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Chapter 109 Tasting

Chapter 109 Tasting
At sunset, a group of chefs came out of their tents one after another. The carefully cooked food was served on a wooden plate or bone plate, and covered with a cover made of wood or animal bones to prevent the heat from escaping.

In other tribes, chefs personally presented food, only Tiger Tongue led four children, followed by a large group of good people who followed the aroma.

They followed all the way outside the host's camp, watching wolf claws, tiger tongues and four children enter the camp, envious of the judges who can eat first, and they will not have the opportunity to taste the chefs' craftsmanship until the selection is over. Not everyone gets it.

The judges had already taken their seats in the tent, Shan Xi, the priest of the Yan tribe, had not yet appeared, and Hei Xiong acted as the judge on his behalf.

At this moment, Wolf Claw opened the curtain, Chef Hu Tong and his four attendants walked in with entries, the rich aroma could not be completely blocked even by the heavy pottery cover, everyone's attention was immediately spilled Attracted by the aroma, they were all taken aback when they saw the Dahe Tribe's unusual array of dishes being served.

Big Boa stared at Sheberry, and couldn't get angry, but he couldn't get angry in front of everyone, so he danced and gestured at her: "Which tribe are you from?"

Snakeberry lowered her head, pretending not to see.

All the chefs also smelled the unusual and alluring aroma, and seeing the tiger tongue serving four dishes, they were even more puzzled, wondering if it is necessary to serve a bird on four plates?

Hei Niu's face changed slightly. He knew that the smell and taste of food are equally important, and how much appetite the aroma can stimulate is also one of the judges' criteria for judging. On this point, he has obviously fallen behind.

Even the pine cones and boa constrictors, who had seen the tiger tongue craftsmanship, were very curious at this time, and had no idea what kind of medicine he was selling in the gourd.

All the dishes were served, and there were only eight chefs, but eleven dishes were served, which had never happened before.

On the simple dining table made of stacked wooden blocks, various plates and bowls are lined up, corresponding to the eleven judges.

The cooks stepped aside, the four children were supposed to be waiting outside for the results, but they had the cheek to hold back, and finally came to a tribal meeting, how could such a scene be missed?

For children, adults are always more tolerant, and they acquiesced when they saw this.

"Then let's begin."

Enter the tasting session.

Lin Yu was surprised to find that these primitive people also paid attention to the taste of food when judging the food. They lifted the lids one by one from left to right, sniffed the aroma of the food, observed the color and shape of the food, and finally tasted it carefully. Usually just a small bite.

Usually in the tribe, I was used to wolf claws that devoured voraciously. At this time, I had to imitate others, eating in small bites like other people, chewing slowly, shaking my head and shaking my head, as if tasting.Zhang Tian and Xiao couldn't stop laughing.

When the judges tasted their own works, the chef stepped forward and introduced his cooking experience to everyone: what cooking methods were used, what ingredients were used, whether there were any innovations and uniqueness, and whether there were any mistakes or deficiencies , was it on purpose or accidentally...

The judges just listened without changing their faces, usually without expressing their likes and dislikes outright.

What surprised Lin Yu was that every chef made innovations and changes in the past cooking experience. These innovations and changes may be very small, just adding one or two more ingredients, adjusting the cooking temperature and time, In the processing of ingredients, it is more refined...

Some innovations may not even be positive. For example, in order to preserve the flavor of the ingredients to the greatest extent, the chefs of the Cave Tribe directly boiled unwashed bird butts into the soup, which impressed the judges.

But in any case, the spirit of being brave in innovation is good, and it is this spirit that has created the profound food culture of the post-expo.

Realizing that he was witnessing the origin of food culture, Lin Yu was deeply moved.

Since pottery has not yet appeared, most of the cooking methods are based on barbecue, and only a few chefs use the boiling method.

No matter how high-quality wood is, it can’t stand long-term fire. It’s okay to cook a dish in water, but it’s not enough to cook meat. Only animal bones with appropriate shape and size can be used to cook soup. This natural Cooking utensils are rare, so chefs are more aware of the preciousness and superiority of pottery.

Hei Niu also uses barbecue to cook Thunderbird, but unlike others, he handles the ingredients more delicately.

When Yun opened the lid, there was a strong smell of meat and salty smell. The fat Thunderbird, which was roasted until the skin was crispy and the color was browned, lay quietly in the bone plate, with a bulging belly. Whole bird, if you look carefully, you will find signs of being cut at the joints of various parts.

"I divided a whole thunderbird into several parts, and grilled different parts with different heat and different time. Some parts are suitable for roasting tenderly, some parts are suitable for roasting crispy, and some parts are suitable for light roasting. Some parts should add more salt... Finally, they are strung together with wooden sticks to present a complete appearance, but in fact, the taste of each part has subtle differences..."

Hei Niu talked endlessly.

The judges savored his handicraft carefully. The meat was crispy and tender, and the heat could be mastered in seconds. The chef's exquisite use and control of ingredients.

Seeing the judges smiling and enjoying themselves, Hei Niu felt complacent and couldn't help but glance at Tiger Tongue next to him, only to find that he was calm and confident, as if he didn't pay attention to his masterpiece at all.

He snorted softly, thinking that this was just an appetizer, and the main event was next!
"Everyone, please allow me to cut open the belly of this Thunderbird."

Hei Niu cut open the Thunderbird's belly with a sharpened bone knife, and in an instant, another fragrance gushed out!

When everyone took a closer look, it turned out that there was heaven and earth in Thunderbird's belly!
"I also took out all the internal organs and roasted them separately, and then roasted some roots and pine nuts, wrapped them in boiled vegetable leaves and stuffed them back into my belly. The vegetables are light and can relieve the greasy meat."

Hei Niu unfolds the vegetable leaves, revealing the gizzard, heart, liver, intestines and other internal organs wrapped in it, as well as the fragrant plant roots and pine nuts.

The judges tasted the offal and light and delicious dishes. Although they didn't say a word, everyone could see the appreciation in their eyes.

All the chefs were also shocked by Hei Niu's thoughts, and discussed in a low voice: "Sure enough, it must be Hei Niu..."

"It seems that this time the Black Bull won again."

Hei Niu was quite complacent when he heard this, and then he heard the chef of the Dashu tribe say: "I don't think so, the tiger tongue is also aggressive this time!"

He subconsciously looked at Tiger Tongue again, seeing that he was indifferent, still calm and relaxed, he couldn't help feeling a little angry.

good!Just show me your workmanship!Hei Niu thought to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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