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Chapter 113 Tribal Assembly

Chapter 113 Tribal Assembly
The women and owls of the Great River Tribe enthusiastically told the stories of their great ancestors to other tribes.

In this era when people's wisdom has not yet been developed, myths and stories such as "Pangu opened the sky", "Nuwa repaired the sky", "Fuxi drew hexagrams", "Houyi shot the sun" and other myths shocked these primitive people as if they were in their heads. Drop two atomic bombs.

After hearing the glorious life of their ancestors, they turned around and shared these stories with their companions. Almost overnight, all of them experienced a spiritual and ideological baptism.

Even the members of the tribes of Youyan, Youhu and Cave Lion, although they do not agree with some claims of the Great River Tribe on the sky, they are also deeply attracted and shocked by these legendary stories, so much so that they dream with each other at night. Ten suns wrestle.

At the same time, they also learned a terrible weapon from the story: bow and arrow!
The great ancestor Hou Yi used this weapon to shoot down nine suns!According to Hutou, the number one warrior of the Dahe Tribe, he once used this weapon to repel the Thunder Beast!
Everyone was puzzled, how could that seemingly ordinary bent wood have such power?

Both the hunters of the Dahe Tribe and the Big Tree Tribe claimed that they would use bows and arrows to participate in the competition of the conference, and their confident appearance made everyone even more curious.

It was dawn, and the camp was already full of excitement. The hunters were gearing up, stretching their arms, twisting their waists, or jogging with their legs, each doing warm-up activities.

Yesterday's culinary competition was just a warm-up. Today is the official competition day of the tribal conference. The content of the competition includes strength competition, sprint competition, long-distance running competition, climbing competition, wrestling competition and weapon competition. It is essentially a test of the hunters. Individual ability.

Hutou couldn't help feeling worried.

According to the rules, each person can only participate in one event.

His strength is undoubtedly one of the best among all. He used to participate in power contests, but now that he has bows and arrows, his archery skills are also hard to come by.

Wolf Claw said: "Why don't you take part in the power contest, and I take part in the weapons contest, and we both get first place?"

Hutou said disapprovingly: "Are you sure you can beat Songzhen? Others don't use bows and arrows, so it's not worth mentioning. That kid is not weak, and you may not be his opponent."

Wolf Claw was not too convinced, but thinking of Song Needle's performance last time, he was really not sure.

"I'm sure!"

Gu appeared out of nowhere, blinking his big sincere eyes, Mao then introduced himself: "I can beat him! Let me go!"

He heard about the rules of the weapons contest. The host will release the hares fifty steps away from the contestants. Whoever hunts the hares first will win, and the weapons are not limited.

Isn't this the game tailored for him?He'd love to be there!

"Go aside!"

Tiger Head and Wolf Claw spoke in unison, making no secret of their disgust.

Just kidding, even if no one is available, it is absolutely impossible to ask foreign players to play instead. This competitive spirit is still there.

Besides, the Dashu tribe knew them well, so if you really let the people of the Yougu tribe play, they would not be ridiculed to death when they went back?
Gu walked away aggrieved.

Wolf Claw suddenly had an idea, and turned to look at Zhang Tian: "God, why don't you also participate in the weapons competition?"

Zhang Tian goes hunting with them in the mountains every day, and his strength is obvious to all hunters.

As soon as Wolf Claw made a proposal, he immediately got the unanimous consent of the tribe, and Hutou also said: "If the sky is on the stage, then it will be safe!"

There are not many people who can get Hutou's approval, and Zhang Tian is undoubtedly one of them.

"Can I get in?"

"What's wrong!" Wolf Claw said. "The rules don't say that children are not allowed to participate! You have hunted and are a real hunter. If you are a hunter, you can participate in the weapon contest!"

"Go, go!" Lin Yu also encouraged him.

Zhang Tian didn't have such an idea at first, but after being coaxed by the crowd, he suddenly felt his blood rushing up, and grinned, "Okay! I'll do it!"


After waking up from sleep, thinking about what happened last night, Yun was still very annoyed.

He just wanted to hold a tribal meeting beautifully. He thought he had done his duty as a host. The guests should praise his generosity and thank him for his hard work. As a result, no matter where he went last night, what he heard was always It's the River Tribe.

"Have you heard? There is a child named Lin in the Dahe Tribe. She is even better at cooking than Tiger Tongue!"

"I heard that the Dahe tribe was guided by their ancestors, is it true?"

"The Great River Tribe is telling stories about their ancestors again! Go and listen!"

Everyone is talking about the Great River Tribe, as if the Great River Tribe is the host!

What's even more exasperating is that the chief of the Juyan tribe dared to embarrass him in public!
If I hadn't lent you food, you wouldn't even be able to fill your stomachs, what salt do you need!

Yun took a deep breath, trying to calm down the anger in his heart.

He picked up his carefully polished javelin and walked out of the camp.

The javelin is his best weapon, and he will use it to hunt hares in today's arms contest.

It is the nature of males to be aggressive and aggressive. This nature is usually restrained within the tribe, but the tribal assembly has given men a limited channel for male competition, so that this nature can be moderately liberated and vented.

The various competitions of the tribal assembly have always been the focus of attention of hunters. Those who stand out in these competitions will undoubtedly gain the respect of men and the admiration of women.

Since the moment Yun became a hunter, he has been a winner of the arms contest.

Like Hei Niu, he has never lost in this event.


Yun spat, and subconsciously thought of the Hei Niu who had just harvested a fiasco, which made him feel extremely unlucky.

The face he lost yesterday, he decided to get it back in today's game. He wants to be the attention of the audience and let everyone cheer for him!
Only women can tell stories, and a real hunter should speak with his hunting skills!

He gripped the javelin tightly in his hand, full of confidence.

After the hunters adjusted to their best condition, the tribal meeting began.

The first game is a competition of strength. The rules of the game are very simple. The host has prepared a series of stones of different weights. The contestants start to hold the lightest stones. If they hold them, they will carry on to the next one. If they cannot hold them, they will be eliminated. Whoever lifts the heaviest stone is the winner.

This is a project that relies purely on brute force and does not require too much skill. Whether you have strength or not can be seen at a glance by your physique. Old hunters like wolf claws, or slender hunters like pine cones, are very self-aware and choose to be a audience.

The audience took their seats on the sidelines, and the macho men of each tribe appeared on stage one by one, bending their arms and showing their strong brachialis.

The camp soon heard the gnashing of teeth of the strong men, the applause of the audience, and the giggling of the women.

(End of this chapter)

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