Hogwarts: I'm Cousin Harry

Chapter 121 119 Lockhart: As expected of Dursley, he guessed my intention

Chapter 121 119. Lockhart: As expected of Dursley, he guessed my intention

"Oh, Merlin, I'm going to add full ten points to him!"

Lockhart was very emotional, more excited than his book was selling, because Dudley's perfect answer and his status as Jerry's teacher made Lockhart seem to regard him as his book fan and confidant.

What could be happier when an author far stronger than you likes your book?
Lockhart patted Dudley on the shoulder vigorously, praising him again and again.

"This class really brought me too many surprises, so I also want to give you a little surprise." Lockhart bent down pretending to be mysterious and took out a large cage covered with a cloth from behind the podium, and put it on the table. On, deliberately lowered the volume.

"From now on, watch out! My mission is to teach students to resist the most evil things that the wizarding world has ever known! You will face the most horrible things in this classroom. But remember, as long as I am here , you will not suffer any harm."

"I just ask you to remain calm."

Accompanied by Lockhart's words, the cage began to vibrate violently, and it seemed that there was really some terrible creature inside.

This made many little wizards shrank their necks unconsciously, and of course more of them were curious eyes.

"I must ask you not to scream." Lockhart lowered his voice again. "That would piss them off!"

The classroom was quiet, everyone held their breath
Lockhart lifted the hood and revealed the mystery.

He said in a very exaggerated tone: "The Cornwall elf just caught."

Gryffindor: ? ? ?
Slytherin: ? ? ?
A Cornish elf, a species of pixie, is a small livid humanoid creature about eight inches tall with a small pointed face.They are very playful and love to pull off all kinds of tricks and pranks.

In terms of danger, in terms of danger alone, it is not even as good as Hu Meizi.

It’s not dangerous. This kind of creature has strength far beyond its own size. Two or three together can easily lift an underage wizard. Especially in terms of destruction, they are the second and no one dares to be the first. .

But the little wizards in the classroom didn't seem to take these little saboteurs seriously.

In their eyes, Cornish elves, goblins, and foxes are creatures of the same class, and there is nothing to worry about.

A very simple spell can subdue them.

Some Gryffindor wizards even sneered unabashedly.

"What? Do you think it's funny?"

Lockhart was very dissatisfied with the reaction of the little wizards. These Cornish elves were bought from others at a high price.

The purpose is to give the little wizards a 'surprise'.

In the end, there was only joy but no surprise.

"Okay." Seeing that everyone didn't take it seriously, Lockhart simply opened the door of the cage: "See how you deal with them!"

It was a real mess, and the elves rushed out like rockets, flying all over the room.Began to wreak havoc in the classroom, smashing windows, shredding books, turning cabinets upside down
Anything can be troublesome in large quantities, and Cornish pixies are just that.

After a few minutes, the little wizards almost hid under the table.

"Catch them with me, they're just elves." Lockhart saw that the little wizards had understood the horror of these elves, so he rolled up his sleeves and stood up, waving his wand in the attitude of a savior : "Peschipixy pestnomie!"

However, nothing happened next. Obviously, his spell failed.
Hermione was one of the very few who didn't hide under the table. Seeing this situation, she couldn't help but support her forehead and said, "I knew it, he's useless at all."

After Lockhart cast a spell ineffectively, a Cornish elf flew over and snatched his wand.

Several elves immediately surrounded them, holding their wands together, and the tip of the wand burst out with purple rays, setting off fireworks in the classroom.

"Maybe it's a negative effect." Neville slapped an elf who was about to approach him away with a slap.

Ron also echoed: "Look, now they have weapons."

"What are we going to do? Are we going to leave? Or are we going to help this idiot?"

Dudley clasped his hands together in answer.

The Liancheng array on the back of the hand glowed faintly, and the walls, ceiling, and floor of the classroom seemed to come to life, and countless big hands made of stone and wood stretched out from above, grabbing the group of mischievous elves.

The little elf who was still raging in the classroom just now was subdued by one move in the next second.

Wandless Casting!

Before Lockhart could say anything, Dudley clasped his hands again, and a new cage appeared on the desk, and those hands put the Cornish elf in it again, and then these stone and wood cages Large hands gradually disappeared on the walls, ceiling and floor.

A total of 130 two, one not more and one not less.

"Professor Lockhart, your wand." Dudley handed the wand to Lockhart: "You did this on purpose because you wanted us to engage in actual combat."

"Huh?" Lockhart was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately reacted, and quickly defended: "Of course. That's right. As expected of Mr. Jay Dursley, he can guess my intention for doing this."

Then he pretended to be disappointed and said to the little wizards who poked their heads out from under the table: "You guys disappointed me. So many people didn't see it. Fortunately, Mr. Dursley guessed my deep intentions."

That look, that attitude, that tone of voice, seemed to be really happening.

Even the corners of the city walls are so thick-skinned that they are willing to bow down.

"Mr. Dursley gets another ten for that."

Lockhart said in a serious nonsense that many young wizards were really deceived, and they really thought that Lockhart did it on purpose.

Just at this time, the bell for the end of get out of class rang.

"Then Professor Lockhart, we're leaving first."

Dudley greeted Hermione and the others, lifted the cage and walked out of the classroom.

When he took the cage away, the desk that was originally on the same level as the other desks was much shorter.

Equivalent exchanges cannot be created out of thin air unless the Philosopher's Stone is used.

"Where are you going to take them?" Lockhart asked reflexively.

Dudley's wandless casting just now had left a deep impression on him.

That was, without a doubt, the mark of a good wizard.

'Maybe this guy is better than me. '

Lockhart thought very ignorantly.

"Professor, they are my trophies now."

Dudley said with his back to Trott, his voice was slow but piercing: "What to do with the spoils is my business."

Under the watchful eye of the data magic eye, the heads of these Cornish elves had several huge characters that could be domesticated.

Time for the training of Fantastic Beasts to come into play.

 If you feel dizzy and have a sore body, please take a leave of absence today for one shift and one shift, and resume tomorrow for the second shift.

  Give you two pieces of advice:
  [-]. Although sugar is delicious, you can't eat too much, or you will pull out your teeth, and it will be a pain in the ass.

  [-]. Don’t have two yang, the inflammation of the gums caused by tooth extraction plus Fuyang is simply not human.

(End of this chapter)

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