I'm really not doing business

Chapter 361 If you don’t use it, why don’t you let others use it?

Chapter 361 If you don’t use it, why don’t you let others use it?

"The Emperor of the Ming Dynasty really bullied others too much!" The old Ada Khan slapped the table angrily. He initially thought that the Ming Dynasty just wanted the Loop, but now, he discovered that the Ming Dynasty wanted to marry him and the Tuman Khan. All in one pot!

"Logically speaking, at this time, our left and right wings should join together to fight against the Ming Dynasty. If the Great Khan needs it, I can go to the Tuman Khan's tent." Suonan Gyatso said very sincerely.

He is a religious figure. Anda Khan's choice of Buddhism is not a rigid choice, but there is already a certain basic belief in the grassland. As the reincarnated Buddha, as long as he does not humiliate Tuman Khan, he will not have too much trouble on this errand. Much danger.

Sonam Gyatso took the benefits and really did things. This was the fundamental reason why Amada Khan was willing to give benefits.

"The master was joking. A war can only start but cannot end. Once a war begins, there must be a winner or loser." Anda Khan's political talent is not high and he is even a little irritable. As he grows older, he He also loses his temper more and more easily, but his military talent is definitely not comparable to that of Sanniangzi and Sonam Gyatso.

Sonam Gyatso thought that he could persuade Tuman Khan to put down his butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately. Anda Khan knew very well that Tuman Khan would never surrender to him under any circumstances, and even reconciliation with him was a false proposition.

It's very simple. People's support is against Tuman Khan. As the sect leader, Tuman Khan relies on the name of the Golden Family to survive. Reconciliation with a traitor will cause Tuman Khan a huge loss in personal reputation.

The most important thing is that the war has begun and the swords have been shown between each other, so there must be a winner or loser.

"Does a war have to have an outcome?" Sonam Gyatso didn't understand. In his opinion, a war doesn't necessarily have an outcome.

Anda Khan said quite accurately: "This is what war is like. There must be a winner and a loser. For example, in the twenty-five-year war between me and the Ming Dynasty, I lost."

When he was young, Anda Khan also had a big dream like Genghis Khan and Yuan Shizu. Through frequent raids and plunders of the capital, he greatly weakened the strength of the capital of the Ming Dynasty and then replaced it.

After the [-]th year of Jiajing, Anda Khan fought with the Ming Dynasty for [-] years. He was not Genghis Khan or the founder of the Yuan Dynasty, and the Ming Dynasty was not the Jin Kingdom. Except for the Gengxu Revolution in the [-]th year of Jiajing, Anda Khan entered the imperial territory. He never succeeded again. After Qi Jiguang went north, Ada Khan also completely gave up the idea of ​​replacing him.

During Longqing's peace negotiation, did Ming Dynasty lose, or did Anda Khan lose?

The Ming Dynasty felt that it had lost, so it could only rely on Anda to pay tribute and make a golden family the king of the captives to maintain the face of its dynasty. But Anda Khan felt that he had lost. He fought for twenty-five years. A generation that has lost its right wing will eventually have no choice but to surrender.

This is the difference in the standards of victory and defeat. The Ming Dynasty felt that as a celestial dynasty, it failed to conduct [-] expeditions to Mobei like Emperor Taizu and Chengzu did. If the northern captives fled in the face of the wind, it was a loss. Anda Khan believed that in the past twenty-five years, The war was meaningless, and he eventually became a traitor on the grassland. The border trade between the Ming Dynasty and their right wing was not a loss-making business, so Anda Khan did not think he had won.

If you win, call the Ming Emperor "Your Majesty" and call yourself a minister?
  Over the years, Anda Khan has been thinking about a question. He fought with the Ming Dynasty for twenty-five years with real swords and guns, just to get a better surrender condition? !
  I'm not convinced. Is it possible that Qi Jiguang in the Ming Dynasty can do whatever he wants? So the year before last, Ida Khan met Qi Jiguang in Yingchang.

After touching each other, Anda Khan could only say that Qi Jiguang in the Ming Dynasty could really do whatever he wanted. This guy's military talent was so good at training troops!
  "Actually, it's better not to merge the left and right wings." Sanniangzi said with a frown.

Adahan thought for a moment, his wrinkled face was full of loneliness, and he said slightly frustrated: "That's true."

"Why?" Suonan Gyatso's eyes widened. He didn't understand at all how Anda Khan and Sanniangzi reached an agreement on this matter. Isn't this the best thing if the left and right wings join together to fight against the Ming Dynasty? Strategy? Only by converging and increasing their strength can they confront the powerful Ming Dynasty.

"Alas." An Dahan didn't say much. He looked at Sanniangzi and asked Sanniangzi to explain the matter.

The third lady looked at Suonan Gyatso, thought for a while, and then said very solemnly: "It's very simple. The land on the grassland is useless to the Ming Dynasty. It is a pity to abandon it if it is tasteless. Only the Hetao can be planted. That’s why Ming Dynasty never forgets it.”

"We Tatars, whether on the left or right wing, are nothing more than scabies to the Ming Dynasty, a very small disease. Coupled with the fierce internal fighting between the left and right wings, the Ming Dynasty did not engage in military affairs. With more investment, if the left and right wings merge and become a serious problem for Ming Dynasty, Ming Dynasty will only use all its strength."

"So that's it." Suonan Gyatso was startled and understood why Amada Khan sighed like this.

In the [-]th year of Jiajing, after Anda Khan invaded the capital, the Ming Dynasty began to pay close attention to border defense. Anda Khan also tried many times, but could no longer break through the border defenses and plunder the capital. In the end, the Ming Dynasty still dominated the Central Plains and was too powerful. Strong.

"The only one who can subvert the Ming Dynasty is the Ming Dynasty himself." Sanniangzi said meaningfully.

Anda Khan nodded. He agreed very much with what Sanniangzi said. After twenty-five years of fighting, Anda Khan also understood that once he and Ming fell into a war of attrition, Ming could rely on his health bars and consume his life. Damn you.

"Actually, foreign troubles are not a big deal for the Ming Dynasty. Only internal troubles can completely hollow out the strong foundation of the Ming Dynasty. But now, Zhang Juzheng is in charge of the country and His Majesty is in charge. We don't want to see it while we are alive." Sanniangzi His understanding of the Ming Dynasty far exceeds that of Amada Khan and Sonam Gyatso.

In fact, Sanniangzi also dreamed of Anda Khan breaking into the capital of the Ming Dynasty, killing the Ming Emperor, and renaming Beijing Khanbali (the old name of Beijing in the Yuan Dynasty), and then she successfully became the queen of the world. Later she found that it was impossible to realize it, especially After reading the theory of contradiction, she became more aware of this fact.

The main reason is that the internal contradictions of the Ming Dynasty have not yet reached the point where we will perish together, and the internal contradictions of the Ming Dynasty are gradually being relieved in the hands of Zhang Juzheng, the powerful chief minister, and the Ming Emperor, the overbearing and unreasonable king. Therefore, After reading the theory of contradictions, Sanniangzi became even more determined that reconciliation was the only way out. Anyway, the Ming Dynasty recognized etiquette and law that the grassland people were also descendants of Chinese Miao.

The specific way to achieve this is that even a woman who cannot be a queen can be an emperor.

"The Emperor of the Ming Dynasty deceived people too much." Anda Khan looked at the letter in his hand, and his heart was bleeding. For Tuman Khan, no matter how high the price is, he still has to pay, because if he doesn't pay, the person will probably die. In exchange for surrender, wool, stallions, war horses, and livestock, the Ming Dynasty promised the Tuman Khan no more conquests, and in exchange for the Ming's military intelligence, it was a price that had to be paid, otherwise the Tuman Khan could only go underground and become a suzerain. Sweating profusely.

But Anda Khan was not on the verge of life and death at all, and he had to be extorted in this way. Moreover, the Ming Dynasty was so powerful that he had to agree. The Ming Dynasty had increased its investment in the piers and platforms in the past few years, and the piers and platforms he captured were When Marquis Yuan was released to the Ming Dynasty, the Emperor of Ming Dynasty used the highest etiquette of the Ming Dynasty to take Yuan Marquis back to Duntai.

Duntai Yuanhou Ye Buzai's treatment, family arrangements, past events, and posthumous names were all favored by the Emperor of Ming Dynasty. These Ye Buzai people were like crazy. They almost touched his An Dahan when collecting information. The end of the kang!

The news that his Anda Khan was no longer able to have sex had probably been placed on the emperor's table a long time ago!
  Not accepting Ming's extortion means that this conflict with the left wing is a one-way and transparent battle. No matter how fierce he is, even if he is Genghis Khan, he can't beat him. With the left wing of the Heavenly Eye, is it really possible to expect Sonam Gyatso to know five hundred years in advance and five hundred years in hindsight?

"Oh, Great Khan, the Emperor of Ming Dynasty began to practice martial arts at the age of ten. He did this for seven years. In the first year of Wanli, he began to inspect the military horses. In the third year of Wanli, he began to inspect the military horses. In this way, he went to the camp every day, not to mention anything else. "How many years has it been since the Great Khan went to the camp?" Sanniangzi's tone was filled with complaints. In recent years, as the wars in the Ming Dynasty and the Jin Kingdom slowed down, even Anda Khan himself became slack, and he was more or less Wentianwuxi and Wuxi. It smells like the horses are loose in Nanshan and the weapons are not ready.

The right wing, who was afraid of the left wing and went to live east of the Xianbei Mountains, can no longer win in one battle. If a surprise attack can kill the Tuman Khan, how can there be so much trouble!
  An Dahan was furious, slapping the table and saying with a red face: "I'm old! I'm old!"

"I can't even ride a horse now. If I appear in front of the soldiers, they will know that Bo'er, who was invincible in the past, is now just a loser who can't even draw a bow!"


The rule of the grasslands highly relies on personal prestige, which is completely different from the Ming Dynasty, which relied on the operation of the system. Anda Khan can no longer mount his horse or draw his bow. As a great khan, he appeared in front of the soldiers like this, but it was a blow. Morale, he is now hiding behind Sanniangzi, and he can also hide the fact that he is old.

Flying flowers fall and dry up and are hard to save in spring. A blind horse approaches the pond and is frightened at night.

It sounds nice to say that birth, old age, sickness and death are normal in life, but in an unstable regime like the grassland, once his appearance is seen by most people, people's hearts will be moved, and those careerists have already wanted the eldest son of Anda Khan, Sengge. It was just an ordinary thing to kill him, so on weekdays, he could hide behind Sanniangzi and hide honestly.

Sanniangzi shook her head again and said: "Then, I will prepare the goods for the Ming Dynasty. When they are ready, I will go to Beijing again."

"Is it going to be very difficult?" An Dahan leaned on the back of the chair and asked with a serious face.

He didn't like Sanniang's going to the Ming Dynasty. Whether she was going to the Xuanfu or the capital, they always said that Sanniang had something to do with Wu Dui. Later, Wu Dui was implicated in the Zhang Siwei case because he lied about military information and was beheaded by the emperor in public. Later, everyone said that Sanniangzi and Wang Chonggu had something going on.

This is his wife. There is already grassland under his feet. Does he need another grassland above his head?
  But Sanniangzi is completely out of his control. Sanniangzi now lives in Guihua City, not his Bansheng City, even though it is only twenty miles away.

The third lady stood up, glanced at An Dahan, and said calmly: "Why doesn't the right wing fight anymore? People's minds are determined, and they don't want to fight, but these four words, this person's mind is determined, are a rare luxury on the grassland. Only if you can survive will your mind be at peace."

"Also, put away your suspicious eyes, my appearance is not that cheap!"

Nayanchu is Sanniangzi's real name, even though few people call her that.

When she went to Tuman Khan's big tent to discuss matters, some people said that Sanniangzi was ridden by thousands of people. Sanniangzi was neither angry nor resentful, nor did she refute. It was useless for her to refute. This kind of thing is like yellow mud falling off her crotch. It was hard to explain, but Sanniangzi said that she was pure and pure, so this matter became a topic of conversation for everyone.

Scholars of the Ming Dynasty liked to slander a person and go to Xiasanlu because this kind of thing could not be refuted. For example, how Xinyin told people everywhere that the black-hearted prime minister was lying on the dragon bed, because Zhang Juzheng could not have an attack in any case. Once he had an attack, he would This accusation is confirmed.

The situation of Sanniangzi is very similar. After so many years, she has become more or less accustomed to others pointing fingers. She has no control over what others say. She only needs to do her own thing well and have a clear conscience.

But Anda Khan's eyes still stung the third lady. After all, Anda Khan was her husband in name only. After all these years of running around and working hard, she, a Wala, was not doing it for their Tatar right-wingers. The stability of the Ming Dynasty and the Golden Kingdom was to allow Anda Khan to live in peace and enjoy happiness.

This is the first time that Sanniang Zi has responded to her own scandal, and An Dahan’s look is really annoying.

As the leader of the Jin Kingdom of the Ming Dynasty, the first-class loyal and shun wife conferred by the Ming Dynasty, the third wife of the loyal and shun wife, who was given a royal decree and given a banquet where she could sit and eat, was really not that cheap.

"I really want to climb on the bed, but they won't let me get on the kang. What can I do?" The third lady suddenly smiled charmingly, glanced at An Dahan meaningfully, and then turned around and left calmly.

Suonan Gyatso froze in place at a loss. Although the grassland people were more open-minded than the people in the Central Plains and did not care much about such things, Suonan Gyatso felt that Sanniang's last look seemed to say, "You don't have to, why don't you do it?" Not letting others use it?
  Suonan Gyatso suddenly felt that it was not advisable to stay here for a long time. While An Dahan was stunned, he tiptoed, half-bent, and secretly left the tent. He walked very carefully and did not make a sound.

"Ah!" Suonan Gyatso, who had just walked out of the tent, heard an angry shout coming from the tent behind him. Apparently, Ada Khan's anger had reached its peak. Suonang Gyatso shivered with lingering fear. He left very quickly, for fear of being hurt by Chi Yu. As he walked, he muttered: "Sin, sin, don't see, listen, speak, don't understand, sin, sin."

Anda Khan's anger lasted for a long time, until Sanniangzi finished organizing what the emperor wanted and sent someone to tell Anda Khan. Anda Khan was still angry and beat up the people sent by Sanniangzi. Only then did the third lady lead hundreds of timid Xue warriors towards the border.

Sanniangzi galloped on her horse. Her riding skills were very good. The timid warriors behind her followed closely, raising large amounts of dust. Sanniangzi's figure passed quickly across the grassland, but she was slightly distracted. .

Beauty ages easily. In one year, she will be thirty years old. Nowadays, it is very dangerous to have children at thirty years old. Although she is very confident in her appearance, time has made people grow old. As of now, she She still has no children of her own. In name, she and Anda Khan have two sons, but these two children do not have their own territory. Anda Khan's son and even his adopted son Duoduo have their own territory, but only The son of the third lady has no territory.

These two sons are indeed not Anda Khan's, nor are they Sanniangzi's. When the first son was born, Anda Khan was already sixty-two years old, and when the second son was born, Anda Khan was already seventy. Yes, riding a horse can easily affect fertility.

It was just that in order to rule the Oara tribe, Anda Khan found two children and placed them in the name of Sanniang Zi. All households knew this very well.

After the death of Anda Khan, the Ming Dynasty conferred the title of Sanniangzi's son Bu He was disrespectful and was promoted to General of Hussars and General Longhu, with the intention of passing the throne of Shunyi to Bu He was disrespectful. It was opposed by all the households. In the [-]th year of Wanli In [-], the Ming Dynasty tried to depose King Shunyi, who was defeated by Zhili, and passed the title to him, which was disrespectful, but failed again.

General Longhu is the largest official position granted by the Ming Dynasty outside the Great Wall. It is the second rank. The old slave chief Nurhaci and the small slave chief Huang Taiji were also appointed by the imperial court as generals.

The third lady needed a child with high status to continue to consolidate her status. The first time she set her sights on Qi Jiguang, but Qi Jiguang's family had a fierce wife. The second time she set her sights on His Majesty the Emperor, but His Majesty never had a prince born. She is really not as cheap as the world says. Qi Jiguang is a great husband who is upright and upright, and Emperor Ming is the supreme king.

If you want her to crawl into bed, you have to be a real man!

The Emperor of Ming Dynasty was very interested in Sanniangzi's proposal of the Han king outside the Great Wall. As for Zhu Yijun, as a political creature, he did not mind using his own money to speed up the Chineseization of the grassland. However, the reality is that he does not have the eldest son of the emperor yet. This matter Things never progressed.

At this time, Emperor Zhu Yijun of the Ming Dynasty was listening to the nagging of the great medical officers of the Ming Dynasty, Li Shizhen and Chen Shigong. Empress Dowager Li hoped that the emperor would have a child. This expectation was so strong that Empress Dowager Li was no longer satisfied with putting pressure on the queen. Now they have begun to put pressure on the emperor, and the method is to let Li Shizhen and Chen Shigong come to the emperor to nag.

"Your Majesty, there are eight boys and seven girls. If a boy is eight years old, his kidney qi is strong, his hair will grow, and his teeth will grow. If he is [-] years old, his kidney qi will be strong, and Tian Gui will arrive, his essence will overflow, and his yin and yang will be harmonious, so he can have a child. If he is [-] years old, his kidney qi will be average and his muscles and bones will be healthy." If the strength is strong, the real teeth will grow and grow; if the strength is [-], the muscles and bones will be strong and the muscles will be strong; if the kidney qi is weak, the teeth will become haggard."

"When you reach the age of forty, it is extremely difficult to have children. Fewer children are more likely to lead to premature birth. By the age of seven or eight, which is fifty-six years old, the Tiangui exhaustion and kidney failure make it difficult, very difficult to give birth to a child." Li Shizhen said again. When His Majesty talks about medicine, he talks about giving birth to children.

Chen Shigong said very accurately: "For women, when Tian Gui arrives at the [-]th day, the Ren channel is open, the Taichong channel is strong, and the menstrual period is at the current time, so you have children; at the [-]th day, the muscles and bones are strong, the hair is very long, and the body is strong; at the [-]th day, The Yangming pulse weakens, the face begins to burn, and the hair begins to fall; between [-] and [-], it is most suitable for childbirth."

Zhu Yijun had heard of eight boys and seven girls. Indeed, adolescent girls do develop earlier than boys and mature earlier.

What is supposed to come will eventually come. Song Gaozong, the first emperor of the Southern Song Dynasty, crossed the river on a mud horse and rode the horse to the point of losing his fertility. However, the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty is now practicing martial arts and has excellent riding skills. Wang Yaozhuo has never had a stomachache. After all, Queen Mother Li was anxious.

Or, Wang Yaozhuo gets out of the way and lets the remaining two concubines come! Or, there must be movement in Wang Yaozhuo's belly!
  Queen Mother Li has lost her patience.

As the mother of Zhu Yijun, and as the Empress Dowager of the Ming Dynasty, it was her duty to urge the emperor to have children as soon as possible.

"Next year, next year." Zhu Yijun waved his hand. Wang Yaozhuo and Zhu Yijun were the same age. They were still eighteen years old anyway. It was very dangerous to have children at such a young age.

"I'll go and talk to the Queen Mother myself." Zhu Yijun looked at Li Shizhen and Chen Shigong's embarrassed expressions and took the matter on himself, thus saving Li Shizhen and Chen Shigong from being able to talk to each other.

Empress Dowager Li's logic was very strange. Empress Dowager Li believed that the Emperor of Ming Dynasty felt that giving birth at this age was very dangerous for Wang Yaozhuo, and it was indeed dangerous. Isn't this because the imperial doctors at the Imperial Hospital were incompetent? If the imperial doctor could ensure the safety of the mother and child, why did the Ming Emperor choose to wait? It’s all because the hospital’s medical skills are poor.

This logic is really unreasonable.

"I'll leave." Li Shizhen and Chen Shigong bowed their heads again and left Xiyuan. The Queen Mother asked them to lobby, so they had to come, but His Majesty was resolute. This was a dilemma. The great medical officer really couldn't afford to offend either party. .

When Zhu Yijun met Chen Shigong for the first time, Chen Shigong had already finished reading the medical books from Tai Hospital and planned to run away.

It is too dangerous to be an imperial doctor. The prescriptions of the imperial hospital can cure diseases among the people, but they have no effect at all in the palace, because the emperor, concubines, and princes will inevitably fall into the political whirlpool if they cure them.

Zhu Yijun leaned back on the chair, thought for a moment, and came to the car 'Landlubber', ready to go to Cining Palace to talk to the Queen Mother about this matter in person. Zhang Hong opened the car door for His Majesty, and said with a slightly helpless expression: "Your Majesty , It’s useless to talk to the Queen Mother about this now, I think it’s better not to go.”

The emperor and Queen Mother Li discussed this matter separately, fearing that it would be of no use at all, so they might as well not go and use the procrastination technique.

Zhu Yijun patted the landlubber, sighed heavily and said: "Zhang Daban, do you know what it means to go to the mountain with tigers? Do you prefer to go to the tiger mountain? That's it. I know it's useless, but I have to go."

Zhu Yijun closed the car door, and the two four-passenger cars in front opened the way, followed by twelve landlubbers behind. Zhu Yijun's car arrived at Cining Palace in only half a quarter of an hour.

As expected, it is indeed of no use.

Empress Dowager Li first reprimanded her, and then tried to persuade her with sincere words. When she saw that she could not be persuaded, she began to use the crying method that Zhu Yijun was extremely afraid of!

This crying made Zhu Yijun's scalp numb!
  Empress Dowager Li was crying and scolding her all the time. She kept scolding the late emperor, saying that he left early, that he had little care, that he was suave and happy, and left such a mess, leaving them orphans and widowed mothers. She said that the child was too old. He said that she was an incompetent mother, and so on, scolding and crying at the same time. Zhu Yijun had no power to resist, so he had no choice but to agree, and finally ran away.

"What Zhang Dayan said makes sense. Zhang Dayan, go and call Zhu Yijun for me! Open the martial arts room, I will spar with him today!" Zhu Yijun was angry at Queen Mother Li, so naturally he wanted to go to Queen Mother Li's favorite place. Make amends for your son!
  Zhu Yiliu was so frightened that he refused to come because he was sick, but he was carried to the martial arts room by the eunuchs.

"Your new house has been built. It is in the backyard of Gewuyuan. My palace is less than half a mile away from your Prince Lu's Mansion. It will be ready in five or six days. I will have Hailar, Gao Liji, Wandering Girl, The clam-picking girls and Hu Ji were all sent to Prince Lu's palace." Zhu Yijun had completely packed up his belongings, and first told Zhu Yixi the good news that his house had been repaired, and the beauties from all over the world that the emperor's uncle Zhu Zaiyu had not wanted in the past two years, They were all stuffed into his house.

"Ah?! Thank you for His Majesty's grace! Brother, you beat me to death today, and even if I shout, I will be a coward!" Zhu Yili immediately stopped feeling sore in his waist, his legs, and his stomach. He stood up straight as a carp. He got up, changed into his clothes, and got ready to sparring with Zhu Yijun!
  Even if the emperor beats him to death today, I still have to thank His Majesty for your kindness!

Zhu Yijun had to admire his indomitable momentum. He was so domineering that no one else could compare to me.

Zhu Yijun narrowed his eyes slightly and said: "We agreed that before the wedding, we can only watch but not eat. If we know that you broke the rules, I will replace the beauty from all over the world with a patron woman."

The patron woman is a kind of strong woman who exists in the palace. She has an extremely majestic figure. It has been common since the Han Dynasty. According to legend, Han Xin died at the hands of the patron woman. Her figure is about the same as that of a female sumo wrestler. This punishment, For Zhu Yili, it is a fatal existence.

"My brother obeys the order, it's great to just take a look!" Zhu Yili said with high spirits. He is one step closer to his great cause of having a harem of beauties from all over the world. He can wait, but he must have it.

Zhu Yijun started to fight with Zhu Yili, and until Zhu Yili fell down due to exhaustion, Zhu Yijun did not break through his brother's sword. Zhu Yijun seemed to be at ease in the whole process.

Zhu Yijun sat next to Zhu Yili, picked up the bag, and looked at the puddle of mud. Zhu Yili asked curiously: "Brother."

Zhu Yili was panting and said feebly: "He's still alive."

"Why are you so passionate about Beauty of All Nations?" Zhu Yijun was very curious about this question. Zhu Yili, who received the traditional cultural education of the Ming Dynasty, in his eyes, Beauty of All Nations should not be considered a human being, with a wolf-like face and a beast-like heart.

Zhu Yiyi got up, took off his pocket, thought for a while and said: "First of all, the gifts given to me by various countries must be carefully selected. He has a good appearance, not such a bad temper, and he can also serve others; secondly, the gifts given to him by various countries must be carefully selected. Well, beauties from all over the world are wonderful, exotic customs, I don’t like pleasure things, but the boat-painting business is booming, and the Sun family in Songjiang is making money and having trouble sleeping and eating. What is said in this book is what is said in the book, whether you like it or not, your body It’s up to you.”

"Actually, there is another reason."

Zhu Yirui lay on the couch again and said with great conviction: "I have been in charge of government for so long, and the court is full of bad people, and they are the kind of bad guys who are so bad that they ooze pus. Think about it, brother, I am young now, they don't dare to If something happens, once I grow up a little, will they pick me up and fight me in the ring?"

"It's very possible. These idiots used to expect my mother to be greedy for power and try to recreate the old story between Song Renzong and Empress Dowager Liu. However, my mother is not keen on state power, and she is not indulgent towards Wu Qingbo's family. These idiots are Their hope was in vain, and then they looked at Mr. Yuanfu, hoping that Mr. Yuanfu would fight with His Majesty. In the end, Mr. Ding You was decisive. It was not that these court officials went to the Yicheng residence in Xishan to invite him again and again. Mr. Yuanfu was still in Xishan Yiran. So proud."

"I'm still young, but when I grow up, they will definitely set me up, I have to guard against it, I have to guard against it!"

"Then if I have a child born to a Panyi woman, they will shut up immediately. Although the Ming Dynasty does not care about blood, but allows the birth of a Panyi woman to have the right to inherit the throne, these conservative officials cannot do anything about it. accept."

Zhu Yixuan is young, not stupid. He follows the emperor's imperial family to listen to politics every day, and he is very clear about the faces of these dogs.

After thinking about it, Zhu Yixi came up with a way that could not only have fun but also defeat the desires of these idiots. That was to achieve substantial victory. The battle between King Jing and King Yu was over before it even started. He was not King Jing yet. Are you still childless after getting married?

Zhu Yili's little mind didn't have many ideas, but a lot of clever ideas. He combined a little bit with what he had learned, avoided detours, and had a child with Wan Guomei. This was the way he came up with.

"These dogs are really bad!" Zhu Yirui clenched his fists and said with certainty through gritted teeth.

 Let me make it clear that the patron woman is a fictional kind of palace woman in "Han Xiang". In the ancient palace, she should be called a strong woman, who specialized in physical work. I copied a setting here, and it is about scholars, so it is not a copy. This is a tribute! Copying is for fear of being seen, paying tribute is for fear that it will not be seen. Please give me a monthly pass, oooh! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

  (End of this chapter)

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