Hogwarts: I'm Cousin Harry

Chapter 119 Chapter 117 The first password is fair

Chapter 119 117. The first password is—fairness

Facing aggressive parents, this staff member of the Ministry of Magic has experienced what it means to be "indisputable" and "accused by thousands of people".

His face, head, and body were soaked in sweat. It was obvious that this was a character pushed by his superiors to take the blame.

However, it cannot solve the problem and can only cause greater contradictions.

The magic wand tapped the pillars of platform nine and three quarters several times in a row, but there was no response whether it should be blocked or blocked
Even Mr. Weasley couldn't do anything, let alone this staff member who seemed to have graduated not long ago.

By the way, Mr. Weasley hid before the other party came.

Otherwise he will be in charge.

"Small problem, small problem, just a small accident."

The other party became more and more anxious, but the more anxious he was, the more unable to solve the problem.

"Is it really a minor accident? This gentleman from the Ministry of Magic."

Dudley took the initiative to speak, and the moment his voice sounded, the parents who were still arguing with the staff stopped and waited quietly for his next words, as if Dudley was their backbone: "First of all, we don't know Regarding the situation inside, can you confirm whether there is a little wizard stuck in it? The kind that can’t get out or come back?”

This sentence surprised the staff, as well as the other people around. Just now they only cared about not being able to go in, and did not expect that there might be an accident.

If someone inside is trapped, the more you think about it, the more terrifying it will be.

"You can't decide this matter. I think you should ask your superiors to send more people to deal with it. First, check to see if anyone is trapped."

At the end Dudley added something.

"Before it causes a bigger accident."

This young staff member of the Ministry of Magic also realized the seriousness of the problem, so he didn't dare to stay any longer, and immediately contacted his superior.

Just find someone who is responsible and want to dismiss this matter?

That must not work.

This time, the efficiency of the Ministry of Magic has improved a lot. A middle-aged man who claimed to be the director showed up in a hurry. The Ministry of Magic was also worried that some wizards, especially young wizards, would have accidents, so they immediately arranged for several wizards, and even two Aurors and a St. Mungo's healer.

The purpose is to be able to treat them in the first place if there is an accident.

This middle-aged man was more experienced and powerful than the young man. As soon as he came over, he said that the Ministry of Magic would be responsible for everyone present.

He promised to open another express to Hogwarts, and made a special trip to send these little wizards who missed it to Hogwarts, and promised not to delay the admission ceremony of the first-year little wizards this year.

With a well-equipped team, the accident was quickly resolved, and the passage to the Hogwarts Express was finally opened.

No wizard is trapped.

Hearing this result, the person in charge wiped the sweat from his forehead and slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

If there is an accident, Minister Fudge's desk will be filled with Howler letters immediately, and his seat will definitely be at the end, and he will be dropped to other places, even to Azkaban
He skillfully took out his business card and handed it to Dudley who made this hypothesis, saying that he would never be vague about what could help him in the future.

Dudley just took the card and put it in his pocket.

If you don't take the other party's promise to heart, others just mention it casually, and you just listen to it, if you take it seriously, you will lose.

Especially if you are an official. Then you can't take it seriously.

However, Dudley's performance of easily controlling the initiative of speech just now has won the attention of many parents of little wizards, especially the parents of Slytherin.

At this time, the sky was getting dark, and it was estimated that the other little wizards who took the train normally had almost arrived at the castle.

Soon, the newly added second Hogwarts Express also slowly entered the platform, and the little wizards who failed to catch the train cheered and poured into the train one after another.

There was nothing to say along the way, and at this time I received news that Hogwarts had already arranged reception personnel.

They were indeed late, but luckily it wasn't too late, barely catching up with the end of the sorting ceremony.

The main reason is that a wizard sent a letter to Hogwarts in advance, so I waited for them for a while.

It seems a little different today. When Dudley came to the Slytherin long table, all the Slytherins stood up regardless of their grade, and very consciously made room for him until Dudley sat down. They were willing to sit down.

Dudley didn't say a word during the whole process, and the whole Slytherin was very tacit as if it had been rehearsed in advance.

This scene caught the attention of the Hogwarts professorship.

However, from the headmaster Dumbledore to the headmaster Snape, they all kept silent in a very tacit understanding.

Lockhart, who was dressed like a peacock with a tail, planned to say something, but was ignored by all the professors.I don't know what this guy did, which made all the professors unwilling to talk to him.

At the end of the banquet, Dumbledore, as always, used the shortest sentences to explain, but mentioned the discipline group at the end.

"By the way, let me add that from today on, grades one to four are under the jurisdiction of the disciplinary group."

Because there are no prefects in the first to fourth grades, we can't control them for the time being.

"Of course. The points of the disciplinary group are calculated individually by the members of the disciplinary group."

At this time, next to the scoring hourglasses of the four colleges, there was still a new hourglass made by Dudley with the formation.

"Interested students can try to challenge them, maybe there will be surprises."

Having said that, Dumbledore blinked mischievously.

Arching fire is definitely arching fire
As Dumbledore's voice fell, Dudley clearly felt that besides Slytherin, many young wizards in the other three houses were eager to move, especially Gryffindor.

Compete with four colleges?
It's not impossible.

The number of people does occupy a disadvantage, but in many cases, it is not useful to have a large number of people.

There is pressure to be motivated.

"Of course. If anyone wants to join them. As long as they can pass the test of Captain Dursley."

Dumbledore's words made the originally calm Slytherin house start to move. Of course, there are also a small number of other houses, even Gryffindor. Dudley saw that it was Ron's brother Percy.

Old Deng.
Is this a slap and a jujube?

The freshmen's opening dinner ended like this, and the young wizards from the four colleges began to return to the lounge where their colleges were located one after another.

"Mr. Dursley, the password for the Slytherin lounge should be set by you."

The fifth grade prefect who almost died at the hands of the troll came to Dudley and said respectfully.

Oh, he should be a sixth grade senior now.

Dudley nodded, and did not refuse, but directly announced: "Then... the first password is—fairness."

(End of this chapter)

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