Hogwarts: I'm Cousin Harry

Chapter 375 Chapter 369 Tell Mr. Carlo for me, thank him for the amulet

Chapter 375 369. Tell Mr. Carlo for me, thank him for the amulet
"Connelly, I think we should talk"

Dumbledore tried to make the final communication. He really didn't want the matter to get into trouble.

"There is nothing to talk about between us." However, Fudge didn't want to communicate with him. He waved his sleeves vigorously and made a swishing sound in his large wizard robe: "I won't let you succeed. You can't even think about it." I'm going to step down."

"I am the Minister of Magic!"

His expression was almost in a state of madness, and he kept talking incessantly, just like a vicious dog guarding his food. He kept growling warnings at Dumbledore, which made his originally kind face change again. Twisted.

Fudge has subconsciously regarded Dumbledore as his opponent, and now this idea has been confirmed.

To him, Dumbledore was an enemy, an enemy who wanted to take everything away from him.

"I won't believe a word you say from now on."

Perhaps finally realizing his gaffe, Fudge adjusted his collar to make himself look like he was fine.

As his secretary, Percy stood behind him very intelligently. His face was expressionless throughout the whole process. Even when he saw Dumbledore, he seemed not to recognize him, as if he had not graduated from Hogwarts and even his eyes were open. Not blinking.

Fudge was naturally very satisfied with his secretary's attitude.

At least it means he is loyal to himself.

This is his most trustworthy confidant in the Ministry of Magic besides Umbridge.

"Percy, let's go."


Percy said respectfully, following Fudge closely, still not looking back.

The two left the third courtroom one after another, leaving Dumbledore silently watching the two people leaving. However, when he saw the two strange wizards following Fudge not long after he left the courtroom, , making his pupils shrink.

Appearing without warning represents a very skillful phantom appearance. The whole process is without any discomfort, which represents complete mastery of this magic spell.

There is no doubt that these are two very powerful wizards.

The sharp-eyed Dumbledore also noticed that the wands in their hands were different from ordinary wands and did not seem to be made by Ollivander.

Not an Auror, not a wizard from the Ministry of Magic, maybe not even a wizard from England.

Dumbledore made his judgment in a split second.

I don’t know where Fudge found the master.

Based on his understanding of Fudge, the other party would never be able to recognize such an existence, so who are they?

Did they give Fudge the confidence?
Or are they 'manipulating' Fudge?

Things began to go beyond his expectations. It seemed that these details were not mentioned in the original prophecy.

Dumbledore has too many questions. No one can answer them. Maybe someone can.
It looks like we are going to have another good phone conversation tonight.

"Ms. Amelia Bones, please wait a moment."

After the farcical trial ended and everyone was leaving, Amelia Bones heard someone calling her name from behind.

He was a very young wizard who looked to be in his twenties. He was wearing a unique purple robe. It was very rare to become a member of the Wizengamot at this age.

"Mr. Strange, what do you want from me?" Amelia Bones responded politely.

She recognized the other person's identity.

Eric Strange is one of the youngest and most promising wizards in the Ministry of Magic, and the director of the Office of Funny Products Patents in the Department of Magical Sports and Sports. The two have met more than once.Because his good friend Dormammu Gargson is the deputy director of the Office for the Prohibition of Abuse of Magic and Amelia Bones's nominal direct subordinate.

By the way, he is also the most powerful competitor for the position of Director of the Department of Magical Sports after Ludo Bagman's resignation.

There is always a touch of youthfulness on Strange's face, like a big boy who has just graduated from school. He is shy and embarrassed, but anyone who really treats him as a big boy will suffer a big loss.

Although he is only the director of the Office of Funny Products Patents, the directors of the remaining two departments of the Department of Magical Sports and Sports obey his instructions. Those two directors have been in the Ministry of Magic for 40 to [-] years.

"Mr. Carlo asked me to pass this item over to you."

Strange handed an amulet-like object to Amelia Bones.

"what is this?"

Amelia Bones asked without rushing to take it.

She knew about the Carrow family, which had two Death Eaters who were currently imprisoned in Azkaban.

Almost five years ago, this family was almost defeated and became the history of many pure-blood families in the wizarding world. As a result, the current head of their family graduated from Hogwarts this year and took over the position of patriarch from the old head. , used an incredible ability to turn things around and save the family.

Now it has become a model for the magical family.

It stands to reason that she has nothing to do with this family, so why should she give something to herself.

"A small amulet." Strange completed his work as a messenger faithfully and respectfully said to Amelia: "Mr. Carlo asked me to tell you that he has recently made a breakthrough in divination. I have discovered that you may encounter some difficulties in the near future. Mr. Carlo has always admired your personality, so he asked for this amulet."

"This is something you can crush when you're at your wits' end and it might help you."

Amelia Bones paused slightly after hearing this, then solemnly took the amulet and put it in her pocket.

"Tell Mr. Carlo for me to thank him for the amulet."

To be able to sit in the position of Director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, Amelia Bones has more than just magical talent. She immediately understood the meaning of this amulet.
What breakthrough in divination?
Divination is one of the most talent-demanding subjects in the world. Without the blood of a prophet, it is impossible to predict the future in your lifetime. As far as she knows, even if the Carlo family goes back 1000 years, there is not even a single prophet in the family.

This was sending her a message of friendship, a subtle reminder that someone was going to do something bad to her.

Amelia returned to the Department of Magical Law Enforcement with a stern expression, and then went to the Auror office not far away.

She is not a character who sits still and waits for death.

As the youngest director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement in the past 50 years, whoever wants to harm her must first consider whether his or her abilities are sufficient.

There are already vague speculations about who wants to harm her.

There is no doubt that it must be a Death Eater.

During the period when Voldemort was at his most powerful, the Bones family was the most powerful family in the wizarding world at that time. Voldemort even personally came to woo her brother Edgar Bones, but after being rejected, he brutally killed her. killed their family.

The Dark Lord's name also spread throughout the magical world from that time.

This is a death feud!

(End of this chapter)

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