Chapter 103 Trading
The two agreed to go to Shanghai to pick up the goods in half a month.

Half a month has passed.

Runtu started to go to Shanghai Beach.

Everything here is arranged for the people under him.

As for the school, there are only seventy or eighty students, and three teachers are enough to teach.

It took about a week to come to Shanghai Beach.

The prosperity here surprised Runtu a little.

Kuaiji is basically a wooden house, and cement is basically used here.

Tall buildings stand tall.

You can see foreigners everywhere.

But there are still more Chinese.

Go to the foreign firm.

With fluent English, Ah San didn't dare to stop him at all.

Good luck meeting David.

Negotiations began.

David attaches great importance to Runtu.

You can earn a lot of money with him, which is reciprocal.

"Zhang, where's the ginseng?"

"It's all in the hotel."

The time is negotiated, and the transaction will be made when the time comes.


After talking about the business, there must be some entertainment. At this time, there are already three gaming tables in the lobby, one table of Pai Gow, one table of Mahjong, and one table of dice.

There are many foreigners and many Chinese.

There are also gambling games in foreign firms.

The scale of this foreign firm is very large.

David also only has a slight status in the foreign firm.

David saw that Runtu was interested: "Would you like to play?"

Runtu: "I'm a layman in this field. Let's take a look again. If I win money, will it affect you?"

"Of course not. I have inquired about it in Kuaiji, Zhang, your gambling skills are very good."

The conversation here was heard by the other side of the gaming table, looking at Runtu: "Dude, let's have a bet, how about it?"

The croupier looked at Runtu as a stranger, and saw that he was with David, and he probably looked very rich.

"Okay!" Runtu answered very crisply, "I will accompany you." Then he asked, "Is it a bet?"

There is no such thing as a banker's theory of betting against each other. "Of course it is a betting against each other. You will not suffer. How to bet, tell me!"

Ask how much money to bet and what method.

Runtu: "David, can you lend me 5000 taels of silver?"

Runtu only has 5000 taels of silver now, and he wants to get a big one.

This is the first time I came to Shanghai Tang, Shanghai Tang is different from Kuaiji, there are too many rich people.

1 taels, a gamble, it depends on whether he dares or not.

David looked at Runtu, but he didn't expect him to be so cruel.

Thinking of Runtu's ginseng and tea.

5000 taels is 5000 taels. It would be even better if you pay them all, and let him return the goods.

It doesn't matter if you win, if you are willing to borrow money, the friendship between the two parties may increase again.

After David counted the 5000 taels of silver bills and handed them over, Runtu placed them on the table.

The spectators around were all blindsided. Such a gamble is rare even in Shanghai Bund.

"Excuse me, how many doors are closed?"

"1000 taels."

"Then 1000 taels, bet small." Runtu took out a bank note from the table and held it in his hand.

This made the whole audience look sideways.Since Runtu was a stranger, and seeing that he had a peaceful demeanor, he treated a thousand taels of silver as if he didn't care about it, so he felt more and more mysterious about this person, and thus became more curious.

Many of David and the others knew each other, but this was the first time I had seen Runtu.

Press once for 1000 taels, ten times for 1 taels.

Under the gaze of more than a hundred eyes, Kailai is actually small.

I feel that Runtu's luck is really good.

In the second round, the bet was still small.

Kailai turned out to be small again, so the audience seemed to be boiling, people were surprised, envious, angry, annoyed, and regretted that they didn't want to bet on it.

However, Runtu remained calm, and just said softly: "It's all a fluke."

Only then did everyone know that this big gambler with a fresh face was David's friend, and they all cast admiring eyes.Gamblers like them like to gamble, and it would be more honorable to have a friend who is proficient in gambling.

It was the first time I came to Shanghai Bund, and I didn't know when I would be able to come, so I had to make a lot of money.

After several bets in succession, Runtu always won.

With the ability of space, he doesn't care about offending people.

It's hard to say if it's in Kuaiji.

I dare not offend others.

It's so far away from the beach and Kuaiji, so don't be afraid.

Besides, the big boss in Shanghai Beach probably wouldn't care about the eight thousand dollars.

He really dared to come to find trouble, and he cleaned up all the people himself.

Bet several times in a row.

This is Duowang's luck, so the onlookers have to bet with Runtu.

When Runtu bet 1000 taels of silver on Dashang, the bets were like rain, and they followed suit.When the dice cup was opened, the croupier turned pale with fright, while the gamblers were all happy. The banker will pay 5000 taels of silver in this game.

This time, the audience was full of excitement, and non-gamblers rushed in.

Runtu was regarded as a god, and the two gamblers on his left and right shrank their bodies as far as possible, lest they would make him uncomfortable.And at this moment, he felt someone pat him on the shoulder, and when he looked back, it was David who was giving him a wink, gesturing him to leave.

Runtu thought for a moment, after all, it was a foreign company, and David was still working here.

Forget it and win less.

This time, I deliberately gambled wrong.

Lost 1000 taels of silver.

The next one was still lost.

It doesn't matter if he loses, as many people who gambled with him lose.

Immediately complained.

Just these two rounds.

The dealer did not lose too much money.

The croupiers breathed a sigh of relief.

If they lose again, their jobs will be gone, and they will have to be punished.All in all, after doing the math, the money lost was almost 8000 taels of silver, all of which were won by Runtu.

It is still the fastest way to make money by gambling.

It is risky to win too much, but Runtu is not afraid of revenge.

They are relaxed.

Bad luck for the gamblers who followed.

Basically lost money.

The minimum is a few hundred taels, and the maximum is more than 1000 taels.

Fortunately, it was capped at 1000 taels, otherwise we would have lost even more.

Someone else questioned and said: "What's the matter with you, why have you lost two games in a row?"

Runtu: "It was a fluke to win just now, and it is my luck to lose now. I will not gamble until today."

After discussing with David, I went back to the hotel again.

The decor of the hotel is very nice.

There are even some styles of later generations.

There are still many cars on the road on the beach.

It is completely different from Kuaiji.

Most of the waiters in the hotel are Chinese.

But many of them can speak foreign language.

Many people who work in Shanghai can speak foreign languages.

Those who know foreign language can make a lot more money than those who can't.

took a shower.

It is not very convenient to take a shower on the road.

Made an appointment with John to make a deal tonight.

They came to the hotel with the goods.

Two hundred pistols.

A large wooden box can hold about a hundred sticks, that is, two wooden boxes.

Runtu is all replaced with ginseng.

One ginseng can be exchanged for four guns.

Fifty ginsengs are also packed in two boxes.

(End of this chapter)

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