Hogwarts: I'm Cousin Harry

Chapter 152 Chapter 150

Chapter 152. Chapter 150. Voldemort suffers from being uneducated
"Damn! Isn't Granger too?" Madison said angrily.

She really couldn't figure out why this guy wasn't interested in her at all.

I don't even understand why I would lose to such a little witch who doesn't talk to me often and has an average appearance and figure.

Yet Dudley wasn't going to tell her that rabbit teeth and wheatish complexion poked his XP.

"She hasn't reached the stage of development yet." Dudley said with a matter of course.

There was a hint of pride in that faint tone, which made Madison very dissatisfied.

"I haven't arrived yet!"

Madison puffed out her chest vigorously, the plain pajamas without a single wrinkle were not convincing at all.


Madison felt a little pissed off, the guy was so pissed off.

Why can't he be won over by his own charm like other little wizards?

"You took it."

Dudley pointed to a bare shelf, which was the most conspicuous place in the room, where something should have been placed on top of the shelf.

I have to say that this Senior Tom is really strange, he is obviously terrified of death, but he has to be high-profile.

The Horcruxes made are either Ravenclaw's crown or Slytherin pendant or something. That's something you can find without much guesswork.

If Dudley was him, the first horcrux would be stones on the side of the road, and then thrown into lakes and rivers, it would take a lot of time and effort just to find this horcrux.

As for the second one. Senior Tom died for the first time in 1981, and Voyager 1977 was launched in [-]. If Senior Tom sends any Horcrux to Voyager [-], then this Horcrux is already in the Beyond the solar system.
That is the true sense of immortality, the premise is not to give up thinking.

So, my senior still suffers from being uneducated.
Then again, if Senior Tom really did this, maybe the HP series would not be the end of the seven series, and we could also see the eighth work of Harry Potter-"Harry Potter and Star Fan" .

"I dropped it."

Madison said angrily, and sat down in a random place in the room.

"A black magic item that has a self-awareness and can't find a mind. Only a fool would believe it."

'Besides, what the heck did it come up with?I asked it how to capture a wizard, and it kept flicking around the corner to make me sacrifice my body to it.Only a mindless troll crossed with a dumb goblin would believe its tales. '

"You're very smart." Dudley gave a rare compliment, "Remember to tell me next time you see me."

It seems that senior Tom's condition is not good, and even his Horcrux has become stupid.

Dudley blinked at Madison.

Meaning why are you still not leaving?
Madison was so angry that he wanted to beat Dudley hard, but if he did so, he would obviously be hurt.

His eyes rolled and he thought of something: "I remember that it seemed to be picked up by a little wizard. It seems to be... oops, why can't I remember."

Want to know?Come to me if you want to know.Maybe when I'm in a good mood, I'll show you mercy and tell you.

"It's Audrina."

Not long after Madison finished speaking, Dudley spoke.

The calm tone carried a certain tone, as if he had seen it with his own eyes.

Madison's eyes widened: "How do you know?"

"You told me." Dudley shrugged and spread his hands, "Just a second ago."

There were only a few people who hated Hermione, and even fewer hated her, especially Audrina was also a member of Ravenclaw.

And Madison's tone had told him that.

"Thank you for the information."

Dudley stood up, pushed open the door of the Room of Requirement, turned to Madison inside and said, "Then I won't bother you."

As soon as he stepped out of the door, he turned his head again.

"By the way, I personally suggest that the strawberry pattern should be paired with a white background. Pink is not suitable for you."

The color pink is actually the most difficult to control, and it will make people uncomfortable if you look at it too much, especially in a room surrounded by pink, which will make people feel depressed.

The door closed with a bang, leaving Madison alone inside.

Well. That is, he is not interested in the other party. With such an IQ, he can trick the other party into bed seven times a night.

Sure enough, Hermione's kind of academic master is more suitable for me.

"Bastard!" Madison looked at the closed door angrily, unable to restrain the anger in his heart any longer.

With a bang, a table leg was crushed, and the original white and immature palms faintly showed the appearance of eagle claws.

It is said that when the veela is extremely angry, it will turn into a monster with a sharp toucan and breathe fire
Although Madison is not completely of Veela blood, there will be a slight change in his body when he is angry.

"I will hold you down, I promise!"

Madison didn't care about her ladylike image at all, and cursed, anyway, there was no one else here except her.

If Dudley is talented.Unless you have waists all over your body, it's useless to fight with iron.

Now that you know who it is, it's much easier to handle.

But knowing who the opponent was, Dudley was not in a hurry.

On the one hand, it was night now, and no matter what he did, he had to wait until the next night to break into the Ravenclaw girls' dormitory or something, even if he was the leader of the discipline team, he wouldn't be that thick-skinned.

On the other hand, Dudley, who had not been out of the Room of Requirement for a long time, received a message...an important message from a house elf.

Ever since, Dudley wrote a letter overnight and asked Hedwig to send it out.

The next day, something big happened at Hogwarts.

Early in the morning, in the Hogwarts restaurant, a group of adult wizards rushed in aggressively.

It startled the little wizards who were still eating.

One of the leaders was none other than Draco's father, Lucius.

Draco grimaced at his presence, sighed and shook his head at the same time.

"I know him."

Ron looked at the only middle-aged man among the few in the professor's seat, who was short, fat, stocky, and dressed strangely, and said in a low voice.

"My dad's boss."

"Cornnel Fudge, Minister for Magic!"

Then his voice was lowered, and only those who were close to him could hear him clearly.

"An idiot."

"Lucius, Connelly, what are you doing here?"

Although Dumbledore's tone was calm, anyone could feel the anger hidden under the calm.

Their arrival scared the other little wizards.
"Dumbledore, have we heard that there was a horrible attack at Hogwarts?"

(End of this chapter)

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