Chapter 116 Checkout
In the past few days, Runtu contacted people from the Cao Gang.

Do a good job of investigating who is the general manager surnamed Sun.

There are a lot of people in Caobang.

Water transportation in Hangzhou is convenient, and the Cao Gang is well-informed here.

It was found that the incident was indeed done by the surname Sun.

When I find some time, Runtu will make a trip in person to get the result.

The two girls also praised Runtu for being fast and smart.

"I also have a good riddle here, please guess it for everyone's fun."

Runtu remembered something about later generations.

Thinking about future generations, take out the sharp turn of the brain and play with it.

"Two people, one facing south and the other standing facing north, are not allowed to turn their heads, are not allowed to walk, and are not allowed to look in the mirror. They are asked if they can see each other's face and how to do so."

This riddle is quite different from today's riddles.

The two girls guessed.

"How can I see, no turning back, no mirror. I can't guess. Do you know?"

"I do not know either."

Thinking about how to find a way to see the other person's face.

After a while, the surname Wang said: "One faces south and the other faces north, so they stand face to face, and they can see each other's face anytime and anywhere."

After all, he is smarter than the brothel women.

Only then did the two girls realize that they had thought too much just now.

"Mr. Zhang, this game is not counted. How can there be such a mystery to mislead people."

Runtu: "Then I'll get another one, water snake, boa snake, green bamboo snake, which one is longer."

"It's scary, why are you talking about snakes?"

"Of course it's a boa constrictor. It's been said that the longest boa constrictor can be several feet long."

"It's a python."

"No, no, it's the Green Bamboo Snake."

"Mr. Zhang is lying to others again, so you have to explain why, otherwise you won't agree."

Runtu: "Think about it, there are two characters for boa constrictor, two characters for water snake, and three characters for Dudu green bamboo snake. Naturally, three characters are longer."

"Unreasonable, this game doesn't count, let's do another one."

It was the first time I heard such a riddle, and I thought it was quite interesting, so I asked Runtu to say a few more and guess again.

They are confident that they will be able to answer a few similar riddles for something that is obviously very simple.

"Tou Gong, plus Tou Mu, type three characters."

She looked dazed again, not knowing what to guess.

"The answer is three cows."

Then he said one: "From one to nine, which number is the most industrious and which number is the laziest?"

"One does not do the other."

"I don't understand, what is the reason for this?"

The person surnamed Wang: "If one doesn't do it, the other is endless. Naturally, one is the laziest, and the other is the most diligent. Brother Ruosong doesn't know how he figured out these mysteries, but he is unique."

It's just a brain teaser. People these days have never been exposed to it, so they can take a trick.Have fun.

After several times in a row, the two girls couldn't guess right.

But the one surnamed Wang guessed a few correctly.

"Miss Ah Zi, what is in your hand?"

"Some prickly heat has grown out for some reason."

The girls in the brothel are more dedicated, and they still go to work normally when they have some acne.

Runtu directly took out a small bag of isatid root. His isatid root can treat many minor ailments, and this kind of problem should also be relieved.

"Miss Ah Zi, try this medicine and see how it works?"

"Master Zhang, what kind of medicine is this?"

"Isatis root."

Banlangen is very popular in Kuaiji, and it is also famous in Hangzhou City, but more people don't know it.

The key is that the cost is low, and ordinary people can afford it.

Told her the practical method.

I poured some water and didn't drink it right away.

Quite refreshing, the girl's eyes began to light up, as if all the drowsiness from before had been swept away.

"This medicine is really effective, and I don't feel chest tightness now."

All of them are resistant to drugs, and the effect is best when people take medicine for the first time.

It was the first time for Ah Zi to eat Radix Banlangen, and the reaction she could have was also the greatest.

When it was time to leave, Runtu paid for the treat this time.

"Come here, you are a customer, how can I ask you to give me money."

"Brother Wang, the cloth and the inkstone you sent are all very valuable. This time, let me buy it."

Consumption is quite high.

It took ten taels of silver.

The ten taels of silver in the brothel reminded Runtu of an allusion about an oil seller monopolizing the oiran, and it was also ten taels of silver.

It is about a young man who sells oil for a living. Suddenly, he sees a light and beautiful girl passing by with a servant and maid. His eyes are stunned. He walks a long way, and his body is numb. I haven't recovered yet.

The oil seller went to the small shop across the street to ask the waiter who was the girl who passed by in the sedan chair just now.

The waiter in the shop told him that the beautiful young lady was named Wang Meiniang, she was separated from her parents when she was a child, and then she fell into the land of fireworks. Stunning, known as the Oiran lady, is a well-known local beauty.

If ordinary people want to see the beauty, they have to pay ten taels of silver to have a chance.

Since the oil seller saw the beauty of the oiran lady on the street, he made up his mind to buy more oil for sale. After saving ten taels of silver, he went to Hualou to spend a good night with the oiran lady.

After a year of hard work, the oil seller finally saved enough money to go to Hualou.

The ten taels of silver spent in one night were saved after tightening the belt and saving food and money for a year.

This is a bit powerful.

It's similar to some ordinary people in later generations who spend a year's salary to tip the anchor.

But this oil seller can finally get married with the oiran's last lover.

It's a bit fake.They are all YY stories written by some depressed scholars nowadays.How could such a thing happen.

However, in later generations, there are also many romantic stories about honest people taking over.

Runtu naturally didn't believe these stories.

But the price is about the same, very expensive.

Ten taels of silver, just a few hours, and then a table of meals, that's all.

Fortunately, Runtu is not short of money now.

Ready to go back to Kuaiji.

Get one last thing done before heading back.

Tonight, I will go find the general manager surnamed Sun.

Fortunately, after learning martial arts, Runtu's body is very light now.

The legendary lightness kung fu, leaping three or four feet in one leap, cannot be achieved.

But it is relatively easy to turn over the low door wall.

It's much more powerful than parkour in later generations.

I knew about Mr. Sun's house in advance, so this time I went to his house to deal with him and ask some more questions by the way.

There are very few people on the road at night.

Not long after, Runtu came near his house.

One is the boss, the monthly salary is only a few taels of silver, and the house he lives in is pretty good.

From this one incident alone, we know that Mr. Sun must have done some black-hearted deeds secretly.

(End of this chapter)

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