Chapter 285 Ways
The things here are almost settled, so we go to the south again.

The entire journey was conducted by off-road vehicles and motorcycles.

There are also private small planes.

Only Runtu has this strength and conditions.

It took several days to arrive in Jiangsu and Zhejiang.

Nowadays it is basically agriculture, with some handicrafts.

Only Jiashan has some heavy industry.

Now Jiangsu and Zhejiang basically use Jiashan seeds.

Unless it is a seed in the Runtu space, otherwise, the food grown from that seed will not be much.

The seeds in the space can produce thousands of kilograms per mu.

The second crop of seeds can also yield three to four hundred kilograms per mu.

And then the seeds are just slightly better quality.

Only the seeds in the Runtu space are the best.

Arrive at Jiaxing territory.

It is early autumn now, when the first crop of rice is harvested.

Runtu went to the fields to look around.

In his territory, he must at least ensure that no one will starve to death.

The situation is still very good.

Various guarantees are available everywhere.

Even the people in the government are very good at first, but as time goes by, the temperament of some people in the government may change.

Even if the treatment given by Runtu is enough, there will still be some who go astray.

Arrived at a small town.

There are many fields here.

This year's rain has been good, and the harvest looks good, too. The grains are very full.

Runtu arrived at a wealthy family.

They knew that Runtu was from the public family and a high official, but they didn't know what kind of high official he was.

Now is the most critical time for the farmer to carry out a double grab.

The double harvest is the heaviest time of the year for farm work. It is necessary to harvest mature rice and throw out seedlings to plant late rice. Because of the weather and because the ditches are used to irrigate the entire area, time is very tight.

There was no harvester, so people had to cut it by hand with a sickle, then bundle it into suitable handfuls, pick it up to the roadside, stack it into a high pile on a wooden cart, and then use oxen to pull it home.

Double grabbing is probably the hottest time in the south. Under the bright sun, we can do it all morning and all afternoon.

Not only was it hard to straighten up after harvesting rice, but the most painful part was carrying the load, especially in the rice fields far away from the road.

Sometimes they just put their shoulders and neck together, put their hands on the poles, and walk with a hunched back.The skin from the right shoulder to the arm is obviously darker than the rest of the body.

But there are also machines here, threshing machines, pedal threshing machines, and only fuel-powered threshing machines.

They are all made in factories in Jiashan.

Most of what is grown in the south is rice.

The threshing machine is very important and can greatly improve efficiency.

Paddy threshing is the threshing of rice, usually at night, usually with two people operating the machine. One person is responsible for pulling apart the rice in front. If not, the rice will bury the machine and it will not be threshed.Two people beat and one person peels, and is responsible for separating the rice straw from the rice handle to make the rice as clean as possible.

The countless flying grains of rice hit me hard, especially when they flew into my eyes, which was a bit painful.

Standing for hours without stopping, especially after a full day's work during the day.Sometimes I can fall asleep standing in front of the splashing rice.The moment you fall asleep is the happiest time of the day.I got up at dawn the next day and went to the ground again. This day started again.

The time of double grabbing is the most important time for farmers.

This wealthy family has a nice family, with dozens of acres of good land.

This time they also invited a lot of day laborers to come to the house to collect the goods.

We wouldn't be able to do so much without hiring help.

Not only the rice fields, but also an orchard, it can be seen that the family's living conditions are very good.

They all earned their fortune by their own abilities, and as long as they didn't do anything too illegal, Runtu wouldn't cause them any trouble.

There are also sweet potatoes grown.

Carrying sweet potatoes is the most demanding job. The sweet potatoes that have just been plowed out of the field are put in a basket and carried down the mountain.

A few dozen kilograms walked several miles.

Farm work is very tiring.

Jiashan also provided pesticides.

Various utensils.

This is a hilly and mountainous area. When applying pesticides, carrying a pesticide machine on your back is actually equivalent to a large pot with a long pole attached to your back, and you can manually pressurize and spray out the pesticides.There are puddles on some mountains, so you just need to bring a pot and pesticide, and then add pesticides on the mountain. Some mountains have no water, and you have to carry water up the mountain from home.

The most annoying thing was spraying the corn field. By the time the pesticide was sprayed, the corn had grown so tall that it was much taller than a person. I will always remember the scene of spraying pesticide in the field with a bucket of pesticide on my back and a straw hat. The corn is moving through it, the corn leaves are pulling green and painful on the arms, and the pesticides are drifting into the eyes, nose, and mouth, giving a suffocating feeling.

Spraying pesticides in the rice field, stepping on the paddy field without calves, you will fall down if you don't have enough strength.

When transplanting rice seedlings, the sun was scorching, I was hunched over, my face and body were splashed with muddy water, I was barefoot, moving step by step, holding the rice seedlings with my fingers and stuffing them into the field. If the rice seedlings were not inserted well, an adult came over and stirred them in the water with their feet. The newly planted seedlings were all floating on the water - starting all over again.What I am more worried about is that there may be rocks and locusts in the fields.

There are cows, several families raise them together, taking turns, and there is a cow pen. There will be a thick layer of cow dung in the cow pen, which is composed of cow feces and urine, soil and grass mixed together. It is carried up the mountain and poured into the ground to make fertilizer. .

These are all very tiring tasks.

But everyone had a great time doing it.After all, the harvest was very good.

Be more tired. The more tired you are, the more harvest you will get. I want to get rid of tiredness like this.

When digging the ground, you have to dig deep in the first pass. It is hard work to dig out the hardened soil.The second time, you have to tap the excavated soil gently with your hands and feet, which is a skillful job.

Break the bags, pack the bags, rub the bags, dry the bags, and collect the bags.Because this work has to be done in a hurry, the corn is only ripe for a few days, and there is a lot of rain in summer and autumn, so we have to take advantage of the sunny weather and the bright sun to dry it out and close it quickly.

This period is the busiest time for all farmers.

To break the grain, you have to get up at four or five in the morning, usually at three o'clock. In the field, you first have to climb the slope and walk through thorns. If you don't have long pants and long sleeves to protect you, you will be cut by weeds and corn leaves.

The glutinous rice must be dried in the sun, and then the rice from the glutinous rice can be rubbed off.

The most troublesome thing about drying corn is that every afternoon when there is a sudden thunderstorm while I am taking a nap, I have to rush to collect the corn to avoid getting wet by the rain and causing mold.In one yard, we have to race against time to harvest a pile of rice and cover it with paper cloth.Troublesome and laborious.

The crushed rice seeds need to be dried again. After drying, a windmill is used to blow away the debris, leaving clean rice seeds.

"Times have gotten better, and there is still this basket. When you marry a wife, the new girl will have two felt baskets in her dowry. The so-called felt baskets mean that you use such a basket to carry things, and you need to wrap felt around the mouth of the basket and the basket. Towels, muslin, or other delicate items should be taken care of.

This is a small basket made of very fine workmanship. It is made of thin strips and painted with lacquer or other colored materials, so it is extremely precious.The felt baskets given to new girls as brides are usually paired, and they are mainly used to carry gifts.

Furthermore, when a baby is born at home, it is also used to carry it.In some places, it is also called Tujia backpack.

Generally speaking, this backpack is not easily used by others. For example, if a new daughter-in-law comes out, a somewhat discerning mother-in-law will not ask her to borrow something when she needs to go out to carry something.

Sometimes there are conflicts in the family, and the daughter-in-law is angry and wants to go back to her parents' home, so she will "run away" with this basket on her back. The small basket on her back hides the woman after marriage.

There are many things to pay attention to when carrying a basket.

The largest backpack is called a dung basket, or a big basket or a big basket.This kind of backpack may only be seen and used by farmers in the poorest areas.Because it is so big, just like its name "back-tie", it is the most solid backpack.Only the poorest and most dedicated people carry it.

This kind of backpack is extremely high, almost as tall as most of a person, and has an extremely wide opening.Generally, it can carry two to three hundred kilograms of manure, but those of my grandfather and father's generation usually carried more than 300 to four hundred kilograms with this backpack.This is how they carry it: inserting a circle of small wooden sticks into the open mouth of the backpack is equivalent to adding a circle to the basket. In this way, when adding things, they can pile them high and abundant, whether they are carrying dung or lime. , are the most solid back.

When people pass by a family and see more and bigger backpacks hanging outside, they can judge how hardworking and capable the family is.

This backpack is too big and too high. It is difficult to carry it at first because it is heavy at the top and light at the bottom. It will fall on people's buttocks and swing around.

You have to have skills.The smaller backpack is called a flower basket, and it is also the backpack that most people are familiar with.This kind of backpack is light, short and wide, can be loaded quickly and is comfortable to carry.According to my observation, it is the most popular backpack for wealthy people who do not have far away mountainous areas to cultivate.

Mainly used near the front to carry seeds, vegetables, and pigweed.Compared with the dung basket, the flower basket is an ordinary decent backpack, you can carry it from house to house.

It is also because it is relatively decent and does not have to carry dung, so it is sometimes used when going to the market to buy goods.Especially during the New Year shopping season, men carrying flower baskets often accompany women carrying felt baskets walking around the streets.

A smaller backpack,

Smaller backpacks are called "manchuan'er" in our dialect.Probably because of the process of making it, the woven strips just cover the bamboo sticks of the main frame, so it got its name.The mantana is short and heavy, and is a kind of backpack that is second only to felt backpacks in terms of comfort.It fits close to the waist, allowing people to stand up straight, and is very comfortable to carry.

The original volume of the sign is very small and can only be used to hold sickles and hatchets.

The most popular use is to carry firewood.Cut the firewood on the mountain, tie it tightly, then place it horizontally on the Manchuer, and carry it home gently and skillfully, quickly and steadily.

Manman'er is good at carrying firewood, but due to his size, he can only carry small bundles.For large bundles of firewood, a carrier other than a basket is needed to carry the frame.

The carriers are all made of bamboo because the bamboo strips are tough and lightweight.Wood is used as a carrier, which is hard and heavy. Naturally, it cannot be used as a backpack.But the only exception is the back frame. It is made of several curved pieces of wood and spliced ​​together. It has a simple shape, is lightweight, and is very easy to use.

Carrying a rack is a small thing with great uses. Farmers will use it to carry tobacco leaves, carry firewood, carry large bags of fertilizer, carry large bundles of wet grass, carry wood, ironware, etc.It can be carried on the body along the entire curvature of the person's back, making the originally heavy items seem less strenuous.

Don't look at the same kind of carriers, from dung baskets to carrying racks, which are the same over and over again. You can also understand that you should do things according to your duties and be an upright person. "

Dahu told Runtu many relevant situations.

I thought Runtu was a member of the government and came to investigate the situation.

Often some officials from the city would go to farmers' homes to investigate the situation.

Look at the harvest that year.

There is also population statistics.

Runtu also went to the ground to see the situation.

They are growing very well.

If it is a paddy field, the straw has not been disposed of and is in the running water. It is inconvenient for people to work. A lot of straw is not easy to rot. The retting speed of the paddy field also takes time.

We all need to seize the time and cannot pass the solar terms.

There are a lot of straw, which is used for making fires and cooking.

Burn it into plant ashes to replenish the cultivated land.

After a few rains, it becomes moldy.

Use it to build a roof, pave mud roads, make coir raincoats, weave baskets, and make handicrafts.

Even so, there will be a lot more.

Straw burning directly becomes fertilizer.

I usually use it to make fire and cook.The ash after burning straw is mixed with manure to become an important farmyard fertilizer.Sprinkling a layer of plant ash on the fields during spring plowing can also kill insects.

Cattle feeding is also a large consumer of straw. A cow can eat ten to twenty kilograms of dry straw a day. Usually families that feed cows need to find other families to get some straw.

"Maize seedling cultivation is troublesome. Corn planting starts with seedling cultivation. The so-called seedling cultivation is to first find a piece of land of about a few square meters and use a hoe to hoe the soil until it is very fine. Basically, wait until the soil is fine. Just use small grains and then add fertilizer.

When the corn sprouts grow to 5 to 10 centimeters, transplant the seedlings into the ground.Of course, the land must be prepared in advance. First, use a plowing ox to plow it once or twice, and then use a hoe to dig the land a little finer. Then dig a small pit for each corn, two pits in one row, and between the rows. Space them more than one meter apart to plant sweet potatoes.This is really a labor-intensive and time-consuming job. Whenever digging is needed, the family will always go out early and come back late. They are really so busy that they don’t even bother to eat. Moreover, no matter the weather is hot or cold, day after day, Day after day, year after year, there is no way to escape, it is really hard. "

The real busy farming period is actually only about two months, half a month of planting, a week or so of hoeing, three days of plowing, a week or so of second hoeing, a week or so of fertilizing, three days of plowing, and 20 days. Around the autumn harvest.

Most of the rest of the time is spent raising chickens and ducks, repairing houses, doing odd jobs, and tidying up vegetable gardens.

Working in the fields is very hard, but when spread out over a year, it's not much at all.

The key is that there is more than just work in the fields.

When all the chores are divided up, there is no time left at all.

(End of this chapter)

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