way, and then walked with Ada.

"Master Chi Yan."

Babu and his people hurriedly saluted and greeted each other. Although they did not believe in the spirit that Chi Yan served, and they often laughed at the behavior of the people on the mountain to worship the flame in private, since they came to the other party's territory, it is necessary to show respect and etiquette of.

The man named Chi Yan nodded slightly, and exchanged a few words with Babu.

Is he the priest?How young!
Crow thought of Hei Xiong. Hei Xiong is also a young priest. Generally speaking, young priests don’t have too much prestige, but Chi Yan seems to be deeply respected by his tribe, and even feared. Judging from the attitude of Ada and others towards him You can see it.

He still pricked up his ears to eavesdrop on the conversation, remembering the other person's name and the word priest.

At this time, Crow felt Chi Yan's eyes sweep over him, and his heart froze, thinking that he was going to be manipulated again.

Chi Yan didn't do that, and turned to Ada and asked, "Have you been tested?"

Ada nodded: "I've had the test. She's very strong and young. She's top-notch! I don't know if I'm sick or not."

"Absolutely not sick! They run as fast as reindeer! This time they went up the mountain and drove for several days, and they didn't take a breath. I can't compare to them!"

Facial paralysis also has the benefits of facial paralysis. Babu brags without thinking, without changing his face.

Chi Yan was noncommittal, and only said: "I can exchange with you at the price of the top-quality goods, but you understand the rules, if they do not meet my expectations, next time we exchange, we will lower the price."

"make a deal!"

Babu agreed without hesitation, and the corners of his mouth raised uncontrollably.Let's talk about next time, let's get the benefits of this time first.

Chi Yan stopped talking, and told Ada: "I will leave the rest to you."

After speaking, he turned and left, returned to the stone tower, and continued to perform the duties of the priest.

Crow couldn't understand what Chi Yan said, but he observed the joy on Babu's face, and guessed that the two parties had probably reached a deal.It's too early for no profit, the scarred man keeps the savage from killing, and he spares no effort to escort the savage up the mountain, obviously for the sake of gaining a vote.

He couldn't help being curious: I don't know how many animal skins and holy stones I'm worth?

Unfortunately, the exchange of goods was not carried out in front of him, and he had no way of knowing.

Babu followed Ada to collect the supplies. A group of big men took over the ownership of the wild man, and escorted the crow, leopard skin and leopard liver to various places in the camp and kept them separately.

The crow was always a little uneasy, and felt terrified when passing by every tent, afraid that the strong man escorting him would suddenly turn a corner and take him into the tent.

Fortunately, that didn't happen. The strong men tied him up outside, at the edge of the camp. This is also one of the "duty locations" of the night watchmen. It was very cold, but he would rather be frozen.

The night gradually deepened, and the camp gradually became quiet.

The night watchman was still chatting with each other, and then the night watchman fell silent.

Everything was silent, only the flame on the stone tower was still burning tirelessly, and the sound of cracking firewood could be heard from time to time.

The crow didn't know when he fell asleep, but when he woke up, it was still dark.

He was awakened by the heat and aroma of the food.

A bowl of pure white soup, with floating plant roots and chunks of lamb, was close at hand.

The crow gulped, and his stomach growled uninspiringly.

He was very hungry, and he was on his way these few days, so it was naturally impossible for Babu to feed him.

"This is a gift from the priest. When you get to the mountain, work hard and don't let the priest down to your expectations."

Ada smiled, and handed the soup bowl to the crow's mouth.

The crow couldn't understand the other party's bird language, but there was no reason not to drink the soup that was brought to his mouth.

He opened his mouth and gobbled it up.

(End of this chapter)

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