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Chapter 124 Winter Hunt

Chapter 124 Winter Hunt
The hunters got up early. In fact, many of them didn't fall asleep at all last night. They were thinking about today's hunting. How could they sleep?
No one felt sleepy, and everyone was extremely excited. They took off the heavy coats that hindered their movements, and got out of the low tents. The sudden strong north wind blew up light and dry grass and dust on their faces. They rushed, but they couldn't extinguish their enthusiasm and blood.

Hawkeye has the latest news, a wave of beasts is coming!The first to arrive were the deer.

The hunters gathered in the camp, the old hunters stomped around to warm up, the young hunters stabbed in the air with their spears, stretched and relaxed their tense muscles, they were high-spirited, and they were still practicing their hunting skills until the last moment.

When all the tribesmen arrived, they marched towards the river valley with the tribe as a unit.

The hunters of the Great River Tribe hold spears, bows and arrows on their shoulders, and quiver on their backs. Men, women and children who do not participate in the hunting stay on the valley wall to wait for orders. When the hunting is over, they come down to carry the prey.

The hunters went down to the river valley, ambush on the commanding heights, in the bushes, in the trees, and formed a circle.

Dealing with big-horned deer, a timid, docile, and non-aggressive animal, hunters have no time to worry about. They only need to pay attention to one thing: cut off the escape route of those who fall into the trap.

Because going forward is a dead end, as long as you cut off the retreat of the deer herd, you can catch turtles in the urn and catch them all.

Hunters who are good at long-range weapons all guard the commanding heights, Zhang Tian and Wolf Claw occupy one point, and Tiger Head alone occupies one point.

When the hunters took their positions and made an ambush, it was already dawn, and the sun illuminated everything in the valley. Not long after, the hunters on the commanding heights were the first to spot the herd of deer emerging in the distance, and they were the first to emerge. It is not the head, but the huge and exaggerated antlers of the stag.

The herd of deer walked leisurely along the river towards the encirclement of the hunters, unaware of the threat hidden in the dark.

Zhang Tian roughly counted, there were thirteen or four deer in this herd, including three adult stags, which were even bigger than the brown bear they hunted before!
The deer are getting closer and closer.

Zhang Tian carefully observed the group of strong big horned deer.

Their bodies are covered with thick long hair to keep out the cold, their shoulders are big and wide, their shoulder height is higher than that of a human, their waists and abdomen are slightly narrow but strong, and the pair of antlers on their heads are three to four meters wide, up to eighty meters wide. It is hard to imagine that they can walk like flying with such a heavy "crown" on their heads.

The young hunters eyed the veteran hunters, anxiously awaiting their signal.

The tiger raised his bow and set his arrows, and waited patiently until the deer stepped into the encirclement and entered the range of the horned bow. He let go of his fingers, and the feathered arrow pierced the silent valley. The sharp arrows easily tore the fur of the stag. Pierce deeply into its body.

Zhang Tian and Wolf Claw shot at almost the same time. The stag's huge body was a living target. With their archery skills, there was no possibility of missing.

The male deer was holding its head high and showing its beautiful big horns to the female deer. It didn't find any predators, but suddenly felt a pain in the waist, followed by a pain in the neck and buttocks. At first, it was only a slight pain, as if it had been stung by a poisonous insect. The pain that fell, then turned into a heart-piercing pain!
It barked and howled, and ran away, regardless of teasing the doe.

The herd of deer was surprised and immediately scattered and fled!
The hunters in ambush rushed out immediately, shooting with bows and arrows, stabbing with spears, and throwing with javelins, forcing the deer herd that had turned back to turn around and run to a dead end. The next step is the hunter's specialty: hunting.

The advantages of the bow and arrow are fully revealed at this time. It can shoot accurately at a long distance while moving, and can shoot multiple feather arrows quickly, causing continuous damage to the prey, which is incomparable to any other long-range weapon.

While the hunters were chasing after the injured prey, they output crazily.

Once the game of chase begins, the four-legged, furry animal is doomed to lose to the two-legged, hairless animal.

Two-legged beasts have inherent advantages. They are naked and covered with sweat glands. No matter how far they run, the "engine" will not overheat. However, the heat dissipation of long-haired animals is very problematic, which prevents them from running at full speed for a long time.

What's more, the animal is injured and continues to lose blood. Panicking and running wildly will only make the blood flow faster and faster, which will aggravate the injury and accelerate death.

What's more unfortunate is that they encountered a group of predators who didn't know martial arts. They were small in size, didn't have sharp claws and teeth, but they knew how to shoot cold arrows suddenly, bully the few with more, chased and intercepted them, and didn't give them a chance to breathe at all.

One by one the deer collapsed to the ground and were killed by the swarming hunters.

Soon, this group of big-horned deer that had strayed into a dead end were slaughtered.

The two tribes that used bows and arrows harvested the most. The Dahe Tribe hunted and killed four, and the Big Tree Tribe hunted and killed three. Three, two, two heads.

Since the hunting object was the big-horned deer, which was not dangerous, the young hunters of the Yougu tribe did not follow the old hunters of the two tribes. They hunted alone, showing bravery.

The hunters rejoiced and couldn't help themselves.

This herd of elk was not enough to support the tribe through the cold, but it was a perfect and inspiring start.

Watching men and women descend to the valley floor to join the hunters in bringing the game back to camp, where it is skinned, bled, and slaughtered.

What a big deer!

Xiao Xiao and She Berry circled around the carcass of the big-horned deer. They had only seen deer in the forest. Compared with the giant deer in front of them, the deer in the forest were as petite as young deer.

Lin Yu seemed relatively calm. Although it was the first time for her to see a big-horned deer, this species became extinct 6000 BC, but another large deer moose at the same time has survived and lived into modern society. She had seen quite a few of them before, so she wasn't too surprised.

The first battle was won, and before the hunters had time to celebrate, they saw Hawkeye galloping towards him again, and said out of breath, "Mammoth! The mammoth is coming!"

Everyone's expressions were shocked, and Yun asked, "How many heads are there?"

Hawkeye replied, "Two ends! One is big and the other is small!"

"It seems to be a single elephant, most likely a mother elephant with a calf!"

The social structure of mammoths is similar to that of African elephants and Asian elephants. Female elephants and young male elephants live in groups led by a female leader. Adult male elephants usually live alone and only return to the group to sow seeds during the estrus period. Flick the clothes and leave, leaving the seeds without leaving a name.The male elephant never asks about raising children.

Based on their long-term experience in hunting mammoths, the hunters immediately concluded that the mother elephant carried the calf as soon as they heard it was one big and one small.

(End of this chapter)

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