Hogwarts: I'm Cousin Harry

Chapter 345 339 Wizards still use that kind of owl to send messages?

Chapter 345 339. Wizards still use that kind of owl to send messages?

"What I want to teach you is not a simple fire spell."

"It can be regarded as an advanced version of the Fierce Fire Curse. It is the result of which I spent a lot of time researching - Blue Fierce Fire."

"In addition to being highly malleable, it is more stable and more powerful."

"Ordinary sharp fires can burn anything that can burn, endlessly. But these blue sharp fires can even burn ordinary sharp fires."

"Of course the difficulty is three times that of ordinary Lihuo."

Grindelwald is a wizard who puts pragmatism first, so the content taught in his small class is basically dry information. You must be 120% alert, otherwise missing any point will be a huge loss. Don't count on Grindelwald Wo will tell you the story a second time.

As he himself said, the difficulty of blue fire is indeed not that great. In the first class, even Dudley, who was assisted by the data magic eye, was not able to master the trick of changing the flame from red to blue.

"Bell, bell, bell"

At the end of the class, the phone in Dudley's pocket rang.

The phone showed that it was Karkaroff calling, and Dudley did not avoid suspicion and answered the call in front of him.

Grindelwald and Dudley did not communicate during the entire class, and did not even bother to look at him. But from the moment the phone bug rang, Grindelwald's eyes never left Dudley, and he waited quietly for Dudley. I made the entire phone call and then took the initiative to say the first sentence of the entire class to him.

"A Muggle telegraph?"

Facing Grindelwald's initiative to chat, Dudley naturally answered his doubts: "Professor, there is no need for telegraphs anymore. This is a phone bug. You can also understand it as a mobile phone used by ordinary people. They can communicate freely even if they are thousands of miles apart. communication tool.”

"Telephone? Cell phone? Where's your phone line?"

In Grindelwald's era, there were no cell phones but there were telephones, but they were still the oldest hand-cranked phones.

"No phone lines required, biosignals are used."

Dudley didn't care whether he understood or not, and simply explained to Grindelwald.

"Is this alive?"

After observing closely and seeing the human side of the phone bug, Grindelwald could not help but exclaim: "Have Muggles already developed such advanced technology?"

"Professor, Muggles don't know this technology. It is unique to wizards. To be precise, it is my unique contact method and it is not popular."

Dudley continued to explain.

"Not popular?" Grindelwald grasped the key words in his words very accurately, and a trace of ridicule appeared on his face unconsciously: "So wizards still use the old-fashioned way of sending messages by owl to send messages? "

"Yes Professor, they think it's convenient."

"Convenient?" The sneer on Grindelwald's face became more and more obvious: "The way of sending messages by owls is slow and laborious. It has long been outdated. Muggles can get the news in a very short time, but it may take us a long time." It takes most of the day.”

"Have telephones become common in the Muggle world now, as well as the mobile phones you mentioned?"

During his time, telephones were still a rarity, but he firmly believed that after so many years, the world of ordinary people must have developed to an incredible level.

"As you would expect, most families now have telephones, and even mobile phones are not that great." Mobile phones appeared in 1983, and the first text message appeared in 1992. It is now 1995. The first "flip phone" Motorola 8900 has come out, and Dudley happened to get a few of them. He planned to give one to the disciplinary team.

"Like this."

As he spoke, Dudley handed the latest Motorola to Grindelwald.

Grindelwald looked at Motorola carefully, his face full of surprise: "Incredible"

He quickly returned the Motorola to Dudley. He found a seat and sat down on his own, and then said to Dudley: "If you don't mind, can you chat with me, this old man?"

"Let's talk about the lives of ordinary Muggles today."

Dudley was not vague at all. Since Grindelwald wanted to hear it, he was also willing to talk to him about it.

It's ridiculous to say that maybe this 'dangerous dark wizard' who has been imprisoned for 50 years is the wizard in the entire wizarding world who knows best how powerful technology is.

He may be more sober than those mixed-race wizards born into ordinary families.

Therefore, under Dudley's vivid description, Grindelwald revealed one side of today's ordinary people's world bit by bit.

As Dudley's narration began, Grindelwald's expression remained normal at first, but when he heard that electric lights, refrigerators, and televisions had become commonplace in the ordinary world, even he couldn't help but change his expression slightly.

"Muggle technology is no less than magic, I knew it then."

"Tanks, missiles, and bombers can easily destroy the homes that wizards have worked hard to build, as well as the most dangerous weapons. Most wizards cannot escape."

Even with Apparition, ordinary wizards will never be able to escape. The key to the door will do, but you have to know when the other party will attack, otherwise you will be too late to escape by the time the bomb explodes.

His period may have been the only chance, but now, after more than 50 years of development, the wizard... haha
To put it bluntly, a sniper rifle shot to the head. Even the most skilled therapist could not save the brain that exploded like a goddess scattering flowers.

After hearing the location of the Ministry of Magic base, Grindelwald no longer knew what expression to use to describe his mood at this time.

"Built under the phone booth."

"It really fits my impression of the stupid Ministry of Magic, which is arrogant, unprogressive, and loses itself in the desire for power."

Grindelwald mercilessly expressed his complaints about the Ministry of Magic.

"You are right." Dudley strongly agreed with Grindelwald's point of view: "If this were not the case, Senior Tom would not have almost overturned the entire wizarding world."

"I know him. He is a lunatic who will do anything and everything, but even I have to admit how powerful he is."

"He used a very dangerous magical transformation to gain the power he has today."

It's not surprising that Grindelwald would know the news about Voldemort. Don't underestimate any powerful wizard who stirs up troubles. This so-called 'prison' cannot contain him at all. No matter how tightly the Austrian Aurors guard him, he can't be here. It's just that he wants to be here, that's all.

The original book once mentioned that Tom experienced many dangerous magical transformations. When he reappeared, he had changed his appearance and named himself Voldemort.

He sacrificed his appearance for strength, and he would rather be damned for immortality.

(End of this chapter)

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