Hogwarts: I'm Cousin Harry

Chapter 181 The wizards in Lockhart's deeds

Chapter 181 179. Wizards in Lockhart's Deeds
Half an hour later, Dudley came out of the cell contentedly. He had obtained the information he wanted.

He had already obtained the addresses of those wizards who had been oblivious to the curse.

As for whether they can be found, it depends on the luck of these wizards.

Before leaving, Lockhart tried to make Dudley agree with him by using the rhetoric of 'no one wants to hear an old and ugly wizard story, let him spread it'.

But Dudley was not a child, and he wouldn't fall for his tricks.

No matter what his reasons are, it's not an excuse for him to hurt others.

He could have handled it in a softer way, like buying the rights to these stories and adding the wizards' signatures
As long as there are enough Galleons, with the double blessing of fame and money, I believe many people will agree.

Too bad Lockhart chose a different course.

Because it’s not my own experience, it can’t be used as a hype point, and maybe it can’t attract so many readers.
Excessive greed is the cause and effect that led to his end.

He deserves it!it serves him right!
It was impossible to get him out of Azkaban, and Dudley wouldn't do it even if he could, but he could apply for a commutation of his sentence.

For example, now he will spend a full ten years in Azkaban.

Dudley could cut it down to five years, and if he wasn't crazy, he could still lead a normal wizarding life after he got out.

The premise is that the wizards he cast the Oblivion Curse on are still alive.

On the way back, Dudley didn't follow a straight line, but made a circle.

He saw many Azkaban prisoners, and the data eyes swept over them one by one.

Years of living in Azkaban tortured them to the point where they lost their minds, their magic power declined slightly, and their muscles also showed signs of atrophy.

But as long as they can get out, they are still a group of destructive villains.

Finally he saw a man squatting quietly in a corner.

As if spoiled, with disheveled hair, bearded face, and dull eyes.

He didn't have the slightest will to survive, and exuded a decadent and rotten aura. Even the dementors would hate to be near such a person.

Without happiness, there is no nutrition.

When passing by this man's cell, Dudley "accidentally" lost a newspaper, and the newspaper dangled and fell in front of the man. The front page was a photo of the Weasley family winning the lottery.

Dudley was very cryptic, there was no one around except the dementors, and the dementors couldn't talk, let alone tell the wizard.

Coming out of Azkaban, looking at the white paper with countless addresses written on it, Dudley chose the nearest location.

"I'll be busy next time."

If there is anything in the wizarding world that is the fastest, it must be the speed of movement.

Airplanes in the world of ordinary people are not worth mentioning in front of Apparatus.

Of course, the premise is that you have to know this magic, and you can't make mistakes.

Dudley spent a whole week visiting those wizards one by one at the addresses Lockhart had given them.

Obviously, the process was not smooth.

Lockhart has a total of ten series of books. Except for the anthology "Gideroy Lockhart Series", the publishing time of the remaining nine books ranges from 1 to 10 years. The compilation time span is even longer.

How else can I say that Lockhart is an asshole.

This guy only cares about stealing and casting the Forgetting Curse, completely ignoring how those wizards who have lost their memories will survive after he leaves, even the basic life.

When Dudley came over according to the address, either he had gone to the empty building and disappeared, or he had already died and turned into a handful of loess.

The wizards selected by Lockhart all have one characteristic. They are powerful but silent. Most of them have no desire for worldly fame and fortune, and live a life like a hermit.

The most critical point. There are no offspring.

In other words, Lockhart is only picking on empty-nest old wizards.

According to the addresses of the first eight books, Dudley only found two old wizards. This is because the works they experienced were relatively earlier, so they have no problems for the time being, but life is a bit miserable after losing their memories. Casting is forgotten.

One is the old hag with a gaping mouth who expelled the female ghost of Wanlun, and the other is the old bald wizard who defeated the vampire.

When Dudley found them, they were either picking up rubbish to eat, or they were dying of hunger, dizzy, and lying in the messy house.

'Lockhart is a jerk'

Dudley placed them temporarily, intending to find them all and treat them one by one.

Under normal circumstances, the counter-curse of the Forgetting Curse (Forgetting Nothing) is the Revival Curse (Memory Revival), but Lockhart's Forgetting Curse is quite special, after all, it is the only spell he is good at practicing all his life, and this guy is not easy No serious damage to the brains of these two wizards.

A simple resurrection spell cannot restore them.

It must cooperate with the continuous treatment of potions, even if Dudley is not [-]% sure.

Now, Dudley came to the location of the last wizard, a small village in the northernmost town of Loja in the New South Wales region of Australia.

In the book "Wandering with Werewolves", Lockhart claims that he defeated the Wagga Wagga werewolf in the United States and restored him to his original form.

In fact, the old wizard is not in the United States, but belongs to the wizard in Australia.

"The man you mentioned should be there."

The local villagers are very enthusiastic to show Dudley the way.

Well, in fact, they were not enthusiastic at all at first, and even wanted to snatch Dudley's belongings, but after a friendly exchange with Dudley, they became so enthusiastic.

Dudley followed the location pointed by the other party.

It was a ramshackle thatched cottage, um... barely called a house.

Slowly pushing the door open, the decaying smell came oncoming along with the musty smell.

Fortunately, Dudley was prepared. Before opening the door, he put on a homemade mask.

It was dark in the house, and no one seemed to be home.

Dudley stretched out his finger and pointed forward, and a ray of light shone in.

The size of the room is not large, it only looks like one room.

Soon he found the old wizard.

On the bed lay a shriveled corpse.

The muscles on the body were all dried out, and it was obvious that they had been dead for a long time.

"Oh." Dudley sighed softly.

Come late.
The book "Wandering with Werewolves" was written three years ago, and I lost my memory for three full years. Coupled with the fact that I was too old, death was expected.

It's just a pity that with the death of the old wizard, the magic spell that could restore the werewolf was also lost.

Lockhart's crime was heinous.

Dudley will definitely appeal to the Wizengamot when he goes back, asking for a heavier sentence.

Just as Dudley was about to bury the thatched cottage along with the old wizard, a hint appeared in his Data Eye.

Dudley followed the prompt and looked
There seems to be a notebook not far from the old wizard's body?

 The version I watched, Lockhart claimed to be the werewolf defeated in America and had him restored.

  Original text: "Use your common sense. If people don't think that I did those things, the book will not sell well. The reader will not want to read the deeds of an ugly old American wizard, although he Save a village from the scourge of werewolves."

(End of this chapter)

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