Hogwarts: I'm Cousin Harry

Chapter 165 163 Basilisk: That's Gryffindor

Chapter 165 163. Basilisk: That's Gryffindor
Slytherin can have a basilisk as a pet, why not Dursley?

According to rumors, Slytherin left the Chamber of Secrets in Hogwarts, and only the purest descendants can become the heirs of his Chamber of Secrets, inheriting the Basilisk.

But again, neither the Sorting Hat nor the Basilisk is a bloodline identifier. They cannot know whether the other party is pure blood.

And the statement of pure blood is too subjective.

What is pure blood?
Is Tom pure blood?But he is the heir to the Chamber of Secrets.

The way Slytherin verifies blood is Parseltongue, as long as you are Parseltongue, you are eligible to be his heir.

So by the time Dudley was able to use Parseltongue, the Basilisk had already gravitated toward him.

It's just that there is only one heir. When Voldemort dies, the magic of the contract becomes invalid.

A contract is signed, both parties establish, and the contract is established.

The basilisk gulped down the ration provided by Dudley, enjoying the pleasure brought by the food. This was the most satisfying time it had eaten in a thousand years.

Squinting his eyes comfortably and spitting out snake letters, it can be seen that the basilisk monster is in a very good mood.

Although there is another master.

But at least it's better than the last one.

Take care of the food and still be full.

Dudley would definitely not keep the basilisk in Hogwarts Castle, and he was riding the basilisk towards the Forbidden Forest right now.

The Forbidden Forest is so big, let alone a basilisk, even a group of basilisks would be fine.

And there is also the basilisk's favorite snack - the acromantula.

Yes, Dudley had placed the basilisk near the acromander depression.

It is also a very good choice to go to the Teeth Festival once in a while.

Of course, this was not intentional revenge because the acromantulas attacked him.

Dudley wasn't that petty.

He was thinking about the entire Forbidden Forest. The acromantids, which have no natural enemies, are multiplying too fast. If this continues, most of the Forbidden Forest will become the territory of the acromanders, which will affect the ecological balance of the Forbidden Forest too much.

Well, really.

"I'm curious about a question, why did Slytherin make his own statue in the Chamber of Secrets so obscene?"

"Is he really like this?"

Dudley, who was riding on the snake's head, chatted with the basilisk one after another.

I don't know if it was his illusion, but the full-fledged basilisk spoke a lot more clearly, and his thinking became clearer.

"That's not a Slytherin statue."

"In the words of your wizards, the old master is very handsome. Even though he is old, he is still the same."

The basilisk shook its head slightly, spitting out snake letters.

It sniffed the surrounding air greedily, this place was much better than that dark, stuffy and airtight secret room.

Although the basilisk is a magical creature that is not so harsh on the living environment, why choose a poor place when it can stay in a good place?


If it's not a Slytherin statue in the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets, whose is it?

Is it
The next sentence of the basilisk confirmed this guess.

"It belongs to the old master's good friend Gryffindor."


6 Ah!
Designing the Gryffindor statue as the lair of the basilisk, and then letting the basilisk go in and out of the mouth of the Gryffindor statue, I have to say that Slytherin is really a talent for designing this girl.

Full of bad taste.

Of course, considering that the lyrics of the Sorting Hat are about to black out Slytherin, it can only be said that.
Really worthy of being the best friend, gay friend and bad friend.

"Can you tell me how to gain Slytherin's permission in Hogwarts Castle?"

"Need to pass the test of the old master." The basilisk replied.

Dudley asked: "Senior Tom. He is the previous heir. Has he passed?"

"He only learned the knowledge of the old master, but did not participate in the trial."


"He's not qualified."

"What qualifications do you need?"

"I do not know."

The basilisk knows something about thousands of years ago, but not much, since it was born only a short time ago.

Most of them are gossip.

For example, Gryffindor has a crush on Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff has a crush on Gryffindor. Gryffindor's sword was made by a goblin commissioned by Slytherin.
According to it, this was what Slytherin told it.

Um?What's it all about Gryffindor?

"I will come to see you every once in a while and bring your favorite rations."

Not long after, they arrived at the destination of the trip, the raised land not far from the hollow where the eight-eyed spiders gathered.

"Except for the eight-eyed spider over there, don't kill other magical creatures casually."

If the eight-eyed spider swarm is left unchecked, it will definitely become a major hazard to the Forbidden Forest, no, it is already a major hazard to the Forbidden Forest.There are really too many of them, not to mention magical creatures in their gathering place, even ordinary creatures are eaten and exterminated, and even an insect is rare.

This is the result of Aragog restraining the spider swarm from eating people, but it is old now, and its lifespan is running out. When Dudley left not long ago, some spiders did not listen to it. After it died, the group of eight Acromantias are bound to attack humans, it's in their nature.

It's really dangerous, not just for Dudley's joke.

Very dangerous to all but a few strong ones.

"There is no existence here that can resist your eyes."

The eyes of the basilisk can be said to wait for someone to die. It is the same for wizards and magical creatures. It may be able to avoid death at the level of Voldemort and Dumbledore, but no one knows for sure.

Although the passive skill is good, it is easy to accidentally hurt.

Wait until the domestication level is sufficient, then let it evolve further and pin it on the waist.

Guaranteed to surprise any enemy.

"Understood, I'll sleep for a while."

Sleep after eating, really worthy of a snake.

I saw the basilisk lying down in a coiled group, unlike other snakes looking for cover or hiding somewhere when resting like other snakes.

It's understandable when you think about it, creatures at the level of basilisks are top predators even in the Forbidden Forest.

It is luck that it does not provoke others, who would dare to provoke it.

He doesn't plan to let the basilisk and the fire-breathing dragon stay together. The instant death effect of the eyes of the basilisk is passive. If you accidentally meet its eyes, you will belch directly. When you can control it, you can think about it .

Speaking of which, is it possible that acromantulas are so afraid of basilisks because they have too many eyes?

Leaving from the Forbidden Forest, Dudley came directly to the principal's office. At this time, Fox had returned to its original place and was grooming his feathers. When he saw that it was Dudley, he let out a cry of excitement.

"Thanks to you this time, you deserve it."

Dudley said and gave Fox a bag of magical animal rations.

Fox let out a cheerful cry, and then buried himself in the food.

Looking at Fox's brighter and brighter feathers, Dudley suddenly remembered, if he remembered correctly, shouldn't Fox be at the time of Nirvana?

Don't talk about Nirvana now, Dudley felt like he had put on a lot of weight.

"Dudley, you're feeding Fawkes like this, he won't be able to fly."

 I've searched the entire book and can't find anywhere that the statue is actually Slytherin himself, and I don't know where the idea of ​​Salazar Slytherin under the statue came from.

  Of course, movies don't count.

(End of this chapter)

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