20 years of turmoil

Chapter 127 Please Look into My Pure Eyes

Chapter 127 Please Look into My Pure Eyes

The big boss said a plan.

Ning Ren has his own method:

"I'm going to fly to Hollywood City, then rent a private jet, take my housekeeper, my chef, my driver, my insurance, my assistant, my...fly directly to Havana City. "

The big boss became interested: "Just go straight there?"

Ning Ren replied: "I am the person in charge of the seal, bookkeeper, and whip of the Fourteenth Hall of Daogang. To put it another way, I have the right to speak in the night world of the entire Dongzhou. I have made arrangements to directly communicate with The Undernight World in Miami City is vying for territory, and the Colombo family will take the blame, and I will take care of the territory, and give them [-]% of the cigars."

Cai Ai'a big boss asked: "The Colombo of the six club families in Gotham City?"


"please continue."

Ning Ren: "I don't have a detailed plan. I don't believe all the original information. I want to go and see for myself, communicate with the local dark night society, first understand the local culture and customs, and then collect a lot of newspapers and read the news. , and then make a plan, if I need supplies that I can’t get locally, I will ask for help.”

Noland asked, "For example, what type of supplies?"

Ning Ren: "Chemistry, or physics. In theory, I should be able to buy everything I need. If not, I should choose a substitute first, so it is unlikely that I will ask for help. But it cannot be completely ruled out."

The big boss nodded, and Noland began to mark on the map: "Safe house, password to enter the house, emergency contact..."

After Ning Ren wrote down one by one, he added: "I have a request. If my people suffer losses, I will deduct pensions from the profits of the cigars. After all, I only hire them with the salary of ordinary bodyguards." kill them, not this dangerous job."

Cai Ai's big boss made a direct decision: "Double."

In the mind of the big boss, Sam came here to find trouble. Cai Ai did not give Ning Ren a penny of funds, but he envied Ning Ren for earning some money from reselling cigars. This matter should be replaced by senior staff, and he probably scolded Sam at that time. up.

Ning Ren looked at Noland again: "Give me a few more people, not too many, three is enough."

"No problem." Noland agreed after glancing at the big boss.

But in this matter, he cannot decide.

Cai Ai's big boss asked a staff member to come in. After arranging a few words, he went to the next room and gave Noland three files.

In other words, at this point in time.

Cigar country.

A group of people rushed into a house, and then arrested several people in the house and carried them to the car outside.

Sitting in the car was a veiled woman, a very young woman.

After several people were put into the car, the woman said in a low voice: "The suburbs, the woods."

A few other people didn't understand, they shouldn't go back to the station, and then take out a whip or something to greet them, and let these people honestly explain why they went to the woods.

But, who made this woman not only have a high position, but also a member of the K gang.

Half an hour later, the car came to the outskirts and entered a forest.

The woman wearing a veil walked around in the woods and picked a place: "Dig, dig a hole."

Those from the Cigar Kingdom who followed him were at a loss, but they still followed the instructions.

Soon, the hole was dug.

Those who were captured from the house happened to be thrown into a pit one by one.

During the burial, the woman wearing a veil specifically explained how to put it in a sack, how to tie it up, throw it in what pose, and how to bury it.


The woman wearing the veil was very disappointed. She was buried until the soil covered half of her face, and she was still gritting her teeth.

These soft eggs.

The worst one, before the shovel covered the soil, he was so scared that he pissed his pants.

The hardest one was nothing more than a little dirt splashed on his face.

That's right, it's her.

As a member of the K gang, when she was working in the Gaul consulate, she obtained a piece of information from the eagle family D'Aia through a member of the K gang in the South American reference room in D'Aia.

In addition, the resort was stimulated for the second time. After handing in the coins, she got a Gaul to give her a chance to take a long vacation, and then made a detour to the cigar country.

Take down a few people on the information.

Then, buried.

It's all soft eggs.

This is the softest one, crying and telling everything he knows.

The eyes of the people in Cigar Country who are in charge of coordinating with Sabina are all shining with stars. They are too powerful, and let them all talk about it so easily.

It is worthy of being the elite of the K gang.

Sabina didn't feel any sense of accomplishment in her heart.

Suddenly, a face appeared in her mind, that stern face, and the calm eyes when she was buried.

Neo Kevrey.

Then, Sabina thought of a word.


She remembered Neo Kevry saying that those who opposed him would invite them to go swimming, from Island Harbor to Nanhou.

Sabina decided to try it.

Hoping to grab a hard bone and arrange a swim to Bermuda.

Looking back at the soft bastards who were saying everything, Sabina kicked a few times and walked into the woods alone. She wanted to be quiet, and her mind would be full of that guy.

Another day has passed.

Ning Ren is already in Hollywood City.

Here, Shu Xinghuo specially came to greet him.

When we met, there was no warm hug, no flowers, and no gifts.

Shu Xinghuo held a stack of papers: "Anderwell, you have to tell your factory management personnel that I need more VCD players, more Walkmans, and more washing machines. What are you doing, you can earn money. Can't you keep me busy? How many days have you been in Ying's house, ten days, or fifteen days, where are you?"

Ning Ren: Hahaha.

"Order!!!" Shu Xinghuo is a workaholic, and he has more efforts and seriousness than ordinary people when it comes to work.

When necessary, he will personally check hotel services from store to store.

Before Black Friday, he went from store to store to make arrangements for the peak sales season in person.

Ning Ren accompanied him with a smile: "Dear old friend, I have a contract to sign in Beacon City, during which I went to Gotham City for a day."

"Which day?"

"I think about it, it seems to be..."

"Why don't you call me, I'm in Gotham City, my hotel. Also, when you go to Gotham City, why don't you stay in my hotel, and, in Beacon City, why don't you stay in my hotel?" I'm in the hotel in Beacon City?"

Ning Ren smiled: "Listen to me, my friend, let's talk about the order first."

"Okay, let's talk about the order."

Shu Xinghuo scolded the street, the warehouse management at the port, the bad roads in California, and the shipping company.

Even though he has communicated with Ning Ren's studio in Daogang and knows that he is working overtime for his orders, he still hopes to increase production a little bit.

The Walkman sold really well.

The new product VCD became a hit when it was launched.

Although there are some problems with the movies on the disc, it is clear that the major Hollywood film companies have not responded yet.They haven't noticed that many low-level Karamis on the street are selling movie discs with bags on their backs.

However, Shu Xinghuo had already thought of a countermeasure.

When the time comes, there will be a big negotiation. I believe that Hollywood film companies will not give up on this huge video disc market.

A DVD of a movie is much, much cheaper than a videotape.

Zheng Zecheng took people to the place where he lived, and Yang Xi was responsible for driving Ning Ren and Shu Xinghuo to work first, because Shu Xinghuo is a real workaholic.

Record company.

Shu Xinghuo helped Ning Ren buy the record company.

When they arrived at the company, the company's executives gave Ning Ren a slap in the face, handed in a letter of resignation, and then led the team, and even most of the contracted singers wanted to switch to other companies.

Shu Xinghuo told Ning Ren: "I've seen this kind of situation a lot. They just want to take advantage of the opportunity to raise their salaries. We just need to find the key people and divide them. A little investment can solve the problem."

Ning Ren waved his hand: "I'll handle it."

After finishing speaking, Ning Ren accepted the executive's resignation letter and said lightly: "The singer has terminated the contract, so have you prepared a check for liquidated damages?"

The executive froze.

Ning Ren signaled Han Shuang to come forward, took all the resignation letters, and said at the same time: "I need to rest for 10 minutes, and then I will sign the contract after you pay the liquidated damages. If it is too little, the lawyer will talk to you." After finishing speaking, Ning Ren walked into the company.

He bought this company for only one person.


"Hey, Michael, here are some scores for you to look at. Also, let's sign a betting agreement. If your record sales are less than 20 million within ten years, I will give you $[-] million. In [-] years, the sales volume is low. For [-] million copies, I will give you a billion dollars. On the contrary, you can sing with peace of mind."

Michael froze.

A person sitting on the side jumped up: "Fuck, are you crazy? No one on this planet can sell more than [-] million records."

"Hey, Quincy, is that all you can do? Shall we sign one too?"

After Ning Ren finished speaking, he threw a CD player over: "Although the patent rights are not in my hands, I am the largest producer and brand owner. I bought this record company, and I plan to fire everyone, leaving only Let me leave you and Michael, and the rest are not important to me."

Michael was still young and immature at this time, and said with a tentative tone: "I am very grateful that you are optimistic about me. I can sign, but I hope to talk about the signing fee."

"Of course." Ning Ren thought, how much would Michael want, one hundred thousand, one million?

Michael said: "My sister also wants to sing, but she is still young and needs a place to train. She doesn't mind signing a very long-term contract, because I feel that you are very attractive."

"younger sister?"

"Yes, her name is Jenny."

Ning Ren: "Can I listen to her singing first?"

"I'll call her." Michael ran away with a hint of joy.

In 10 minutes, Ning Ren agreed to the executives' resignation letters, and then directly made Quincy the general manager.

Most of those who took the opportunity to make a fuss about a salary increase were in vain, but Ning Ren just signed with a blank face, and occasionally added: "Your liquidated damages are too small, I will let the lawyer talk to you. Next One."

Next person.

Next person.

Ning Ren put on a posture that I want to fry this record company into an empty shell, and Shu Xinghuo stared dumbfounded.

The entire record company knelt down, no one dared to provoke any more, and no one dared to say even a single word in front of Ning Ren.

After cleaning up the troublemakers, Ning Ren introduced Madonna to Quincy: "Quincy, please ask the best music teacher, the best dance teacher, and give her the best apartment with servants, the best Living environment, the most first-class music environment, you tell me her achievements a year later, I will tailor a record for her."

Quincy looked at Madonna, and asked Madonna after she sang a few times in the recording studio: "Boss, what does she have to do with you? Although her voice is outstanding, it will take at least a year to practice it." half the time, and must be very serious and hard study and practice."

Ning Ren replied: "Then what are you waiting for, let's start as soon as possible."

"Boss, I don't doubt your vision, but... Forget it, you are the boss."

While chatting, Jenny came.

After trying to sing a few lines, Ning Ren had a pained expression on his face, and Michael felt that he would not sign.

But Ning Ren said: "Well, the most I can sign with Jenny is 20 million records in the next 7000 years. Even if the business operation is good, I will only dare to sign 8000 million records."

Quincy put his face in his hands.

You know, no matter how many excellent singers, it is impossible to break through the sales of tens of millions of records in their lifetime.

More people, even can't make a record.

Michael took the initiative to reduce the amount of gambling for his sister, only 20 million words of records are enough for 4000 years.

And Ning Ren's only requirement is to sing seriously, very seriously.

Can you make money?
Or, is this record company just to help Ning Ren send out the money he earned in the Eagle Family's Dark Night World in a reasonable way?
Han Shuang thought so.

Ning Ren didn't explain.

If we talk about Yingjia and Xizhou singers, there are four pop music ceilings.

Elvis Presley.Michael's father-in-law has passed away.

The Beatles disbanded nine years ago.

Who is next.

Michael, the absolute ceiling of pop music.

Madonna, another ceiling.

Jenny, who signed up to act as a gift this time, will also be a ruthless character who is qualified to be called one of the four queens together with Madonna in the future.

Just rely on these three people.

The record company that Ning Ren bought does not need other singers. In the next 20 years, no one in the music world will be able to match it.

There is one more person.

Ning Ren arranged to send Boxing Michael to Daogang for a one-year hell-style training.

Then there's North Carolina.

A repair shop.

Here, there is a boy named Michael...

"Oh Boy, Do you like playing basketball?"

(Hey boy, do you like playing basketball?)

Shi is the craziest signing. For this boy named Michael, Ning Ren wants to buy an NBA team.

Next, it is crazy poaching.

Another 16-year-old boy, his name is Carl, and his surname is Malone.

A 14-year-old boy is still nearsighted.

And then..., a bad boy who came out of a certain bitter kiln, only 1.7 meters five after graduating from high school.

The 14-year-old boy is only about 1.4 meters tall, but Ning Ren believes that he can grow a little taller, maybe he can grow to 1.6 meters.

Down below, 13-year-old Kevin...

There is also 14-year-old Pippen. Ning Ren paid all his father's medical expenses, and he can embrace his favorite basketball, so he came to California with all his heart and joined the training camp.


And then……

and then...

They are all from poor families, and Ning Ren spent money on the teenagers who came to sign contracts.

ten years.

Ning Ren believes that when they grow up, they can wear the championship ring on their feet.

Ning Ren, there is a bug in the NBA. These people don't have to go to high school or college, so they don't have to participate in the draft, and they don't have to abide by the original rules, and they automatically become long-term players of their own teams.

Therefore, Ning Ren hired a private teacher to teach them cultural lessons, foreign languages, and by the way, a little bit of ancient Han family thought.

After all this, Ning Ren chartered a plane and headed straight to Cigar Country.

Next, there will be professional lawyers to deal with Ning Ren's subsequent matters. For example, Ning Ren bought the NBA's poorest and last-ranked O'Spurs team. This team doesn't even have its own stadium.

Then, move this team to Florida, where there is no team, and put it in Miami.

When Ning Ren was flying to Cigar Country, Victor Colombo was watching a movie in a movie theater in Miami, a musical comedy, very relaxing.

The Colombo family has verified a lot, and they can feel Ning Ren's strength.

In the Port of Amdan in the Windmill Country of West Continent, a federation composed of several associations from the island port has already controlled the world of the night.

So, they sent a younger member of the family over.

The main thing is to take the blame.

Whatever happens in the night in Miami, Victor Colombo is responsible.

The movie was very interesting. Victor watched the movie quietly, even though he was happy, he laughed a few times.

But soon, he became impatient.

Because behind, a group of guys kept screaming.

Either laughing because the movie is funny, or screaming.

Victor turned his head: "Sorry, can you keep your voice down."

The other party directly threw the popcorn cone over.

Victor turned his head, stopped talking, took out a small book from his arms, and read the contents of the book with a flashlight.

Later, he began to scold: "You idiot, you have the guts to beat us, remember, don't mess with our evil dog gang."

Victor didn't speak, but was reading a small book.

It reads: It is not allowed to harm tourists, because their consumption provides us with a source of income.Bullying the locals is not allowed because they are our neighbors and provide us with protection.Harming our business partners is not permitted unless they betray us.It is not allowed to get angry at others' hobbies and habits that have not affected our own. We convince others with virtue.

After reading the contents of the notebook, Victor closed his eyes and thought for three seconds.

He took out the peanuts from his bosom and fired a burst of rapid fire, turned around and launched a combo to empty the peanuts, then changed to a peanut clip, and did it again.

Someone escaped.

After all, there were many people on the other side, and they didn't sit together.

Victor straightened his clothes and left.

Ten minutes later, several cars brought many people to the cinema, and they all had a tattoo of a vicious dog on their bodies.

Victor returned to his temporary residence, ready to call Gotham City.

Cui Yiye walked in at this time, carrying a box.

Victor turned to look at Cui Yiye, who opened the box and handed over a note.Cui Yiye's oral English is not good enough, he can basically express what he wants to say in his written English.

The note reads: Only the boss is qualified to determine if you have made a mistake.Anyone who dares to shoot at you, eliminate them.

The box was opened, and inside were various firearms.

Cui Yiye signaled that he could choose whatever he wanted.

Victor stepped forward to give Cui Yiye a hug, and picked the one he liked.

Outside the door, 30 people, armed to the teeth.

Fifteen of them were all members of the Ying family who had participated in monkey hunting back then, five of them were the first batch to follow Cui Yiye, and ten were recruited from South America.

The leader is called Tony.

Tony stepped forward: "There are still 100 people on the way, but we may not have enough firearms. My opinion is, first look at what is in the warehouse of the vicious dogs. Then, as long as anyone with the vicious dogs and us Kill all those who are enemies, the boss's business is our business, and the boss's business is booming, we will all be very happy."

Cui Yiye bumped fists with Tony, and Tony took out the map.

The 30 people were divided into two teams and acted separately.

Keeping up, Victor asked, "Tony's salary should be high."

Cui Yiye replied: "Everyone has shares presented by the boss, they are partners."

Victor asked again: "What if our Colombo family wants to earn more?"

"This world is fair, we say more work, more pay."

Victor's tone became excited: "I like it. Let's get rid of those vicious dogs for this city."

Cui Yiye still has a support, but he won't use it until the critical time.

For example, the Eagle Fungus at the port of this city accidentally lost a transport vehicle. What was being transported in the vehicle?

Another example: Someone might want to snatch the transport truck that has been ordered, and urgently call in some manpower to support it?
Of course, this kind of situation will only happen step by step when it is uncontrollable, or when Cui Yiye is forced to a dead end. According to Cui Yiye's current judgment on the situation, the five people he brought plus him, basically That's all.

The difference is, time.

It's just him and the five people he brought, it will definitely take many nights.

In the city of Miami, even Fobole was watching the excitement at night.

Because, soon they will have unlimited free cigars to smoke, cigars you don’t like, and something else.For example, a beautiful green knife.

There are also those who come out to help.

Nasai, the eagle family, took the opportunity to earn bonuses. The biggest business of the vicious dog is actually selling white sugar. Nasai has been watching this for a long time, and sent two or five boys several times without success.

This will be ready to play depending on the situation.

Tony led people to raid a lair of Vicious Dog, and the small truck came first with dozens of gas tanks.

Then he rushed in, and after collecting the corn, Tony put a small bag on the street lamp and whistled vigorously.

A car drove up, Tony waved his hand, got in the car and left.

After checking the samples in the small bag, Nas' loved one rushed into the vicious dog's lair, and then it was the normal process, pulling cloth strips to seal this area.


They cracked... blah blah...

 It is now, at fourteen o'clock in the afternoon, and the pre-saved chapter will be released at sixteen o'clock.

  Then, carry your notebook on your back, and take a walk as you go.

  Go south, all the way south, drill into the Qinling Mountains.

  My wife has been working overtime every day since the new year, so let me go out with my wife on vacation for a few days.

  The update will not be interrupted, and there will be no updates for the time being.

  Good luck to all.

(End of this chapter)

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