Hogwarts: I'm Cousin Harry

Chapter 336 Chapter 330 Look at Lucius and then look at that idiot Wormtail

Chapter 336 330. Look at Lucius and look at that idiot Wormtail

"What do you mean?"

Lucius asked tentatively as he didn't understand the meaning of Dudley's words.

"You need to be more loyal. You have endured humiliation for him for so many years to preserve the strength of the Death Eaters. Continue to do your best for him. Remember that you must do your best for Draco. Don't worry, he will be by my side. Don’t worry about him suspecting that you have a rebellious child in your family. It’s normal, just like Mr. Crouch, it’s reasonable, right?”

"Then become his most trusted subordinate."

Lucius was stunned when he heard this. Big beads of sweat fell from his forehead, his face twitched slightly, and he was having a fierce ideological struggle in his heart. Finally, he seemed to have made a great determination: "I will deliver his information on time. Here you go, as long as you protect Draco."

After speaking, his body collapsed on the seat, as if he had exhausted all his strength.

Lucius's meaning is very clear. As long as you can protect Draco, he is willing to be a spy. But being a spy is not that easy. If you are not careful, you will be doomed, especially if you have a brain like Voldemort's from time to time. lead.

"No, Mr. Lucius, it's not necessary."

"I think you may not understand what I mean. I just need you to be his most trusted right-hand man, that's all."

What he wants is not to convey a few messages.
Lucius sat on the chair and fell into deep thought. To be honest, it would be good not to be a spy, but he couldn't see what Dudley wanted to do now.

"The stuff is good, thank you for the hospitality."

Dudley had already wiped out the entire pot of beef, glanced at Lucius who was completely confused and continued.

"By the way, Mr. Lucius, I have a suggestion for you. I think it's best for you to go there today. My respected senior is quite suspicious and has a bad temper. If you go late, he might question your loyalty."

"Let me think about my respected senior Tom. He is now living in a shabby house with leaky windows on the outskirts of Newport, Wales. I think you should be able to find him."

"I have another message for you. He needs help very much now, more than ever."

When Lucius heard this, his pupils shrank sharply. The address Dudley mentioned was exactly where 'that person' was. This was what the Death Eaters who came to see him told him.

Why would he know such secret information?

Lucius had the answer to this question the moment he thought of it. No wonder he was not used as a spy.
It's not that there's no need, but an undercover agent has been arranged.

Lucius watched Dudley leave his manor. Not long after Dudley left, Lucius put on the same outfit he had worn when he was Voldemort's right-hand man more than ten years ago. Thanks to so many years of diet control, Lucius Si has not gained weight in middle age, and the clothes he wore all those years ago fit him perfectly.

In front of the mirror, Lucius was dressed spotlessly, holding an exquisite civilized staff just like he had done many years ago.

"More than."

Lucius shouted softly.

A timid-looking house elf with big ears and big eyes appeared next to him.

"Master, Dobby is here."

Lucius glanced at him indifferently and said, "You don't have to wait for me to have dinner tonight. I'll tell Narcissa and the others when they come back."

"I need to travel far away."

"If you encounter a problem that cannot be solved during this period, go to the Greengrass family for help. If they can't solve it, then go to Hogwarts. Draco knows how to do it."

"Okay Master, Dobby has taken note."

Dobby replied obediently as he leaned against the wall with his hands behind his back.

"Dobby." Lucius took a deep breath and looked at Dobby with an unprecedented serious look.

House elves are trustworthy, and they will not betray their masters as long as the contract is not broken.

"If one day I want to do something bad to Draco, you must take him and escape, as far away as possible to find Dursley."

Dobby's eyes lit up slightly when he heard the three words "Dursley". When he heard the next sentence from Lucius, his expression turned into astonishment.

"The mission is completed, I will give you your freedom." After Lucius finished speaking, he didn't care what Biduo had to say. He put on a black hooded cloak, hiding his face in the shadows, and disappeared into the sky with the crackling sound of space. In place.

Not long after, Voldemort was overjoyed to see Lucius, who rushed over as soon as he knew he was back. He needed such a loyal helper now.

And Lucius brought him good news as soon as he arrived.

"Master, the current Minister of Magic Fudge and Dumbledore have different opinions. Although Fudge will consult Dumbledore when he encounters problems that he cannot solve, in fact he is very guarded against that old madman."

"The matter of your loyal servants has brought Fudge's dissatisfaction with Dumbledore to its peak. He has said in public more than once that Dumbledore is forcing him to abdicate."

"We don't have to do anything. We just need to release false news that Dumbledore wants to compete for the Minister of Magic. In order to keep his position, he will definitely become a pawn against Dumbledore and buy us precious time for you."

"Real idiot."

"No one can stop Dumbledore from becoming Minister of Magic."

Voldemort said this, his evaluation of Fudge falling to the ground in his heart, and then he turned to look at Lucius.

"Is it okay to leave this matter to you? My loyal servant, Lucius."

"It is my honor, master."

He was very satisfied with Lucius's respectful attitude.

"Who is the current head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement?"

The Department of Magical Law Enforcement is the most powerful official besides the Minister of Magic. In theory, every Minister of Magic is elected from this position (except for special circumstances, such as Fudge).

The directors of the Auror Offices under this department have the same status as other department heads.

The boss is nothing to be afraid of, so the second boss is the key. If you can try to win him into your own camp.

"Amelia Bones."

Lucius told the truth.

"Pure-blooded Bones family?"

When Voldemort heard this name, his expression immediately turned gloomy: "That family is all idiots. They could have a brighter future by joining me, but they refused."

"Edgar Bones, I remember him as a talented wizard, but he not only opposed me but also joined Dumbledore's side."

"So I executed the whole family."

"Humph, I didn't expect that everyone in this family has not died yet."

Edgar Bones, Amelia Bones' biological brother, would never change sides with this kind of relationship.

"Master, we can pull her out of this position and replace her with one of our own."

"How sure are you?"

"It shouldn't be a big problem if you need help from others. Although this woman has outstanding abilities, her personality is rigid and not smooth enough. She offended many people when she was managing the Magical Law Enforcement Department."

"Very well, Lucius, you are indeed my most loyal subordinate."

Voldemort praised sincerely.

Controlling the Department of Magical Law Enforcement is equivalent to controlling half of the Ministry of Magic. As long as the Ministry of Magic is abolished, he can concentrate on dealing with Dumbledore.

Today is definitely the happiest day for Voldemort these days. Capable subordinates are different. Look at Lucius and look at that idiot Wormtail.

(End of this chapter)

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