Hogwarts: I'm Cousin Harry

Chapter 124 Madison Roberts Flint

Chapter 124 122. Madison Roberts Flint

Dudley was puzzled when Harry told everything he'd heard.

The old black diary was lying quietly in Dudley's special box at this time, and he planned to practice it in the near future.Because it is not a pure soul body like Voldemort's remnant soul, the diary is already a horcrux. Although the material is special, it needs to be destroyed first, otherwise it will affect the purity of the Philosopher's Stone.

Unless one's own alchemy can be upgraded to a level.

Shouldn't the big old snake have fallen into a deep sleep without the call of the diary?

Why did Harry still hear it?
Did someone else wake it up?

"What you heard was not a human voice." Dudley gave Harry a hint.

"Not a human?" Harry was taken aback for a moment, and after thinking about it carefully, the original confusion suddenly became clear, and he was right if he was not a human: "A ghost?"

"It's possible, but most likely it's not ghosts. The ghosts in Hogwarts don't need blood and don't need living sacrifices. They reject everything from the living."

First of all, ghosts eat different things from living people. Secondly, even Hogwarts’ blood man Baron only looks covered in blood. That’s what he looked like before he died. In fact, he doesn’t need blood, let alone live. sacrifice.

"Harry, you should know that I can understand the words of many animals, and you are my collateral blood relative. Is it possible that you have the same ability?"

Dudley continued to guide Harry: "Remember last year? You were talking to a boa constrictor at the zoo."

"Yes, it says it's from Brazil."

After hearing Dudley's words, Harry nodded.Sure enough, I didn't ask the wrong person.

"Harry, next time you hear this voice get away from it and find me."

After enlightening Harry, Dudley went straight to Slytherin's bedroom, and today he was going to practice the diary.

As for the big old snake, it also needs to be dealt with. It is necessary to tell Dumbledore.
The Basilisk, also known as the Snake King, is a very vicious magical creature, bloodthirsty and bloodthirsty, and most importantly, any creature that directly meets its gaze will be killed immediately.

He couldn't completely believe in luck, let alone let anyone take risks. Originally, Dudley didn't plan to deal with the basilisk so early. Now that it woke up, it had to get rid of this unstable factor.

Dudley was thinking about something, when he passed a corner, a figure suddenly rushed out, slammed into Dudley's body, and was ejected without any suspense, and fell to the ground with an ouch.

"Are you all right?" Dudley said, judging from the feel of his body, it was a girl.

"It's okay. I didn't expect someone to be there, Mr. Dursley, I didn't expect it to be you."

Sure enough, it was a girl, I only heard her shout a little excitedly.

Dudley saw the girl clearly now too.

It was a girl with blond shoulder-length short hair, a delicate face and smooth and flawless skin, a slightly raised breast that was not obvious now but was already in the development stage, especially those brown-red eyes, bright and full of vitality, Eye-catching.

Stunning, this is the girl's first impression of Dudley.

The girl lowered her head slightly and raised her eyes. Her big watery eyes were staring at Dudley, as if they were emitting a light called admiration.

Many little Slytherin girls had looked at him that way.

"I don't think you know me. I'm a freshman in Ravenclaw this year."

Seeing that Dudley still had no intention of stepping forward to help, the girl could only get up from the ground by herself, rubbed her knocked knee, looked at Dudley timidly and introduced herself.

"My name is Madison Roberts Flint."

Your eyes are as clear and pure as a lake, and your voice is as clear and moving as a lark.

If it was another person, he would definitely be moved by this charming expression.

Too bad she was standing across from Dudley, Dudley Dursley.

"Flint?" Dudley just paused slightly when he heard the words, he was naturally very familiar with the surname Flint.

When I first entered school last year, I met a little wizard with the same surname.

Well, the guy who got knocked down by him with a flying 'Crabbe' hammer.

A bucktooth captain of a certain Slytherin.

If I remember correctly, he is already in the sixth grade this year.

Judging from the surnames, the two should be related by blood. As for why one is called Madison Roberts Flint and the other Marcus Flint is a family matter, Dudley has no interest in and does not need to know.

He is not curious.

"Yes, sir. Marcus Flint is my brother." Madison gently brushed her hair, obviously she was just a little witch in the first grade aged 11 or 2, but there was a kind of continuous four when she did this action Even the fifth graders were not mature enough, so she approached Dudley without leaving any trace.
"I think I should apologize to you for my brother's previous rudeness."

It was too close. Dudley could even smell the faint fragrance emanating from the other's skin, his brows were slightly frowned, as if he was very uncomfortable with this kind of intimacy, he moved away silently, not backing away, but toward Pan right.

"I didn't take it to heart, and it was last year."

Since Marcus offended Dudley last year, especially after Dudley's strong rise, the basic meetings revolve around him.

Actually it was unnecessary, he was a generous man, Dudley Dursley.

Dursley-convincing people with reason.

"Is there anything else? If not, I'm leaving."

Madison opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't say anything, and watched Dudley leave.

"I will make you remember me."

Dudley hadn't taken a few steps when he heard a very soft voice behind him.

The tone and demeanor are in place, completely like an admirer.

However, Dudley strode forward without any hesitation, let alone any pause.

Though that would be thinking, he was pretty sure he hadn't heard any footsteps before.

So this witch named Madison must have stayed there early in the morning, deliberately designing it to hit her.

And the faint fragrance on the other party's body is the smell of love potion.

It's just that the method is quite naive. If it were Dudley, there were a hundred ways to do it more subtle than hers.

All the signs showed that the other party was coming for him.

But he didn't take it to heart, and he wasn't interested in knowing the other party's purpose, he didn't care what you were going to do, if he got angry, he would reward him with a big fight.

Dudley went straight back to his room, pushed open the door, and frowned slightly.
Although the furnishings inside were exactly the same as when he left, and there was no sign of prying, Dudley was sure someone had entered.

No one could hide from Dudley's eyes.

It doesn't matter who it is, but it is necessary to strengthen your bedroom.
Anyway, there will be one and two, just catch it.

Close the door gently, put your hands together and make a faint light under your feet, you can see a dark box rising slowly from the ground, and when the lid is opened, there is nothing inside.

Of course not possible.
Dudley wasn't surprised by this, the box itself was just a cover, and his hands clasped together again.

An old diary with a pitch-black cover slowly emerged from the bottom of the box.

It seems that the 'thief' is so stupid that he didn't even find the first layer of camouflage.

 Blindly guessing that some people think that the diary will be stolen. But how is that possible.

(End of this chapter)

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