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Chapter 135 Closing

Chapter 135 Closing
"I hope you can keep your promise this time." Yun showed the air of the host, "When the warm weather comes, I will send people to your tribe. Once I find signs of burning mountains and deforestation, I don't want to listen to the guidance no matter who it is. If anyone explains, these three tribes will be removed from the tribal assembly immediately! Everyone agrees, right?"

Everyone agreed.

"Welcome to the Great River Tribe as a guest at that time."

Zhang Tian said this, but he thought in his heart, when your people come, they will probably only find an empty cave.

Just getting a guarantee, Yun is not very satisfied.

He looked at the large amount of animal meat in the Dahe Tribe, which was too much to hold, and felt a little unbalanced.During this winter hunt, the Dahe Tribe with bows and arrows was too eye-catching. They completed the hunt easily, and there were no casualties, which completely surpassed the Salt Tribe.

He originally planned to use this tribal meeting to show the strength of his own tribe and demonstrate the leadership of the new chief, but it turned out to be a one-man show of the Dahe tribe from beginning to end, and this pair of strange boys and girls stole the limelight. Acting like a transparent person, extremely depressed.

Fortunately, on this last night, he was given a chance to kill the prestige of the Dahe Tribe, expressing his grievances.

But seeing that they hunted so much animal meat, they also exchanged a lot with other tribes—in the past, they exchanged with the three tribes that lived closest to them. This is a matter of face.

He was trying to get ahead, but before he could speak, Lionheart said first, "Okay, let's do it! It's getting late, you live far away, and the long journey is not easy, so go back and rest."

Lionheart knew Yun's mind too well, seeing him frequently glanced at the prey of the Great River Tribe, he hurriedly announced the end of the game before he spoke, lest he intensify the conflict.

When the matter came to an end, everyone was satisfied, yawned and left, heading for their own tents.

Only Yun Chung's words were blocked by Lion Heart, very annoyed, but seeing that the crowd of onlookers dispersed without hesitation, he couldn't say anything more, and could only leave with a little regret.

"Big python!"

Zhang Tian called everyone in the Shepi Tribe to stop.

He said in a very sincere tone: "I'm sorry that I didn't tell you about the Yougu tribe."

The reason for hiding this matter was to save trouble, but now it is even more troublesome. Regardless of other tribes, they stayed in the Shepi tribe for one night and walked with them all the way, but they never confessed. will be happy.

Zhang Tian knew that this matter was not authentic enough. At this time, no amount of explanation would be as effective as a sincere apology.

Pine Cone also apologized.

Sheberry jumped forward in two steps, patted Zhang Tian on the shoulder, and said loudly, "It's okay! I forgive you!"

"Go aside! You are everywhere! I will settle accounts with you sooner or later for you sneaking out!"

The big python picked up Sheberry's ears and carried her aside, causing her to groan in pain.

After tidying up the snakeberries, he said to the two of them: "I understand your concerns, but in fact... the exchanges between our three tribes are relatively frequent. As long as we explain things clearly, we can understand."

Of course he is dissatisfied. His dissatisfaction is not due to breaking his oath, but because of distrust. Concealment is a manifestation of distrust.

Big Python is a very straightforward person, he expressed his emotions frankly, and then smiled and said: "Fortunately, it's not too late to make it clear now, don't hide it from us anymore, no matter how you say it, we It’s also a close neighbor.”

The python left with the clansmen.

Pine Cone breathed out, his heart had been hanging in his throat, and now it finally fell back into his stomach.

"Thanks to you, otherwise I really don't know what to do."

Song Guo expressed his gratitude to Zhang Tian. Among all the chiefs, he is the youngest with relatively the least experience. Without Zhang Tian's rescue, he would definitely be easily handled by Yun.

Zhang Tian smiled and said, "I'm just conveying the guidance of my ancestors."

At the same time, everyone in the Dahe Tribe breathed a sigh of relief.

Wolf Claw couldn't fart for a long time just now, but now that the cloud left, he immediately became angry and shouted: "This brat, he's just playing prestige when he becomes the chief! I heard that the new hole in the sacrificial ceremony is He was dug up, trying to embarrass the old priest, and now he stepped on us again! I know he didn't like us a long time ago..."

The hunters of the Yougu tribe feel guilty, remorseful and depressed, unable to hold their heads up.

Gu said: "It's all because of me..."

"It has nothing to do with you." Zhang Tian said, "Sooner or later, you will one day appear in front of other people as members of the Yougu tribe. It is good to be found out today, and it will be even more unclear when you wait until later."

In fact, Zhang Tian intends to kill first and play later. When the tribal meeting is over and the dust settles, he will tell the Shepi tribe on the return journey, and then tell the other tribes at the ceremony of offering sacrifices to the sky. The rhetoric he said in response to Yun's questioning just now was actually prepared to explain this matter. , because he was prepared, so he was confident.

The negligence of Gu and the others did disrupt his plan, but it was not a big problem, and he didn't want to criticize these young people too much.

After hearing Zhang Tian's comfort, the hunters of Yougu tribe felt much better.

The members of the Big Tree Tribe also left, and the tribes returned to their camps to rest. The camp returned to silence, the cold moonlight shone on the vast land, and the north wind was tireless, still roaring across the increasingly desolate grassland.

The men continued to discuss who would stay in the camp.

Zhang Tian sat down by the fire.

Xiao Xiao was also very nervous just now, but now he was only excited, talking non-stop, Zhang Tian didn't listen much.

Lin Yu poured him a cup of hot water, gave him a thumbs up, moved his lips, and said silently: "Excellent."

Zhang Tian took the water glass and smiled a little smugly.

In the early morning of the next day, the hunters woke up as soon as the sky in the east turned pale. After a hearty breakfast, they said their final goodbyes to each other.

Yun received each of the chiefs with kindness and grace, and saluted them as if they were ceremonial.

It’s so easy to get together and leave, no matter how much unpleasantness there is during this period, it will dissipate along with the end.

The members of the Giant Rock Tribe and the Cave Tribe packed their heavy bags and couldn't wait to leave. Their people were still starving in the cave, and they had long since returned home.

Dahe, Dashu and Snakeskin Tribe also left, and Dahe Tribe left behind three hunters including Wolf Claw to guard the rest of the animal meat.

It's only half a day's journey back to the caves for the salt, tiger and cave lion tribes, who will leave after clearing the camp.

The tribal meeting came to an end, and everyone set off on their way home, going their separate ways.

Perhaps from now on, the river valley camp will no longer have the lively scene of last night. These ivory castles built with countless ivory and ivory bones will eventually be submerged in the deserted and long time, and together with the stories and old people here, they will be forgotten by the world.

(End of this chapter)

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