Hogwarts: I'm Cousin Harry

Chapter 107 105 Hogwarts is not safe at all now

Chapter 107 105. Hogwarts is not safe at all now

The Philosopher's Stone is also called Red Medicine Liquid, Philosopher's Stone, and Heavenly Stone.

Most of the time it exists in the form of red gem crystals.

It is a very unique existence in Fullmetal Alchemist.

Alchemy in steel refining must follow the principle of equal exchange, but there is one thing that can break this rule, and that is the Philosopher's Stone.It is an amplifier endowed with spells that ignore the principle of "equal exchange" and can be refined into any substance.

In a sense, an alchemist with a Philosopher's Stone is equivalent to a half-god.

In fact, the Philosopher's Stone in the world of Harry Potter is also called the Philosopher's Stone, but the functions of the two are not the same. The Philosopher's Stone is the main raw material for making gold and longevity potions, and the Philosopher's Stone is the best auxiliary treasure for alchemy. .

If it's all the same thing, if you get such a big piece from Neville's hand, even if the Dark Lord is reborn, he can rub the opponent on the ground.

The method of making the Philosopher's Stone is also very simple.

Sacrifice Sacrifice a large number of people.

Although the process of formally refining the Philosopher's Stone requires the sacrifice of the other party's body, the real key point is actually the soul. Those things made up of the human body are worthless in front of the alchemist.

It's just that the soul of the steel refining world cannot exist alone in the world, so it is sacrificed together with the human body.

This world is different, the Voldemort in front of him is a pure soul.

As for the body Dudley took out half a fan of pork, the composition of the human body is not much different from that of a pig.

"Wait, I think we can talk. As long as you let me go, I will give you whatever you want. I know the location of many treasures, and I have a lot of magical knowledge."

Amid Voldemort's constant bewitching voices, Dudley remained deaf and his hands gradually clasped together.

A coquettish blood-red color exudes from the refining formation.

"I really hate it!"

Feeling that his soul was disappearing little by little, Voldemort roared unwillingly.

In fact, besides the soul as the main raw material, the Philosopher's Stone also needs resentment, hatred and anger as auxiliary materials.

However, these things just fit the state of mind of Voldemort's remnant soul at this time.

It is simply the most perfect sacrifice for the Philosopher's Stone.

The blood-red rays of light gradually disappeared, forming the formation, leaving behind the legendary Philosopher's Stone.
Philosopher's Stone (Perfect)

"Kill the remnant of Voldemort once, get"

Dudley didn't pay close attention to the system prompts, but went to the formation and picked up the shiny red gem.

It starts cold, and at first glance it is no different from ordinary rubies.

However, in the eyes of alchemists, this crimson Philosopher's Stone exudes a fascinating aura.

Voldemort really deserves to be the ultimate villain in the HP world seven-part series, just a wisp of remnant soul can extract such a high-quality Philosopher's Stone.

Don't underestimate it.

In other worlds, sacrificing a city or a country may not be able to exchange for such a piece.

To be honest, if you asked Dudley to sacrifice the living people of a city or country in exchange for the Philosopher's Stone, then he would definitely reject it.

Not the Virgin, this is his bottom line as a human being.

But if you want to exchange Voldemort's remnant soul for the Philosopher's Stone, then he definitely agrees with both hands. From the moment he was bounced back to death by the guardian spell of 'love', Voldemort is no longer a human being, but an unwilling person. In the face of death, the lingering soul, and Voldemort's soul will be wiped out sooner or later, it is better to let him use it as a waste.


Just as Dudley was about to leave, he suddenly discovered that there was another thing in the center of the formation formation, which was covered in dust, and he would have never noticed it if it wasn't for the reminder from the Eye of Data.

Dust off the top to reveal what's below.

It was a blue gem the size of a fingernail.

"What is this?"

Dudley picked it up carefully.

Magic Crystal
The system displays the name of this thing.


Dudley was stunned.

Yes, magic. There is no such thing as magic in the world of Fullmetal Alchemist.

The energy of alchemy does not come from the magic power in the alchemist's body, but the pulse of the earth or something else.

The refining formation not only refined Voldemort's remnant soul into the Philosopher's Stone, but also refined the magic power contained in his remnant soul into the crystallization of this magic power.

But now is not the time to study these things, Dudley quietly put away the magic crystals.

"Professor Dumbledore, how long are you going to stay there?"

Dudley suddenly turned his head to the corner of the room.

"Dudley, your senses are very keen."

The Disillusionment Curse is lifted, and Dumbledore reveals his body.

"Then eat less sweets. I can smell the sweet honey smell on your body even if it is 100 meters away."

"That's all I'm interested in."

Get Dumbledore off sugar?
Then you might as well expect the sow to fly in the sky, oh, there is magic, it is obviously much easier for the sow to fly in the sky.

"Professor, Professor Dumbledore!"

Neville happily shouted that the reputation of the greatest white wizard of this century is directly proportional to Voldemort's deterrence, then Neville pointed at Quirrell who had turned into a pool of pus and said emotionally: "Volde."

"I know, Longbottom, I know."

There was something magical about Dumbledore's voice, soothing Neville's emotions.

"I think, your friends, Miss Granger and the others have been waiting anxiously outside the room, and Harry had better go to Madam Pomfrey's to check."

"Can you do me this favor?"

"I have something to talk to Mr. Dursley about."

After listening to Dumbledore's words, Neville glanced hesitantly at Dudley, seeing that Dudley nodded towards him, so he carried Harry on his back and walked out the door.

Before leaving, he handed the Philosopher's Stone to Dudley.

"This is the Philosopher's Stone? The legendary treasure that can refine the potion of longevity?"

Dudley looked at the gem in his hand, which was a different red from the Philosopher's Stone.

If the Philosopher's Stone is close to a brilliant ruby ​​with accelerated special effects, the Philosopher's Stone is like an unpolished rough ruby.

"Professor, I remember that this gem belongs to Master Nicole Flamel. I didn't expect it to be placed in Hogwarts, and it was almost stolen."

"You should store it well."

With that said, Dudley returned Dumbledore his unwarmed hands and the Sorcerer's Stone.

During the whole process, Dumbledore stared at Dudley closely, and when he saw that he didn't have the slightest nostalgia or reluctance, a trace of approval flashed across his eyes.

In fact, Dudley didn't like the Philosopher's Stone.

Is the magic stone turning into gold amazing?

The Philosopher's Stone can do it too.

Is it amazing that the Philosopher's Stone can make people live forever?
The Philosopher's Stone can do it too.

Moreover, the Philosopher's Stone can also be used to increase alchemy and ignore equivalent exchange.

For Dudley, the Sorcerer's Stone is only possible, but not necessary.


As Dudley said, his expression became serious, and he looked directly at Dumbledore: "I think we should discuss a very serious issue."

"Hogwarts is not safe at all right now."

This was already the second time Dudley mentioned this issue.

(End of this chapter)

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