Hogwarts: I'm Cousin Harry

Chapter 461 Chapter 456 I’m doing renovations at Hogwarts

Chapter 461 456. I’m doing renovations at Hogwarts

"So I think Hogwarts' protection is not nearly enough."

Dudley made a final statement.

Professor Flitwick was so shocked that he couldn't speak. His mind was filled with Dudley's theory about the apparition of non-human beings. Professor McGonagall had no choice but to speak for him.

"Dudley, what you said is at least necessary in the face of war."

She felt that Dudley was making a fuss. Hogwarts was safe and there was no possibility of war in the near future.

"Professor McGonagall, do you think it's not a war yet?" When Dudley said this, his eyes swept across the faces of the professors one by one. Professor Snape's face was full of approval, and Professor Flitwick's face was thoughtful. , Professor McGonagall’s serious face, Professor Sprout’s stunned face, and Slughorn’s heartbroken expression.

"I think all the professors here should understand that although the Daily Prophet and the Ministry of Magic try their best to conceal 'him', in fact it is him who is back."

When Dudley mentioned him, everyone's expressions changed slightly. Voldemort was an indelible shadow among all wizards.

That's why Harry is called the Star of Hope.

"This is war, and this war cannot be avoided by Hogwarts, the Ministry of Magic cannot avoid it, and we cannot avoid it. 1000 years ago, Hogwarts was the last hope for wizards. 1000 years later, Hogwarts is It’s still our hope.”

"I want to make Hogwarts a truly impenetrable castle in Camelot."

Dudley's voice was firm and strong, and he loved campus life at Hogwarts.

"I think Mr. Dursley is right. We should redecorate the school's defense equipment."

Slughorn was the first to agree. He just wanted to find a safe place to spend his old age. If possible, it would be best to meet his students. He swore that it was definitely not for the gifts, he just wanted to meet them. , Lala’s daily routine and so on.

"So Dudley, if the construction of Hogwarts' protective facilities is entrusted to you and the professors cooperate as your assistants, can you complete it?"

Dudley was not polite and responded directly: "Of course, Professor Dumbledore."

Dumbledore nodded, turned to the other professors and asked, "Everyone, what do you think?"

"Since he made this suggestion, it's up to him to complete it. If you need help, you can come to me at any time."

As the professor who had the best relationship with Dudley and treated him as his direct disciple, Snape followed up and expressed his opinion. He always believed that Dumbledore did not pay enough attention to Voldemort and did not discuss many matters with him. , sometimes he didn't even understand what Dumbledore was going to do.

If Hogwarts was really that safe, Sirius wouldn't have broken in a few years ago.

Even a mere Sirius could come in without anyone noticing, so why do you think Voldemort is incapable of coming in?

However, as a double agent for Voldemort and Dumbledore, he believed that knowing too much was not a good thing, so he chose to help when necessary so that he could explain himself when facing Voldemort.

"I am also very happy to help Mr. Dursley." Professor McGonagall followed Snape and said.

Then there were Professors Flitwick and Sprout.

"Since everyone agrees with what I say, I will do my part."

Transforming Hogwarts has always been what Dudley wanted to do: "Professor Dumbledore is in trouble with the fishmen. I guess they don't want to see me."

"I will talk to them carefully." Dumbledore nodded. Among the people present, only he and Dudley could speak the fish-men language. However, Dudley seemed to have offended the group of fish-men severely during the Triwizard Tournament. As long as The moment they see him, the fish people will hide.

After receiving a positive answer from Dumbledore, Dudley said: "I will go and communicate with the centaurs."

"Are you familiar with centaurs?" Professor Flitwick asked curiously.

Dudley shook his head: "I'm not very familiar with them. I don't often deal with them, so I plan to 'reason' with them."

Professor Flitwick scratched his not-so-rich forehead in confusion.

If a horse person is willing to reason with you, then he is not a horse person.

The centaurs are the most stubborn race in the world. No matter what you say to them, they can always refer to the stars and then riddle each other with a bunch of mysterious-sounding things that only they themselves understand.

To put it simply, it means bringing your IQ to the same level as theirs, and then using your rich experience to defeat you.

The most important thing is that although I am clearly in the age of farming and hunting, I still always talk to you in a condescending manner.

So much so that centaurs are not as popular as banshees. At least banshees can communicate, and although they don't look very good, at least they have big breasts.

So are you sure you can reason with them?
Professor Flitwick believed that Dudley did not go to the Forbidden Forest often and was not familiar with the centaurs' living habits, so he was worried that he would suffer a disadvantage.

At this time, Professor Snape said: "Filius, let Mr. Dursley go first. Some things can only grow if you experience them. If you are worried about anything, let Professor Hagrid follow you." It’ll be fine with him.”

Professor Flitwick nodded upon hearing this, feeling that what Snape said made sense, so he said no more.

Hagrid, the forest warden and professor of Magical Creatures, often goes in and out of the Forbidden Forest. He must have a way to communicate with the centaurs.

Unlike Professor Flitwick, Snape thought that his disciple had a solution, so he said this.

Others don't understand Dudley, doesn't he?

This disciple never does anything uncertain.

"You can put the communication with the centaurs aside for now. Let me discuss with the professors what to do next."

"Professor Snape, I need you"

"Professor McGonagall, I need you"


Dudley began to assign tasks to various professors. In fact, the tasks were not very difficult. They were all carried out in their respective areas of expertise. For example, Professor Sprout was cultivating herbs, Professor Snape was brewing potions, and Professor McGonagall was doing She is good at Transfiguration, and Professor Flitwick needs him to cast exquisite spells.
Dudley was responsible for transforming and piecing together the items completed by the professors one by one.

As for Professor Slughorn.
Dudley looked at Professor Slughorn, who had a big belly and looked at him pitifully, and said, "I need you to experience the new facility after it is established. Then tell me where it is not safe."

As a professor who is best at running away and avoiding, and who needs a sense of security the most, this task is the most suitable.

Transforming Hogwarts starts now!
(End of this chapter)

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