Chapter 132 Handle
The meat is dry enough.

The tribes began to pack their bags and pack the animal meat, and they will be on their way home at dawn tomorrow.

Getting together is not easy, parting is even more sentimental.

At next year's tribal meeting, some people are destined not to see each other again. The old hunters know that this is the last time they will participate in winter hunting. The young hunters also have ties to each other. Who dares to say that they will live to this day next year? Woolen cloth?You never know, which one will come first, tomorrow or the accident.

Zhang Tian and Lin Yu were also disappointed. They didn't worry about the uncertain future. On the contrary, they were very sure: there would be no next time, and this was the last time to participate in the tribal assembly.

"Actually... it's quite interesting."

Holding a warm teacup, Lin Yu looked at everything in the camp, as if he wanted to keep every plant and tree here in his mind.

“I will definitely miss this place in the future,” she said.

People from all tribes came to visit in an endless stream, said goodbye to everyone in the Dahe tribe, thanked Zhang Tian and Lin Yu, thanked the sky priest for teaching them how to make bows and arrows, and thanked the wizard for treating their injuries. At that time, they will come on the snow to participate in the unique ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven.

The tribe of cave lions is part of the farewell and thank you army.

After these few days of recuperation, Shigu's leg injury has improved greatly, and the recovery speed of the injury has far exceeded everyone's expectations. Hong has dealt with a lot of trauma, and he has never seen such an amazing healing speed. Apparently the wizard's herbs did the trick.

There is no way to repay the grace of saving lives, and the lion bone can only thank him persistently.

At this time, a beaver from the Salt Tribe came and whispered something in Lionheart's ear.

Lion Heart frowned slightly: "Now?"

Beaver nodded.

Lionheart had no choice but to apologize to Wolfpaw, give Hong a few words, and then followed the hurried bobcat through the crowd of people in twos and threes to the camp of the Salt Tribe.

Saber Tooth, the chief of the Tiger Tribe, is also there.

Lionheart looked at the young chief... Yun's face was as angry as ever, but Lionheart keenly caught the smugness and joy that flashed in his eyes.

He asked Sword Tooth with his eyes, and Sword Tooth shook his head. He also just arrived and didn't know anything about the "big event" Yunkou was talking about.

Lionheart is not very satisfied with this irritable and assertive young man, but he is close to the previous chief of the Youyan tribe, and the friendship between the three tribes has a long history. They usually call each other brothers when they meet. No matter how dissatisfied, he still has to give face.

He asked in a very peaceful tone: "What happened to call us over so eagerly?"

Yun smiled and said: "I am young, and I just took over the position of chief not long ago. Many things are just heard, I have never seen it with my own eyes, and I dare not jump to conclusions. I invite the two brothers to help you identify something."

Lion Heart and Saber Tooth looked at each other, and Saber Tooth asked, "What is it?"

Yun stretched out his clenched left hand, and spread it out in front of the two of them.

"Grain?" Saber Tooth was unclear, so, "What's wrong?"

There are many wild grains on the grasslands, which is not uncommon.

Lion Heart took a closer look, and couldn't help changing his face slightly: "This is..."

Yun then stretched out his right hand, holding the same handful of grains in his right hand. He explained: "The grains in the right hand are collected by women, and the grains in the left hand are found in the clothes of the people of the Dahe tribe. You see , are these two kinds of grains different?"

The saber teeth were also visible. The grains collected by the women were flat and long, while the grains in the other hand were round and full, more like... Some long-term memories flashed in his mind. When that incident happened, he still Not the chief.

He didn't dare to jump to conclusions, and frowned, "Could it be different grains?"

Yun said: "I asked the women, they gathered every grain that grows here, and none of them grew like this. But they have seen this grain, long ago, there was a tribe, every tribal meeting All traded it for our salt and food. I never had contact with that tribe, and I don't know if it's true or not."

"It's true." Lionheart sighed, "This is Yougu...the grain grown by the wicked tribe. I never expected that I would see this unique grain again."

When the Yougu tribe was expelled from the tribal assembly, Lion Heart, the chief, voted for it, and he was deeply impressed by it.

Lionheart has always been cautious in doing things, even if he said so, things will definitely not go wrong.

"I still remember that this kind of grain is very delicious and is very popular with everyone. The wicked tribe has won several cooking competitions with this kind of grain!"

Although it was many years ago, Saber Tooth still remembers the aroma of this grain cooked, much stronger and better tasting than wild grain.

"But it came at the cost of burning mountains and deforestation!"

Yun raised his voice, dissatisfied with Saber Tooth's slightly complimenting tone.

"I know..." Saber Tooth gave him an unhappy look, "They did something wrong, so they received the punishment they deserved."

"The elders told me that our punishment for the wicked tribe is that they are not allowed to participate in the tribal meeting, and they are not allowed to communicate, exchange and mate, but now, someone has obviously broken their oath! The Great River tribe has broken their oath! Maybe they never Followed!"

Yun's words are conclusive, filled with righteous indignation.

"What should we do with tribes that have broken their vows?"

He had already thought about punitive measures in his heart. These days, the Dahe Tribe, which has taken over the host, has taken away all the limelight from his host. He is suffocating and has no place to vent his anger. Now that he has been caught with such a big handle, he will not vent his anger at this time. , when?
But before he can act, he needs the support of the Tiger Tribe and the Cave Lion Tribe.

Lionheart was more cautious, and asked: "You said you found it from the clothes of the people of the Dahe Tribe, what exactly is it?"

The hunters of the Yougu tribe brought a lot of grain with them. They didn’t finish eating on the road, and there was some left over. They didn’t think it was important, and they didn’t tell anyone. As for throwing it away, it was even more impossible. How can food be thrown away?

In the past few days, these young men, who are full of blood, are extremely excited when they meet women from other tribes for the first time, so that they relax their vigilance.

"So the hunter named Gu brought these grains?"

"More than that!"

Yun raised the corners of his mouth and snorted, "I asked the women to touch all the clothes of everyone. Guess what? The young hunters brought by the Dahe Tribe and the Big Tree Tribe all hid these things in their clothes." Planting grains! From my point of view, those hunters are clearly from the wicked tribe!"

(End of this chapter)

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