Hogwarts: I'm Cousin Harry

Chapter 313 311 I heard that senior Tom is very obsessed with '7'

Chapter 313 311. I heard that senior Tom is very obsessed with 'seven'

Too unsatisfactory is already a very euphemistic way of saying it. If it weren't for the presence of Moody, the former Auror, Dudley would have said, 'This group of trash in the Auror office may not be able to beat ours. A fourth grader said this.

The key point is that this is probably true. At the fourth grade of study progress, he was a famous master of books at Hogwarts. Now he has also learned Durmstrang's magic, and his knowledge base is not that of a wizard who has just become an Auror. Comparable.

Before Dudley entered Hogwarts, there was no duelist club. In a sense, these young wizards who graduated from Hogwarts had basically zero actual combat experience.

Pure academic wizard
The key to entering the Auror review is to only look at grades and knowledge reserves, not actual combat.
Many people are strong in theory and can excel in practice.

Just imagine, a group of Aurors with no actual combat experience rushed onto the battlefield. They faced a group of murderous and vicious dark wizards.
When it comes to delivering food, I look down upon them.

The reason why Auror's damage is so high is largely because there is no actual combat class.

The only good thing Lockhart did throughout his second year was to open the Duelists Club and give it to Dudley to organize on a regular basis.

Except for a few Auror elites, the other Aurors really couldn't beat the little wizards who just wanted to have a duel.

"As far as I know, a squad of Aurors has gone missing."

Dudley spoke again, and the revelation made Dumbledore and Moody frown at the same time.

They had no doubts about the accuracy of the information. Dumbledore had just been informed by Fudge, and what Moody Dudley could tell them meant that it was confirmed information.

Although Aurors were belittled by Dudley as useless, every wizard who became an Auror was great. They were the ones fighting on the front line against dark wizards.

Each of them has a dream.

There are not many wizards who want to become Aurors every year, and even fewer wizards who can actually become Aurors through training.

According to the information Dudley knew, according to the original trajectory, throughout 1995, that is, next year, no wizard would pass Auror training and become an official Auror.

Every Auror is a precious resource.

And now that an entire Auror team is missing, this is already a serious problem.

No wonder Fudge was so nervous.
Theoretically speaking, it was the director of the Auror Office who took the blame, and it was Fudge who ordered the search for the missing 'Bertha Jorkins'.

Dudley has always believed that the saying 'the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility' is nonsense. The correct understanding should be 'the greater the power, the greater the responsibility'. Since you enjoy the convenience brought by power, you should bear the corresponding consequences. obligation.

If you can't do that, just get out of here. Without the corresponding abilities, he still sits in a position that shouldn't belong to him, issuing some extremely stupid orders, and even occasionally causing trouble to hold back his teammates. This is The danger of a human being rising to power is greater than that of a Death Eater.

Of course, waste also has the advantage of waste, that is, obedience. If you don't even have this aspect, when it has no use value at all, that's when you will completely step down.

"Do you know who did it?" Moody asked in a deep voice, looking at Dudley seriously with his only eye.

He had been an Auror and was proud of it, even now retired.

The loss of an entire Auror squad was an unimaginable loss not only to the Auror Office, but also to the Ministry of Magic and the wizarding community as a whole.

"Most of the dark wizards and Death Eaters with deep magic power are in Azkaban. The other little shrimps don't have the ability to destroy the Auror team without missing any of them."

"It can only be that senior Tom."

"Asshole! This damn madman!"

Moody cursed and punched the seat.

Dumbledore's expression was normal, after all, he had known the news for a long time.

"That's exactly what Tom would do so we're going to take this opportunity, before he's fully recovered...to wipe him out."

"It's too difficult, Professor." Dudley shook his head: "I'm afraid even if we eliminate him this time, he will appear next time unless we can completely eliminate him."

Dumbledore's face changed slightly, and his blue eyes stared at Dudley: "You know...?"

"There is only one way that can save him from death. Even if it appears again and again."

Dudley also looked at Dumbledore: "You should have guessed it." Dumbledore's eyes flickered: "I'm not sure. I haven't confirmed it from the professor who may have taught him."

"Why must it be confirmed? Think about this problem with the worst possible scenario."

"How many do you think he made?"

Just as Dudley was about to answer him, Moody interrupted.

"What on earth are you talking about? How many, next time? Doesn't he still have a few more brothers and sisters?"

Moody looked at the big and the young in depression, and he didn't understand a word after playing riddles here for a long time.

"Professor Moody, it is true that we are brothers in a sense."

"Say something I can understand." Moody became even more depressed.

Dumbledore sighed: "Horcruxes. We suspect that Tom made Horcruxes."


Moody's face showed shock, obviously he also knew about Horcruxes.

"You mean...the one that makes life worse than death."

Horcruxes are very evil things, not only because the method of making them requires killing people, but splitting souls is also cruel to oneself and is taboo in the wizarding world.

All research involving the soul is taboo.

"That's right."

Dumbledore replied.

"But no one should know how to make such evil things. Isn't the method lost?"

The method of making Horcruxes has been lost, otherwise many dark wizards would choose to make them if they were in circulation.

"No, there used to be someone at Hogwarts who knew how to make Horcruxes."


"Horace Slughorn."

Moody was silent.

If it were anyone else, Moody would definitely express disbelief, but if it were this person.
The Slughorn family is also the oldest existence among the 28 so-called pure-blooded holy families. If it is him, it is really possible.

If Voldemort really made the Horcrux, that would be the most troublesome. If the Horcrux is not destroyed, he will be immortal.

"What should we do?"

"Destroy all his Horcruxes."

"All? He made more than one?"

"We've destroyed two so far."

Moody opened his mouth. Only then did he understand what Dudley meant by 'brother'.

"How many do you think he made?"

All problems are back to square one.

"Seven is a very magical number. I heard that Senior Tom was very obsessed with the number 'seven' when he was a student."

(End of this chapter)

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