Chapter 146

"He! What are you doing? Hurry up! Everyone is waiting for you!"

Aoi urged loudly.

After many years, she went out again to meet and communicate with other tribes, not to mention the young people in the tribe. Even as a priest of the earth, she felt excited, looked forward to, and a little bit apprehensive.

In a hurry, He hid all kinds of "pigments" in the folds of his coat, and ran to the clansmen who were all ready to go.

"Put this on your back."

Baskets densely woven with twigs and rattan are filled with heavy grains, and the baskets are wrapped with a thin layer of animal skins.

He carried the basket on her back, and the heavy burden made her almost unable to straighten her back.

"Can you move your back?"

He nodded vigorously.

"Do you know why I took you there? The Dahe Tribe has two children who are about the same age as you. One is called Tian and the other is called Lin. You should have heard of it? Mom is old, and you will succeed me as the priest of the earth sooner or later. This time Go to the Big Tree Tribe, you need to communicate more with those two children and learn more from them, understand?"

While talking, Aoi ladled the grain her daughter carried into her basket.

He nodded vigorously again, and then said in a not very sharp articulation: "Mom, I... I can recite, yours... are too many."

"Good boy, mommy will recite a little more, it's fine."

Aoi stroked her daughter's long black and smooth hair, showing a gratified smile.

When the hunters came back, they brought back some soap, which was said to wash away the dirt and relieve the itching of the scalp.In order to participate in the ceremony of worshiping heaven with the best appearance, they specially washed their heads and faces with soap, and the effect was remarkable.

"Let's go!"

Miao led the people into the white snow field, and their heavy footsteps gradually drifted away. After turning over the top of the mountain, they disappeared completely, leaving only a series of footprints of different shades extending into the distance.

The red pine forest near the big tree tribe is still majestic and upright. Seeing this red pine forest, Miao was slightly relieved, knowing that he had not led the wrong way.

The Yougu Tribe arrived at the Big Tree Tribe first.

Song Guo warmly entertains guests with delicious dishes and meat.

Ever since they learned that the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven would be held on their own tribe's territory, the members of the Dashu tribe have been eagerly looking forward to this day.

If you rank the tribes according to their degree of interest, the Dahe tribe who turned salty fish is the first, followed by the villain tribe who only live in the story. No, it should be called the Yougu tribe now.

Song Guo repeatedly warned the clansmen that they must change their mouths, but there were always a few guys who couldn't speak their minds and blurted out offensive words, putting everyone in an embarrassing situation.

But most of the time, the atmosphere is harmonious, harmonious and lively.

According to the previous agreement, half of the grains brought by the Yougu tribe, plus the prey brought back by the hunters, the food in the cold weather has been settled. Until this moment, Song Guo’s heart finally settled down, and his mood Joy, and the smile on the face is even brighter.

After getting along, people found that the Yougu tribe is no different from other tribes. They speak the same language, wear the same clothes, make the same tools, and use the same weapons.

The young people exchanged feelings through archery competitions, and they quickly became friends.

The children noticed something unusual: the girl named He was a bit aloof and not interested in what they were talking about. They gave her their beloved wooden and bone toys to play with. Paint and paint on the walls of the cave.

What a weird guy!

When she first arrived, the children were curious about this peer they had never met, but now, they don't want to say a word to her.

He was not only not disappointed, but heaved a sigh of relief.

She is not aloof, it is because the children's speech is too fast, it is difficult for her to understand the semantics accurately, let alone respond fluently, so she has to keep silent, with a polite but distant smile on her face.

She is afraid of communicating with people, which is what she is least good at, let alone facing a group of strangers?

The more enthusiastic they are, the more stress she has.

Now, their passion drained, she was alone again, back to her most comfortable state.

He found the chief of the Big Tree Tribe, and he stuttered and asked, "I want... I want to paint on the wall, but... can I do it?"

Song Guo readily agreed.

He remembered this girl, the last time she went to the Yougu Tribe, in an unfriendly atmosphere, she still served them hot water, which showed that she was a very kind child.

In chatting with Miao and Aoi, he learned more "insider information".

It turns out that the Yougu tribe has always believed in the earth, Kui is the current priest of the earth, He is the daughter of Kui, and will be the next priest of the earth.

Song Guo was very surprised, and couldn't help but look more at He who was concentrating on painting.

As quasi-priests, their ages are almost the same. Tian gives people the impression that he is not only full of wisdom, but also good at communication and expression, and is more mature than many adults. In comparison, He Quan is completely a child who has not grown up. Immersed in the small world she built with a paintbrush, she seemed unwilling to contact the outside world.

"This kid..." Aoi sighed, "He's so self-willed after being a guest at someone else's house! I'm causing you trouble."

"How come?" Song Guo laughed, "She is drawing a rabbit, it is very good, very similar! Much better than when I was a child!"

"What's so strong about painting? No matter how similar the painting is, the rabbit in the painting will not run out by itself. Alas, if she has half the enthusiasm of painting, how can she not do other things? This time with She came here because she wanted her to learn from those two children from the Great River Tribe and see how they were priests."

"Tian and Lin are really different, I have never seen a child as smart as them..."

When the grown-ups were chatting, He devoted himself to creating without any other distraction, feeling contented.

The caves of her own tribe are almost full, but the caves of the big tree tribe are blank, so she can play to her heart's content.


Lin Yu noticed that the pure friendship between Xiao Xiao and She Berry seemed to have deteriorated a bit.

Xiao was originally inseparable from Zhang Tian, ​​but along the way, his inseparable partner became Snake Berry, and he was overly attentive, asking for warmth, serving tea and water, caring, and secretly holding hands when people were not paying attention. Much like a set of symptoms triggered by a dopamine dysregulation.

She was amazed.

Although the spiritual world of primitive people is rich, their emotional life is very monotonous. Everyone spends most of their lives with their fellow tribe members, and family love is undoubtedly the most important emotional support.

Friendship is usually very shallow, and we can't see each other several times a year. How deep can we form?The kind of friendship that hits like old friends and cherishes each other is a luxury, and most people can't get it in their entire lives.

As for the relationship between men and women, at the tribal meeting, Lin Yu only saw desire. Men and women wantonly mate for the purpose of reproduction, so it is impossible to have any feelings.

But at this moment, she faintly smelled the sour smell of love from boys and girls.

Perhaps it is only at the age of inexperienced and spring-loving that such pure and precious feelings will emerge.

Where will they go?

Lin Yu looked at the backs of the two with great interest. From then on, she had two more objects of observation.

The road from Dahe Tribe to Dashu Tribe is much easier than going to the canyon through the valley camp. This is a typical hilly terrain with undulating mountains connected with gentle slopes. The thick snow layer does make the journey a certain However, on the other hand, it also eliminates the nuisance of poisonous insects and beasts, so you can move forward with confidence.

Despite this, Grandma still walks very hard. She suffers from severe rheumatism, and her toes often hurt, not to mention the uninterrupted walking?

But Grandma remained silent, neither letting anyone help her nor slowing down her speed.

She endured unimaginable pain and supported herself with spiritual strength beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Mother Snake, Gao Shan, Hua Leopard and others were secretly shocked. They didn't understand Grandma's physical condition.

The majestic and tall red pine forest has long been in sight, but it was not until sunset that the crowd really arrived.

People's shouts and laughter can be heard from a distance.

Pine Needle, who was making friends with arrows, was the first to spot the figures of the guests. With a loud cry, she led several clansmen to meet them.

Hearing the shout, the people in the cave also rushed out.


Everyone saw the respected and long-lived old man at a glance. It was a surprise, and they all stepped forward to extend their sincere greetings.

Grandma was absent from the tribal meeting, but came to Dashu Tribe to participate in the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven. In addition, all the chiefs of the tribes were also present. What is platooning?This is Pai Nian!Song Guo, who is half of the host, is proud of the spring breeze and smiles from ear to ear.

He excitedly accompanied the guests into the cave, ordered the women to boil water and cook, and entertained the distinguished guests.

Hutong, who won the culinary competition, did his part and took over the duties of the head chef. Lanhua, Honghua and others also joined in, teaching the women cooking skills while cooking.

The men continued to meet friends with arrows outside the cave, and the pinecone gave up the most comfortable place for Grandma, and the chiefs of each tribe sat down by the campfire, chatting with each other.

There is a lively scene inside and outside the cave.

As soon as they entered the cave, Zhang and Lin noticed the paintings with bright colors and clear lines on the cave walls. The paints were very new, obviously they had just been painted.

Most of the paintings of primitive people are rough. Even the grandmother who often draws murals to record important events can only outline the outline of things with simple lines. However, if you are an outsider, or an archaeologist 1 years later, you can only guess.

Grandma’s most commonly used paint is charcoal, which is readily available, and the lines drawn are very clear, which is enough for memorizing things.

However, charcoal cannot paint colorful black after all. The murals in front of me are brightly colored, obviously using mineral pigments of different colors. It takes time and effort to collect these ores, and painting with stones requires extremely high patience.

Rather than mere notes, these paintings contain the painter's observation of life and pursuit of beauty.

Moreover, the painting style is realistic and delicate. The paintings are ordinary flowers, plants, trees, insects, fish, birds and animals. Zhang Tian can recognize them at a glance without any association or guesswork.

The painter is a primitive person who has awakened aesthetic consciousness and has considerable painting experience!

The two looked at each other, seeing the surprise in each other's eyes.

Zhang Tian randomly grabbed someone and asked, "Who painted these paintings?"

"He of the Yougu Tribe!"

The man looked around, pointed to the other side of the cave and said, "There!"

The two looked in the direction of his finger, and found that the painter was very young, which was quite surprising. After thinking about it, they thought it should be so. Compared with adults who rush around for the next meal every day, carefree children are more likely to produce Mental and emotional needs.

He sat by the fire, a little restrained, among a group of unfamiliar children, but he was alienated and out of place.

The sudden influx of a large number of strangers made her uneasy, and the suddenly noisy environment made her feel stressed. She just wanted to hide away and not be noticed by anyone.

Yet it was noticed.

Those two unusual people... a young man with short hair reaching her ears, and a tall and thin young woman were approaching her step by step.

Surprisingly, she didn't feel uneasy, but was thinking: these two people have their own peculiarities, and it must be interesting to draw them.

When they asked, though, she immediately tensed up.

"Your name is He?" Lin Yu asked with a smile, "Did you draw those paintings on the cave wall?"

He nodded.

"Very well drawn! Beautiful!"

"Thank you... thank you."

"Like painting?"

He nodded vigorously.

"Ah, I forgot to introduce myself. Both of us are from the Great River Tribe. My name is Lin and his name is Tian."

He widened his eyes.

Lin Hetian!Mom told me to communicate more with these two people!

"I...I know...know you!"

She became more nervous, and when she was nervous, she became even more uncomfortable.

The girl stuttered a bit.

Zhang Tian and Lin Yu immediately made a judgment.

He blushed, and it took her a long time to complete such a simple sentence. She felt ashamed, her heart clenched tightly, and she looked at the two timidly, fearing that they would imitate her stuttering like other children and laugh at her. clumsiness.

She really wants to complete the tasks her mother entrusted to her and communicate more with them... But, I'm too stupid to even do this well!She is not without regret.

In this instant, she recalled countless bad situations she had experienced, but Tian and Lin didn't repeat any of them, and they didn't even show the slightest surprise, as if they had already seen it.

"Can you show me the paints you use for painting?" Zhang Tian said softly.

He nodded, took out the few remaining paints from the folds of his coat, and handed them to him.

As he expected, in addition to common charcoal and chalk, He's pigments also include ocher, cinnabar, azurite and other mineral pigments.

It is not easy to paint with these untreated stones, but she did not bother, which shows that she really likes to paint.

Such pure love is rare in any era, and such a talent Zhang Tianshi must take it for his own use.

He returned the paint to He, and asked with a smile, "Do you want to use better paint to paint for our ancestors?"

(End of this chapter)

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