Chapter 130
Hong was taken aback when he heard that.

Cleaning and disinfection is common sense in the eyes of modern people, but she knows nothing about it.

Her knowledge of wound treatment comes from her previous priest and her usual experience, but she has seen many situations like Lin Yu said: some people heal quickly after bandaging, while others get worse and worse. Severe, until death.

This girl's ability to describe the state of the injured patient in such detail is enough to prove that she knows a lot of knowledge, even more than herself!
Hong put away her contempt and asked, "So you know how to avoid that situation?"

"I can try."

Lin Yu came prepared. She purified some water with white stones, added a little salt, salt water is a common antibacterial agent, and boiled and crushed the roots of burdock plants to make a poultice, which is good for debridement and healing Quite effective.

"It will hurt a little, bear with it."

She uncovered the hide and looked at the wound.

It was just a piece of flesh bitten off, no bones were injured, the injury is not serious, as long as it is not infected with the rabies virus, it will heal in a short time, um... even if it heals, it should not be as strong as before.

She made a judgment in her heart and washed the dirt and foreign objects around the wound with salt water.

Lion Bone immediately let out a scream, his face distorted in pain.

Everyone in the cave lion tribe saw their legs go limp, as if their own calves were also aching.

Hong frowned slightly, the painful appearance of the lion bone made her feel unbearable, and she regretted letting Lin Yu handle it.

Hong said: "Can you bear it? Or should we just bandage it?"

Lion Bone gritted his teeth and shook his head.

As an old hunter, he often dealt with hyenas. He saw many people who were bitten by hyenas. Those people either went mad and died suddenly, or as Lin said, the injuries became more and more serious until Slow death, few survived.

At the moment he was bitten by a hyena, what he felt was not only physical pain, but also psychological despair. He knew that there was a high probability that he would be gone.

He doesn't want to die.

Compared with the fear of death, what is this little pain?He gritted his teeth, he could bear it.

Lin Yu quickly cleaned the wound, carefully applied the poultice, and then bandaged him with animal skin.

Hong was secretly surprised. Lin's technique was skillful and unique, and the bandage was fast and well.

Lin Yu instructed him: "Before recovering, rest more and exercise less. If possible, try to lie down and raise your injured leg to rest. I'll come back in two days and change your medicine."

Lion bone doesn't know what changing medicine is. He has never used medicine. The priest will cook a blood soup that can cure all diseases. It is said that it is made from lion blood.

In any case, this is a good thing. The other party is willing to take the time to treat his illness and heal his injuries. He is very grateful, so he thanked him repeatedly.

The wound still hurt a lot, burning like pain, and the calf was so painful that he almost lost consciousness, but the bleeding had stopped. He was very happy and became optimistic about the recovery of the injury.

Lin Yu nodded with a smile, and left the camp of the Cave Lion Tribe with Zhang Tian.

In Camp River Valley, nothing travels faster than news, what happened in one moment will be known by everyone in the next moment.

When the two returned to their camps, everyone either witnessed or heard that there was a girl named Lin in the Dahe Tribe who knew how to heal illnesses and wounds. They asked the people of the Dahe Tribe for proof, and they got an understated answer: "She is Shennong." The descendants of the ancestors have inherited the knowledge of their ancestors, so of course they will heal the sick and wounded."

This is a big deal!And it's relevant to everyone.

Everyone asked: "Can any disease be cured?"

Without even thinking about it, Wolf Claw patted his chest and said, "There are only diseases that you have never seen before, and there is no disease that Lin can't cure!"

"Then let's go to her to see a doctor, okay?"

"Of course! God said, the ancestor treats his children equally!"

As soon as the news got out, patients immediately flocked to the hospital, breaking through the threshold.

During the day, the men were still hunting, and the visitors were mainly women. Most of them were old diseases. They might not be serious at first, but after a long time, the root cause of the disease would fall. drugs to ease their pain.

Where have women seen the method of treating diseases with herbal medicine?
Even the priests of the tiger tribe and the cave lion tribe use some parts of the things they believe in to cure diseases. Since saber-toothed tigers and cave lions are very rare, the cost of treatment will naturally rise, and ordinary people cannot enjoy such a good treatment. medical resources.

Lin Yu used flowers, plants and trees that can be seen everywhere. As the wolf claw said, she treats everyone equally. She listens to everyone's illness patiently, asks and comforts with concern, and treats everyone with all her heart. Feel warm.

Speech therapy is also part of the treatment.

The women's footsteps were a bit heavy when they came, but they all walked with ease when they left. It's not that the medicine has cured their illnesses, but they are in a much happier mood, and they are full of praise for this kind wizard.

By noon, the number of wild beasts that had snared themselves gradually decreased, and the hunters returned to the camp one after another. The first thing they did was to seek healing from the young wizard.

Their wounds are very fresh, and it is inevitable to get some injuries during the hunting process. Most of the wounds they walked over were not serious, mainly bruises, bruises and scratches. In the past, they would not even consider the issue of treatment. Now that I heard that the wizards of the Dahe Tribe have rejuvenated, they are all here. How can I do it if I don’t know it?

Shanmao, a young hunter of the Tiger tribe, was the most injured. He and his tribe used the same method to besiege the mammoth with fire. Unexpectedly, he was too nervous and accidentally set his hair on fire. Shaking his long, flaming hair, he rushed out of the hiding place, scaring the mammoth into a pale face.

Shan Mao sitting in front of Lin Yu's face was ashen.

Burns come second. The key is that he was bald at a young age. All along the way, everyone is looking at him and trying to hold back their laughter. It is conceivable that when they return to their respective tribes, they will surely publicize his battle against the mammoth. heroic deeds.He wanted to die.

Lin Yu didn't smile in front of the patient, she had already laughed unscrupulously when she heard Zhang Tian talking about it.

She seriously took out dried and ground chrysanthemums, mint grass and hyssop, added water to make a paste, and applied it on the lynx's wounds. This ointment is very effective in relieving burns and scalds.

She carefully looked at the bobcat's hair. It was burnt on both sides, and there was more left in the middle, which was also uneven.

With a thought, she smiled and said, "Your hair, why don't I trim it for you? Guaranteed to look better than now!"

(End of this chapter)

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